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提高消防部队后勤保障能力,要把重点放在完善经费长效保障机制上,放在加强消防装备建设上,放在构建火场保障体系上。要根据消防部队经费物资筹措和保障的实际,加强财务监控力度,严格装备物资管理程序,充分发挥有限资源的最大保障效益。  相似文献   

消防业务经费是确保消防工作正常运转的基本要素之一,是推动消防部队持续健康发展的命脉所在.多年来,在各级党委、政府的高度重视和各级财政部门的大力支持下,消防业务经费的落实保障工作有了较大提高,确保了部队建设稳步发展,消防业务经费保障在消防事业发展中起到了举足轻重的作用.当前,消防部队经费保障工作存在着一些不足之处.完善经费保障机制,提高经费保障能力成为当前后勤工作亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

针对消防部队经费保障来源渠道减少、经费保障体制无法落实、大项工作缺乏经费支持、部分单位欠账现象严重的现状和特点,分析了消防经费保障存在困难的主要原因,提出了结合新《消防法》实际,进一步完善适合消防部队的经费保障机制;深入调研,了解实情,因"财"施策;用好用活政策,积极筹措资金,开辟财源;开源节流,强化管理,使有限的经费发挥出最大效益等提高消防部队经费保障能力的对策。  相似文献   

近年来,消防部队不断优化部队经费投向投量,充分发挥经费使用效益,为消防部队建设提供了有力保障.与此同时,也不同程度地存在着重预算形式轻决策论证、重经费增量轻优化投量、重综合平衡轻预算管控等问题.分析消防部队经费预算管理工作现状和问题成因,提出相应对策.  相似文献   

消防部队实行集中核算制以来,提高了部队财务管理水平和经费使用效益,同时也出现一些问题,应从明确会计责任、强化财务监督、提高人员素质等方面进行阐述,对消防部队财务集中核算工作的规范化深入探讨。  相似文献   

全国消防部队先后在各级建立了财务集中核算中心,按照统一的财务规章制度对本级及其所属单位一切经费进行集中核算、集中监管。但是,现行核算中心会计监督职能的发挥仍存在一些不足,文章对此进行了分析。并提出强化消防部队会计监督职能的建议。  相似文献   

针对经济发展、社会进步给新时期消防部队的财务工作带来的一系列新问题、新机遇、新挑战,从加强经费管理、科学理财、抓好后勤队伍建设等方面对如何搞好消防部队现代化后勤财务管理工作进行了论证。  相似文献   

近年来,军委、总部对应急机动作战部队的建设都在经费投入上作了重点倾斜。坦由于历史的和现实的原因,经费供求矛盾仍然十分突出,保障难度有增无减。因此,进一步加强应急机动作战部队财务建设,对提高部队战斗力至关重要。一是加强管理,提高标准经费保障能力,确保有限经费使用效益。二是加强业务建设,实现财务业务建设正规化。三是完善应急机动财务保障预案。四是管好用好应急储备基金。  相似文献   

分析新时期加强消防部队财务保障的重要意义和当前财务保障工作存在的主要问题,提出了树立大局意识、加强财务预算管理保障建设、加强财务分析保障建设、加强财务监督保障建设、加强财务人才队伍建设等对策。  相似文献   

解决军费来源渠道分散、运行成本高、规划计划与预算脱节、联勤体制下财务保障效率低的问题,应设置预算与保障相分离的专门预算机构,将装备财务归并到后勤财务,统一经费拨款渠道,实行军兵种部队联供联管的经费供应管理模式,实施经费通专一体化保障。  相似文献   

An analysis of the security vetting files of 19 employees within a South African national department who had been found guilty of financial misconduct in the last five years uncovered that the existing security vetting processes did not detect the financial misconduct of which these employees have been found guilty. This research sets out to establish whether security vetting can be extended to include the detection of financial misconduct within the department and, if so, how. Moreover, if security vetting can indeed be so extended, can it possibly enhance the management of fraud risk across all South African public sector departments? Qualitative interviews were conducted with 27 employees who are key to fraud risk management and security vetting within the researched department. During the interviews, the following five themes emerged: (1) the reasons why employees commit financial misconduct; (2) why it is not detected by the security vetting process; (3) the potential alignment of the security vetting process to facilitate the detection of financial misconduct; (4) the following through on security vetting findings; and (5) sharing these findings with the internal audit and risk management functions within state departments. These themes were probed and are reported on, establishing firstly that security vetting can indeed be extended to include the detection of financial misconduct within the researched department, and secondly that it can enhance the management of fraud risk across all South African public sector departments, given the specific mandate of the State Security Agency (SSA) and the national security vetting strategy.  相似文献   

