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A “circulating system” is a finite collection of objects, each of which is oscillaling between two states. The prototype system is that of ships on patrcl,each subject to a quasi-regular “duty-service” cycle. There are various restrictions on the time spent in either state by an object and on the number of objects in a state at any one time. Schedules are sought in which the total number in one state is as large and as constant as possible. The maximal average number in one state is calculated, and a necessary and sufficient condition is given for a schedule to achieve it. Procedures are developed for constructing a schedule which achieves the maximal average in the most constant manner.  相似文献   

We present a branch‐and‐price technique for optimal staff scheduling with multiple rest breaks, meal break, and break windows. We devise and implement specialized branching rules suitable for solving the set covering type formulation implicitly, using column generation. Our methodology is more widely applicable and computationally superior to the alternative methods in the literature. We tested our methodology on 365 test problems involving between 1728 and 86400 shift variations, and 20 demand patterns. In a direct comparison with an alternative method, our approach yields significant improvements both in cpu time and in the number of problem instances solved to optimality. The improvements were particularly marked for problems involving larger numbers of feasible shifts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 185–200, 2000  相似文献   

We study linear programming models that contain transportation constraints in their formulation. Typically, these models have a multistage nature and the transportation constraints together with the associated flow variables are used to achieve consistency between consecutive stages. We describe how to reformulate these models by projecting out the flow variables. The reformulation can be more desirable since it has fewer variables and can be solved faster. We apply these ideas to reformulate two well‐known workforce staffing and scheduling problems: the shift scheduling problem and the tour scheduling problem. We also present computational results. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   

This contribution acquaints the reader with a model for multilevel single-machine proportional lot sizing and scheduling problems (PLSPs) that appear in the scope of short-term production planning. It is one of the first articles that deals with dynamic capacitated multilevel lot sizing and scheduling, which is of great practical importance. The PLSP model refines well-known mixed-integer programming formulations for dynamic capacitated lot sizing and scheduling as, for instance, the DLSP or the CSLP. A special emphasis is given on a new method called demand shuffle to solve multilevel PLSP instances efficiently but suboptimally. Although the basic idea is very simple, it becomes clear that in the presence of precedence and capacity constraints many nontrivial details are to be concerned. Computational studies show that the presented approach decidedly improves recent results. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 44: 319–340, 1997  相似文献   

In this article, we seek to understand how a capacity‐constrained seller optimally prices and schedules product shipping to customers who are heterogeneous on willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to wait (WTW). The capacity‐constrained seller does not observe each customer's WTP and WTW and knows only the aggregate distributions of WTP and WTW. The seller's problem is modeled as an M/M/Ns queueing model with multiclass customers and multidimensional information screening. We contribute to the literature by providing an optimal and efficient algorithm. Furthermore, we numerically find that customers with a larger waiting cost enjoys a higher scheduling priority, but customers with higher valuation do not necessarily get a higher scheduling priority. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 215–227, 2015  相似文献   

To location Li we are to allocate a “generator” and ni “machines” for i = 1, …,k, where n1n1 ≧ … ≧ nk. Although the generators and machines function independently of one another, a machine is operable only if it and the generator at its location are functioning. The problem we consider is that of finding the arrangement or allocation optimizing the number of operable machines. We show that if the objective is to maximize the expected number of operable machines at some future time, then it is best to allocate the best generator and the n1 best machines to location L1, the second-best generator and the n2-next-best machines to location L2, etc. However, this arrangement is not always stochastically optimal. For the case of two generators we give a necessary and sufficient condition that this arrangement is stochastically best, and illustrate the result with several examples.  相似文献   

Burn‐in is a widely used method to improve the quality of products or systems after they have been produced. In this paper, we study burn‐in procedure for a system that is maintained under periodic inspection and perfect repair policy. Assuming that the underlying lifetime distribution of a system has an initially decreasing and/or eventually increasing failure rate function, we derive upper and lower bounds for the optimal burn‐in time, which maximizes the system availability. Furthermore, adopting an age replacement policy, we derive upper and lower bounds for the optimal age parameter of the replacement policy for each fixed burn‐in time and a uniform upper bound for the optimal burn‐in time given the age replacement policy. These results can be used to reduce the numerical work for determining both optimal burn‐in time and optimal replacement policy. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   

