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计算机和通信技术的发展正在改变着世界、继“机械化作战”、“空地一体战”之后,计算机对未来战争的变革必然引起军事革命的第三次浪潮-信息战。信息数字化推动了未来战场的数字化,它是一种指挥和控制方法的变革。这种变革为实现所有职能领域和通信系统的一体化,为指战员在正确的时间,正确的地点获得正确的实时信息提供了保障。  相似文献   

数字化部队是现代信息技术运用于军事领域的产物,是信息时代陆军的发展趋势和提高陆军战斗力的必然选择。本文分析了我陆军建设数字化部队的必要性、紧迫性与可行性;指出建设数字化部队必须实现武器装备与编制编成、作战理论与教育训练的一体化发展,并针对我陆军数字化部队建设的规模与进度、建设重点以及基本建设思路等问题提出了建设性意见。  相似文献   

20世纪80-90年代以来,在信息技术发展的推动下,在美国“持强思变”和谋求绝对优势军事思维的牵引下,在美军试图解决海湾战争中暴露出的各军兵种C^4I系统不能互联互通的“烟囱”问题的拉动下,美国陆军于20世纪90年代初决定开展部队数字化建设.并于2000年底将第4机步师建成了世界上第一个数字化师。  相似文献   

概述美国陆军现阶段实施的2010年发展战略规划,分析阐明美军制定和实行该规划理论基础和指导方针,陆军结构调整与改革的思路和实施的内容,在军队建设上如何充分发挥科学技术优势等.  相似文献   

为了实现美国国防部制定的《2010年联合设想》和《2020年联合设想》,以及陆军制定的《陆军设想》,把陆军转变为一支具有战略响应能力、能主宰所有作战行动的军队,美国陆军在参考海军经验的基础上,开展了自己的网络中心战建设。网络中心战的作战效能和实现条件网络中心战的作的效能在现代战争中,掌握及时、相关、精确的信息是实现对目标的自主、快速打击的前提条件。因此,网络中心战高度强调运用网络化的情报、监视和侦察手段,依据预先  相似文献   

1991年海湾战争以来多次高技术局部战争的经验清楚地表明,光电技术在当今陆军作战中起着极为重要的作用。美国陆军在战争中取得的胜利,相当程度上依赖于采用了先进光电技术的尖端武器和系统,因此,关键光电技术的研发日益受到重视。美国陆军研究实验室(ARL)在此  相似文献   

CAI Jun  YU Xiaohong 《国防科技》2018,39(1):064-069
加强网络安全人才队伍建设已经成为世界主要国家抢占网络空间制高点的战略举措。近年来的研究表明,美国通过发布专门的网络安全人才培养国家战略,设立专门的网络安全人才培养卓越中心,开发专门的网络安全人才培养在线资源,形成了一套较为成熟的惠及全民的网安全人才培养机制。  相似文献   


Since 9/11, the United States has achieved notable gains against al Qaeda, and also Islamic State (IS), all while avoiding another mass-casualty attack at home. Yet, institutionally, culturally, and in its capabilities, the US government remains seriously ill-equipped for the task of countering irregular threats. Partly as a result, Islamist extremism shows no sign of being defeated, having instead metastasized since 9/11 and spread. Why, given the importance accorded to counterterrorism, has the US approach remained inadequate? What is impeding more fundamental reforms? The article evaluates the United States’ way of irregular warfare: its troubled engagement with counterinsurgency and its problematic search for lower cost and lower risk ways of combating terrorism. It suggests needed reforms but acknowledges also the unlikelihood of change.  相似文献   

Nuclear deterrence requires not only the reliability of a state’s strategic weapons and the willingness of its leaders to employ them but also an adversary’s appreciation of these conditions. Weapons perceived as failing to hold their targets at risk may lack deterrent value, just as retaliatory threats that are not believable may fail to deter, even if a state’s operational capabilities are robust. Both the technical and political credibility of the US nuclear deterrent may have suffered self-inflicted harm since the end of the Cold War, often as casualties of intemperate policy debates. In particular, doubts have been sowed about the reliability of aging US warheads under a science-based stockpile-stewardship regime meant to substitute for nuclear-explosive testing. Likewise, the credibility of US deterrent threats may have waned as American leaders have spoken ever more stridently about the horrors of nuclear war and nuclear terrorism, underscoring their extreme aversion to the risk of nuclear attack. Diminished credibility in both spheres threatens to compromise US national-security objectives ranging from nuclear nonproliferation to the outcomes of nuclear crises.  相似文献   

赵旭  廉振宇  薛奇  李智毅 《国防科技》2017,38(6):060-066
作为国防和装备建设的血液,美国防预算及装备经费投入的变化是表征美国防及装备建设方向重点和资源投向投量的基本指标。本文对美国朝鲜战争以来国防预算和装备预算数据进行梳理分析,从国防部预算、装备预算、各军种装备预算等多个层面,以及预算性质、预算阶段、预算类别等多个维度进行分析,从一个较长历史维度描绘了美国防预算的变化情况,总结了美装备经费投入的特点规律。  相似文献   


Scholars have credited a model of state-led capitalism called the ‘developmental state’ with producing the economic miracles of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. This article examines how the developmental state was shaped by the Cold War. US grand strategy focused on accelerating economic development among allies that were under the greatest threat from Communist China and North Korea. American aid agencies became involved in the process of state-building in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan and supported economic planning. I verify this claim by contrasting US policies on Taiwan with US policies in the Philippines, which faced a weaker Communist threat.  相似文献   

粟锋  徐能武 《国防科技》2021,42(3):91-97
发展国防太空力量是美国谋划大国竞争的战略支点.特朗普政府执政以来,为捍卫一超独霸的太空地位,加速推进太空军事化进程,已制定《国家太空战略》,签署新的太空政策指令,成立第六军种"天军".2020年6月,美国公开最新版《国防太空战略》报告.本文对其梳理分析以研判美国国防太空力量发展动向,并运用网络调研法搜集近年美国政府部门...  相似文献   

军队数字化油库研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
阐述了数字化油库的基本概念、结构体系、建设内容、建设阶段及数字化油库建设在后勤信息化建设中的地位和作用,重点论述三层结构体系的内容和相互关系,详细阐述了数字化油库建设的5个方面。提出的思想对军队油库信息化建设有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

美军的干部队伍包括各级各类军官 ,其干部政策对军官的任命训练、培养、服役以及后勤保障等有一整套完整的规定 ,换言之 ,干部政策所体现的是一种保障和服务的机制 ,通过其运行 ,保证了各军兵种对高素质人员的需求。  相似文献   

How much does the United States care about nonproliferation? Recent scholarship suggests that the fear of spreading nuclear weapons was central to the US grand strategy in the Cold War. In one important case, however, this argument does not hold. This article draws on theoretical debates and newly declassified archives to demonstrate the primacy of geopolitics over nonproliferation in Washington’s policy toward India and Pakistan. Despite their rhetoric, Democratic and Republican leaders consistently relegated nonproliferation to the backburner whenever it conflicted with other strategic goals. Moreover, they inadvertently encouraged proliferation in South Asia at three inter-connected levels: technology, security, and identity.  相似文献   

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