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邓小平将马克思主义“实事求是”的基本观点引入对中国发展代价问题的认识,指出了各种发展代价产生的客观必然性;将马克思主义辩证法引入对发展代价问题的认识,提出了正确看待改革风险和发展代价的方法论原则;将实践观引入对中国发展代价问题的认识,提出了减少和克服各种社会发展代价的思路措施。  相似文献   

杨楠  张健  朱凡  陈力威 《火力与指挥控制》2012,37(5):132-135,139
针对当前使用的无人机航迹规划代价函数的不足之处,提出一种利用遗传算法对无人机航迹规划代价函数进行优化的方法。对基本遗传算法进行了局部改进,设计了航迹极坐标编码方式及航迹适应度函数,在采用基本遗传操作算子的基础上采取精英保存策略,提高了算法的效率;采用代价归一化并进行优化的思想,得到优化之后的代价函数权重值。优化结果表明,该方法可以获得代价更低的航迹。  相似文献   

随着人类实践活动负效应的日益突出,代价问题愈益引人瞩目。笔者曾经提出,反思、分析、预见代价产出的理性根据及代价合理性的实现机制是现实实践的客观要求。本文具体地就代价合理性的实现机制作进一步探讨。 一、代价合理性实现的实质 代价合理性在现实生活中主要表现在四个层面,即代价追求的目标的合理性;代价(工具)对于具体价值目标的合理性;代价分配的合理性;代价对于人及其实践的规模合理性。代价合理性的实现,主要是指以合理的代价投入实现合理的创价目标,并控制、弥补各种消极后果,以促进主体的生存发展和社会的进步。代价合理性的实现机制就是影响代价合理性实现的诸因素的相互联系及其功能,以及实现代价合理性的作用原理与作用过程。它主要包括三个组成部分,即实现  相似文献   

一、实施可持续发展的意义人类社会发展的实践表明,环境是经济和社会发展的基础和前提,如果没有良好的生态环境和永续利用的自然资源,人类文明将失去赖以支持的物质基础,经济和社会发展将难以持续,如果沿袭以牺牲环境、浪费资源为代价换取经济增长的传统发展模式,不仅进一步加剧污染蔓延,生态失衡和资源短缺,而且势必危及子孙后代在发展与环境方面最基本的需求。江泽民总书记在(正确处理社会主义现代化建设中的若干重大关系)中指出:在现代化建设中,必须把实现可持续发展作为一个重大战略。要把控制人口、节约资源。保护环境放到…  相似文献   

马克思创立的唯物史观富有深刻的价值内涵,一部社会发展史就是一部价值实现的历史。人类历史发展过程中价值的实现并不是一帆风顺的,是一个付出代价和扬弃代价的辩证过程,需要人们权衡利弊进行正确的价值选择,从而为社会进步谋求一条更好的发展之路。  相似文献   

科学发展观所倡导的发展,之所以是科学的,就在于它是全面协调可持续的发展,即又好又快的发展,而不是片面的发展、不计代价的发展、竭泽而渔式的发展。第一,科学发展观是全面的发展观。中国特色社会主义事业是全面发展的事业,发展的最终目的是在实现社会  相似文献   

中央领导历来高度重视安全生产工作。胡锦涛总书记曾指出:“人的生命是最宝贵的。我国是社会主义国家, 我们的发展不能以牺牲精神文明为代价,不能以牺牲生态环境为代价,更不能以牺牲人的生命为代价。”温家宝总  相似文献   

作战仿真实验设计的基本问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验设计是作战仿真实验的重要内容,科学、合理、周密的实验设计能够以较小的代价从实验中最大限度地得到丰富而可靠的研究成果.本文探讨了作战仿真实验设计的定义、基本概念、基本类型、基本原则、主要方法、一般步骤等基本问题.  相似文献   

以中远程反舰导弹航路规划为背景,研究了数字地图应用的相关处理技术。首先介绍了数字高程模型及其相应的处理技术,其次论述了对数字海图进行网格划分的基本原则,然后分析了计算地图上每个网格单元的代价MC(Map Cost)所需考虑的主要因素,最后给出由MC生成的最小代价BC(Best Cost)的方法,为下一步航路规划算法的实现奠定了基础。  相似文献   

