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目前,在警卫工作中防范爆炸恐怖袭击还处于一种被动状态.如何防范针对警卫对象和警卫目标的爆炸恐怖袭击,确保绝对安全,是亟待进行研究和探讨的重要课题.针对爆炸恐怖袭击的特点,从技术层面分析论述了防范思路及对策.  相似文献   

社会的发展给警卫工作带来了新的课题.如何在确保警卫对象安全的前提下树立社会化理念,整合资源,降低警卫成本,创新社会化大警卫的新模式是警卫改革的主流和趋势.  相似文献   

重大活动警卫工作头绪多、任务重、影响大,面临的恐怖袭击风险高。警卫部门必须清醒认识当前反恐形势的严峻性,认真研究重大活动警卫工作的反恐防范措施:完善情报工作机制,实现预警预控;强化社会治安综合整治,夯实警卫基础工作;严格各项警卫安全措施,确保绝对安全;加强反恐力量建设,增强反恐处突能力;加强国际合作,借鉴其他国家的先进经验。  相似文献   

中央八项规定的出台给警卫工作带来了前所未有的挑战,即:减少“硬性”控制措施,能否经得起严峻安全形势的考验,确保警卫安全;接受公众和舆论的监督,能否提交合格“答卷”,展示警卫部队的良好形象。同时,中央八项规定也为推动警卫工作模式创新、警卫战斗力建设、警卫工作立法、警卫工作理念和作风转变提供了难得的机遇。  相似文献   

潜水技术的迅速普及,给水下安全带来隐患,包括我国在内的许多国家正在密切关注水下安全,并尝试将潜水技术应用到警务工作中。介绍潜水的应用历史,探讨潜水技术在警卫工作中的应用、警卫潜水人员的武器和装备、警卫潜水人员的选拔与培训等问题。  相似文献   

核生化武器在非战场上被恐怖分子使用,已引起各国政府和民众的极大关注.警卫人员如何面对核生化恐怖活动的严重威胁,确保警卫对象的绝对安全,是摆在我们面前的一个刻不容缓的新课题.论述了核生化恐怖袭击的概念和特点、处置核生化恐怖袭击的特点,以及如何提高警卫部队处置核生化恐怖袭击综合能力.  相似文献   

黑社会性质犯罪是目前我国最危险的一种犯罪方式,对我国社会稳定和公众安全构成极大威胁,给警卫工作埋下严重隐患,亟待引起各级公安警卫部门的高度重视.探讨黑社会性质犯罪对警卫工作的影响及其防范措施.  相似文献   

随着国际国内形势的变化,特别是国际恐怖主义活动日趋猖獗,给警卫工作带来了潜在威胁.只有树立"大警卫"思想,建立高效统一的指挥机构,互通信息,调动各方力量,才能确保警卫工作处于主动,随时应付各类突发事件.  相似文献   

当前,国内暴力恐怖袭击事件呈多发态势,给社会和人民生命财产安全带来极大危害。公安边防部队作为一支维护边境地区安全稳定的重要武装力量,应高度重视在应对暴力恐怖袭击工作中存在的突出问题,从适应处突任务实际出发,树立临战观念,拓宽信息渠道,强化机制建设,优化力量体系,增加硬件投入,加强警种互动,不断加强专业研究和实战化训练,努力提高应对暴力恐怖袭击事件的能力。  相似文献   

在考察我国警卫工作改进历程的基础上,对警卫工作改进进行了深入思考。提出我国警卫工作改进始终坚持“既要保证安全,又不脱离群众”这一主题;始终坚持党委和政府的领导,坚持制度化、规范化建设;体现在路线警卫工作、住地警卫工作和现场警卫工作三个方面。  相似文献   

Using the Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria as a point of departure, this paper examines the implications of the operations of terrorist groups on the security and stability of states in West Africa. It predominantly utilises secondary sources of data. Findings indicate that the membership and operations of this terrorist group are spreading across the sub-region. This spread is consequent upon Boko Haram's collaboration with other terrorist groups within West Africa and beyond. This constitutes threats to the security and stability of states in the sub-region. Thus, the paper recommends, among other things: a thorough understanding of the operational strategies of terrorist groups by states and those involved in security policymaking in the sub-region; and for agreements to be reached among Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member states and their governments for collaboration in various areas in order to curtail transnational crime and terrorism, and reduce socio-economic inequality that generates aggressive behaviours among the less privileged.  相似文献   

