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国防经济学国防经济学又叫军事经济学,或战争经济学。国防经济学研究生产关系中直接与保障国防和建设有关的部分,亦即国防经济关系及内部经济运动的特殊规律。它从经济角度考察国防中的战略、策略、技术途径和管理方法的选择问题,研究国防建设同经济建设相适应的客观规律,以及国防建设中如何提高军事资源的使用效益。国防经济是指同战争有关并为  相似文献   

建立"军队政治工作经济学"的必要性及其学科性质的界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在改革开放和发展社会主义市场经济的条件下,军队政治工作遇到了大量的经济理论问题和经济政策问题,军队政治工作的各个方面都有一个如何同市场经济相适应的问题.所以,必须对军队政治工作的经济问题进行系统的研究,并有必要建立"军队政治工作经济学"这一新学科.军队政治工作经济学是研究军队政治工作中的经济问题、从经济学的视角研究军队政治工作的学科,是军队政治工作学与经济学的交叉学科和分支学科,是与国防经济学有着密切"亲缘"关系的独立学科和应用学科.  相似文献   

介绍了用多项式根的性质与导数极限定理求分段函数在分界点的导数的简单方法。从而拓广了用导数定义求分界点导数的传统方法  相似文献   

科学研究离不开比较,特别是对经济问题的研究,运用比较研究的方法较为普遍。马克思在揭示资本主义社会经济运动规律和对资产阶级经济学进行批判的过程中就应用了比较研究的方法。正如恩格斯指出的:“要对资产阶级经济学全面地  相似文献   

军事交通运输经济的发展,使得创立军事交通运输经济学成为可能。文章认为,军事交通运输经济,是以军事交通运输中的经济问题为研究对象,以揭示军事交通运输经济运行规律为任务的经济学科,其研究的内容包括军事交通运输经济学的研究对象、地位、作用及其运行规律,军事交通运输结构,军队建制内的军事交通运输经济,民营系统中的军事交通运输经济,战时军事交通运输经济,军事交通运输经济的总投资和总效益等。  相似文献   

国防经济学科学化的本质在于科学的研究方法,其基本程序包括发现问题、提出研究假设、进行实证检验和得到结论四个环节。国防经济学的规范化,要求在国防经济学界建立一套公认的理论创新、接受、修改、摒弃的制度规则或习惯。当前国防经济学科建设还存在一些问题,必须从科学精神、学术交流与分工等方面推动国防经济学科发展。  相似文献   

军队房地产经济学以军队房产经济与军队地产经济为对象,研究军队房地产经济运行及其规律,是多学科交叉的新兴部门军事经济学科。主要内容包括军队房地产在军队经济中的地位和作用;军队住房房产运行中的军事经济关系及其运动规律;军队非住房房产的军事经济属性;军队房产管理的职能等。可通过抽象法、实证方法与规范方法等研究方法进行研究。  相似文献   

在火炮解命中过程中,对于射表数据的处理方法主要有逼近法和插值法.基于对射表数据进行插值处理的基础上,用一种解非线性方程的迭代方法对解命中问题进行研究,这种方法可避免导数计算,收敛较快.经仿真计算,并与其他方法进行了比较,验证了该方法在火炮解命中问题中的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

引进现代经济学分析方法,不仅可以促进我国国防经济学研究方法转型,而且能够开阔我们的视野,推动中国特色国防经济学的发展。在国防经济学研究转型中,要注意转换研究视角,转变研究思路,正确运用实证方法、数学方法和结构分析方法,而不是简单地从现代经济学中直观找出解决中国国防经济问题的现成答案。  相似文献   

飞机飞行过程中的遭遇结冰问题是较为普遍的飞行安全事故。随着飞机结冰问题受到的关注程度的提高,飞机结冰问题研究向智能结冰检测与控制综合的方向发展。而其中的首先需要解决的问题是飞机结冰参数检测技术。通过引入飞机六自由度仿真模型以及飞机结冰参数模型,然后利用H∞参数识别方法定量检测的飞机气动导数,从而可以定量描述飞机结冰后气动导数变化。仿真计算结果达到满意的效果,该识别方法对外界扰动有一定的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

伴随着经济学的发展,经济分析方法于上世纪被引入法学领域,形成法经济学。经过半个世纪的努力,经济分析方法已经出现在众多部门法学研究中。军事法作为一门独立的部门法学并不排斥经济分析方法,用经济分析方法研究军事法具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper analyses public policy choices in the security economy from an economic perspective. It discusses the role of public goods for national and global security and identifies the importance of the first‐ and second‐order indirect effects of insecurity on economic activity, which include the behavioural responses of agents and the government to security measures, akin to such effects in insurance economics. Furthermore, key public policy trade‐offs are outlined, in particular between security and efficiency, globalisation, equity and freedom. The analysis identifies suitable policy options for raising security in the national and international contexts and in view of these trade‐offs. A balance between market and non‐market instruments in achieving security should be aimed for in order to minimise the adverse effects of aiming for higher security. In addition, the public good nature of security implies that international coordination of security policies is important, despite this process being fraught with enforcement problems.  相似文献   

