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本文讨论了变量有界的线性目标规划问题,给出了求解这类问题的一个对偶算法,此方法与变量有界线性规划问题的对偶算法相类似。文中证明了算法的有效性,并举例说明了计算过程。  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of national defence budgets in the post-Cold War era employing a spatial econometric framework. Using data for 124 countries over a 16-year time period, I examine spatial relationships in defence spending to investigate how countries account for the military spending of other countries when setting their budgets. Using specially developed weighting matrices, the regression results indicate that defence budgets are positively spatially correlated. These results provide support for the use of ‘external’ factors when examining defence budgets over this time period. The importance of a country’s spatial location when setting its budget is further examined through the identification of regions of high and low defence spending.  相似文献   

目标规划的求解可采用图示法、单纯形法、分级法等,文中用Excel演示单纯形法和分级法。  相似文献   

This paper develops theoretical and computational aspects of the dual problem in linear fractional programming. This is done on the basis of two alternative methods for solving the primal fractional programming problem, both of which were presented in earlier literature. Parametric changes in the resource-vector are considered, and attention is given to infinitesimal as well as to discrete changes.  相似文献   

When implicit enumeration algorithms are used for solving integer programs, a form of primal decomposition can be used to reduce the number of solutions which must be implicitly examined. If the problem has the proper structure, then under the proper decomposition a different enumeration tree can be defined for which the number of solutions which must be implicitly examined increases with a power of the number of variables rather then exponentially. The proper structure for this kind of decomposition is that the southwest and northeast corners of the constraint matrix be zero or equivalently that the matrix be decomposable except for linking columns. Many real traveling salesmen, plant location, production scheduling, and covering problems have this structure.  相似文献   

The hyperbolic integer program is treated as a special case of a hyperbolic program with a finite number of feasible points. The continuous hyperbolic program also belongs to this class since its solution can be obtained by considering only the extreme points of the feasible set. A general algorithm for solving the hyperbolic integer program which reduces to solving a sequence of linear integer problems is proposed. When the integer restriction is removed, this algorithm is similar to the Isbell-Marlow procedure. The geometrical aspects of the hyperbolic problem are also discussed and several cutting plane algorithms are given.  相似文献   

A pseudo-monotonic interval program is a problem of maximizing f(x) subject to x ε X = {x ε Rn | a < Ax < b, a, b ε Rm} where f is a pseudomonotonic function on X, the set defined by the linear interval constraints. In this paper, an algorithm to solve the above program is proposed. The algorithm is based on solving a finite number of linear interval programs whose solutions techniques are well known. These optimal solutions then yield an optimal solution of the proposed pseudo-monotonic interval program.  相似文献   

进化规划算法中变异是唯一的操作,因此变异算子对进化规划算法的性能有决定性的影响。文中以高斯变异算子为例,研究了变异算子在进化进程的作用,分析了进化规划算法不收敛的原因以及变异算子与进化代数、收敛精度间的关系。对传统进化规划算法和多群进化规划算法的性能进行了仿真研究,仿真结果表明了分析结果的正确性。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the relationship between two constraint qualifications developed by Abadie and Arrow, Hurwicz, and Uzawa. A third constraint qualification is discussed and shown to be weaker than either of those mentioned above.  相似文献   

The random variables in two-stage programming under uncertainty are generally treated in a passive manner in that no information regarding the random variables or the process generating the random variables may be obtained. This paper develops the economics of information for the case in which the probability distributions are discrete. A multinomial process is assumed to generate the random variables, and the parameter vector of that process is assumed to be unknown. A Dirichlet prior distribution on the parameter vector is used, and the computation of the value of information thus involves a Dirichlet-multinomial distribution on the random variables. An example involving producing to meet uncertain demands is presented.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会提出全面深化改革的总目标是:“完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。”这既是改革开放35年来历史经验的深刻总结,也是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的基本保证,更是增强改革系统性、整体性、协同性的基本要求。  相似文献   

An exact method for solving all-integer linear-programming problems is presented. Dynamic-programming methodology is used to search efficiently candidate hyperplanes for the optimal feasible integer solution. The explosive storage requirements for high-dimensional dynamic programming are avoided by the development of an analytic representation of the optimal allocation at each stage. Computational results for problems of small to moderate size are also presented.  相似文献   

参考高斯变异算子和柯西变异算子,提出了基于学生概率分布变异的进化规划算法。学生概率分布能够衔接高斯分布和柯西分布,其性能通过改变参数n来获得。通过仿真得到了学生概率分布变异的规律。仿真表明,基于学生概率分布变异的进化算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

The paper deals with bilinear programming problems and develops a finite algorithm using the “piecewise strategy” for large-scale systems. It consists of systematically generating a sequence of expanding polytopes with the global optimum within each polytope being known. The procedure then stops when the final polytope contains the feasible region.  相似文献   

The question of necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for non-convex programs is analyzed in the general context of subadditivity. Several types of convex set extensions are investigated to generate valid inequalities from the corresponding gauge functions.  相似文献   

成人高校行政管理改革,应以服务于具有创新精神的应用型人才的培养为目标,统筹规划,重点推进,立足于调动人的积极性的原则为指导.以教学行政管理改革为中心,以人事行政管理改革为突破口,以思想政治工作管理改革为保证,全面推进各项改革.  相似文献   

高校要切实制定好办学目标定位,应该考虑以下问题:注重教育研究,以教育理念丰富办学指导思想;注重学校发展的基本的、长远的目标的确立,以使目前的办学目标定位更清晰;重审发展观,注重发展观的更新;以专业和学科建设为中心,带动高校形成办学特色。  相似文献   

The procedures for postoptimality analysis that are so much a part of linear programming studies have no simple counterparts in an integer programming context. In the case of Balas' Additive Algorithm, however, it would appear that the capacity of the technique to facilitate certain types of postoptimality analysis has not been fully exploited. This paper proposes an extension of the additive algorithm that utilizes insights generated while solving the original problem to do subsequent analysis upon it. In particular, procedures are developed for doing limited parameter ranging and for seeking new optima in light of parameter changes.  相似文献   

A solution to the quadratic programming is presented with the constraint of the form Ax ≥ b using the linear complementary problem approach.  相似文献   

A complete analysis and explicit solution is presented for the problem of linear fractional programming with interval programming constraints whose matrix is of full row rank. The analysis proceeds by simple transformation to canonical form, exploitation of the Farkas-Minkowki lemma and the duality relationships which emerge from the Charnes-Cooper linear programming equivalent for general linear fractional programming. The formulations as well as the proofs and the transformations provided by our general linear fractional programming theory are here employed to provide a substantial simplification for this class of cases. The augmentation developing the explicit solution is presented, for clarity, in an algorithmic format.  相似文献   

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