Environmentally friendly energy resources open a new opportunity to tackle the problem of energy security and climate change arising from wide use of fossil fuels. This paper focuses on optimizing the allocation of the energy generated by the renewable energy system to minimize the total electricity cost for sustainable manufacturing systems under time‐of‐use tariff by clipping the peak demand. A rolling horizon approach is adopted to handle the uncertainty caused by the weather change. A nonlinear mathematical programming model is established for each decision epoch based on the predicted energy generation and the probability distribution of power demand in the manufacturing plant. The objective function of the model is shown to be convex, Lipchitz‐continuous, and subdifferentiable. A generalized benders decomposition method based on the primal‐dual subgradient descent algorithm is proposed to solve the model. A series of numerical experiments is conducted to show the effectiveness of the solution approach and the significant benefits of using the renewable energy resources.  相似文献   

This article considers the empty vehicle redistribution problem in a hub‐and‐spoke transportation system, with random demands and stochastic transportation times. An event‐driven model is formulated, which yields the implicit optimal control policy. Based on the analytical results for two‐depot systems, a dynamic decomposition procedure is presented which produces a near‐optimal policy with linear computational complexity in terms of the number of spokes. The resulting policy has the same asymptotic behavior as that of the optimal policy. It is found that the threshold‐type control policy is not usually optimal in such systems. The results are illustrated through small‐scale numerical examples. Through simulation the robustness of the dynamic decomposition policy is tested using a variety of scenarios: more spokes, more vehicles, different combinations of distribution types for the empty vehicle travel times and loaded vehicle arrivals. This shows that the dynamic decomposition policy is significantly better than a heuristics policy in all scenarios and appears to be robust to the assumptions of the distribution types. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   

We consider the optimal replacement problem for a fault tolerant system comprised of N components. The components are distingushable, and the state of the system is given by knowing exactly which components are operationl and which have failed. The individual component failure rates depend on the state of the entire system. We assume that the rate at which the system produces income decreases as the system deteriorates and the system replacement cost rises. Individual components cannot be replaced. We give a greedy-type algorithm that produces the replacement policy that maximizes the long-run net system income per unit time.  相似文献   

D. P. Heyman, M. Sobel, and M. J. Magazine among others have shown existence of an optimal policy for control of single server queuing systems. For queues under periodic review existence of an analogous rule is established for multi-server systems. Formulation as a dynamic programming problem is given and proofs for existence are presented for finite horizon, infinite horizon and average cost criteria.  相似文献   

This paper is a state-of-the-art review of the literature related to optimal maintenance models of systems subject to failure. The emphasis is on work appearing since the 1976 survey, “A Survey of Maintenance Models: The Control and Surveillance of Deteriorating Systems,” by W.P. Pierskalla and J.A. Voelker, published in this journal.  相似文献   

A model is developed for planning optimal production and employment levels in multi-product, multistage production systems. The market requirements for each product over the planning period are given. Backorders and/or shortages are permitted. Backorders and shortages must be considered in order to determine the amount of each product's demand that should be filled, backlogged, or go unsatisfied if the production capacity is insufficient to fill all market requirements. Backorders and shortages, on the other hand, are desirable under certain dynamic market conditions.  相似文献   

We consider two‐stage tandem queueing systems with dedicated servers in each station and a flexible server that is trained to serve both stations. We assume no arrivals, exponential service times, and linear holding costs for jobs present in the system. We study the optimal dynamic assignment of servers to jobs assuming a noncollaborative work discipline with idling and preemptions allowed. For larger holding costs in the first station, we show that (i) nonidling policies are optimal and (ii) if the flexible server is not faster than the dedicated servers, the optimal server allocation strategy has a threshold‐type structure. For all other cases, we provide numerical results that support the optimality of threshold‐type policies. Our numerical experiments also indicate that when the flexible server is faster than the dedicated server of the second station, the optimal policy may have counterintuitive properties, which is not the case when a collaborative service discipline is assumed. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 435–446, 2014  相似文献   

