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引用本文:陈文振,孙丰瑞,陈林根. 关于有限时间热力学的最小熵产生最大值原则[J]. 海军工程大学学报, 1990, 0(1)
作者姓名:陈文振  孙丰瑞  陈林根
摘    要:本文力图从能表征状态的热力学参数熵的变化中找到有关有限时间热力学新的分析方法,提出了工作参数选择的最小熵产生最大值原则。这个原则揭示了有限时间热力学以时间为基础的“率”与非平衡热力学熵产生间的内在联系。据此,我们便可得到正、反向内可逆卡诺循环的最佳工作参数。为有限时间热力学的普遍应用研究提供了一新的线索。

关 键 词:有限时间热力学  非平衡热力学  熵产生  最优设计

The Application of the Maximum Principle of Minimum Entropy Production in Finite Time Thermodynamics
Chen Wenzhen Sun Fengrui Chen Lingen. The Application of the Maximum Principle of Minimum Entropy Production in Finite Time Thermodynamics[J]. Journal of Naval University of Engineering, 1990, 0(1)
Authors:Chen Wenzhen Sun Fengrui Chen Lingen
Affiliation:Chen Wenzhen Sun Fengrui Chen Lingen
Abstract:In this paper, the authors try to find a new analytical method for finite time thermodynamics from the changes of thermodynamic entropy used for describing the state. The maximum principle of minimum entropy production for selecting working parameters, which reveals the inherent relation between the "rate" of finite time thermodynamics based on time and the entropy production of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, is put forward. The optimum working parameters of the forward and reverse endoreversible Carnot cycles can be obtained from it. The principle also provides a new clue for the study of the wide application of finite time thermodynamics.
Keywords:Finite time thermodynamics  Non-equilibrium thermodynamics  Entropy production Optimum design
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