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为了研究舰空导弹武器系统不同的射击任务、射击种类对其可靠性的影响,提出舰空导弹武器系统作战使用可靠性基本模型,分别对单火力通道、多火力通道舰空导弹系统以不同射击种类、作战方式使用时的战斗使用可靠度进行了详细分析,可以选择不同的射击种类和火力分配方案提高系统战斗使用可靠性。  相似文献   

The behaviour of a standby redundant complex system under imperfect switch-over devices with general waiting and repair time distributions for both types of components has been studied. The Laplace transform of various state probabilities have been derived. A particular case has also been discussed.  相似文献   

建立了一种可实时评价系统使用可用性的过程仿真模型,并用一案例说明了其应用.  相似文献   

Following a review of the basic ideas in structural reliability, including signature‐based representation and preservation theorems for systems whose components have independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) lifetimes, extensions that apply to the comparison of coherent systems of different sizes, and stochastic mixtures of them, are obtained. It is then shown that these results may be extended to vectors of exchangeable random lifetimes. In particular, for arbitrary systems of sizes m < n with exchangeable component lifetimes, it is shown that the distribution of an m‐component system's lifetime can be written as a mixture of the distributions of k‐out‐of‐n systems. When the system has n components, the vector of coefficients in this mixture representation is precisely the signature of the system defined in Samaniego, IEEE Trans Reliabil R–34 (1985) 69–72. These mixture representations are then used to obtain new stochastic ordering properties for coherent or mixed systems of different sizes. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   

针对某变质量热力系统的性能可靠性受多指标综合影响的问题,使用了一种基于 Monte Carlo 仿真的系统性能可靠性分析方法对该系统进行了可靠性分析。首先,选取系统的性能失效特征量作为载荷末速度和最大加速度,并确定了其失效标准;然后,阐述了系统中部件———调节阀开度的退化规律。在此基础上,对系统的性能可靠性进行了仿真分析,得到了系统性能失效特征量的故障概率密度及性能可靠度。仿真结果表明:随着部件性能参数的退化,系统性能可靠性逐渐降低。  相似文献   

This paper develops bounds on the uncertainties in system availabilities or reliabilities which have been computed from structural (series, parallel, etc.) relations among uncertain subsystem availabilities or reliabilities. It is assumed that the highly available (reliable) subsystems have been tested or simulated to determine their unavailabilities (unreliabilities) to within some small percentages of uncertainty. It is shown that series, parallel and r out of n structures which are nominally highly available will have unavailability uncertainties whose percentages errors are of the same order as the subsystem uncertainties. Thus overall system analysis errors, even for large systems, are of the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties in the component probabilities. Both systematic (bias type) uncertainties and independent random uncertainties are considered.  相似文献   

Consider the problem of estimating the reliability of a series system of (possibly) repairable subsystems when test data and historical information are available at the component, subsystem, and system levels. Such a problem is well suited to a Bayesian approach. Martz, Waller, and Fickas [Technometrics, 30 , 143–154 (1988)] presented a Bayesian procedure that accommodates pass/fail (binomial) data at any level. However, other types of test data are often available, including (a) lifetimes of nonrepayable components, and (b) repair histories for repairable subsystems. In this article we describe a new Bayesian procedure that accommodates pass/fail, life, and repair data at any level. We assume a Weibull model for the life data, a censored Weibull model for the pass/fail data, and a power-law process model for the repair data. Consequently, the test data at each level can be represented by a two-parameter likelihood function of a certain form, and historical information can be expressed using a conjugate family of prior distributions. We discuss computational issues, and use the procedure to analyze the reliability of a vehicle system. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

One approach to evaluating system reliability is the use of system based component test plans. Such plans have numerous advantages over complete system level tests, primarily in terms of time and cost savings. This paper considers one of the two basic building blocks of many complex systems, namely a system of n parallel components, and develops minimum cost component test plans for evaluating the reliability of such a system when the component reliabilities are known to be high. Two different decision rules are considered and the corresponding optimization problems are formulated and solved using techniques from mathematical programming. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44 : 401–418, 1997  相似文献   

在讨论了网络系统可靠性计算难题的基础上,以满足工程实际的精度需要并减少分析计算工作量为目标,对现有的4种近似估算网络系统可靠性的方法进行了分析,指出了各种方法产生误差的原因,定性分析了有关方法为减少误差所采取措施的合理性。针对2种不同复杂程度的典型网络系统,通过数值算例,给出了单元可靠度不同情形下的系统可靠度计算值;与精确算法对比之后,得到了量化的误差.基于对各方法的工作量和误差的综合分析,给出了具有工程指导意义的建议.  相似文献   

基于Markov模型对航天测控通信系统进行可靠性分析的过程中,若系统中测控通信设备数量较多,模型中的状态空间随设备数量呈指数增长,将会导致数值计算困难.提出了一种基于Krylov子空间技术的可靠性分析方法,将大规模问题投影至小规模子空间中,求得问题的近似解.实验结果证明,Krylov子空间方法的计算速度及精度优于Ross方法和前向Euler法(forward Euler method,FEM).  相似文献   

A system reliability is often evaluated by individual tests of components that constitute the system. These component test plans have advantages over complete system based tests in terms of time and cost. In this paper, we consider the series system with n components, where the lifetime of the i‐th component follows exponential distribution with parameter λi. Assuming test costs for the components are different, we develop an efficient algorithm to design a two‐stage component test plan that satisfies the usual probability requirements on the system reliability and in addition minimizes the maximum expected cost. For the case of prior information in the form of upper bounds on λi's, we use the genetic algorithm to solve the associated optimization problems which are otherwise difficult to solve using mathematical programming techniques. The two‐stage component test plans are cost effective compared to single‐stage plans developed by Rajgopal and Mazumdar. We demonstrate through several numerical examples that our approach has the potential to reduce the overall testing costs significantly. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 95–116, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.1051  相似文献   