针对协同空战中多目标的攻击问题,综合考虑杀伤概率、毁伤率、战役价值3个因素,分别制定评价函数.采用线型加权的方法,确定总的代价函数.使用混合粒子群算法(Heuristic Particle Swarm Optimization, HPSO)优化攻击分配方案,找到使我方以最小代价获得胜利的分配方案.最后仿真,3架我机对阵8架敌机,分析了8种不同的交叉变异策略对攻击分配结果的影响,并与蚁群算法进行比较,在代价函数基本不变的前提下,速度提高了近10倍,表明了采用HPSO算法优化攻击分配方案的快速性和正确性.  相似文献   

加强消防警务机制建设是促进消防工作规范化、制度化、法制化和社会化建设的有力保障,是保证社会经济发展、社会和谐稳定的基本条件。近年来消防部队在警务机制改革方面迈出了可喜的步伐,但是由于社会发展机制和体制的限制,消防力量不足、勤务实战演练效果不理想、信息化建设水平偏低等问题依旧存在,有待于在创新现代消防警务机制建设中加以解决。  相似文献   

In the last decade, there has been much progress in understanding scheduling problems in which selfish jobs aim to minimize their individual completion time. Most of this work has focused on makespan minimization as social objective. In contrast, we consider as social cost the total weighted completion time, that is, the sum of the agent costs, a standard definition of welfare in economics. In our setting, jobs are processed on restricted uniform parallel machines, where each machine has a speed and is only capable of processing a subset of jobs; a job's cost is its weighted completion time; and each machine sequences its jobs in weighted shortest processing time (WSPT) order. Whereas for the makespan social cost the price of anarchy is not bounded by a constant in most environments, we show that for our minsum social objective the price of anarchy is bounded above by a small constant, independent of the instance. Specifically, we show that the price of anarchy is exactly 2 for the class of unit jobs, unit speed instances where the finite processing time values define the edge set of a forest with the machines as nodes. For the general case of mixed job strategies and restricted uniform machines, we prove that the price of anarchy equals 4. From a classical machine scheduling perspective, our results establish the same constant performance guarantees for WSPT list scheduling. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

A dynamic multi-stage decision-theoretic approach is introduced to establish the optimal offset and its incidence, the contract price arising from bargaining, and the scale of the acquisition. A new rationale is suggested for offsets in terms of their role as an insurance devise. Results are derived for the pricing of delivery contracts subject to offset claims and their national security implications. It is shown that the national security is strictly convex in the offset transaction. As to the incidence of the offset, the offset claim is shown to be capitalised in the delivery price. The bargaining price is shown to depend on the value of the product to be delivered for the national security, the relative negotiation power of the contracting partners and the social cost of public funds. The analysis highlights the expectation effects of offsets on the bargaining price and the scale of delivery. The results aid in explaining why offsets are widely used in procurement contracts for defence materiel. As they contribute to the national security, they should be allowed to survive and not be denied under competition laws.  相似文献   

文章阐述了分布式储能技术的重要意义,介绍了分布式储能技术在经济社会可持续发展重要领域——能源互联网发展中的重要地位,并对分布式储能的技术形态与载体进行了分析,最后以信息网络重要组成部分——数据中心为应用场景,对分布式储能技术的实践进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The dependence on oil, gas, and mineral exports arguably has a negative impact on economic growth in resource-rich, developing countries. This article looks at the impact of resource dependence on adjusted net savings (ANS) as an indicator of weak sustainability. Our results, based on a panel of 104 developing countries during the recent commodity price boom, confirm a negative relationship between resource extraction and sustainable development as measured by ANS. We further look at the specific role of armed conflict and armed violence as captured by the homicide rate. Armed conflict, which is positively associated with resource dependence, negatively affects ANS per capita according to both our OLS and instrumental variables (IV) estimates. Similarly, armed violence has a detrimental effect on sustainable development. Our IV estimate suggests that a one-point increase in the homicide rate decreases ANS per capita by $60. Since education expenditures are a critical ANS component, we further examine the impact of resource dependence and violence on human capital. Consistent with previous findings, resource-dependent countries underinvest in education but armed conflict and violence do not affect the instantaneous share of education expenditures, hinting at a detrimental effect working through physical and social capital rather than education.  相似文献   

