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皮山农场探索出的人才引进工作方法,为兵团加强和改进基层组织建设积累了新经验、增添了新亮点2012年7月,兵团党委组织部组成调研组,深入十四师皮山农场机关及连队,采取听取工作情况汇报、查阅资料、召开座谈会、个别走访等方式,对皮山农场人才引进工作情况进行了专题调研。  相似文献   

正3月初,笔者在十四师皮山农场看到,维吾尔族同胞的诺鲁孜节马上就要到来,一些职工正忙着准备庆祝节日的物品。各连队异常热闹,有的在开展篮球比赛,有的在组织职工观看广场文艺节目。皮山农场是一个典型的少数民族聚居团场,少数民族职工占总人口的98%。近年来,为增进民族团结,促进社会和谐发展,皮山农场发挥基层阵地作用,开展"十个起来"活动,即广播电影放起来、军号军歌响起来、军事训练搞起来、广场文  相似文献   

正5月20日,晴空万里,笔者来到农十四师皮山农场。核桃林铺天盖地绿了,枣树的枝头上挂满了淡黄色的花。皮山农场四连职工买买提明·巴克说:"党的好政策让我们过上了这辈子最好的日子,住上了这辈子最好的房子,感谢党、感谢各级政府……"农十四师在兵团各师中规模最小、  相似文献   

在加强职工思想政治教育过程中,农十四师皮山农场党委坚持以人为本原则,把保障和改善民生作为职工思想政治教育最现实、最直接的问题来对待。把职工思想政治教育工作与主题活动相结合。皮山农场党委把职工思想政治教育工作同创先争优、热爱伟大祖国建设美好家园、干部作风建设年等活动紧密结合,帮助职工解决困难。一是  相似文献   

自3月19日美英法联军对利比亚展开军事打击以来,已经过去了整整1个月,卡扎菲政权并没有轻易被推翻,政府军与反对派武装之间交替占据着上风,战事有胶着、僵持的趋势。美英法联军内部也是“城头频换大王旗”,先是美军交出了指挥权,法国有些意外地当起了“带头大哥”,接着英国又率先宣布向利比亚派遣“军事顾问”或“联络官”,大有与法国争当急先锋的意味。  相似文献   

编辑同志: 我从事武装工作五年间,订了《中国民兵》、《西南民兵》、《两用人才报》、《国防时报》。在日常工作中,离不开“两报、两刊”。 自今年九月考入人民武装学校以来,我更仔细地阅读《西南民兵》,从而更深地认识到她的价值,内容上、结构上、排版上都很有  相似文献   

近年来,十四师皮山农场着力探寻职工多元增收的新路子,鼓励职工自主创业,尤其是鼓励青年自主创业。近日,笔者在皮山农场走访了解到,该团场许多青年人通过创业走上了致富的道路,二连职工阿布力米提·阿布拉和四连职工努尔麦麦提·托呼提瓦克就是其中的典范,他们一个依靠传统畜牧业,一个依靠电脑创业,一旧一新两条路,让他们成了团场的青年致富带头人。  相似文献   

十四师皮山农场是一个边境少数民族贫困团场,维吾尔族人口占总人口的98%,人均耕地不足2.5亩,人多资源少的矛盾突出。加之职工技术水平低、就业观念落后,经济发展缓慢。为促进职工多元增收,早日实现贫困团场职工"小康梦",该团因地制宜地制定了"七大多元增收战略"。第一战略:"一主五辅"。在红枣、庭院、农区畜牧、家庭地毯编织、  相似文献   

还是三月的天气,还是交加的雨雪,还是湿滑的山坡,只是时间已过去了整整71年。我敬重地为先烈筑起了一座土堆,献上了从成都带来的鲜花和青稞酒,然后伫立在那里,忘记了风雪、忘记了寒冷,心中默默地重复着那句话:“安息吧,先烈,后来人来看您啦!”  相似文献   

正近日,笔者走进十四师皮山农场中学操场,无意间被一个身材结实的学生吸引住了。只见他正专心致志地练习着军体拳,动作娴熟、姿势标准,经周围的同学介绍,才知道他是该校初中二年级维吾尔族学生麦麦提·赛迪艾合买提。"我喜欢当兵的哥哥,因为我觉得他们很酷!我长大以后要成为像我们教官一样优秀的军人,这样我就可以保卫我们的祖国,保卫我们的家乡了。"麦麦提·赛迪艾合买提十分豪迈地说道。  相似文献   

