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引用本文:陈 霞,刘 凯. 水声目标机动检测与跟踪[J]. 指挥控制与仿真, 2007, 29(6): 73-75
作者姓名:陈 霞  刘 凯
摘    要:当今海战场水声目标往往采用机动方式航行,打破了目标匀速直线运动假定的传统。通过对水声目标的机动模式分析,可将目标的运动轨迹近似为折线运动进行研究。提出了水声目标的机动检测与跟踪方法,简化机动检测的复杂度,最后讨论了对机动目标长时跟踪的策略。

关 键 词:机动目标  机动模式  机动检测  长时跟踪

Maneuver Detecting and Tracking of Hydroacoustic Target
CHEN Xia,LIU Kai. Maneuver Detecting and Tracking of Hydroacoustic Target[J]. Command Control & Simulation, 2007, 29(6): 73-75
Authors:CHEN Xia  LIU Kai
Abstract:In the modern sea war, the targets usually maneuver for some aims. The conventional assumption that the target moves on a straight line is not fit for practical application. First, models of target's maneuvering are analyzed, and the track of target is approximate to that the target moves on lines with some turning points. Then methods of detecting the maneuver and estimating the parameters of the target are proposed. At last, the strategy of tracking a maneuver target in a long time is discussed.
Keywords:maneuvering target  maneuver model  maneuver detecting  long time-tracking
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