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引用本文:梁俊,张振浩,肖楠,刘玉磊,胡猛,卓琨. 支持QoS的无线Mesh网络机会路由优化算法[J]. 国防科技大学学报, 2017, 39(6): 143-151
作者姓名:梁俊  张振浩  肖楠  刘玉磊  胡猛  卓琨
摘    要:
针对空中骨干Mesh网络资源有限、计算能力相对不足的特点以及传统简单机会路由(Simple Opportunistic Adaptive Routing,SOAR)路由算法未充分考虑负载均衡与不同业务服务质量(Quality of Service,Qo S)保障需求差异性的问题,提出一种支持业务区分的改进型SOAR路由算法。该算法在考虑链路拥塞控制和负载均衡的基础上,定义综合预期传输次数来描述链路的综合状态,有效降低网络拥塞概率;同时根据传输业务类型的不同,设计一种基于层次分析法的路由选择策略,实现路径选择与业务类型的动态匹配。仿真结果表明,在重负载条件下,改进型SOAR路由算法相比传统SOAR路由算法其时延、吞吐量和吞吐率性能明显提升。当网络中存在不同类型业务时,改进型SOAR路由算法能够根据业务Qo S保障需求的差异性自适应选择最佳传输路径。

关 键 词:无线Mesh网络  机会路由  QoS保障  SOAR路由  层次分析法

Optimized QoS-Supported Algorithm of Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Mesh Network
LIANG Jun,ZHANG Zhenhao,XIAO Nan,LIU Yulei,HU Meng and ZHUO Kun. Optimized QoS-Supported Algorithm of Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Mesh Network[J]. Journal of National University of Defense Technology, 2017, 39(6): 143-151
Authors:LIANG Jun  ZHANG Zhenhao  XIAO Nan  LIU Yulei  HU Meng  ZHUO Kun
In order to solve the problem of constrained resource and insufficient calculation ability in air-based backbone network and the problem of not fully considering load balancing and difference in requirement of QoS guarantee in the traditional SOAR algorithm, this paper proposed a new algorithm to support QoS named Improved-SOAR routing algorithm. The algorithm defined comprehensive expected transmission count to describe the comprehensive state of links based on taking the link congestion control and load balancing into consideration. It effectively reduced the probability of network congestion. The new algorithm designed a route selection strategy for QoS based on AHP method, according to the service type difference in transmission network. It made the dynamic matching between the path selection and the service type realize. Simulation results show that the Improved-SOAR routing algorithm has better preference in the transmission delay, the throughput and the throughput rate than the SOAR routing algorithm under heavy network load. When there are different types of services in the network, Improved-SOAR routing algorithm adaptively selects the best transmission path according to the difference of requirement about the QoS guarantee.
Keywords:wireless mesh network   opportunistic routing   QoS guarantee   SOAR routing   analytic hierarchy process
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