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This article develops optimal accelerated life test designs for Burr Type XII distributions under periodic inspection and Type I censoring. It is assumed that the mean lifetime (the Burr XII scale parameter) is a log-linear function of stress and that the shape parameters are independent of stress. For given shape parameters, design stress and high test stress, the test design is optimized with respect to the low test stress and the proportion of test units allocated to the low stress. The optimality criterion is the asymptotic variance of the maximum-likelihood estimator of log mean life at the design stress with the use of equally spaced inspection times. Computational results for various values of the shape parameters show that this criterion is insensitive to the number of inspection times and to misspecification of imputed failure probabilities at the design and high test stresses. Procedures for planning an accelerated life test, including selection of sample size, are also discussed. It is shown that optimal designs previously obtained for exponential and Weibull distributions are similar to those obtained here for the appropriate special cases of the Burr XII distribution. Thus the Burr XII distribution is a useful and widely applicable family of reliability models for ALT design. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

It is sometimes reasonable to assume that the lifetime distribution of an item belongs to a certain parametric family, and that actual parameter values depend upon the testing environment of the item. In the two-parameter Weibull family setting, suppose both the shape and scale parameters are expressible as functions of the testing environment. For various models of functional dependency on environment, maximum likelihood methods are used to estimate characteristics of interest at specified environmental levels. The methodology presented handles exact, censored, and grouped data. A detailed accelerated life testing analysis of stress-rupture data for Kevlar/epoxy composites is given.  相似文献   

The present study considers the design of an optimal life test plan with Type I censoring in the case where only one testing machine is available and a machine tests items sequentially as seen in fatigue life tests of metallic materials. Under the condition that the life test is conducted in a fixed censoring time and with a fixed number of test items, a method for determining the censoring time and the number of test items is proposed from the Bayesian point of view. The proposed method is also applied to the Weibull life distribution with a known shape parameter.  相似文献   

For the case where the lifetime at a stress level has a Weibull distribution, statistically optimal and practical accelerated life test plans are developed under the assumptions of intermittent inspection and Type-I censoring. For a statistically optimal plan the low stress level, the proportion of test units allocated, and the inspection times are determined such that the asymptotic variance of the maximum-likelihood estimator of a certain quantile at the use condition is minimized. Although the practical plan adopts the same design criterion, it involves three rather than two overstress levels and easily calculated inspection schemes. Despite some loss in efficiency the practical plan has several advantages over the statistically optimal one. For instance, the practical plan can provide means for checking the validity of the assumptions made, may reduce the danger of extrapolation, and is more convenient to determine and implement. Computational experiments are conducted to evaluate the relative efficiency of a practical plan to the corresponding statistically optimal plan. Guidelines for selecting an appropriate practical plan are also described with an example.  相似文献   

Least squares estimators of the parameters of the generalized Eyring Model are obtained by using data from censored life tests conducted at several accelerated environments. These estimators are obtained after establishing that the Gauss-Markov conditions for least squares estimation are satisfied. Confidence intervals for the hazard rate at use conditions are obtained after empirically showing that the logarithm of the estimate of the hazard rate at use conditions is approximately normally distributed. The coverage probabilities of the confidence intervals are also verified by a Monte Carlo experiment. The techniques are illustrated by an application to some real data.  相似文献   

We present a new approach for inference from accelerated life tests. Our approach is based on a dynamic general linear model setup which arises naturally from the accelerated life-testing problem and uses linear Bayesian methods for inference. The advantage of the procedure is that it does not require large numbers of items to be tested and that it can deal with both censored and uncensored data. We illustrate the use of our approach with some actual accelerated life-test data. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Most of the previous works on designing accelerated life test plans were concerned with the case where a single stress is employed for acceleration. In this article we develop optimal accelerated life test plans when two stresses are involved with possible interaction between them. The lifetimes of test items are assumed to follow an exponential distribution, the mean of which depends on the stresses according to the generalized Eyring law. A factorial arrangement of test points is considered for an efficient utilization of equipment, and the low level of each stress and the proportion of test items allocated to each test point are determined such that the asymptotic variance of the maximum-likelihood estimator of the mean lifetime at the use condition or of an acceleration factor is minimized. Patterns of optimal plans are identified and their efficiencies are compared with the corresponding single-stress accelerated life test plans. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

