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在高原拉萨,有这样一支部队,他们在出色完成以森林防火灭火为中心任务的同时,把建设社会主义和谐新西藏作为己任,争当建设社会主义和谐新西藏的排头兵。驻地藏族群众称他们是"高原雷锋",并编了一段顺口溜:爱洒藏胞一路情,警民一家笑盈盈,森林卫士建驻地,人民群众多欢迎。这支部队就是武警拉萨森林大队。  相似文献   

积极主动地奉献于社会和他人,是社会主义道德体系的最高层次,是我军宗旨的具体体现。倡导奉献精神是我军道德建设的核心内容,是将我军官兵培育成“四有”新人的重要任务。从实践看,我军绝大多数官兵不乏奉献精神,但缺乏对奉献行为有关知识的掌握,因而在践行奉献精神过程中出现了一些偏差。这些现象的产生,与奉献行为倡导上的误区不无关联。  相似文献   

董淑兴 《国防》2006,(8):50-51
胡锦涛主席站在时代发展和战略全局的高度,对新世纪新阶段我军的历史使命作出了科学判断和全新概括。武警官兵如何有效履行“三个提供、一个发挥”的历史使命,既是一个需要深入研究的重大理论问题,更是一个需要抓好落实的重大实践问题。一、当好忠诚卫士是武警官兵的使命所在武警官兵为什么要当好忠诚卫士,当好忠诚卫士的意义是什么、价值在哪里?搞清这些问题,对于激发武警官兵当好忠诚卫士的积极性具有重大的现实意义。当好忠诚卫士,是党的历代领导集体的一贯要求。党的历代领导集体始终高度重视和关怀武警部队建设,提出了很高的要求,寄予…  相似文献   

以《武警年鉴》原始资料为基础,从三个阶段简述武警部队“忠诚卫士文化”建设的历程:以武警部队重新组建为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入自发发展时期;以“中国武警十大忠诚卫士”评选为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入迅速发展时期;以《武警部队先进军事文化建设纲要》颁发为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入有意识地打造品牌的时期。  相似文献   

弘扬敬业奉献精神陶胜发敬业奉献精神是树立革命人生观、价值观的核心,是加强思想政治建设的重要内容。新形势下大力提倡和弘扬敬业奉献精神,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。进一步弘扬敬业奉献精神,切实增强事业心责任感,当前主要应该摆正和处理好五个关系。处...  相似文献   

在楼宇经济体中建立民兵组织,是新形势下加强大中城市城区民兵组织建设中的一条新路子。打破传统编组模式,拓展编兵渠道,是新形势下加强城市民兵组织建设亟待探索和实践的课题,大连市中山区人武部探索在楼宇经济体中进行民兵编组,是一种可贵的尝试。  相似文献   

为使武警部队“牢记强军目标、献身强军实践,永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士”主题教育活动收到实效,就要学习贯彻好武警部队建设目标。论述了武警部队建设目标提出的时代背景,以及提出武警部队建设目标所具有的四个方面的重大意义。  相似文献   

在物质发达的社会,我们更推崇有着强大精神的人,推崇一个中国军人的群体,他们几十年如一日地诠释着平凡而伟大的“奉献”精神。在人称“地球第三极”的青藏高原,他们以“钢钎打不进,人也要扎根”的豪情和意志扎根创业,顽强作战,创造和形成了“特别能吃苦、特别能忍耐、特别能战斗”的高原精神。这种精神既是我党我军光荣传统在新时期的具体体现,也是全军广大官兵的一种精神财富。它的实质是我们今天仍大力提倡的艰苦奋斗、拼搏进取的奉献精神。为此本期,我们专门请来战斗在雪域高原20多年的高原老兵,未谈一谈他们心中烙刻的高原精神。  相似文献   

在物质发达的社会,我们更推崇有着强大精神的人,推崇一个中国军人的群体,他们几十年如一日地诠释着平凡而伟大的"奉献"精神。在人称"地球第三极"的青藏高原,他们以"钢钎打不进,人也要扎根"的豪情和意志扎根创业,顽强作战,创造和形成了"特别能吃苦、特别能忍耐、特别能战斗"的高原精神。这种精神既是我党我军光荣传统在新时期的具体体现,也是全军广大官兵的一种精神财富。它的实质是我们今天仍大力提倡的艰苦奋斗、拼搏进取的奉献精神。为此本期,我们专门请来战斗在雪域高原20多年的高原老兵,未谈一谈他们心中烙刻的高原精神。  相似文献   

江泽民同志在十六大报告中指出,武装警察部队要加强全面建设,永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士。永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士,体现了江泽民同志对武警部队全体官兵的亲切关怀和巨大鼓励,高度概括了武警部队的性质宗旨和职能使命,也确定了武警部队思想道德建设的最高目标和标准。  相似文献   

