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目前,我国个别边防检查机关对行政违法行为主要采取处罚的手段,忽视了教育的作用,这种手段不仅难以达到惩罚的目的,反而使我国边防检查执法形象受到损害.随着社会法制的进步,对执法工作提出了更高的要求,如何提高执法水平,是边防检查机关所面临的一个迫切问题.结合边检工作实践,分析了重处罚、轻教育的危害及原因,提出了处罚与教育相结合原则在执法中运用的设想.  相似文献   

出入境人身检查是出入境边防检查机关的一项重要任务.在新形势下,研究、掌握出入境人身检查的依据、对象、批准权限及检查的程序、方法与要求,对出入境边防检查工作具有重要意义.  相似文献   

依法正确履行出入境边防检查行为,保障出入境人员的合法权益,是出入境边防检查机关亟待解决的一个重要课题。中国因私出入境人员(出入境边防检查相对人)享有的权利和履行的义务;出入境边防检查机关应规范自身行为,依法实施行政管理。  相似文献   

新形势下,边防检查机关依法行政在理论与实践上还存在一些问题.主要有边防检查行政复议和行政诉讼问题;对偷渡者遣返后的处罚问题;美国人过境中国问题;边检机关刑事侦察权问题;行政处罚罚缴分离问题.解决这些问题对于加强边防检查行政执法,使之更加合理、合法有着重要意义.  相似文献   

阻止出入境是出入境边防检查机关在实施边防检查行政行为时所采取的一种出入境边防检查行政强制措施.但有观点认为阻止出入境属于行政处罚的范畴,对此,笔者持不同观点.主要从分析阻止出入境的法律特征及其与行政处罚的区别等方面,进行了阐述.  相似文献   

出入境边防检查业务规范性文件是出入境边防检查机关实施出入境边防检查的依据之一。但是,目前没有任何法律明确规定行政规章以下的规范性文件可在行政诉讼中适用,而审判实战中却往往无法回避。因此,探讨出入境边防检查规范性文件在出入境边防检查领域和司法审查中的法律效力,是十分重要的。本文结合出入境边防检查实战和其它行政活动的经验,通过规范性文件的地位、性质等方面进行研究分析,对规范性文件进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

在依法治国的今天,出入境边防检查机关能否规范自身行为、依法实施行政管理,不仅关系到国家主权的维护,还直接影响着我国对外开放的深入与国际化的进程。文章就出入境边防检查行政行为的概念、特征、意义及构成与范围作了概括性的论述。  相似文献   

ISO9001是企业有效的质量控制管理体系,在其他行政管理部门中也有应用。在公安边防执法规范化建设工作中,如何对边防检查执法质量进行全程监控,是困扰边防部队执法规范化建设的瓶颈。将ISO9001质量控制管理体系引入边防检查行政执法实践中,有利于实现边防检查行政执法质量的新突破。  相似文献   

公安边防机关作为公安机关的一个重要分支,承担着边境管理、边防检查、海域巡视管理和边境涉外事务处理等重要行政管理任务.在履行职责的过程中,如何合理高效地行使行政裁量权,是公安边防机关不能忽视的一个问题.对行政裁量权在公安边防管理工作这一特殊领域内的运行现状、存在问题及其合理规制等问题应深入探讨.  相似文献   

本文根据我国现行出入境管理及边防检查制度中存在的问题和矛盾,从实践和法理两个方面进行了具体分析。提出了在现行制度条件下,必须加强出入境管理部门与边防检查机关职能配合与互补的观点,并从打击中国公民因私出境领域违法犯罪的问题;提高出入境活动宏观控制的能力问题;情报、信息共享问题;打击外国人“非法入境、非法居留、非法就业”问题;查控工作等五个方面进行了进一步的论述和思考。  相似文献   

"法治边检"建设是在党的十八届三中全会提出建设"法治中国"目标时代背景下,在提高边检服务水平工作进入深水区、社会各界对边检工作要求日趋严格和多样化形势下,边检机关立足工作实际,顺应时代发展的必然选择。分析"法治边检"的理论内涵和面临形势,总结法治边检建设现状和存在问题,从构建体系型边检、有限型边检、效能型边检、责任型边检、服务型边检、信用型边检、开放型边检、廉洁型边检等方面对法治边检体系建设进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the airline community within the United States have adopted a new paradigm for air traffic flow management, called Collaborative Decision Making (CDM). A principal goal of CDM is shared decision‐making responsibility between the FAA and airlines, so as to increase airline control over decisions that involve economic tradeoffs. So far, CDM has primarily led to enhancements in the implementation of Ground Delay Programs, by changing procedures for allocating slots to airlines and exchanging slots between airlines. In this paper, we discuss how these procedures may be formalized through appropriately defined optimization models. In addition, we describe how inter‐airline slot exchanges may be viewed as a bartering process, in which each “round” of bartering requires the solution of an optimization problem. We compare the resulting optimization problem with the current procedure for exchanging slots and discuss possibilities for increased decision‐making capabilities by the airlines. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   