For the exponentially distributed lifetimes, optimal accelerated life test plans are determined under the assumptions of periodic inspection and Type I censoring. Computational results indicate that for the range of parameter values considered the asymptotic variance of the estimated mean or pth quantile at the use stress is not sensitive to the number of inspections at overstress levels. Senstivity analyses are also conducted to see how senstive the asymptotic variance of the estimated mean is with respect to the uncertainties involved in the guessed failure probabilities at the use and high stress levels. Computational results show that moderate deviations (several tens of percents) of the guessed failure probabilities from their true values are fairly tolerable in terms of the relative amount of increase in the asymptotic variance of the estimated mean. Procedures for selecting a sample size and for determining whether or not to conduct an accelerated life test are also discussed.  相似文献   

We consider optimal test plans involving life distributions with failure‐free life, i.e., where there is an unknown threshold parameter below which no failure will occur. These distributions do not satisfy the regularity conditions and thus the usual approach of using the Fisher information matrix to obtain an optimal accelerated life testing (ALT) plan cannot be applied. In this paper, we assume that lifetime follows a two‐parameter exponential distribution and the stress‐life relationship is given by the inverse power law model. Near‐optimal test plans for constant‐stress ALT under both failure‐censoring and time‐censoring are obtained. We first obtain unbiased estimates for the parameters and give the approximate variance of these estimates for both failure‐censored and time‐censored data. Using these results, the variance for the approximate unbiased estimate of a percentile at a design stress is computed and then minimized to produce the near‐optimal plan. Finally, a numerical example is presented together with simulation results to study the accuracy of the approximate variance given by the proposed plan and show that it outperforms the equal‐allocation plan. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 169–186, 1999  相似文献   

Many techniques of forecasting are based upon extrapolation from time series. While such techniques have useful applications, they entail strong assumptions which are not explicitly enunciated. Furthermore, the time series approach not based on an indigenous forecast principle. The first attack from the present point of view was initiated by S. S. Wilks. Of particular interest over a wide range of operational situations in reliability, for example, is the behavior of the extremes of the Weibull and Gumbel distributions. Here we formulate forecasters for the minima of various forms of these distributions. The forecasters are determined for minimization in mean square of the distance. From n original observations the forecaster provides the minimum of the next m observations when the original distribution is maintained. For each of the forecasters developed, tables of efficiency have been calculated and included in the appendix. An explicit example has been included for one of the forecasters. Its performance has been demonstrated by the use of Monte Carlo technique. The results indicate that the forecaster can be used in practice with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Accelerated life testing (ALT) is commonly used to obtain reliability information about a product in a timely manner. Several stress loading designs have been proposed and recent research interests have emerged concerning the development of equivalent ALT plans. Step‐stress ALT (SSALT) is one of the most commonly used stress loadings because it usually shortens the test duration and reduces the number of required test units. This article considers two fundamental questions when designing a SSALT and provides formal proofs in answer to each. Namely: (1) can a simple SSALT be designed so that it is equivalent to other stress loading designs? (2) when optimizing a multilevel SSALT, does it degenerate to a simple SSALT plan? The answers to both queries, under certain reasonable model assumptions, are shown to be a qualified YES. In addition, we provide an argument to support the rationale of a common practice in designing a SSALT, that is, setting the higher stress level as high as possible in a SSALT plan. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   

This paper considers the statistical analysis of masked data in a series system, where the components are assumed to have Marshall‐Olkin Weibull distribution. Based on type‐I progressive hybrid censored and masked data, we derive the maximum likelihood estimates, approximate confidence intervals, and bootstrap confidence intervals of unknown parameters. As the maximum likelihood estimate does not exist for small sample size, Gibbs sampling is used to obtain the Bayesian estimates and Monte Carlo method is employed to construct the credible intervals based on Jefferys prior with partial information. Numerical simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods and one data set is analyzed.  相似文献   

