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改进警卫形式是关系到警卫对象安全、影响到党群关系的敏感问题,是警卫领域研究的重要课题.改进警卫形式的基本原则是指导警卫形式改进工作的基本准则,科学认识和把握改进警卫形式的基本原则,对于正确指导改进警卫形式工作具有十分重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,住地警卫任务越来越重,人民群众对警卫形式要求的标准也越来越高,为适应新形势的需要,改进住地警卫形式已势在必行.分析了现阶段改进警卫形式面临的困难,探讨了解决的对策.  相似文献   

研究和改进公路路线警卫形式,对于实践"三个代表"重要思想,加强党和群众的联系,维护和树立党和政府的形象,具有十分重要的现实意义.改进公路警卫路线形式要抓好6个方面的工作,坚持4个基本原则.  相似文献   

中国'99昆明世博会警卫工作艰巨、复杂、难度大.从警卫工作自身讲有业务的综合性;准备工作的长期性;任务的艰巨性、多样性;警力的协同性及参战部门的广泛性.从其它方面讲有活动的公开性与犯罪分子的隐蔽性;参加人员、活动项目的广泛性与影响的特殊性等.在众多相互作用、相互影响的具体任务面前,要做到细而不乱,周密稳妥,警卫工作必须严格遵循以下原则(一)抓队伍建设与重点提高警卫人员的素质相结合;(二)警卫方案制定与基础调研相结合;(三)专门机关工作与人民群众工作相结合;(四)超前治理与重视临场警卫工作相结合;(五)全面部署与加强重点防范相结合;(六)公开防范与秘密工作相结合;(七)加强一线警力与留有机动相结合;(八)严密警卫部署与改进警卫形式相结合.  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义现代化进程的不断发展及党和国家领导人对警卫形式的要求,警卫工作的格局也在随社会的进步、发展而不断发展完善。“大警卫”格局的构建需要党委和政府,军、警等武装力量,人民群众等各方面的共同努力。  相似文献   

新形势下,要做好警卫工作,必须在具体工作中把握警卫形式与安全第一的关系、内紧外松的关系、警卫形式警卫基础工作的关系,以及警卫形式"适度"、从实际出发的原则.  相似文献   

在重大活动安全警卫工作的组织指挥中,要明确集中统一指挥原则,严格落实逐级负责制原则,积极构建“大警卫”、“大安保”的警卫工作格局,坚持从实际出发,确保组织指挥与特殊环境相适应.  相似文献   

外宾警卫是警卫工作的重要组成部分,也是外交工作的重要方面.外宾警卫工作除了要保证外宾安全外,还应注意外交礼仪问题.警卫人员要认真遵守外宾警卫中的外交礼仪原则,通晓外交礼仪内容,自觉培养外交礼仪所需要的修养、情趣和知识,树立良好形象,完成外宾警卫任务.  相似文献   

在考察我国警卫工作改进历程的基础上,对警卫工作改进进行了深入思考。提出我国警卫工作改进始终坚持“既要保证安全,又不脱离群众”这一主题;始终坚持党委和政府的领导,坚持制度化、规范化建设;体现在路线警卫工作、住地警卫工作和现场警卫工作三个方面。  相似文献   

"三个代表"重要思想对新时期警卫工作特别是改进警卫形式提出了更高要求.长期以来警卫形式上存在一些问题和不足.因此,要结合实际运用"三个代表"思想,努力探索和改进警卫形式的方法和途径.一是要坚定信心和决心;二是要正确认识形式和内容的关系;三是要大力加强队伍建设;四是要正确分析和解决好当前警卫工作遇到的矛盾和问题.  相似文献   

警卫射击训练要求和警卫战术结合,改革射击动作,调整射击距离,缩短射击时间,在运动中消灭运动目标,进行接近实战的模拟射击训练,红蓝对抗射击训练。  相似文献   

In the ten years since the establishment of South Africa's first inclusive democratic government, an ambitious, extensive and systematic process of reform has been carried out in the governance of security. The process is widely regarded as having been successful and a model for other processes of ‘security sector reform’ in the context of transitions from authoritarian forms of governance to democratic ones.

That this been achieved with hardly a shot fired in anger is a remarkable achievement and a credit to visionary political leadership as well as organisational capacity, in other words to effective security governance.

At the same time, progress has been uneven and sometimes fragmentary, policy intentions and commitments have not always been translated into practice, the end results have not been to everyone's liking, and transformation has engendered its own pathologies. Thus several challenges remain in improving security governance.