在国家推进"丝绸之路经济带"建设和西向开放战略背景下,新疆高校应积极开展与哈萨克斯坦高校的跨文化交流合作。一是构建新疆高校、内地对口支援高校与哈萨克斯坦高校战略联盟;二是大力推动新疆与哈萨克斯坦高校间师生往来互动;三是积极开展旨在增进双方文化理解的语言和艺术体育活动;四是协同开展新丝绸之路经济带、西向开放及中亚民族宗教等问题的研究。  相似文献   

西域这一特殊的地理区域,各历史时期所显现的乐舞文化特色,都与社会意识形态的不断变化、民族间的融合以及丝绸之路的繁盛有着密切的关系,特殊的生态环境不仅孕育了独特的具有顽强生命力的乐舞文化形态,更丰富了西域民族乐舞文化的精神内涵。  相似文献   

词语不是一个凌乱的集合,也是不像词典中那样按照字母顺序排列的,而是按照语义关系相互联系的。语义关系在语言活动中无处不在。本文论述五种情况下的语义关系:自由回忆、智力测验、语言习得、词典定义、词典插图。  相似文献   

Islamist extremism as an ideology has seemingly spread in influence in the past few years. The violent Islamist threat may have a singular religious dogma, but that does not mean that it will interact in the same fashion within the various cultures it infests. The Sub-Saharan region is one general context where Islamist extremism is both vividly active and misunderstood. Africa's reaction to: Arabization; the adjustment to post-colonial rule; the perception of secular government institutions; the extent of cultural and religious pluralism; and the local character of Muslim leadership and institutions are all very different from that of the Middle East. Scores of terrorism analysts and even Arab populations only too familiar with the Middle East context superimpose Middle East threats over the Sub-Saharan African cultural landscape. Instead of generalizing the Islamist threats, it might be better to ask why it is that violent Islamist groups have traditionally been challenged to expand their influence in Muslim Sub-Saharan Africa. The underestimated Islamist is using ignorance to its advantage, recruiting through channels unnoticed by its Arab counterparts while creatively catering its message by region.  相似文献   

This paper was written to promote interest by management and statistical quality control personnel in the current need for statistical quality control of information of all types. By way of illustration, a step by step procedure for implementing such control on computer files is presented. Emphasis has been placed on the sequencing of the system rather than the underlying techniques.  相似文献   

The Middle East is a crucial region for the global nonproliferation regime. In 2010, the state parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons proposed a conference on a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction-Free Zone. The nuclear weapon-free zone model, on which this idea builds, has achieved important results in other regions, but faces especially stark challenges in the Middle East. However, the attempt to apply the boldly imaginative zone approach to the Middle East holds promise for building a more inclusive dialogue on nonproliferation and regional security.  相似文献   

‘The Middle East talks the talk, but it doesn't walk the walk’, argues Heller when relating to attempts by parties in the region to create some kind of a cooperative security relationship. Concepts of regional security have simply been grafted onto traditional political-military doctrine, with the result that multilateralism has become just another vehicle for pursuing long-standing policy. He shows this with regard to the Middle East peace process as well as the Barcelona Process and attempts to forge a Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. What should be done in order to promote the process? Heller's conclusion is that moving along the track of cognitive convergence while bypassing the sequencing problem by simultaneously pursuing both peace and security building will help mitigate some of the major problems in regional security.  相似文献   

基于组合赋权方法的多目标攻击排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对未来超视距空战条件下的多目标攻击排序问题,以多属性决策理论为基础,提出了一种多目标攻击排序的综合优势指数模型.多属性决策问题的关键是确定各属性权重,综合各种赋权法的特点,采用离差平方和的最优赋权方法求解多目标攻击的综合优势指数.最后,通过实例分析,说明采用该方法进行多目标排序,有利于提高决策的准确性.  相似文献   

With the exception of Iran, no Middle Eastern state has an operating nuclear power reactor. Several states, including the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, and Egypt are considering constructing such reactors; some have even taken steps towards commencing nuclear power projects. There exist, however, considerable economic, technical, safety, and security challenges to achieving these goals, many of which are acute in the Middle East region. Regional and international cooperation on nuclear technology could not only help regional states meet their energy objectives, but it could also help to build trust among states as a basic step towards a future Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction-Free Zone.  相似文献   

当代生物学领域除了"分子生物学"及相关学科极为热门之外,其它大多数领域则显得相对平淡,如生物形态学相关学科,其实生物科学的每一个分枝学科都同生物科学本身一样在科学殿堂中,占有同样重要的位置,从研究的方法与手段、定律的建立与否、学科的发展趋势、与人类的关系来看,相比起其它学科如数理化等,应该说生物科学离现实更近,离人类更近,更接近我们的日常生活。  相似文献   

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