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<正>习近平总书记在十九届中央纪委五次全会上深刻指出,党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,坚持以党的自我革命引领伟大社会革命,坚定不移全面从严治党,坚定不移推进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,坚定不移把党建设得更加坚强有力。中国反腐败斗争为国际反腐败斗争提供了中国经验。  相似文献   

从立法主体和立法形式的角度探讨联合国维持和平行动的立法问题。尽管联合国大会并不是维和行动适格的立法机构,但是维和行动的国际法依据是国家和国际组织在实践中长期形成的惯例。其立法主体资格实质上是一个共享问题,因此,由联合国组织立法应当是最为适宜的。就立法形式而言,采用由联合国主持缔结维和条约的形式最具有可行性,也最为合理。  相似文献   

我国的消防中介组织数量和业务范围极其有限,消防中介组织发展缓慢的主要原因是相关法律缺位,论述了我国消防中介组织的概念和发展历程及发展中存在的主要问题,通过借鉴国外消防中介组织立法中的经验,提出完善我国消防中介组织立法构想和的配套措施。  相似文献   

中国综合国力排名世界第六中国社科院对外公布了2006年《世界经济黄皮书》和《国际形势黄皮书》。黄皮书实测结果表明,中国在各大国中综合国力排名第六。黄皮书就公众关注的重大全球政治问题、联合国改革、世界与地区政治、世界政党动力等问题进行了分析和介绍。中国国力结构不均衡:在黄皮书里,社科院世界经济与政治研究所专家在具体测度各国经济力、外交力、军事力的基础上,考虑各类力量分配协调性,对主要大国进行了综合国力实测。结果显示,美国以绝对优势排综合国力第一;英国排在第二,该国在资本力、信息力、人力资本和技术力上有一定的优…  相似文献   

立法违宪是日本军事立法的一个显著特征,主要体现在自卫队的建立、“安保法”条约体系和《关于联合国维持国际和平合作法》(PK0法)等法案的有关内容中。它严重破坏了日本的和平宪法,应引起所有二战受害国和世界爱好和平人民的重视与警惕。  相似文献   

反腐败是个世界性问题。反腐败也是我国政治领域一场严重、艰巨、复杂、长期的斗争。近年来 ,我国的反腐败斗争取得了重大进展 ,反腐败斗争已由当初的治表为主发展到今天的标本兼治阶段。王若素撰写的《毛泽东反腐败思想研究》一书 ,就是在这样一个背景下问世的。毛泽东在领导中国革命和建设过程中 ,为防止和克服党与政权内的消极腐败现象 ,建设一个全心全意为人民服务的工人阶级政党和廉洁奉公的人民政权 ,进行了长期的探索 ,在实践中积累了丰富的经验 ,并形成了独具特色的反腐败思想。认真研究、继承毛泽东留下的这份珍贵的财富 ,对指导当…  相似文献   

近年来,我国政府陆续向联合国维持和平行动(United Nation's PeaceKeeping Operation)派出一批批军事观察员。他们肩负着祖国的重托,用辛勤的工作,为维护世界和平做出了应有的贡献,展示了中国军人的风采。在世界各个维和任务区,他们与来自五大洲四大洋的同行们朝夕相处,也记载了一些鲜为人知的见闻与感受。本刊从第5期始,将陆续向读者介绍由这些联合国军事观察员撰写的见闻。  相似文献   

联合国综合发展观以联合国千年发展目标为具体实施方案,是一种对全球发展实践具有普遍指导意义和实际应用价值的综合发展思想。科学发展观是在科学判断我国国情,充分借鉴联合国综合发展观以及参照联合国千年发展目标的指标与要求的基础上提出的。科学发展观的提出使联合国综合发展观实现了中国的本土化,同时它也是我国从事理性化发展实践的理论起点。  相似文献   

中国人民解放军参与联合国维持和平行动20年来,经历了抵制和反对、调整和转变、起步和尝试、发展和深化4个历史阶段。其维持和平行动具有重要的影响和意义:提升国家威望,树立负责任大国形象;支撑国家利益拓展,维护国家主权和统一;提高军事透明度,消除“中国威胁论”;经受严峻考验,增强军队软实力;借鉴外军经验,推进军队现代化建设。人民解放军将继续在联合国的旗帜下执行维持和平任务,促使维持和平行动走上机制化和法制化的轨道,逐步提高效率与质量,不断加强维和理论研究和战略指导,推动联合国维持和平行动的改革发展。  相似文献   

李大光 《环球军事》2012,(11):22-24
在5月29日联合国维和人员纪念日到来前夕,又有6名中国军事观察员奉命飞赴叙利亚,执行联合国维和任务。为了世界和平,他们义无反顾……  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the social and economic aspects of corruption in Nigeria. Given the increasingly borderless nature of corruption and economic crime, this paper argues that a successful control campaign requires a coordinated response that will fuse domestic and international strategies. While the paper is wholly committed to the strategy of depriving criminals of their ill-gotten wealth, it acknowledges that the success that law enforcement agencies have had around the world in ‘taking the profit out of crime’ has been hitherto unimpressive. Drawing on the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), particularly Article 20, the paper argues that governments in developing economies should adopt the radical strategy of taxing unaccountable wealth and criminalising illicit enrichment.  相似文献   

