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美国陆军所建立和运维的高度复杂、全频覆盖的人力资源自动化信息系统使其能够高效的应对日常沉重的部队重组和人事变动任务,进而为其保持强大的战斗力和实时响应的全球应急部署能力提供了有力支撑。本文对美国陆军的主要人力资源数据库、人力资源自动化系统和其它自动化系统及装备进行梳理分析,以期获得对我有益借鉴。  相似文献   

美国陆军强大的战斗力和实时响应的全球应急部署能力,是建立在高效、完善的人力资源管理体系基础之上的.为应对日常繁重的部队重组和人事变动任务,美国陆军建立了系统配套、全频覆盖的人力资源自动化信息系统,为其制定发展战略和评估人力资源保障效能发挥了关键作用.  相似文献   

正来自特拉维夫的消息称,以色列的埃尔比特系统公司正在通过实弹射击试验来验证该公司为精锐步兵和特种部队开发的"袖珍火炮"——重型迫击炮系统。这种名为"长矛"的追击炮可以安装在军用"悍马"车或者吉普车上,从而使该武器具备很好的战术敏捷性,同时其120毫米以及全自动化操控可快速发射的迫击炮又具备强大的杀伤力以及良好的任务隐蔽性。这种火炮是埃尔比特系统公司"卡多姆"重型迫击炮的紧凑型。"卡多姆"自行迫击炮系统装备美国陆军和以色列陆军。在美国陆军,该炮以"斯特赖克"战车为平台,在  相似文献   

据外电报道,美国陆军计划斥资2000亿美元对其武器进行全面翻新以适应未来战争。美国陆军预想的未来作战系统是一个由14种武器、无人驾驶飞机、遥控设备、传感器和混合动力战车组成.以无线网络连接的系统。在陆军看来,未来战争的网络化程度将与互联网相当,机动性则与手机相当.其直观程度如同一场电子游戏。  相似文献   

<正>从冷战时期到西南亚地区战争,美国陆军战车平台的战场性能反映了对复杂的战车折衷设计的理解和应用。"艾布拉姆斯"坦克和"布雷德利"战车在其最初装备之后历经30多年,依然是美国陆军首要的作战平台,证明其具备很强的适应性。期间,这些作战系统被进行多次适应性改进,成功地适应了20世纪70年代车辆最初设计时并未预见到的任务和环境。相比之下,美国陆军曾经启动的预定换代计划如ASM(装甲系统现代化)、FCS  相似文献   

现代信息技术(传感器技术、遥控技术、微处理技术、通信技术等)的迅猛发展及其在军事领域的广泛应用,使美国陆军武器装备的作战空间不断扩大,作战效能显著增强。地雷战装备作为美国陆军工程装备的重要组成部分,也正向着自动化、数字化、智能化方向发展。与  相似文献   

为了深刻认识美军现在概念上的未来作战系统(Future Combat Systems,FCS),有必要对其前身——早期的未来作战系统(Future Combat System,FCS)做一个回顾性的介绍。美国陆军早期的未来作战系统是一种全新概念的坦克,计划于2015年投入使用。1996年7月6日,当时的美国陆军装甲中心司令朗·马加特少将在未来主  相似文献   

美军注重发挥现代人力资源管理优势,基于美国陆军组织战略目标和陆军军官个人职业发展规律,构建了一系列保障运行机制,发挥了引导机制、激励机制、约束机制和考核淘汰机制在军官职业发展中的突出作用.  相似文献   

王麟 《国防科技》2003,(3):33-36
未来战斗系统(FCS,Future Combat Systern)是美国陆军和美国国防部先进计划研究局联合牵头开发的陆军未来作战系统,它是美国陆军对未来陆军部队前景的规划,该规划的关键是用一种前所未有的方式打造出具有快速反应能力、快速战略和战术部署能力以及具备进行多任务操作能力的作战单位。  相似文献   

为提升训练效益,采用游戏化仿真手段进行军事训练已得到各国军队的广泛关注.美国陆军在游戏化仿真训练理论研究及系统建设运用等方面都进行了大量工作,并取得了一些重要经验.梳理了游戏化仿真在军事领域的演进过程,重点介绍了美国陆军游戏化仿真系统建设现状及3类不同层级的典型系统,在深入分析美国陆军对游戏化训练仿真研究的共识基础上,对开展相关领域研究提出几点启示和建议.  相似文献   

US national security guidance, as well as the US Army’s operational experiences since 2001, emphasizes the importance of working closely with partner countries to achieve US strategic objectives. The US Army has introduced the global landpower network (GLN) concept as a means to integrate, sustain and advance the Army’s considerable ongoing efforts to meet US national security guidance. This study develops the GLN concept further, and addresses three questions. What benefits can the GLN provide the Army? What are the essential components of the GLN? What options exist for implementing the GLN concept? By developing the GLN concept, the Army has the opportunity to transition the GLN from an often ad hoc and reactive set of relationships to one that the Army more self-consciously prioritizes and leverages as a resource to meet US strategic objectives.  相似文献   

