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Reliability data obtained from life tests and degradation tests have been extensively used for purposes such as estimating product reliability and predicting warranty costs. When there is more than one candidate model, an important task is to discriminate between the models. In the literature, the model discrimination was often treated as a hypothesis test and a pairwise model discrimination procedure was carried out. Because the null distribution of the test statistic is unavailable in most cases, the large sample approximation and the bootstrap were frequently used to find the acceptance region of the test. Although these two methods are asymptotically accurate, their performance in terms of size and power is not satisfactory in small sample size. To enhance the small‐sample performance, we propose a new method to approximate the null distribution, which builds on the idea of generalized pivots. Conventionally, the generalized pivots were often used for interval estimation of a certain parameter or function of parameters in presence of nuisance parameters. In this study, we further extend the idea of generalized pivots to find the acceptance region of the model discrimination test. Through extensive simulations, we show that the proposed method performs better than the existing methods in discriminating between two lifetime distributions or two degradation models over a wide range of sample sizes. Two real examples are used to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

The two inventory echelons under consideration are the depot, D, and k tender ships E1, …, Ek. The tender ships supply the demand for certain parts of operational boats (the customers). The statistical model assumes that the total monthly demands at the k tenders are stationary independent Poisson random variables, with unknown means λ1, …, λk. The stock levels on the tenders, at the heginning of each month, can be adjusted either by ordering more units from the depot, or by shipping bach to the depot an excess stock. There is no traffic of stock between tenders which is not via the depot. The lead time from the depot to the tenders is at most 1 month. The lead time for orders of the depot from the manufacturer is L months. The loss function due to erroneous decision js comprised of linear functions of the extra monthly stocks, and linear functions of shortages at the tenders and at the depot over the N months. A Bayes sequential decision process is set up for the optimal adjustment levels and orders of the two echelons. The Dynamic Programming recursive functions are given for a planning horizon of N months.  相似文献   

This article presents a recoverable spares model for performance evaluation in a multiechelon inventory environment. This model explicitly incorporates the phenomenon known as multiple failures, in which more than one part can require replacement or repair when an end-item reaches a maintenance base. The model is shown to be computationally intractable, and an approximation scheme is presented to estimate system performance. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article considers an inventory model with constant demand and stochastic lead times distributed over a finite range. A generalization of the EOQ formula with backorders is derived and ranges for the decision variables are obtained. The results are illustrated with the case of uniformly distributed lead time.  相似文献   

This article concerns a multi-item, infinite-horizon, lot-sizing problem, where the objective is to minimize a total cost function made up of reordering cost, holding cost, and a cost determined by peak inventory levels. By spreading inventory replenishments over the reordering cycle, the peak inventory level can be reduced. The model permits the derivation of simultaneously optimal solutions for the length of the cycle and the individual item replenishment times within the cycle. An alternative formulation, in which total storage capacity is modeled as a constraint, is also solved.  相似文献   

We study an infinite horizon periodic stochastic inventory system consisting of retail outlets and customers located on a homogenous line segment. In each period, the total demand, generated by the customers on the line, is normally distributed. To better match supply and demand, we incorporate lateral transshipments. We propose a compact model in which the strategic decisions—the number and locations of retail outlets—are determined simultaneously with the operational decisions—the inventory replenishment and transshipment quantities. We find the optimal balance between the risk‐pooling considerations, which drive down the optimal number of retail outlets, and lateral transshipments, which drive up the optimal number of retail outlets. We also explore the sensitivity of the optimal number of retail outlets to various problem parameters. This article presents a novel way of integrating lateral transshipments in the context of an inventory‐location model. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

This paper presents a single-item inventory model with deterministic demand where the buyer is allowed to search for the most favorable price before deciding on the order quantity. In the beginning of each period, a sequential random sample can be taken from a known distribution and there is a fixed cost per search. The decision maker is faced with the task of deciding when to initiate and when to stop the search process, as well as determining the optimal order quantity once the search process is terminated. The objective is to minimize total expected costs while satisfying all demands on time. We demonstrate that a set of critical numbers determine the optimal stopping and ordering strategies. We present recursive expressions yielding the critical numbers, as well as the minimal expected cost from the beginning of every period to the end of the horizon.  相似文献   

网格方程组并行计算预条件迭代若干性质及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对网格方程组作区域分裂并行计算 ;分析了预条件迭代谱条件的若干性质及其对算法收敛性的影响 ,为构造预处理提供了理论依据 ,并应用于区域分裂并行计算  相似文献   

计算流体动力学的一些领域中经常要用到流场点到壁面的最小距离,为了提高壁面距离计算的精度和效率,将KD树应用于非结构网格的壁面距离计算,计算了若干三维外形的壁面距离,结果表明:基于KD树的网格壁面距离计算方法鲁棒性好,计算效率和结果精度高,适应复杂外形的能力强;算法的通用性好,可以拓展应用到多种网格类型。  相似文献   

Consider a single‐item, periodic review, infinite‐horizon, undiscounted, inventory model with stochastic demands, proportional holding and shortage costs, and full backlogging. Orders can arrive in every period, and the cost of receiving them is negligible (as in a JIT setting). Every T periods, one audits the current stock level and decides on deliveries for the next T periods, thus incurring a fixed audit cost and—when one schedules deliveries—a fixed order cost. The problem is to find a review period T and an ordering policy that satisfy the average cost criterion. The current article extends an earlier treatment of this problem, which assumed that the fixed order cost is automatically incurred once every T periods. We characterize an optimal ordering policy when T is fixed, prove that an optimal review period T** exists, and develop a global search algorithm for its computation. We also study the behavior of four approximations to T** based on the assumption that the fixed order cost is incurred during every cycle. Analytic results from a companion article (where μ/σ is large) and extensive computational experiments with normal and gamma demand test problems suggest these approximations and associated heuristic policies perform well when μ/σ ≥ 2. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 329–352, 2000  相似文献   

