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Inventory models of modern production and service operations should take into consideration possible exogenous failures or the abrupt decline of demand resulting from obsolescence. This article analyzes continuous-review versions of the classical obsolescence problem in inventory theory. We assume a deterministic demand model and general continuous random times to obsolescence (“failure”). Using continuous dynamic programming, we investigate structural properties of the problem and propose explicit and workable solution techniques. These techniques apply to two fairly wide (and sometimes overlapping) classes of failure distributions: those which are increasing in failure rate and those which have finite support. Consequently, several specific failure processes in continuous time are given exact solutions. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 757–774, 1997  相似文献   

The objective of a diagnostic analysis is to provide a measure of performance of an existing system and estimate the benefits of implementing a new one, if necessary. Firms expect diagnostic studies to be done promptly and inexpensively. Consequently, collection and manipulation of large quantities of data are prohibitive. In this paper we explore aggregate optimization models as tools for diagnostic analysis of inventory systems. We concentrate on the dynamic lot size problem with a family of items sharing the same setup, and on the management of perishable items. We provide upper and lower bounds on the total cost to be expected from the implementation of appropriate systems. However, the major thrust of the paper is to illustrate an approach to analyze inventory systems that could be expanded to cover a wide variety of applications. A fundamental by-product of the proposed diagnostic methodology is to identify the characteristics that items should share to be aggregated into a single family.  相似文献   

We consider a multiechelon repairable-item inventory system where several bases are supported by a central depot. Unlike METRIC-based models, there are only a finite number of repairmen at each base and the depot, and the failure rates at the bases depend on the current number of items online. The principal objective of this article is to develop a quick and accurate approximation to the steady-state distribution of this system. A secondary objective is to compare the solution of this system with a comparable METRIC solution.  相似文献   

In this article we explore how total system costs and inventory positions are affected when forecasts are incorporated explicitly in production/inventory systems. We assume that forecasts for demand of a certain item are available in each period, and they evolve from one period to the next in accordance with an additive evolution model. In order to analyze the effects of the forecasts on the production/inventory system we compare the optimal ordering policy and the expected costs of the model that keeps forecasts with that of a comparable standard inventory model. We show that under mild assumptions the former yields lower expected costs and inventory levels than the latter. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of explicitly taking into account uncertainty about the demand for spare parts in making inventory procurement and stockage decisions. The model described provides for a unified treatment of the closely related problems of statistical estimation of demand and resource allocation within the inventory system, and leads to an easily implemented, efficient method of determining requirements for spare parts both in the early provisioning phase and in later periods of operations when demand data have accumulated Analyses of the model's theoretical foundations and of sample outcomes of the model based upon data on parts intended for use in the F-14 lead to conclusions of great importance to both support planners and operations planners Finally, of particular significance is the ability afforded the planner by this model to quantify the impact on inventory system costs of varying levels of system reliability or management uncertainty as to projected system performance. This will provide an economic basis for analysis of such alternatives as early deployment, operational testing, and equipment redesign.  相似文献   

This article considers a structural equation useful for characterizing the order quantity of several inventory models. A correct interpretation of this equation is provided and it is stressed that the equation should be used in conjunction with another equation for the reorder point. Failure to do so may give rise to improper interpretations and invalid conclusions. A specific case like this is cited for the sake of illustration.  相似文献   

Modification of algorithms designed for scalar computing, to take advantage of vector processing, raises several challenges. This article presents the vectorization of the primal simplex based network algorithm and results in a 50% improvement in computational time. One of the major contributors to this improvement is the matching of the size of the pricing candidate list to the vector register size. The side constraints are relaxed into a single surrogate constraint. The single constraint network algorithm is vectorized and used as the basis for solving large-scale constrained network problems. Computational experiments are presented which illustrate the vectorization of the network code as well as the ability of the surrogate constraint approach to deal with large constrained network problems.  相似文献   

We consider a two‐echelon inventory system with a manufacturer operating from a warehouse supplying multiple distribution centers (DCs) that satisfy the demand originating from multiple sources. The manufacturer has a finite production capacity and production times are stochastic. Demand from each source follows an independent Poisson process. We assume that the transportation times between the warehouse and DCs may be positive which may require keeping inventory at both the warehouse and DCs. Inventory in both echelons is managed using the base‐stock policy. Each demand source can procure the product from one or more DCs, each incurring a different fulfilment cost. The objective is to determine the optimal base‐stock levels at the warehouse and DCs as well as the assignment of the demand sources to the DCs so that the sum of inventory holding, backlog, and transportation costs is minimized. We obtain a simple equation for finding the optimal base‐stock level at each DC and an upper bound for the optimal base‐stock level at the warehouse. We demonstrate several managerial insights including that the demand from each source is optimally fulfilled entirely from a single distribution center, and as the system's utilization approaches 1, the optimal base‐stock level increases in the transportation time at a rate equal to the demand rate arriving at the DC. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

An implicit enumeration algorithm is developed to determine the set of efficient points in zero-one multiple criteria problems. The algorithm is specialized for the solution of a particular class of facility location problems. The procedure is complemented with the use of the utility function of the decision maker to identify a subset of efficient point candidates for the final selection. Computational results are provided and discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses bottleneck linear programming problems and in particular capacitated and constrained bottleneck transportation problems. A pseudopricing procedure based on the poly-ω procedure is used to facilitate the primal simplex procedure. This process allows the recent computational developments such as the Extended Threaded Index Method to be applied to bottleneck transportation problems. The impact on problem solution times is illustrated by computational testing and comparison with other current methods.  相似文献   