设备的性能总是随着工作时间的增加而退化,但退化的速度是随机的,含有性能退化设备的热力系统在特定的使用阶段上,能否定成预定任务,对设备使用和维修管理决策至关重要。在船舶蒸汽动力系统中,设备本身性能储备、冗余和互备的工作方式以及多样化的设备特征参数,导致按照传统的可靠性计算方法直接解算系统的多阶段任务可靠度十分困难。为此,以朗肯循环的典型设备所构成的热力系统为例,基于设备性能退化模型和朗肯循环的热力模型,采用Monte Carlo仿真方法分析了典型系统的多阶段任务可靠度。研究表明:该方法能够解决具有设备性能退化特点的复杂热力系统的任务可靠性分析问题。  相似文献   

智能战争是未来战争的主要形态,人工智能技术对于未来军事科技发展具有重要意义。本文回顾人工智能技术的起源与演变,分析相关技术在作战保障领域的国内外应用现状,归纳当前技术发展存在的主要问题,探讨人工智能技术未来可能的技术突破点和在作战保障领域的典型应用场景,旨在为作战保障技术与装备的智能化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The malaise that the United States, and the West, have experienced in recent campaigns stems in large part from unclear thinking about war, its political essence, and the strategies needed to join the two. Instead, analysis and response are predicated on entrenched theoretical concepts with limited practical utility. The inadequacy of understanding has spawned new, and not so new, terms to capture unanticipated trends, starting with the re-discovery of “insurgency” and “counterinsurgency” and leading to discussion of “hybrid threats” and “gray-zone” operations. New terminology can help, but the change must go deeper. Challenging analytical orthodoxy, this article sets out a unifying approach for the study of political violence, or more accurately: violent politics. It provides a conceptual foundation that helps to make sense of recent shifts in warfare. In effect, it offers sorely needed theoretical insights into the nature of strategy and guides the process of responding to nontraditional threats.  相似文献   

We consider a production system comprising multiple stations (or workshops) such as an entry station, a set of work stations, a central station, and an exit station, which are arranged in a general configuration. A worker (or a vehicle tool) is assigned to each station, who sends a part from the station to the destination station according to the required process path of the part. Any part is allowed to visit a work station more than once if its process path requires. We propose a new control strategy with the push policy for instructing each worker to send a part and the kanban mechanism for controlling the work‐in‐process (WIP) in each work station. As all work stations have limited local buffers, the central station is used for storing blocked parts temporarily. Such a production system is modeled as an open queueing network in a general configuration with a Markovian part sending policy and a machine no blocking mechanism. The queueing network is analytically characterized. Some important performance measures are compared with other control strategies. A semi‐open decomposition approach is applied to the queueing network for computing the blocking probabilities when parts arrive at the work stations. An algorithm is developed based on the semi‐open decomposition approach. Numerical experiments show the quality of the solutions obtained by the algorithm as well as a property of a performance measure. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 128–143, 2001  相似文献   

房苏杭  姬洪涛 《国防科技》2017,38(1):023-027
美国十分重视地下空间的作战运用,已建成了一批先进的地下指挥防护工程体系与军民结合的地下工程。美国地下空间的作战运用较晚,但发展较快,一些重要城市地下空间的大规模开发与利用,为战时地下空间的作战运用奠定了物质基础。文章研究了美具有代表性的战略指挥防护工程,深入分析美国地下空间的运用特点和发展趋势,对我国地下空间利用具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The signature of a system with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) component lifetimes is a vector whose ith element is the probability that the ith component failure is fatal to the system. System signatures have been found to be quite useful tools in the study and comparison of engineered systems. In this article, the theory of system signatures is extended to versions of signatures applicable in dynamic reliability settings. It is shown that, when a working used system is inspected at time t and it is noted that precisely k failures have occurred, the vector s [0,1]nk whose jth element is the probability that the (k + j)th component failure is fatal to the system, for j = 1,2,2026;,nk, is a distribution‐free measure of the design of the residual system. Next, known representation and preservation theorems for system signatures are generalized to dynamic versions. Two additional applications of dynamic signatures are studied in detail. The well‐known “new better than used” (NBU) property of aging systems is extended to a uniform (UNBU) version, which compares systems when new and when used, conditional on the known number of failures. Sufficient conditions are given for a system to have the UNBU property. The application of dynamic signatures to the engineering practice of “burn‐in” is also treated. Specifically, we consider the comparison of new systems with working used systems burned‐in to a given ordered component failure time. In a reliability economics framework, we illustrate how one might compare a new system to one successfully burned‐in to the kth component failure, and we identify circumstances in which burn‐in is inferior (or is superior) to the fielding of a new system. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   

This article defines and develops a simulation optimization system based upon response surface classification and the integration of multiple search strategies. Response surfaces are classified according to characteristics that indicate which search technique will be most successful. Typical surface characteristics include statistical measures and topological features, while search techniques encompass response surface methodology, simulated annealing, random search, etc. The classify-then-search process flow and a knowledge-based architecture are developed and then demonstrated with a detailed computer example. The system is useful not only as an approach to optimizing simulations, but also as a means for integrating search techniques and thereby providing the user with the most promising path toward an optimal solution. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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