极端民族宗教分裂势力恐怖活动已严重危害我国领土主权完整、威胁社会政治稳定,对国家安全构成严重威胁,必须采取相应对策予以打击。  相似文献   

长期以来,新疆恐怖活动组织与"三股势力"相勾结,制造了多起恐怖活动事件,给新疆边境地区的安全与稳定带来了严重威胁。为此,针对新疆边境地区的特殊性以及恐怖活动的态势,分析了恐怖活动对新疆边境地区的影响,从提升反恐的主动发现能力、加强情报预警工作、加强防范措施的严密性等方面提出了遏制新疆恐怖活动的对策。  相似文献   

The war against terrorism has brought Somalia, a country located in a key strategic region, back onto the radar of US and Western security concerns. Following a vicious civil war, a failed peace support operation and several attempts to start a peace process, lawless Somalia, a country without government, has gained the potential to be exploited as a terrorist base. Although this country in the Horn of Africa does not represent a direct and immediate threat to the US or its Western allies, its potential to destabilize the region is extremely high. This article offers an analysis of Somalia's potential to become a ground for terrorist activities and suggests a two-track approach. On the one hand, US foreign and security policy in Somalia needs to be more assertive; on the other, the only way to prevent Somalia from becoming a fertile ground for international terrorist groups is to help stabilize the country. In order to achieve this objective, it is crucial to adopt any initiative aimed at strengthening Somalia's civil society.  相似文献   

Since the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, the continent of Africa, particularly Greater East Africa, has played an increasingly signifi cant role in United States (US) national security strategy. Transnational security threats and political authoritarianism continue to plague the region, creating calls for greater US and international involvement. Before reacting to the situation, however, it is prudent to pause, reflect, and understand that the United States developed strategic relations with nation-states in the region well before contemporary concerns for international terrorism and ungoverned spaces entered the strategic lexicon. Toward a more comprehensive understanding of Greater East Africa's strategic history, this paper examines the core strategic relationship in the region, US-Kenya relations, its origins and implications, and offers policy recommendations that will affect future international security.  相似文献   

新疆边境地区的社会治安稳定关系到整个新疆乃至全国的安全稳定。当前,影响新疆边境地区稳定的因素较多,主要有境内外极端势力的暴力恐怖活动、经济发展不平衡、周边国家局势不稳等等。在新疆边境地区的维稳工作中,情报基础工作是前提和先导,对于维护新疆边境地区的稳定具有重要的作用。新疆边境地区维稳情报基础工作包括情报的收集、传递、核查、研判。当前,随着公安信息化建设不断深入和情报主导警务战略的全面实施,新疆边境地区维稳情报基础工作应成为维稳工作的常态化内容,在维稳工作中得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

The Paris terrorist attacks in January and November 2015 have changed the relationship between French society and security. For the first time since the end of the Second World War, the assumption that France is experiencing a new form of territorial war is explicit in the public debate. It has reinforced the strong conviction among the French politicians and diplomats that security requires close cooperation with the USA and a renouncement of the Gaullist paradigm of exceptionalism. This paper analyses why the terrorist attacks have been perceived in France as a form of territorial war. Second, it explains why terrorism contributes to a growing mistrust of the French public vis-à-vis the European Union. Finally, it shows the reasons but also the limits of French military activism outside Europe, in close connection with the US-led strategy.  相似文献   

The terrorist attacks in France and Belgium of 2015–2016 that occurred while these countries were in a heightened state of alert raise questions about indications and warning methodology as well as effectiveness of the blanket-protection deployment of security services assisted even by the military. Response and perhaps even more anticipation may require strategic rethinking in light of the predatory attacks that target the most vulnerable spots of the public space. This study looks at threat analysis in Belgium as conducted through her intelligence fusion centre Coordination Unit for Threat Analysis (CUTA)?????? since its inception in 2006. With a special focus on what is known, at the time of writing, about the terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels, this study hopes to put into context how the system (mal)functions and will also consider the preventive measures that respond to the threat, and the international aspects which have implications far beyond Belgian borders. Therefore, a case is made for not just a Belgian homeland security framework, but one that fits into an EU-wide security concept.  相似文献   

恐怖犯罪已经成为当代世界各国十分关注的重大问题。公安警卫部门应研究和探索恐怖犯罪的规律和特点 ,超前预防 ,采取万无一失的对策 ,切实防止恐怖犯罪对警卫对象和警卫目标的侵害。  相似文献   

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