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抗日战争时期,陈毅坚定地贯彻中共中央"向东作战,向北发展"的战略方针,始终坚持开展敌后抗日游击战争,创建抗日根据地,并成功地建立起苏北抗日反韩统一战线,胜利地实现了江南新四军主力北上,开创了华中抗战新局面.  相似文献   

解放战争时期,中国共产党及其领导的人民解放军充分利用反蒋军事统一战线形成、发展的有利条件,正确贯彻军事统战的理论原则和策略方针,以广泛的人民民主统一战线为基础,以反对蒋介石集团内战独裁政策为号召,以政治争取和政治瓦解为主要形式大力争取并促使国民党军内部的反蒋“间接同盟军”转化为“直接同盟军”。反蒋军事统战的成功开展,丰富了我党军事统战的理论宝库,对新民主主义革命的胜利起到了不可低估的作用。  相似文献   

1940年10月,苏北根据地开辟后,华中八路军、新四军总指挥部在苏北建立,陈毅任代总指挥。次年一月,新四军在盐城重建了军部,陈毅任代军长。在党中央的领导下,他和刘少奇同志一起率领新四军部队,奋战大江南北,坚持华中敌后抗日。1940年下半年到1942年底,陈毅在苏北工作了两年多时间,肩负着华中军事指挥的重任,是一位功勋卓著的军事家。在这期间陈毅还亲自指导了苏北根据地的建设工作,为华中根据地的巩固和发展倾注了大量的心血。陈毅善于把党中央。毛泽东同志的指示与华中、苏  相似文献   

一、全力保卫以盐城为中心区域的部署皖南事变发生之初,新四军立即在苏北盐城建立新的军部指挥机关,统一整编分散在大江南北的各部,及时应对日伪军的“扫荡”与顽军(国民党顽固派军队)的全面挑衅。而当时的盐城,是中共中央华中局(前称中原局)和新四军军部所在地,北连苏鲁战区,南接苏中、苏南,西通淮海区,成为华中敌后抗日根据地的军事与政治中心。因此,盐城得失,对于刚刚遭受严重损失的新四军来说,关系极大。是时,刘少奇、陈毅等判断华中日、伪、顽三方势力即将对新四军采取军事行动,综合各方面形势,决定战略上仍坚持苏南、津浦路西及陇海路…  相似文献   

黄桥决战是新四军开辟苏北抗日根据地的关键性战役 ,粟裕作为辅佐陈毅的一线直接指挥者 ,对我以少胜多夺取决战胜利起了关键性的作用。其谋略思想和指挥艺术的特点是 :注重研究和把握战争规律 ,从战略的高度运筹战役 ,缜密谋划 ,叠筹选拔 ,果敢用兵 ,出奇制胜。此役是粟裕成功地指挥大兵团作战的发端 ,是他由一个杰出指挥员成长为成熟的战略家的重要标志。  相似文献   

1940年春,国民党顽固派发动的反共高潮被击退后,将摩擦中心由华北移向华中。蒋介石密令其第3、第5战区和鲁苏战区所部大举进攻华中新四军。我新四军江南主力7000余人在陈毅、粟裕率领下,遵照中共中央关于独立自主开辟苏北,发展华中敌后抗战的战略方针,于7月  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,民族矛盾上升为主要矛盾,阶级矛盾下降为次要矛盾,国内各种军事力量受民族利益和阶级利益的双重驱动,重新进行分化组合。华中敌后,以新四军为主体的中共武装力量与其他军事力量受以上双重矛盾和双重利益的共同制约,客观存在着相互利用和相互争夺的两种现实。作为新四军的主要领导人之一,陈毅的军事统战思想对正确处理敌友我三方之间的复杂关系,起了无可代替的指导作用。 一   皖南事变后,我党之所以能够在华中站稳脚跟,并使局势逐步趋向好转,主要原因之一,是以陈毅为首的新四军领导人在军事斗争中贯彻执行了中共…  相似文献   

在深化改革的新形势下,如何创造性地做好拥军优属工作?江苏省大丰市的做法是:在发扬“以情拥军”的传统时,坚持走“依法拥军”的路子。前不久,他们的做法被上级推广,还再次步入“江苏省双拥模范城”的行列。 大丰市是当年陈毅、粟裕领导的新四军和黄克诚领导的南下八路军胜利会师所在地,“以情拥军”的传统影响了一代又一代的大丰人。在社会主义市场经济  相似文献   

田兵 《环球军事》2013,(23):58-59
程道口战役,是1941年10月在新四军代军长陈毅指挥下的一次规模较大的攻坚战。参战部队有山东教导五旅1个团,三师七旅十九团、二十团、二师四旅十团,四师骑兵团,以及其他地方武装,以歼灭王光夏旅1400余人,打通淮海、淮北两大抗日根据地的交通要道的辉煌胜利而载入史册。  相似文献   

中国·湖北·武汉新四军研究会纪念抗战胜利50周年学术讨论会综述何光耀,张肇俊1995年9月6日至8日,中国新四军和华中抗日根据地研究会、湖北省和武汉市新四军暨华中抗日根据地历史研究会,联合在当年新四军军部诞生地──武汉市,召开了“纪念抗日战争胜利50...  相似文献   