In many resupply situations, the decisionmaker has the option of “purchasing” faster replenishment leadtimes. For example, a premium may be paid for delivery by parcel post rather than slower but less expensive delivery by railway express. It may be economically advantageous to pay shipment premiums for faster leadtimes when considering the possible cost reductions in pipeline (on-order) inventory and safety stock levels. This paper develops a decision rule which, for any given item, will indicate whether it is economically advantageous to purchase a faster leadtime. The general methodology is then applied to a peacetime military resupply operation involving several million items, each requiring a decision as to whether the item should be shipped by air or sea.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of maintaining an inventory of an item which can deteriorate and become useless. A periodic review procedure is used and new items ordered may experience a time lag in delivery. Items are considered to deteriorate through one or two states before becoming useless. Thus the deterioration process in each period plays the role of the usual demand process and is a function of the inventory level at the beginning of each period. For the case of no time lag in delivery, one stage deterioration, and either binomial or uniform deterioration, optimal ordering policies are obtained for the n-period dynamic model with the standard cost structure. (For the shortage probability criterion see the other paper by Iglehart and Jaquette, in this issue.) These policies are of the single critical number type. For more complicated models suboptimal policies of this same type are found.  相似文献   

In this article we apply perturbation analysis (PA), combined with conditional Monte Carlo, to obtain derivative estimators of the expected cost per period with respect to s and S, for a class of periodic review (s, S) inventory systems with full backlogging, linear holding and shortage costs, and where the arrivals of demands follow a renewal process. We first develop the general form of four different estimators of the gradient for the finite-horizon case, and prove that they are unbiased. We next consider the problem of implementing our estimators, and develop efficient methodologies for the infinite-horizon case. For the case of exponentially distributed demand interarrival times, we implement our estimators using a single sample path. Generally distributed interarrival times are modeled as phase-type distributions, and the implementation of this more general case requires a number of additional off-line simulations. The resulting estimators are still efficient and practical, provided that the number of phases is not too large. We conclude by reporting the results of simulation experiments. The results provide further validity of our methodology and also indicate that our estimators have very low variance. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article compares two types of approximating strategies for solving some continuous review inventory models noniteratively. One of these strategies is to approximate the normalized loss integral by an exponential function whereas the other strategy is to estimate the loss integral as a quadratic function of the right-tail probability. It is found that the latter method is significantly more accurate and versatile than the former method. Theoretical arguments are given to emphasize that both the right-tail probability and the loss integral are key functions involved in those models. Therefore, a good strategy should be not only to estimate these two functions, but also to retain the interrelationships between them. The quadratic method is better than the exponential method primarily because of the latter property.  相似文献   

In this article, a distribution system is studied where the sum of transportation and inventory costs is to be minimized. The inventory holding cost is assumed to be the same for all retailers. A fixed partition (FP) periodic policy is proposed with tight asymptotic worst‐case performance of 3/2 with respect to the best possible policy. This bound cannot be improved in the class of FP periodic policies. In partition‐based PB policies, the retailers are first partitioned into sets and then the sets are grouped in such a way that sets of retailers within a group are served together at selected times. A PB periodic, policy is presented with tight worst‐case asymptotic performance of with respect to the best possible policy. This latter performance improves the worst‐case asymptotic performance of of the previously best known policy for this problem. We also show that the proposed PB periodic policy has the best worst‐case asymptotic performance within the class of PB policies. Finally, practical heuristics inspired by the analyzed policies are designed and tested. The asymptotic worst–case performances of the heuristics are shown to be the same of those of the analyzed policies. Computational results show that the heuristics suggested are less than 6.4% on average from a lower bound on the optimal cost when 50 or more retailers are involved. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 00: 000–000, 2013  相似文献   

This study concentrates on distributions of leadtime demand that permit explicit solution to the lot-size, reorder point model. The optimal order size for the general case is first expressed as a function of the economic order quantity and a quantity known as the “residual mean life” in reliability theory. The concept of “no aging” is then utilized to identify a broad class of distributions for which the optimal order size can be determined explicitly, independent of the reorder point.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of computing reorder points and order quantities for continuous review inventory systems subject to either a service level constraint or a constraint on the average fraction of time out of stock. It is demonstrated that three apparently distinct models are equivalent under these circumstances. Using this equivalence, streamlined algorithms for computed lot sizes and recorder points are developed.  相似文献   

Calculations for large Markovian finite source, finite repair capacity two-echelon repairable item inventory models are shown to be feasible using the randomization technique and a truncated state space approach. More complex models (involving transportation pipelines, multiple-item types and additional echelon levels) are also considered.  相似文献   

In recent years, some attention has been devoted to the application of techniques of control theory to inventory management. In particular, H. Vassian (1955) developed a model for a periodic review inventory system utilizing techniques of discrete variable servomechanisms to analyze the system in a cost-free structure. The resulting model is inherently deterministic, however, and emphasizes the control of inventory fluctuation about a safety level by selecting an appropriate order policy. Such an order policy is defined only up to an arbitrary method of forecasting customer demands. The present paper is a continuation of the model developed by Vassian in which exponential smoothing is used as a specific forecasting technique. Full recognition of the probabilistic nature of demand is taken into account and the requirement of minimizing expected inventory level is imposed. In addition, explicit formulas for the variance in inventory are derived as functions of the smoothing constant and the tradeoff between small variance and rapid system response is noted. Finally, in an attempt to remove the bias inherent in exponential smoothing, a modification of that technique is defined and discussed as an alternate forecasting method.  相似文献   

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