In Assemble‐To‐Order (ATO) systems, situations may arise in which customer demand must be backlogged due to a shortage of some components, leaving available stock of other components unused. Such unused component stock is called remnant stock. Remnant stock is a consequence of both component ordering decisions and decisions regarding allocation of components to end‐product demand. In this article, we examine periodic‐review ATO systems under linear holding and backlogging costs with a component installation stock policy and a First‐Come‐First‐Served (FCFS) allocation policy. We show that the FCFS allocation policy decouples the problem of optimal component allocation over time into deterministic period‐by‐period optimal component allocation problems. We denote the optimal allocation of components to end‐product demand as multimatching. We solve the multi‐matching problem by an iterative algorithm. In addition, an approximation scheme for the joint replenishment and allocation optimization problem with both upper and lower bounds is proposed. Numerical experiments for base‐stock component replenishment policies show that under optimal base‐stock policies and optimal allocation, remnant stock holding costs must be taken into account. Finally, joint optimization incorporating optimal FCFS component allocation is valuable because it provides a benchmark against which heuristic methods can be compared. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 158–169, 2015  相似文献   

Most maintenance and replacement models for industrial equipment have been developed for independent single-component machines. Most equipment, however, consists of multiple components. Also, when the maintenance crew services several machines, the maintenance policy for each machine is not independent of the states of the other machines. In this paper, two dynamic programming replacement models are presented. The first is used to determine the optimal replacement policy for multi-component equipment. The second is used to determine the optimal replacement policy for a multi-machine system which uses one replacement crew to service several machines. In addition, an approach is suggested for developing an efficient replacement policy for a multi-component, multi-machine system.  相似文献   

Maintenance scheduling for modular systems: Modeling and algorithms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We study new models of scheduled maintenance management for modular systems, consisting of multiple components with respective cycle limits. The cycle limit of each component specifies the time interval in which this component must be repaired or replaced. The goal is to compute a feasible maintenance schedule that minimizes the cost associated with component maintenance. Applications of these models arise in Air Force aircraft maintenance as well as in other arenas with required preventive maintenance. The typical cost structures that arise in practical settings are submodular, which make the resulting models computationally challenging. We develop two efficient and operationally tenable approximation algorithms. We prove constant factor worst‐case guarantees for both algorithms, and present computational experiments showing that these algorithms perform within a few percent of optimality on operationally relevant instances. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 472–488, 2014  相似文献   

We study optimal age‐replacement policies for machines in series with non‐instantaneous repair times by formulating two nonlinear programs: one that minimizes total cost‐rate subject to a steady‐state throughput requirement and another that maximizes steady‐state throughput subject to a cost‐rate budget constraint. Under reasonable assumptions, the single‐machine cost‐optimal and throughput‐optimal solutions are unique and orderable, and the multi‐machine optimal solutions have appealing structure. Furthermore, we establish equivalence between the two formulations and provide an illustrative numerical example. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   

We consider state-age-dependent replacement policies for a multistate deteriorating system. We assume that operating cost rates and replacement costs are both functions of the underlying states. Replacement times and sojourn times in different states are all state-dependent random variables. The optimization criterion is to minimize the expected long-run cost rate. A policy-improvement algorithm to derive the optimal policy is presented. We show that under reasonable assumptions, the optimal replacement policies have monotonic properties. In particular, when the failure-rate functions are nonincreasing, or when all the replacement costs and the expected replacement times are independent of state, we show that the optimal policies are only state dependent. Examples are given to illustrate the structure of the optimal policies in the special case when the sojourntime distributions are Weibull. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A multistate system is assumed to be constantly monitored; i.e., the state of the system is always known with certainty. Damage to the system accumulates via a continuous-time Markov process. A model of the system including restoration costs and state occupation costs is developed. It is shown that under certain conditions the optimal restoration policy for the system is a control limit rule. A control limit rule is a policy which requires restoration of the system whenever the damage exceeds a certain level. Examples are presented to show that there are several situations in which, perhaps surprisingly, control limit rules are not optimal.  相似文献   

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