党的十七届四中全会指出:“全党必须居安思危,增强忧患意识,常怀忧党之心,恪尽兴党之责。”增强忧患意识,常怀忧党之心,要从十七届四中全会召开的特殊背景来帮助理解,要从十七届四中全会对党的建设形势的分析来加深理解,要从十七届四中全会建设“学习型政党”战略任务的提出来着重理解。  相似文献   

This article explores the livelihood pathways of serving Ugandan Army soldiers and traces their methods and motivations for enlistment. All were from areas of northern Uganda affected by nearly two decades of violent instability. With the Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) increasing recruitment eligibility requirements and taking other measures to improve professionalism, some soldiers enlisted using false credentials and names, travelled to skirt unofficial ethnic quotas, and joined against their family's wishes. The Army's defence reform process was intended to preclude such problems. The article concludes with reflections on what strategic deception (by both recruits and the Army) may imply for warriors' honour.  相似文献   

面对“金新月”毒品问题日益国际化,在中亚各国复杂多变的政治、经济、民族、宗教背景下,迫切需要各方共同努力,创设、发展出一种更加灵活、高效、有针对性的禁毒合作机制,以应对该地区越来越严峻的毒品扩散问题及其引发的相关社会秩序危害。阐述了“金新月”毒情发展及其对周边国家的影响,分析了大中亚区域禁毒警务合作的必要性,探讨了大中亚禁毒警务合作模式的选择,以创设出一种立体的、全方位的、有较强执行力的区域禁毒合作模式。  相似文献   


How did the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) organisational and military culture shape their understanding of security threats, perceptions of warfare, and instinctive responses to security challenges? Israel's early military history is marked by the stubborn persistence of accepted patterns of thought and action. In the first twenty years of its existence, the IDF habitually came to sacrifice both political and military long-term and medium-term considerations in favour of the superficial, short-term satisfaction of its drive for action. The Israeli Army as an institution separated military actions from their political implications, and all too often, granted itself freedom of action at all levels of command. That myopic pattern led to recurring raids and minor operations during the 1950s, and contributed notably to the outbreak of the Six-Day War in 1967.  相似文献   


The siege of the northern Syrian town of Kobane was lifted in January 2015. The Kurdish defenders there had triumphed against Islamic State (IS). The conflict then moved on. It moved on, though, with the United States, the United Kingdom, and other Western powers having adopted, almost by default, the Kurds as proxy fighters in this conflict. The Kurds, however, are a divided and fractious nation spread across three states and historically famous for fighting among themselves. In employing the Kurds as proxies against IS, as this article shows, these Western powers must be aware of the unintended consequences that can result.  相似文献   

In the mid-2000s, the United States Army was embroiled in counterinsurgency missions in Iraq and Afghanistan that required deeper understanding of local social systems. The Army turned to systems thinking and design thinking to model and understand the world, define problems, and develop approaches to strategic and operational challenges. However, the Army’s approach as expressed in publications and doctrine encourages the development of complicated, unsupported, and unfalsifiable hypotheses. The risk is that the Army will act on incorrect assumptions and develop plans that are fragile.  相似文献   

本文从中国古代诗学的意境论出发,分析意境论的内涵以及宋词的美学特征,并以李清照的《醉花阴》和豪放派的代表苏轼的《水调歌头》为例,对宋词的意境孵现、翻译原则和方法进行探讨、以求译者能最大限度得展现中国古涛词的优美意境。  相似文献   

Even though the peace talks in northern Uganda have faltered, attempts at negotiations between the Ugandan government and the rebel Lord's Resistance Army are continuing. The current rapprochement between the two sides is the most significant move towards peace in the twenty-year civil war in northern Uganda. Even though the war has been extreme in its brutality, it is little known of outside the region—with reports on the conflict often portraying a protective government pitted against a crazed rebel group. But the issues are much more complex. The article examines the history of abuses and atrocities committed by both sides; the wider implications of the conflict for the north; why the rest of Uganda are seemingly disinterested in the conflict; and the politics behind why northern civil society have little trust in the Ugandan government or the International Criminal Court (ICC). The current prospect of peace has also stirred up the debate around justice and the forms of justice for victims of both rebel and government atrocities. And this is where the biggest cleft between the northern civil society and officialdom (government and international NGOs) resides. The article further examines the implications of the ICC's work in Uganda, and why there has been such widespread hostility towards it from northern civil society. The article also asks if—beyond the end of fighting and terror—peace will really mean that northern Uganda can finally partake in the prosperity the rest of the country has almost taken for granted.  相似文献   

陆军自动检测设备发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据陆军武器装备系统对技术保障的要求,以及自动检测设备的应用和发展情况,论述了陆军自动检测设备的概念及分类方法,对陆军自动检测设备研制的技术设计思想和基本性能提出了具体的要求,分析了陆军自动检测设备的现状和发展方向,并提出了陆军自动检测设备的配置方案。  相似文献   

美国作为较早受到恐怖主义威胁的西方发达国家,自20世纪70年代逐渐发展起了一套完善的执法体系,并积累了成熟的执法经验,特别是信息化时代背景下,美国执法部门的反恐斗争渗透着强烈而鲜明的信息情报色彩,是“情报导侦”理念和模式的现实体现,为我国执法与行动部门提供了一定的经验。其中的“威胁评估”综合情报分析模式是美国反恐情报工作的典型代表,对于预防恐怖主义犯罪起着特殊的作用。  相似文献   

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