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贯彻“三个代表”要求,核心是保持党的先进性。加强党员队伍建设,保持党员的先进性是保持党的先进性的基础。因此,贯彻“三个代表”要求,保持党的先进性,就是要建设一支模范作用好的党员队伍。准确把握“先进性”的深刻内涵“先进”者,先行、先导、先锋也,即走在前列的意思。无论作为党的整体,还是作为党的成员,都应当走在前列。相对群体而言,走在工人阶级前列,走在中华民族的前列;相对于历史而言,走在时代潮流的前列,走在社会发展的前列。理论走在前列,觉悟走在前列,行动走在前列。长期以来,正是因为广大共产党员总是冲锋在前,吃苦在前,为…  相似文献   

即使光阴远了,岁月凉了,一些地方一些人一些事总会温柔地横卧在心上,在昼与夜之间悄无声息地长成一大片浓绿或艳红。蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜,所谓伊人,在水一方。这些年,我对天山以北巴里坤草原的感情就是这样地缠绵悱恻,魂牵梦萦。拳拳想与念,寂寂相与思。巴里坤草原是咫尺天涯的爱,在她的怀抱里,我或躺或坐,如闲云野鹤。从小在哈密这个小城中长大,脑海里留存的图案底色最浓的莫过于山北的一派  相似文献   

正今天的演习,是明天战场的模拟题。今天的答案,是明天战场的入场券。这是一场渴望已久的较量。经过近100天的准备,第十六集团军某机步旅官兵终于迎来了"跨越—2014·朱日和D"演习实兵对抗。这一仗,这个旅打得艰苦卓绝。蓝军按照战斗力指数相当的要求确定兵力编组,按照性能等效的要求模拟武器装备,按照作战思想和战法运用一致的要求组织作战行动,完令不按套路出牌,招招直击要害,毫不留情。最终,该旅以战损46.7%的代价险胜蓝军一招。  相似文献   

正"这些战士我们永记不忘,为给子孙留下一个繁华自由的城邦,他们宁愿战死在前方。"这是被镌刻在英雄纪念碑上的古希腊诗人西摩尼得斯的诗句。只要是国家需要,他们一定会选择挺身而出,不计个人得失,无私奉献一切;只要是救人于危难,他们一定会选择舍弃自我,把方便让给别人,把困难留给自己。这便是英雄。从感动中国人物邱少云、罗盛教、欧阳海,到战斗英雄庞国兴、顾金海……英雄始终与一支部队的历史相伴,他们舍身成仁、勇猛无畏、自我牺牲的英勇行为像一道道闪电不断地穿云破雾,成为一支部队的精神灯塔,照亮战士前进的行程。而新一代官兵也正用青春的热血为连队的荣誉注入奋进的风采,续写新的辉煌。  相似文献   

富源县人武部为改变以往在民兵训练上内容单一、低层次循环的状况,重点在四个方面进行大胆改革:一是注重抓好民兵干部骨干的培训。从1999年以来,每年都要举办1—2期专武干部和民兵教员、专业技术骨干培训,较好地保持一支军政素质较高的骨干队伍。二是搞好针对性训练,科学合理编组训练内容。针对不同分队的特点,采取普通民兵抓活动,基干民兵抓集中,  相似文献   

今年是中国共产党成立90周年,也是“十二五”开局之年。在这个重要的历史时刻,回顾“两弹一星”伟大功勋,重温“两弹一星”伟大精神,具有重要的现实意义。中国共产党在90年的光辉历程中领导人民创造了一个又一个奇迹,建立了伟大的功勋。这其中,“两弹一星”具有特殊的分量。邓小平同志指出,“如果六十年代以来中国没有原子弹、氢弹,没有发射卫星,中国就不能叫有重要影响的大国,就没有现在这样的国际地位。这些东西反映一个民族的能力,也是一个民族、一个国家兴旺发达的标志。”“两弹一星”事业是新中国勇攀科技高峰的伟大壮举,“两弹一星”成果是中华民族勇气与智慧的结晶,“两弹一星”功勋将永载史册、彪炳千秋。  相似文献   

在世界的东方,屹立着一个伟大的国家,这就是我们的祖国。在世界民族之林,耸立着一个强大的巨人,这就是我们中华民族。本文作为“爱国主义教育讲座”的一个部分,以其饱蘸情感的笔墨,从“地大物博的国度”、“人类文明的摇篮”、“勤劳勇敢的人民”三个方面,热情讴歌了祖国辽阔的疆域、美丽的河山、悠久的历史、灿烂的文化和勤劳勇敢的人民,读后令人感奋,令人自豪。  相似文献   