学生学习投入与学业成果呈显著相关,对促进学生个体发展和提升教育质量起着重要作用。促进学生学习收获呼吁高效的学习投入,如何提学生学习投入水平,已成为教育教学的迫切问题。本文在梳理有关学习投入影响因素文献的基础上,确定出15个影响学生学生学习投入的主要因素,运用解释结构模型方法建立学习投入影响因素解释结构模型。研究发现,自我效能感、学习动机、情感体验、时间管理、成就目标和人际关系是影响学生学习投入的直接因素,教学投入、教学策略、教学能力、学校氛围和学校支持力度是根本因素,教学支持、家庭背景、社会支持和学校幸福感作为间接因素发挥作用。其中学生自身因素是影响学生学习投入的直接因素,环境因素和教师因素对学生学习投入有基础性的影响。据此可以从激发学生学习动机、提高学习投入积极性,改善外部环境、加大联合支持力度,以及加强师资力量建设、提高教师教学能力等方面来提升学生学习投入水平。  相似文献   

黄飞  钟斐艺 《国防科技》2021,42(4):117-122
近年来,随着国防和军队全面深化改革的深入推进和装备建设的快速发展,装备价格管理工作的重要性不断提升,但军队目前承担的装备审价任务日趋繁重,存量不减、增量日增等新情况和新问题给装备价格管理工作带来了新挑战。本文以单一来源同类装备为研究对象,借鉴《军品定价议价规则(试行)》中竞争议价和征询议价不审价的原理,从单一来源同类装备价格的形成主体、装备审价任务量、装备价格的测算方法、装备价格的形成过程以及装备价格的影响因素等五个方面分析了价格形成机制存在的问题,并从主观因素和客观因素两方面探讨了存在问题的原因,提出应在明确价格形成主体的职能权限、科学确定价格的测算方法、完善价格法律法规、建设价格数据平台、加强价格人才队伍建设等方向优化单一来源同类装备价格形成机制的对策建议。  相似文献   

We explore the economic and environmental impacts of market structures (competition or integration at vertical and horizontal levels). We consider a bilateral duopoly consisting of two manufacturers and two retailers in which each manufacturer offers a wholesale price contract to the respective retailer. The manufacturers decide on wholesale prices and abatement efforts concerning pollution emissions related to manufacturing processes, whereas the retailers compete in quantities in the consumer market. To understand the comprehensive effects of market structures on economic competitiveness and environmental sustainability, we examine a measure of eco‐friendly social welfare, which is the ratio of social welfare and environmental pollution. Interestingly, we find that the market structures that have been believed to be more efficient are less efficient from a broader perspective: (1) double marginalization can generate higher eco‐friendly social welfare, and (2) horizontal competition between firms can result in lower eco‐friendly social welfare. Although vertical integration and horizontal competition yield greater social welfare by facilitating more production activities, these market structures often fail to induce sufficient abatement efforts to balance the polluting effect of the large volume, resulting in more significant environmental degradation. We also show that, despite the pollution‐curbing effect, higher emission penalties can result in less eco‐friendly social welfare. They can even curtail the abatement efforts of firms under particular circumstances. When products become more substitutable, the eco‐friendly social welfare can decrease depending upon the market structure.  相似文献   

In a static environment, J. Hirschleifer's marginal cost solution to the transfer pricing problem is commonly accepted as analytically correct. However, actual pricing practice within Western corporations and socialist-planned economies generally deviates from marginal cost pricing. Some form of average cost pricing is more commonly chosen. Recently in this journal, H. Enzer has claimed to show that some form of average cost pricing is indeed the analytically correct solution to the transfer pricing problem when choice of technique and manipulation are allowed. Enzer claims that optimal decisions made by each of two divisions according to their individual self-interests are made compatible with overall firm optimization when the transfer price assigned to the internally-transferred commodity is any form of average cost. We show that the marginal cost solution is correct for Enzer's problem in the absence of manipulation by either division. Indeed, this was all that Hirschleifer claimed. In the process, we uncover a fundamental mathematical error in Enzer's argument. When manipulation of the transfer price by divisions is allowed, we demonstrate the faults with Enzer's average cost solution and conclude Hirschleifer's original statements on manipulation to be correct even in Enzer's environment. A final section briefly indicates the importance to the transfer pricing problem of a growing body of economic literature on incentive structures.  相似文献   

舰船装备价格指数与物价指数的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对舰船装备价格指数与物价指数建立数学模型 ,主要分析物价指数对舰船各项成本的影响 ,分析舰船装备价格指数比物价指数涨幅更大的原因 .  相似文献   

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