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In a general and economical view, this article analyzes methods and mechanisms for the pooling and sharing of military forces and weapons inside the European Union (EU) in times of scarcity. Pooling and sharing could improve the EU military capabilities significantly if differences in location factors were taken into account and all states would focus on their respective strengths. More competition and less concentration are the keys to ensuring guaranteed access to military assets. Pooling and sharing are likely to be successful only if large states enhance their emphasis on collective defense by mutual aid and self-help, and reduce particularistic and parochial interests of local gain. The realm of personnel has the most potential for improvement but any change is likely to generate policy implications.  相似文献   

In most western countries, there is a strong incentive for defence department budget-holders to expend all of the funds they are authorized to spend in a fiscal year. In this paper, we question whether this emphasis makes sense. We develop a model of a defence department’s operating expenditure assuming a fixed level of funding for a year and uncertain costs. The results of the model suggest that the incentive for departmental managers to expend all authorized funds is inefficient. We explore the implications of the model for the Department of National Defence (DND) in Canada in light of the recent criticism of DND lapsed funding by the Auditor-General of Canada.  相似文献   

In January 2000, the Kashmir militancy is gaining ground and Indian forces are on the defensive. This is despite a decline in militancy from 1996 to mid‐1999. While India has managed to secure greater international support from the West, the failure of an elected state government in Kashmir to regain the confidence of Kashmiris has cost Delhi support. The militant revival is being driven by increasing professionalism, along with strong support from backers in Pakistan. Given there is now a 12‐year period of violence to analyse, new literature brings interesting insights.1  相似文献   

短信文化及其存在的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
手机短信迅猛发展的原因以及作为“第五媒体”的作用 ,以文本短信为例对短信文化加以分析 ,从七个方面指出了目前手机短信存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过分析当前部队心理教育工作面临的突出问题 ,提出了改进和加强心理教育工作的基本思路。  相似文献   

增长型失业形成原因及解决途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转轨时期我国城镇失业的一个显著特征 ,就是经济增长伴随着失业规模的不断扩大。这种悖论的出现 ,是由劳动力市场的分割、国有企业的“内部人控制”、投资结构偏差等因素引起的。只有解决好这些问题 ,才能真正实现经济增长与消除失业的双重目标。  相似文献   

This essay looks at two Hollywood films Black Hawk Down and We Were Soldiers as reflective of a more general popular mood in the US that accompanied Operation ‘Enduring Freedom’ and the removal of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In part this mood was a militaristic one, though this can also be seen as a rather belated response by Hollywood to invest moral purpose in the US military following an earlier spate of hostile Vietnam war films. The two films examined are different in form: Black Hawk Down is a combat film about extraction while We Were Soldiers is unusual for a US Vietnam war film for investing moral purpose in both the US combat troops as well as the Vietnamese enemy. Overall it is possible to conclude that both films contribute to a kicking by Hollywood of its earlier Vietnam war ‘syndrome’ which is likely to have wider cultural and political repercussions.  相似文献   

蔡明春  吕寿坤 《国防科技》2017,38(1):094-098
智能化战争以全维信息感知为基础,以先进信息技术为纽带,以海量信息的高效处理与认知进化为核心,以提升综合指挥决策、高效自组织协同、灵活自主作战等能力为目的,有效适应威胁演进、作战任务、作战样式、作战地域、以及潜在对手的复杂性、多样性、不确定性,进而达到设计战争的目的。本文对智能化战争演变形态进行了分析,并对其支撑技术体系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

集贸市场作为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,其消防安全不容忽视。分析了当前集贸市场普遍存在的火灾隐患,从集贸市场建筑消防设计、集贸市场消防管理两个方面探讨了集贸市场火灾隐患的整改对策。  相似文献   

随着工业化、自动化程度的普及和提高,对供电质量和安全的要求越来越高,因而谐波电流的危害不容忽视。探讨了谐波电流的产生原因,从影响电力系统正常工作、干扰电子设备、影响电磁设备运行、引起火灾爆炸事故等几个方面分析了谐波电流的危害,提出改善供电系统结构、装设滤波器、增大中性线截面、调整变压器接线方式等对策。  相似文献   