玩相机的人大概都知道摄影其实是用光影绘画。记得一位军旅老摄影家曾这样说,军事新闻摄影,除了要注重现场感、突发性和主题意义外,还要将地方摄影人的摄影风格尽可能多地融入进来,让画面更美、更丰满、更生动,让细节更打动人。因此,我在摄影过程中,一直比较注重对"光影"的运用。《冷的边关热的血》是"偶然"所得,当时,部队在茫茫林海  相似文献   

我们的时代,英雄辈出,群星灿烂。英雄,出类拔萃,自然有许多过人之处;英雄,高风亮节,相互之间又必然有不少相同之处。就以最近推出的周国知、李素芝、牛玉儒三个英雄来说,他们虽然身处祖国各地,从事不同的工作,但却有着十分相似的精神、追求、志向和不凡业绩,不仅仅是“英雄所见略同”,而且更是“英雄所干略同”,英雄的心都是相通的。他们都是权为民所用的优秀典范。周国知,乡民政助理,对工作极认真,对群众一团火,但从不肯用手中权力办一点私事。他一直掌管着公家的照相机,却从未为自己和家人拍过一张照片;他掌管着大笔救济款,却从来没让家人…  相似文献   

瘦小精干,梳理整齐的一头花发述说着曾经的那段日子……侗族女民兵英模梁松美用她坎坷的人生经历,印证着那座大山那个村庄的成长历程。梁松美1937年7月12日出生于贵州省从江县原贯洞区龙图乡。这里地处贵州高原,高山沟壑淹没了路的影子,甚至几十里山地不见人烟。散居在这里的侗族、苗族等少数民族,世代过着刀耕火种的贫困生活。  相似文献   

A change order is frequently initiated by either the supplier or the buyer, especially when the contract is long‐term or when the contractual design is complex. In response to a change order, the buyer can enter a bargaining process to negotiate a new price. If the bargaining fails, she pays a cancellation fee (or penalty) and opens an auction. We call this process the sequential bargaining‐auction (BA). At the time of bargaining, the buyer is uncertain as to whether the bargained price is set to her advantage; indeed, she might, or might not, obtain a better price in the new auction. To overcome these difficulties, we propose a new change‐order‐handling mechanism by which the buyer has an option to change the contractual supplier after bargaining ends with a bargained price. We call this the option mechanism. By this mechanism, the privilege of selling products or services is transferred to a new supplier if the buyer exercises the option. To exercise the option, the buyer pays a prespecified cash payment, which we call the switch price, to the original supplier. If the option is not exercised, the bargained price remains in effect. When a switch price is proposed by the buyer, the supplier decides whether or not to accept it. If the supplier accepts it, the buyer opens an auction. The option is exercised when there is a winner in the auction. This article shows how, under the option mechanism, the optimal switch price and the optimal reserve price are determined. Compared to the sequential BA, both the buyer and the supplier benefit. Additionally, the option mechanism coordinates the supply chain consisting of the two parties. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 248–265, 2015  相似文献   

Energy continues to serve as the bedrock of modern economies and the main driver of modern society. For Africa, the production and supply of energy resources such as crude oil, natural gas, uranium, coal, biomass, biofuels and other renewables are an important source of employment, rents, taxes, royalties and profits. This sector brings in several tens of billions of dollars of revenue annually. The production and delivery of such resources, however, depend on critical infrastructures such as pipelines, refineries, processing plants, terminals, rigs, electrical energy pylons, substations, pump stations, vessels, and tankers. These infrastructures have been attacked by terrorists, insurgents, vandals and saboteurs, all of whom see them as targets against which to register their grievances and extract concessions from the state. This paper is a chronological account of some of the documented incidents of terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, destruction, sabotage, and human casualties suffered in the oil and gas sectors in Africa between 1999 and 2012. It is based on data extracted from the databases of the RAND Database of World Terrorism Incidents and the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database (GTD).  相似文献   

The conflict between the rebel group, the Polisario Front, and the Kingdom of Morocco is nearing its 43rd year. Though under-reported, the conflict itself garners attention for the resilience – some would say tenacity – of the ethnically Sahrawi Polisario Front. Despite shifting regional and international politics and the nearly 150,000 Sahrawi refugees waiting in nearby Algerian camps, the rebel group has survived. What explains its resilience? This article uses Bourdieu’s ‘forms of capital’ to understand the Polisario Front’s persistence. Based on field research in Algeria, Western Sahara, and the United States, it finds that social, cultural, symbolic, and economic capital may provide an explanation.  相似文献   