A single-item order-level lot-size-type inventory model is developed for items with a deterministic time-dependent demand. Shortages are allowed during the fixed finite planning horizon whose initial and final inventory levels are zero. A general inventory model is developed first and then an exact solution for the particular case of the linearly increasing demand rate is derived. An operating schedule for calculating the optimal solution is suggested. A numerical example is also given.  相似文献   

We discuss a time dependent optimal ordering policy for a finite horizon inventory system for which the provision of service is essential and thus no stockout is allowed. It is assumed that the system can place an order at any point in time during the horizon when it cannot meet the customer's demand and that lead time is negligible. The demand is considered to be distributed as a compound Poisson process with known parameters and the functional equation approach of dynamic programming is used to formulate the objective function. An algorithm has been developed to obtain the solution for all the cases. In addition, analytical solutions of the basic equation under two limiting conditions are presented.  相似文献   

As a result of imperfect production and inspection by suppliers, pilferage, and/or damage in transit, it is common that procurement orders may contain defective items. This article deals with a continuous-review inventory system with Poisson demand arrivals and constant resupply time. Items in resupply lots may not be of perfect quality. The operating characteristics of such a system are analyzed. For purposes of computational savings, an approximation scheme for the operating characteristics is presented. As a result of the approximation, the determination of the optimal ordering policy becomes much simpler. Extensive numerical tests suggest that the approximation scheme is very effective in giving the optimal or near-optimal ordering policies for such a system.  相似文献   

This article presents another inventory model for situations in which, during the stockout period, a fraction b of the demand is backordered and the remaining fraction 1 ? b is lost. By defining a time-proportional backorder cost and a fixed penalty cost per unit lost, a unimodal objective function representing the average annual cost of operating the inventory system is obtained. The optimal operating policy variables are calculated directly.  相似文献   

A deterministic inventory model for reparable items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A reparable inventory system has two distinct inventories within it—the inventory of items ready-for-issue and the inventory of carcasses available for repair. A reparable item is usually rebuilt upon failure, but the scrap rate in the repair process is generally positive. Consequently, new items must be procured from time to time to replace those item: which were scrapped. The ready-for-issue inventory has two input sources—procurement and repair, This paper develops a deterministic inbentory model for the reparable inventory system, and determines the optimal procurement and repair quantities.  相似文献   

A method is presented for calculating optimal inventory levels in a two-station transactions reporting inventory system. The criterion of optimality is the minimization of expected cost. The computational properties of the model are stressed and the solution method is precise. It is shown that when the model represents a central warehouse which supplies several retail outlets, stocks carried at the central location affect the capacity of the system to handle orders. Stocks carried at the retail level affect only the size of the retail order backlog.  相似文献   

A general multiperiod multi-echelon supply system consisting of n facilities each stocking a single product is studied. At the beginning of a period each facility may order stock from an exogenous source with no delivery lag and proportional ordering costs. During the period the (random) demands at the facilities are satisfied according to a given supply policy that determines to what extent stock may be redistributed from facilities with excess stock to those experiencing shortages. There are storage, shortage, and transportation costs. An ordering policy that minimizes expected costs is sought. If the initial stock is sufficiently small and certain other conditions are fulfilled, it is optimal to order up to a certain base stock level at each facility. The special supply policy in which each facility except facility 1 passes its shortages on to a given lower numbered facility called its direct supplier is examined in some detail. Bounds on the base stock levels are obtained. It is also shown that if the demand distribution at facility j is stochastically smaller (“spread” less) than that at another facility k having the same direct supplier and if certain other conditions are fulfilled, then the optimal base stock level (“virtual” stock out probability) at j is less than (greater than) or equal to that at facility k.  相似文献   

This paper develops a single period model for a specific class of multiproduct perishable inventory systems where demands are interdependent. This class of inventory systems has the property that there is economic substitution between products. It is shown that the optimal policy has the economic substitution property, and that the rate of substitution is age dependent. The model serves as a generalization of a theorem discovered by Ignall and Veinott.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of maintaining an inventory of an item which can deteriorate and become useless. A periodic review procedure is used and new items ordered may experience a time lag in delivery. Items are considered to deteriorate through one or two states before becoming useless. Thus the deterioration process in each period plays the role of the usual demand process and is a function of the inventory level at the beginning of each period. For the case of no time lag in delivery, one stage deterioration, and either binomial or uniform deterioration, optimal ordering policies are obtained for the n-period dynamic model with the standard cost structure. (For the shortage probability criterion see the other paper by Iglehart and Jaquette, in this issue.) These policies are of the single critical number type. For more complicated models suboptimal policies of this same type are found.  相似文献   

This paper presents a one-period two-echelon inventory model with one warehouse in the first echelon and n warehouses in the second echelon. At the beginning of the period the stock levels at all facilities are adjusted by purchasing or disposing of items at the first echelon, returning or shipping items between the echelons and transshipping items within the second echelon. During the period, demands (which may be negative) are placed on all warehouses in the second echelon and an attempt is made to satisfy shortages either by an expedited shipment from the first echelon to the second echelon or an expedited transshipment within the second echelon. The decision problem is to choose an initial stock level at the first echelon (by a purchase or a disposition) and an initial allocation so as to minimize the initial stock movement costs during the period plus inventory carrying costs and system shortage costs at the end of the period. It is shown that the objective function takes on one of four forms, depending on the relative magnitudes of the various shipping costs. All four forms of the objective function are derived and proven to be convex. Several applications of this general model are considered. We also consider multi-period extensions of the general model and an important special case is solved explicitly.  相似文献   

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