In recent years, South Africa has come to be used by international terrorists as a safe house, for paramilitary training purposes, as a base from which to plan attacks on other countries and as a conduit for financial transactions. South Africa's own counter-terrorism initiatives have been labelled ‘reactive’ by analysts. Indeed, the existing counter-terrorism regime suffers from a lack of political will to issues of corruption and ineptitude bedevilling the security apparatus of the state. However, using lessons learned from other countries, Pretoria can yet turn the tide against international terrorism by adopting more pro-active measures and by undertaking steps aimed at the depoliticisation and decriminalisation of the security forces.  相似文献   

根据新《消防法》国家鼓励保险公司承担火灾公众责任保险的规定,阐述了保险业在火灾公众责任保险中发挥经济补偿的功能和作用,有利于消防工作社会化和提高公共消防安全保障,并就如何开展良性互动机制进行分析。  相似文献   

周炎明  兰旭  熊俊芬 《国防科技》2020,41(5):111-118
随着“大智移云物”的出现和发展,战争形态已经发展到智能化战争新阶段。为了打赢未来智能化战争,推进军队财务管理实现智能化,充分利用军事大数据这一新兴重要战略资源尤为必要。本文利用需求分析法和现象分类法,从经费需求测算、预算编制、军费支出和军费绩效评估四个方面分析了军队财务管理领域应用军事大数据的需求。针对当前存在的运用军事大数据观念淡薄、数据采集困难、数据挖掘处理能力较弱、数据安全威胁及军事大数据人才缺乏等五个问题,从大数据应用观念的树立、软硬件设备的更新、数据中心的建设、应用框架的构建、信息化管理制度的完善、数据安全管理和大数据人才队伍建设几个方面提出了在军队财务管理领域应用军事大数据的思路。  相似文献   

金融危机的爆发和蔓延对我国实体经济造成了严重冲击,境内外敌对势力趁机发难,人民内部矛盾被“催化”,经济领域的违法活动凸显,公安机关作为我国的重要维稳力量,应增强维稳意识,提高执法素养;深入推进社区和农村警务战略;强化情报建设、舆论引导和群众工作;坚持科技强警,完善各项维稳预案。以积极的策略应对金融危机对我国社会稳定的影响。  相似文献   

The European Monetary Union (EMU) is inherently unstable, and will be prone to repeated financial and fiscal crises. These crises pose a clear threat to NATO security and the political institutions of Alliance member states. There is no definitive way to eliminate the risks posed by monetary union, but straightforward reforms in EMU sovereign debt management represent a low-cost near-term means of mitigating these risks. With EMU nations facing a seeming leadership vacuum, it is well within NATO purview to press for adoption of such reforms.  相似文献   

African states are hampered by unreliable electric energy that has not complemented economic development efforts. Recently, several African states announced plans to pursue nuclear energy in the future. However, several challenges remain for these states, notably insecurity and financial deficiencies. This paper proposes the use of regional integration arrangements to address these challenges faced by African states, as a way of complementing other efforts enabling African states to obtain nuclear energy. The existence of these arrangements and their institutional mechanisms can enable African states to enhance security and cost-effectively develop nuclear power infrastructure.  相似文献   

Given the advances made in conventional weapon capabilities, precision should by now be the accepted and expected norm in cyberspace as well. In this article I argue that developing precision cyber weapon systems, to be used during a lawful conflict, can be an important part of a responsible national security strategy to reduce the amount of violence and physical destruction in conflicts. I first describe a precision cyber weapon system in a military context. I then present three compelling rationales for the development of precision cyber weapon systems based on ethical, operational, and financial considerations. To support the position, I address several arguments that have been levied against their development. Thereafter I present several recommendations for a way ahead.  相似文献   

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