A crisis is emerging in the Nile Basin, where some 300 million people in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi rely on the Nile directly or indirectly. Egypt and Sudan wish to preserve a regime based on treaties drawn up during the colonial era that allocated the vast majority of the Nile's water to them. Countries upstream are determined to challenge this. In 1999 the countries using the river formed the Nile Basin Initiative to try to resolve these differences. More than a decade of negotiations failed to break the impasse. In May Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda decided to wait no longer and signed a new treaty, without the consent of Egypt and Sudan. The signatories have given the other Nile Basin countries one year to join the pact. For Egypt, which relies on the Nile for 95 per cent of its water, this is a question of life or death. Egypt has, in the past, indicated it will go to war if its share of the Nile is reduced. Talks continue, but the impasse is driving the region towards a crisis to which there is no easy resolution.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the inconsistent and wavering Soviet attitude towards national liberation movements in general and the Palestinian organizations in particular. Until the late 1960s, the Soviets viewed these organizations with suspicion, hesitating to engage in political dialogue with them. However, in the 1970s, political and military events in the region, as well as modifications in the Kremlin's Cold War strategies, led to a general shift towards the Middle East in Soviet foreign policy. Soviet leaders showed increased willingness to provide certain Palestinian organizations with arms with which to conduct terrorist activities against Israeli, pro-Israeli, Jewish and Western targets. The article explores the complex relations between Palestinian organizations and the USSR in the field of international terror. The study also exposes and analyzes the nature and content of Soviet–Palestinian arms dialogues and transactions. It provides clear evidence that Soviet policymakers and other luminaries were fully informed of, and sometimes directly involved in, these transactions and dialogues at the highest levels.  相似文献   

In the Post-Bipolar Era the growing complexity of the military operations requires a new approach for the resolution of international crises. Since the end of the Cold War, peace support operations (PSO) have become the mainstay and principal occupation of most Western armies. At the same time, Italy has been one of the most important actors in such an area. The article focuses on the cooperation between military and civil components (a process called CIMIC) as a key variable in the Italian PSOs. We will analyse in detail the main lessons learned from past military interventions as well as the general context in which new tendencies are taking place. The maintaining of a minimum security frame becomes essential to fulfil activities ‘collateral’ to the mission: reconstructing services and infrastructure, food distribution, water and medication, law and order, de-mining, training of local forces, and supporting local institutions. These are the main tasks to obtain thrust and support from the population.  相似文献   


The Soviet Union was able to develop a large military-industrial complex and become the world's second superpower despite deficiencies in its centrally planned economy because defence was given high priority status and special planning, rationing and administrative mechanisms were used to attain national security objectives. However, in the period 1976-85 the effectiveness of priority protection diminished and defence institutions experienced more of the problems typical of the shortage economic system. The heavy defence burden also created growing difficulties for the civilian economy. The attempts by the Gorbachev government to reform the defence sector and improve defence-economic relationships during perestroika (1985-91) uniformly failed. For most of the transition period, the Russian military-industrial complex has been adversely affected by its low priority status, cuts in defence spending, instability of the hybrid politico-economic system, and negative growth of the economy. The armed forces and defence industry have been reduced in size and their outputs of military services and equipment have fallen to low levels. Nevertheless, the Russian armed forces still have over one million troops, significant stocks of sophisticated conventional weapons, and a large nuclear arsenal. The government of President Putin has raised the priority of the defence sector, increased real defence spending, and adopted ambitious plans to revive Russian military power. It is likely, though, that tight resource constraints will hamper efforts to reform the armed forces and to upgrade weapons. By 2010 Russia will be an important, but not dominant, military power in Eurasia.  相似文献   

物联网是近两年的研究热点,当前,军用物联网的发展尚处于起步阶段。提出了军用物联网的概念,研究了军用物联网关键技术,阐述了军用物联网在作战训练、后勤保障、武器装备等领域的应用,展望了军用物联网研究工作中将遇到的挑战及应对方法,为军用物联网的技术研制、公共支撑环境和应用示范服务提供借鉴。  相似文献   

新疆伊斯兰教建筑装饰艺术的特征是以一种特殊的造型、形式、色彩、材质,多种多样的装饰技巧以及独有的审美特征体现出来的。是新疆伊斯兰教建筑文化体系中取得最高成就的一部分,是集实用功能、审美功能、认识教育功能于一体的艺术形式,蕴涵着地域环境、民情风俗、审美价值等丰富的内容,呈现出浓郁的风格特点。这些装饰艺术的特征,影响着人们的情绪,净化着穆斯林们的心灵,给观赏者以建筑装饰艺术的造型、色彩、纹饰的美感,获得审美的愉悦。  相似文献   

空间绳网系统展开动力学特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
空间绳网系统是一种新型轻质空间柔性结构,具有很大的应用价值。针对地面环境和太空环境下的不同受力特性,推导空间绳网动力学模型;通过地面试验验证仿真模型的可信度;基于展开面积、飞行距离等性能参数,仿真分析空间绳网展开过程中的绳网位形、应力分布以及能量变化等动力学特性,分析轨道高度、捕获方向和发射参数对展开效果的影响。  相似文献   

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