频繁流动已成为当代幼儿教师队伍建设中一个值得研究的课题。本研究借助对不同类型流动幼儿教师的访谈,揭示了激励机制与幼儿教师流动之间的关系,并在激励视角下,针对幼儿教师的频繁流动问题提出了相应的解决策略,以确保幼儿教师队伍建设的稳定性。  相似文献   

The inspection game is a two-player noncooperative game that models a situation where an inspector verifies whether the inspectee complies with the rules (on the assumption that the inspectee has the tendency to violate at least one of the rules). The usual approach in the analysis of this game seeks to find an optimal strategic inspection scheme for each of the two players yielding favorable payoffs. Recently, there have been some developments in the study of such games that use a mathematical structure known as reaction network involving a set of molecular species and the existing reactions among these species. In this paper, we use a reaction network to analyze the inspection game giving an alternative way of modeling the social situation. The molecular species play the role of the players' decision moves and their resulting gain or loss, while the reactions are the encounters of the decisions of the players which, as expected, yield payoffs. We reexamine the dynamics of the inspection game through the lens of reaction network theory and consider various situations that call for more detailed analyses such as equal or unequal reaction rates and inspection leadership. Conditions concerning reaction rates, initial population of decision species, benefits, and costs are determined in order to identify strategies that yield better payoffs both for the inspector and inspectee. These results illustrate practical insights rooted from the formulated simple game models.  相似文献   

介绍了一种装甲装备技术状况监测与智能车务管理系统。该系统由管理计算机及局域网络、车载装备工况监测模块(灰匣子)、手持式数据采集器等部分构成,各主要硬件单元间全部采用蓝牙模块实现无线通信,辅以数据库技术、局域网技术,实现了装备车务管理的信息化和智能化,并在实际中得到了具体的应用。应用结果显示,该系统实现了装备工况监测和车务管理的最基础的数据采集,为实现参数信息化奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

管道在线检测技术及检测机器人研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了管道检测技术发展现状,介绍了最新检测技术的原理,分析了管道内检测机器人的技术要点,概括介绍了课题组在差压式管内检测机器人周围流场建模与仿真、腐蚀环境下管道钢裂纹群演化的混沌动力学、差压式管内检测机器人的通过性能、管内检测机器人运行速度和姿态分析及运动状态控制、管内检测机器人小型化、小型化管内检测机器人检测精度、小型化管内检测机器人定位精度及管道剩余寿命的预测方法等方面的研究进展,为今后的研究打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Capacity providers such as airlines often sell the same capacity to different market segments at different prices to improve their expected revenues. The absence of a secondary market, due to the nontransferability of airline tickets, gives rise to an opportunity for airlines to broker capacity between consumers with different willingness to pay. One way to broker capacity is by the introduction of callable products. The idea is similar to callable bonds where the issuer has the right, but not the obligation, to buy back the bonds at a certain price by a certain date. The idea of callable products was introduced before under the assumption that the fare-class demands are all independent. The independent assumption becomes untenable when there is significant demand recovery (respectively, demand cannibalization) when lower fares are closed (respectively, opened). In this case, consumer choice behavior should be modeled explicitly to make meaningful decisions. In this paper, we consider a general consumer choice model and develop the optimal strategy for callable products. Our numerical study illustrates how callable products are win-win-win, for the capacity provider and for both high and low fare consumers. Our studies also identify conditions for callable products to result in significant improvements in expected revenues.  相似文献   

CAN总线在装甲车辆故障诊断与状态检测系统中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前装甲车辆内部设备种类繁多、故障机理复杂且缺乏较为全面的实时在线故障诊断与状态检测手段这一问题,提出了一种基于CAN总线的网络化在线故障诊断与状态检测系统设计方案,进行了CAN总线通信网的短帧应用层协议开发以及系统实现。该系统具有实时数据采集、在线故障诊断和状态检测等功能,且扩展性强。该系统通过了实车试验,测试结果验证了该方案的可行性和系统工作的可靠性。  相似文献   

研究了基于故障风险的检测与维修策略,运用威布尔比例风险模型建立系统故障率与工作时间及所处状态的关系。分析了两类基于间接状态信息维修决策的风险,建立了系统检测及维修策略的决策树,通过比较检测与不检测情况下的期望费用确定最优的检测间隔。算例表明,所提出的方法能够有效控制系统运行风险,降低系统运行费用。  相似文献   

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