为适应经济全球化和金融业快速发展以及国际财经类高等教育的发展趋势,我国当前的财务管理和会计学专业课程教学体系还须进行相应的革新和优化设计,财务管理专业课程教学体系应该体现出其作为区别于其他财经类专业特别是会计学专业的独立学科的专业内涵来。本文基于石河子大学经济与管理学科发展特别是会计和财务管理专业建设的现状及其问题的简单描述性分析,提出以专业课程教学体系建设"以点带面",逐步推进其财务管理专业建设整体质量提升的发展思路,同时为我国高校财务管理专业建设提供一些管见。  相似文献   

本文阐述了历史学科在经济学教学中的运用,认为这一融合丰富了教学内容、拓展了经济学问题的理解。同时,提出树立唯物史观是复合型财经人才培养模式的需要,创建中国独特的经济学教学研究体系需要植根历史。  相似文献   

In yet another wave of discussion on nuclear disarmament among political scientists and practitioners, one of the topical issues concerns the problem of transparency, its mechanisms, costs, and benefits. Numerous—though often abstract—calls for greater transparency of nuclear arsenals and postures when promoting the idea of nuclear disarmament, however, do not give a clear rationale for states possessing nuclear weapons to pursue greater transparency. Meanwhile, many other research fields—such as economics and psychology—attempt to address problems related to the lack of exact information on the counterpart's activities and intentions. Economics offers one probable analog for the transparency problem: the issue of information asymmetry and its consequences. This article is an attempt to apply the classical model of a market with information asymmetry to the analysis of the transparency problem within the nuclear disarmament process. Such an approach could help pave the way for closer cooperation between economic and political scientists in the nuclear disarmament field.  相似文献   

中国特色经济法是改革开放的产物,有力地促进了社会主义市场经济的健康、快速发展。经济法在保证经济实现科学发展的同时,自身也突破了对调整能力的传统认识,区分了经济法与行政法,明确了经济法的正确定位,创新了经济法的发展观,提出了“经济法主体”概念,冲破了公法与私法的界限,形成了与相关学科协调发展的经济法学研究格局。今后,经济法的发展必须重视从完善社会主义市场经济基本制度,健全现代市场体系,规范政府科学干预经济生活,宏观调控的重点、热点、难点问题和基础理论研究的创新上把握研究重点,保证经济实现科学发展。  相似文献   

高等教育与区域经济互动发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了美国等西方国家高等教育与区域经济互动发展的经验,针对我国高等教育与区域经济互动发展的主要问题,提出了促进我国,尤其是在西部等贫困落后地区,高等教育与区域经济互动发展的建议,以期尽快实现我国高等教育的均衡发展。  相似文献   

The economic growth effects of military expenditure have been the subject of a large literature in defence economics. Theories on the economic impacts of military expenditure greatly differ and include arguments that they either enhance economic growth or crowd out productive investments. Empirical literature on defence expenditure and economic growth nexus generally employs linear specifications to investigate the impact of defence expenditures on economic growth. Although it is now well established that many economic variables may have a non-linear data-generating mechanism, it seems that this reality has long been neglected in empirical work on defence–growth nexus. This paper attempts to fill this gap by employing non-linear panel data models to examine the effects of military expenditures on economic growth for Middle Eastern countries and Turkey, for the time period 1988–2012. Results show that the effect of military expenditure on economic growth is nonlinear such that the state of the economy actually determines the effect of the former on the latter. This is important not only in showing asymmetric relationship between these variables but also in revealing the reasons of mixed results of earlier literature.  相似文献   


This article is organized around two major topics addressed by nineteenth and early twentieth century economists: (1) international economic relations and war and (2) economic activity in the shadow of conflict. My thesis is that an early and neglected reservoir of economic thought on peace and war exists and valuable perspectives on research in defense and peace economics can be gained by tapping into it.  相似文献   

There is much controversy in the literature over whether military expenditures have a positive, negative or no relation impact on economic growth. The aim of this paper is to determine the relationship between GDP and defence expenditure. The study analyses GDP and defence expenditures of the developed countries with cross-sectional ADF and SURADF unit root tests using annual data for the years 1980–2007. We conclude that in the long term, according to the Pedroni cointegration test, there exists a relationship between defence expenditure and economic growth. Furthermore, by utilizing the Granger causality test, we find that defence expenditure is a factor in economic growth. In other words, our study validates the hypothesis that defence spending by economically developed countries positively contributes to their economics.  相似文献   

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