The authors consider the recent referral by the UN Security Council of the situation in the western region of Sudan (Darfur) for investigation and prosecution to the International Criminal Court. The paper focuses on the context of this referral, especially since the referral signals a capitulation by the United States of America (which had the power to veto the referral) in the face of worldwide pressure for the United Nations to take action against perpetrators of atrocities in Sudan. In considering the referral, the authors point out that the International Criminal Court has been handed a hot potato. Because it is one of the first cases that the court will hear, the spotlight will be on the court's effectiveness as an instrument of international criminal justice. Sudan is not party to the court's statute, however, and accordingly owes the court no obligation to cooperate in the investigation and prosecution of Sudanese offenders.  相似文献   

I am afraid there is clear evidence that acts of gross misconduct have taken place. This is a shameful thing for the United Nations to have to say, and I am absolutely outraged by it.

—Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General

Despite promulgating a comprehensive set of guidelines to deter UN personnel from committing acts of sexual misconduct, allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse have become widespread within United Nations peacekeeping missions. The policy of zero-tolerance for peacekeeper misconduct has not been matched by strong disciplinary measures, and crimes are often ignored and rarely punished: absentee fathers, rapists and murderers simply disappear back in their home countries. In countries where women and children rarely have the same economic resources, political rights and authority or control over their environment—or their bodies—they easily become prey for those in perceived positions of power and authority. By failing to hold those responsible to account, the UN may in fact be fuelling even greater discrimination and violence against women and children. In order to ensure those who are mandated to protect to do not become perpetrators of abuse, the UN must take a stronger stand against those who commit acts of sexual misconduct, and must ensure that victims see that their abuser is brought to justice and that reparation is offered. A recent report submitted by the Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse makes a comprehensive set of recommendations to prevent, detect, and respond to these allegations. The aim of this essay is to highlight some of the main points of the Special Envoy's report, and to examine the practical challenges the UN and troop/police contributing countries will face when attempting to implement these recommendations.  相似文献   

安理会决议表达联合国的意见或意志,具有强制性和法律效力。以安理会第1509号决议为基础,对联合国利比里亚特派团的授权任务进行解析,并论述利政府和联合国利比里亚特派团面临的挑战和相应办法,利于我维和人员了解特派团任务进展情况,有利于更好地执行使命。  相似文献   

The outbreak of violence following the insurgency by a coalition of armed groups called Séléka represents one of the darkest pages in the contemporary history of the Central African Republic (CAR). Although the country has experienced chronic instability since independence from France in 1960, it has never before descended into the current near-genocidal situation, which has pitted Muslims against Christians. The CAR has been embroiled in conflict since March 2013, with unprecedented security and humanitarian consequences. In December 2013, the United Nations representative for the first time described the situation as an alarming security threat and evoked the likelihood of genocide and humanitarian disaster if nothing is done.  相似文献   

2012年9月颁布的《联合国维和警察防暴队行动能力评估标准作业程序》对联合国防暴队甄选及行动能力评估的组织、实施程序、考查标准等方面都进行了较大的调整。从联合国维和警察防暴队甄选标准作业程序的改革入手,以考试为突破口和着眼点,研究程序的改革对维和警察防暴队培训的影响,制定应对策略,以时维和培训工作具有指导作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In principle, national sovereignty is the right of a nation to govern its internal affairs without foreign interference. In practice, it is defined by one's interpretation of international law, which may permit legal external intervention under some circumstances, ultimately removing a nation's sovereignty. This paper will examine the current system of international law outlined by the United Nations, analyse the ambiguities contained within its Charter and elaborate on how external intervention can be justified. The case-study of recent developments related to Libya will demonstrate that the manner in which international law is interpreted is changing the notion of principles of sovereignty.  相似文献   

This essay explores the obligations arising from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, signed in Palermo, Italy at the end of 2000. It also discusses the initiatives required to prepare the legal system and related infrastructure of Zimbabwe for its implementation. Zimbabwe joined more than 120 other countries in signing the Palermo convention, but has not yet ratified it. The ratification would enshrine the latest initiatives to develop effective strategies against transnational organised crime. The Palermo convention makes demands on the laws and institutions of states parties which could enhance their capacity to confront organised crime. Ratification signifies competence to implement the prescribed obligations, which can only occur after introducing suitable domestic laws, and adopting the necessary administrative mechanisms. The required reforms are bound to have certain policy and legislative implications for Zimbabwe. Regional initiatives complementary to the Palermo convention are expected to catalyse positive changes in Zimbabwe's response mechanisms.  相似文献   

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