历史唯物主义是马克思主义哲学体系的重要组成部分,它在强调经济基础决定上层建筑的同时,也指出了上层建筑对经济基础所具有的巨大反作用.恩格斯晚年在许多重要信件中全面阐述了生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑、社会存在与社会意识之间的辩证关系,同时着重阐明了上层建筑领域诸因素对经济基础具有的反作用.坚持这一原理,对我国的社会主义精神文明建设事业具有十分重要的理论与现实意义,同时也给我们执政党的自身建设工作以颇多宝贵的启示.  相似文献   

The war against terrorism has brought Somalia, a country located in a key strategic region, back onto the radar of US and Western security concerns. Following a vicious civil war, a failed peace support operation and several attempts to start a peace process, lawless Somalia, a country without government, has gained the potential to be exploited as a terrorist base. Although this country in the Horn of Africa does not represent a direct and immediate threat to the US or its Western allies, its potential to destabilize the region is extremely high. This article offers an analysis of Somalia's potential to become a ground for terrorist activities and suggests a two-track approach. On the one hand, US foreign and security policy in Somalia needs to be more assertive; on the other, the only way to prevent Somalia from becoming a fertile ground for international terrorist groups is to help stabilize the country. In order to achieve this objective, it is crucial to adopt any initiative aimed at strengthening Somalia's civil society.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,放火骗保案件时有发生,且此类火灾造成巨大的破坏性,往往给案件侦破带来极大的困难。通过介绍一起放火骗保案件的侦破过程及相关证据的分析,探讨了公安消防部门调查此类案件应注意的问题。  相似文献   

20世纪 90年代是“东突”恐怖势力发展最为迅速、活动最猖獗的时期 ,恐怖分子组织、策划了一系列爆炸、暗杀、纵火、投毒、袭击等恐怖暴力事件 ,严重危害了国家安全和各族人民群众的生命财产安全。本文追溯了“东突”恐怖势力的渊源 ,分析了其恐怖手段、袭击对象、组织、活动范围、训练等方面的特点 ,阐述了我国政府打击“东突”恐怖势力的主要对策。  相似文献   

Robert S. McNamara [and Brian Van De Mark,] In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam, NewYork:NewYork Times Books, Random House, 1995. Pp.xviii + 414. $27.50. ISBN 08129–2523–8.  相似文献   

现代无线通信应用对FFT计算吞吐率与灵活性需求越来越高,针对传统方案实现FFT计算时难以兼顾性能与灵活性的问题,提出一种应用定制指令集可重构结构ASRA,实现了FFT算法在该结构上的映射优化。ASRA在静态多发射处理器内紧耦合应用定制的混合粒度可重构硬件作为扩展功能单元簇,通过运行时重构动态切换扩展指令集。ASRA采用多体便笺存储器、多端口便笺管理单元及可重构互连构成片上缓存系统,结合多体并行访问、循环级乒乓交替、读/写流水化等技术有效提高了访存带宽;静态多发射和运行时语境管理机制支持核心循环的硬件自动流水执行和软流水执行,开发了指令级、数据级和循环级等多层次并行性。实验结果表明,ASRA大幅提升了FFT计算吞吐率,且支持的FFT计算参数更加灵活,而增加的面积开销相对较小。  相似文献   

进入20世纪90年代末,由于韩国经济的复苏,偷渡目的指向韩国呈高发势头.要有效开展反偷渡工作,遏制不良势头的发展,要认真研究典型偷渡案例,对中国朝鲜族公民口岸偷渡活动进行背景分析、剖析成因,以及时采取防打对策.  相似文献   

围绕人才在我国社会主义现代化建设中的重要作用和我国人才资源短缺、失衡和浪费的现状 ,阐述了充分开发和利用人才资源的紧迫性 ;从更新观念、振兴教育、充分利用国外人才、建立科学的人才管理体制和完善人才激励机制等方面 ,阐述了充分开发和利用人才资源的对策。  相似文献   

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