This article presents new tools and methods for finding optimum step‐stress accelerated life test plans. First, we present an approach to calculate the large‐sample approximate variance of the maximum likelihood estimator of a quantile of the failure time distribution at use conditions from a step‐stress accelerated life test. The approach allows for multistep stress changes and censoring for general log‐location‐scale distributions based on a cumulative exposure model. As an application of this approach, the optimum variance is studied as a function of shape parameter for both Weibull and lognormal distributions. Graphical comparisons among test plans using step‐up, step‐down, and constant‐stress patterns are also presented. The results show that depending on the values of the model parameters and quantile of interest, each of the three test plans can be preferable in terms of optimum variance. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   

Mixed censoring is useful extension of Type I and Type II censoring and combines some advantages of both types of censoring. This paper proposes a general Bayesian framework for designing a variable acceptance sampling scheme with mixed censoring. A general loss function which includes the sampling cost, the time‐consuming cost, the salvage value, and the decision loss is employed to determine the Bayes risk and the corresponding optimal sampling plan. An explicit expression of the Bayes risk is derived. The new model can easily be adapted to create life testing models for different distributions. Specifically, two commonly used distributions including the exponential distribution and the Weibull distribution are considered with a special decision loss function. We demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to models with Type I or Type II censoring. Numerical examples are reported to illustrate the effectiveness of the method proposed. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   

Chen and Bhattacharyya [Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring, Commun Statist Theory Methods 17 (1988), 1857–1870] considered a hybrid censoring scheme and obtained the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the mean of an exponential distribution along with an exact lower confidence bound. Childs et al. [Exact likelihood inference based on Type‐I and Type‐II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution, Ann Inst Statist Math 55 (2003), 319–330] recently derived an alternative simpler expression for the distribution of the MLE. These authors also proposed a new hybrid censoring scheme and derived similar results for the exponential model. In this paper, we propose two generalized hybrid censoring schemes which have some advantages over the hybrid censoring schemes already discussed in the literature. We then derive the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator as well as exact confidence intervals for the mean of the exponential distribution under these generalized hybrid censoring schemes. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   

By running life tests at higher stress levels than normal operating conditions, accelerated life testing (ALT) quickly yields information on the lifetime distribution of a test unit. The lifetime at the design stress is then estimated through extrapolation using a regression model. In constant‐stress testing, a unit is tested at a fixed stress level until failure or the termination time point of test, whereas step‐stress testing allows the experimenter to gradually increase the stress levels at some prefixed time points during the test. In this work, the optimal k‐level constant‐stress and step‐stress ALTs are compared for the exponential failure data under complete sampling and Type‐I censoring. The objective is to quantify the advantage of using the step‐stress testing relative to the constant‐stress one. Assuming a log‐linear life–stress relationship with the cumulative exposure model for the effect of changing stress in step‐stress testing, the optimal design points are determined under C/D/A‐optimality criteria. The efficiency of step‐stress testing to constant‐stress one is then discussed in terms of the ratio of optimal objective functions based on the information matrix. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 00: 000–000, 2013  相似文献   

An empirical Bayes estimator is given for the scale parameter in the two-parameter Weibull distribution. The scale parameter is assumed to vary randomly throughout a sequence of experiments according to a common, but unknown, prior distribution. The shape parameter is assumed to be known, however, it may be different in each experiment. The estimator is obtained by means of a continuous approximation to the unknown prior density function. Results from Monte Carlo simulation are reported which show that the estimator has smaller mean-squared errors than the usual maximum-likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

It is important for applied statisticians to know if data that can be described by the Weibull distribution can also be described by the normal distribution. Some investigations have been published on this subject. In this article, we review the results in papers related to the above problem. Next, we define the mean hazard rate. We then investigate the properties of the mean hazard rate for the Weibull distribution and the normal distribution, respectively. Finally, we discuss the method of approximating the normal distribution by the Weibull distribution using the mean hazard rate.  相似文献   

Modern technology is producing high reliability products. Life testing for such products under normal use condition takes a lot of time to obtain a reasonable number of failures. In this situation a step‐stress procedure is preferred for accelerated life testing. In this paper we assume a Weibull and Lognormal model whose scale parameter depends upon the present level as well as the age at the entry in the present stress level. On the basis of that we propose a parametric model to the life distribution for step‐stress testing and suggest a suitable design to estimate the parameters involved in the model. A simulation study has been done by the proposed model based on maximum likelihood estimation. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   

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