This article examines US Army psychological operations (PsyOp) as practiced during the waning years of the Cold War in Latin America. Certain themes, especially legitimacy, in-group/out-group, and safety/fear are demonstrated to be recurrent in regional PsyOp campaigns, largely because they seem to activate rich inference systems in the human brain. Yet anthropologists and other scholars of Latin America have paid little attention to military PsyOp. Despite our natural susceptibilities, we can best evaluate propaganda (and other claims to knowledge) by following the advice of Karl Popper: competing theories, including politically loaded ones, should always be explanatory and subject to criticism.  相似文献   

在世界范围面向21世纪的军队发展中,美国陆军率先进行了数字化建设,以谋求重新建构力量体系,其影响深远,作用巨大,是陆军发展史上的新阶段.笔者对美陆军数字化建设的背景及现实基础、主要内容和特点以及所面临的主要问题等方面进行了深入分析.  相似文献   

The US Army develops doctrine as a set of fundamental principles that guide its actions in support of national objectives. Recently, those national objectives required stability operations, with increasing scope and frequency. This study examines whether existing US Army doctrine adequately fulfilled its role as a guide to tactics in addressing the challenges that Army forces faced in the first 15 months of the war in Iraq. Field Manual 3-24 Counterinsurgency has remedied many deficiencies, but several remain to be addressed to offer commanders better guidance in the face of the many complex challenges they face in stability operations.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current paper is to examine the adoption and adaptation process of mission command (Auftragstaktik) in the US Army. This concept, developed by the Prussians, denotes a decentralized command approach wherein superiors dictate their intent and allow subordinates to formulate their operational plans independently and change it according to the emerging situation. The paper examines the US command approach prior to the adoption of mission command. It argues that it was heavily influenced by corporate management practices which inherently contradict mission command approach. It continues and investigates how the US Army endeavored to emulate the approach in its doctrine and in major operations.

While it has officially incorporated mission command into its doctrine, it has been less successful in utilizing it in operational situations. This state of affairs has to do with the cultural legacy of the managerial approach to command that still persist. Despite the partial success, the US Army has recently reaffirmed its commitment to this approach.  相似文献   

The US Army has two approaches to counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. One is hard, or combat-focused, and the other is soft, or development-focused. This study examines two US Army task forces deployed to Panjwai District, Afghanistan from 2012 to 2013. CTF 4-9 and 1-38 offer a meaningful comparison because they pursued these contrasting approaches among the same population and against the same enemy at the same time and place. The study compares each unit’s approach and finds that neither approach was successful absent the other. The article concludes by recommending further research into combining the approaches at the operational level.  相似文献   

Much intellectual effort in the post‐Cold War US Army has been put into examinations of how best to conduct MOOTW and urban warfare. One of the main problems for the Army in this respect is the fact that these operations require a good deal of initiative to be displayed by troops at the lowest command levels. This has not normally been forthcoming. There is, in the Army, a ‘zero‐defects’ culture that is stymying the necessary initiative. Only when this culture has been properly appreciated and tackled will the Army that has proved itself so adept at the ‘big war’ be able to conclusively tackle the ‘small war’.  相似文献   

In the mid-2000s, the United States Army was embroiled in counterinsurgency missions in Iraq and Afghanistan that required deeper understanding of local social systems. The Army turned to systems thinking and design thinking to model and understand the world, define problems, and develop approaches to strategic and operational challenges. However, the Army’s approach as expressed in publications and doctrine encourages the development of complicated, unsupported, and unfalsifiable hypotheses. The risk is that the Army will act on incorrect assumptions and develop plans that are fragile.  相似文献   

针对快速部署机场指挥决策问题,分析了美军指挥决策技术发展现状,重点研究了快速部署机场指挥决策需要的态势感知、决策模型设计与优化、知识表示与存储、案例推理、综合业务信息查询、任务流程规划、模拟推演与效能评估、行动监视与动态干预、软硬件系统综合集成等9项关键技术及其相互之间的关系,指出任务规划是指挥决策过程的核心任务。最后分析了模型设计、案例推理、推演评估、3S技术等四个方面存在的主要技术应用难点。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the assumptions of US and Peruvian military personnel regarding insurgent susceptibilities to psychological operations in 1988. The discussion is based on both archival material and the experiences of the author, who was a member of the joint US-Peruvian team. The paper provides insight into the workings of US Army psychological operations as they were conducted in the 1980s and outlines both the strengths and weaknesses of the approach taken.  相似文献   

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