This article provides a broad overview of the roles played by the various actors in the governance of the security sector, including the executive, parliament and civil society. It examines the main policy frameworks and touches on organisational transformation, because it is impossible to deal with governance in isolation from these issues. Policy processes and the frameworks they give rise to—in particular—are critical for effective governance. This article deals with the defence, safety and security and intelligence fields. A comprehensive overview would need to include the governance of criminal justice and foreign policy. The article does not seek to make an overall evaluation of governance, but to identify achievements, shortfalls and challenges.  相似文献   

Much is made in the security sector reform literature of the role of civil society as an overseer and monitor of the security sector, contributing to improved accountability and governance. This paper looks at how the notion of ‘civil society capacity’ needs to be disaggregated in order to develop meaningful strategies to assist civil society organisations to impact security sector reforms in complex, post-conflict contexts like the Democratic Republic of Congo. It draws on fieldwork conducted with 200 Congolese civil society groups that are attempting to engage in current security sector reform processes, and looks at which capacities are required to improve oversight by civil society groups.  相似文献   

要人安全是世界各国国家安全的重要组成部分。中以要人安全警卫差异主要表现在工作理念、权力地位、后勤保障、选拔训练、情报运行和危险评估等方面。中以要人警卫差异源于不同的文化传统、政治制度和国内外环境,各有优缺点,我们要立足本国,积极改革创新使我国要人警卫工作机制更加完善。  相似文献   


Attempts to explain the failure to reform the security sectors in post-conflict countries have often resorted to two sets of explanatory factors: international and local factors. This article seeks to move from that unhelpful dichotomy to an explanation linking both factors. Drawing on a Foucauldian approach and the concept of “counter-conduct,” it examines the rationality and practices of European Union (EU) governmentality and how governing technologies are resisted and reversed by local elites involved in security sector reform (SSR). Instead of understanding power and resistance as binary opposites, this article argues that counter-conduct can be conceived as implicated in the very relations of power that it seeks to resist. To tease out these relations, the article analyzes the EU's efforts in SSR in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it identifies four forms of counter-conduct: upholding European standards, using the local ownership trap, simulating reforms, and lowering the bar.  相似文献   

公安教育招录体制改革有力促进了各类公安院校深化教育教学改革。实践技能选修制度的构建正是我院公安教育训练工作改革的重要举措,丰富了实践教学形式,拓展了实践教学训练渠道,在解决好共性能力生成的同时更加关注学员的个性化能力培养,有利于提高学员岗位核心能力和学员的个性化能力,是传统应试教育向能力培训转轨过程中的有益探索和尝试。  相似文献   

翟东航  张娜  段慧娇 《国防科技》2017,38(2):105-110
提出互联网+时代军队院校面临与军队新型作战能力培养有关的国家安全时代课题,从整合新媒体网络资源、依托校园文化平台、构建国家安全教育体系三方面进行了对策分析,重点探索与新军事变革密切相关的"文化安全、军事话语传播、地缘政治"等议题,以学术活动的顶层设计将国家安全教育融入军事院校学员具有中国特色的军事理论创新。  相似文献   

随着公安教育改革的不断深入,注重学员个性发展已成为公安教育改革的热点问题。公安现役院校学员个性化发展应从优化人才培养方案、创新管理体制、强化学员自主学习能力等方面进行探讨,以促进学员个性发展。  相似文献   

This article presents four challenges to promoting border security in post-Soviet Eurasia, even in those states that have experienced regime change and profess new interest in constructing sound state institutions. The analysis is drawn from the specific example of Georgia—a major recipient of U.S. border security assistance and the site of several intercepted efforts of radioactive materials trafficking—but it is relevant to other states in the region, as well. The challenges assessed are: (1) the gradual nature of border regime reform, (2) trade-offs that subordinate border reform to other developmental priorities, (3) bureaucratic inertia and politics, and (4) the continued existence of unrecognized territories that lie beyond the reach of the state and of international law.  相似文献   

African security, particularly conflict-related political violence, is a key concern in international relations. This forum seeks to advance existing research agendas by addressing four key themes: domestic politics and peacekeeping; security sector reform programs; peace enforcement; and the protection of civilians. Each of the articles in this forum makes a case for analyzing African agency when it comes to African security. As a way of introduction, this short article sets out the main debates and concludes by providing further directions for future research.  相似文献   

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