The paper reveals how Zimbabwean soldiers who fought in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1998–2002) were challenged by the terrain of war. While soldiers are trained to live and fight in dreadful wars, I argue that immersing oneself in the war terrain is neither mathematical nor calculative; rather, war tactics to be employed are defined by the context in which soldiers operate in. When soldiers reflect on and about the war, they unconsciously produce accounts that are often not completely heroic, but a life lived in fear as well an issue that they had never anticipated when they set out to war. A main finding of this study is that while these soldiers were deployed to fight against the rebels, they find difficulties in locating physical features from map reading to the ground, distinguishing the enemy from civilian people and deployed for days without eating a proper meal as well as seeing their fellow soldiers dying in the context of war. The paper provides a vantage point in which we can also understand that trained soldiers do not exert total power over war terrains, they are sometimes challenged by the war situation itself.  相似文献   

革命歌曲具有催人奋进的独特精神力量,是革命军人战斗力的“力量倍增器”。在建设现代化武警过程中,革命歌曲可以发挥理想导引功能、信念塑造功能、团结凝聚功能、精神激励功能、情操陶冶功能。  相似文献   

新式整军运动,是解放战争期间,我军为了提高官兵的阶级觉悟和战斗积极性,以“诉苦”和“三查三整”为主要方法,利用作战间隙广泛开展的一次思想政治教育活动。此次整军运动是我军思想政治工作的一项伟大创举,其贯彻群众路线、坚持求真务实、围绕中心开展、严密组织实施和继承光荣传统等基本精神和经验,对当前我军思想政治工作创新发展,仍具有重要的示范和启迪作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which the military infringes on the social and political rights of soldiers who joined the Zimbabwe National Army in post-independence Zimbabwe. Contrary to the scholarly and policy debates that present Zimbabwean soldiers as the silent prop behind President Robert Mugabe and the perpetrators of political violence, this paper argues that these soldiers have also been victimised in army barracks. The victimhood of soldiers has been explicit in the ways in which they are forced to execute their duties beyond their professional expectations. In substantiating this argument, the paper explores the unethical military training and the ways in which soldiers are disciplined and punished through Chapter 11:02 of the draconian Defence Act. The paper’s contribution stems from a ‘rights’ perspective that emphasises the right to freedom, justice and protection, which is usually quite silent in the military. But the question is how can soldiers’ concerns be translated into new practices without compromising so-called ‘state security’?  相似文献   

This paper discusses soldiers’ moral responsibility in today’s complex conflicts. The point of departure is the increased focus on soldiers as moral decision-makers in war, illustrated by the introduction of core values in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Responsibility is one of these core values, but it is not clear exactly how we should understand responsibility. I use a case where a group of Norwegian soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) sought the cooperation of a group of mujahedeen to solve the military mission of establishing security. As confidence between the parties grew, the soldiers became horrified witnesses to a practice of bacha bazi, where a young boy is dressed up for entertainment and sexual abuse. This situation gives reason to question the limits of role responsibility, the status of soldiers’ legitimacy, and the challenges of making morally sound judgments in a multicultural context. The discussion demonstrates that, even if there are restrictions on the soldiers’ freedom to act, a responsibility reaching beyond or extending their role should be recognized as part of the moral reality of modern soldiers.  相似文献   

公安边防海警部队官兵在海上训练、执勤、执法实践中,由于种种因素诱发出多种心理问题。着重探析海警部队海上执勤训练中官兵心理问题的主要表现及其主要原因,旨在探讨解决官兵心理问题的主要途径。  相似文献   

培育军人核心价值观,是当前部队思想政治教育的重中之重,其培育途径尤为重要,笔者认为,可以通过培养与激发官兵亲社会行为,来推动与促进军人核心价值观的培育。运用心理学的相关理论,促进亲社会行为的概念与特征、亲社会行为与军人核心价值观的有机结合,培育军人核心价值观。  相似文献   

军人核心价值观教育是军队思想政治教育工作的重要组成部分,只有采用正确的教育方法才能取得成效。文章从马克思价值学说的基本观点出发,探讨了军人核心价值观教育的哲学方法论问题,总结和归纳出最具有普遍性的规律,以期增强当代革命军人核心价值观教育的实效性。  相似文献   

讨论了世界主要国家的当代军人核心价值观的内涵,分析对比了中外军队当代军人核心价值观的差异,并给出了对我国当代革命军人核心价值观培育工作的几点启示。  相似文献   

军人作为"穿着军服的公民"享有宪法规定的公民基本权利,但同时,军人作为特殊职业,需要履行特定的使命任务,其法律权利又因此受到一定的限制。明确了现役军人权利限制的基本界限,对现役军人权利限制进行了法理分析。  相似文献   

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