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For the characterization of the behaviors of a metal material in events like expanding warheads, it is necessary to know its strength and ductility at high strain rates, around 104e105/s. The flyer plate impact testing produces the uniform stress and strain rates but the testing is expensive. The Taylor test is relatively inexpensive but produces non-uniform stress and strain fields, and the results are not so easily inferred for material modeling. In the split-Hopkinson bar(SHB), which may be used in compression, tension and torsion testing, the strain rates never exceeds 103/s. In the present work, we use the expanding ring test where the strain rate is 104e105/s. A streak camera is used to examine the expanding ring velocity, and a water tank is used to collect the fragments. The experimental results are compared with the numerical simulations using the hydrocodes AUTODYN, IMPETUS Afea and a regularized smooth particle(RSPH) software. The number of fragments increases with the increase in the expansion velocity of the rings. The number of fragments is similar to the experimental results. The RSPH software shows much the same results as the AUTODYN where the Lagrangian solver is used for the ring. The IMPETUS Afea solver shows a somewhat different fragmentation characteristic due to the node splitting algorithm that induces pronounced tensile splitting.  相似文献   

To simulate explosion fragments, it is necessary to predict many variables such as fragment velocity, size distribution and projection angle. For active protection systems these predictions need to be made very quickly, before the weapon hits the target. Fast predictions also need to be made in real time simulations when the impact of many different computer models need to be assessed. The research presented in this paper focuses on creating a fast and accurate estimate of one of these variables - the initial fragment velocity. The Gurney equation was the first equation to calculate initial fragment velocity. This equation, sometimes with modifications, is still used today where finite element analysis or complex mathematical approaches are considered too computationally expensive. This paper enhances and improves Breech’s two-dimensional Gurney equation using available empirical data and the principals of conservation of momentum and energy. The results are computationally quick, providing improved accuracy for estimating initial fragment velocity. This will allow the developed model to be available for real-time simulation and fast computation, with improved accuracy when compared to existing approaches.  相似文献   

The ability to predict the natural fragmentation of an explosively loaded metal casing would represent a significant achievement. Physically-based material models permit the use of small scale laboratory tests to characterise and validate their parameters. The model can then be directly employed to understand and design the system of interest and identify the experiments required for validation of the predictions across a wide area of the performance space. This is fundamentally different to the use of phenomenologically based material algorithms which require a much wider range of characterisation and validation tests to be able to predict a reduced area of the performance space. Eulerians numerical simulation methods are used to describe the fragmentation of thick walled EN24 steel cylinders filled with PBXN-109 explosive. The methodology to characterise the constitutive response of the material using the physically based Armstrong–Zerilli constitutive model and the Goldthorpe path dependent fracture model is described, and the results are presented. The ability of an Eulerian hydrocode to describe the fragmentation process and reproduce the experimentally observed fragment mass and velocity distributions is presented and discussed. Finally the suitability of the current experimental analysis methodology for simulation validation is addressed.  相似文献   

Two different finite element software, LS-DYNA and Impetus, have been evaluated to test their ability to predict the deformation, fragmentation and acceleration of a controlled fragmentation charge casing. The general-purpose program LS-DYNA was used with a multi-material ALE formulation and a mass-preserving erosion criterion coupled to a Johnson-Cook fracture criterion. In the Impetus simulations, a third order Lagrangian element formulation was used for the casing and a node-splitting element erosion treatment coupled to a Cockcroft-Latham failure criterion was used to describe casing fracture. The high-explosive gases were described by a discrete particle formalism.In order to acquire data to validate our computational tools and constitutive models, a series of experiments have been performed using a laboratory charge with an internal grooved casing. In the test series, the charge geometry was fixed except that the groove depth were varied from very shallow to very deep resulting in different deformation patterns, fracture modes and terminal velocities. Various diagnostic tools captured the different stages of the expansion and fragmentation of the casing. A high-speed framing camera depicted the deformation pattern before fragmentation and was used to determine the moment when the casing failed. Three different complementary techniques were used to follow the acceleration of the fragments; a Photon Doppler velocimetry to determine the initial acceleration of the casing, double exposed radiographs to estimate the fragment velocity after break-up and a high-speed video to determine the terminal velocity of the fragment after leaving the fireball. In addition, the fragments were soft recovered in a set of sawdust pit tests and their final shape and weight were measured. A SEM was used to characterise the fracture surfaces and to determine the modus of fracture (tensile or shear failure).Comparisons to experiments show that both software can predict the change in deformation behaviour when the groove depth increases, from tangential necking for shallow grooves to radial punching for deep groves. Both software could also reasonable well predict the acceleration of the fragments, though both overestimates the terminal velocity for the charge with the deepest grooves.  相似文献   

针对临近空间飞艇,对其内部氦气的自然对流特征进行了数值模拟。采用计算流体力学方法,并利用自编的用户自定义函数将外部的温度边界条件导入壁面网格。在不同的稳态条件下,通过对内部氦气压力、温度、速度的分布等流场特征参数的研究,分析了临近空间飞艇内部气体自然对流的运动特性及其影响规律,并对自然对流非稳态变化过程进行了初步的探索。仿真结果表明,在临近空间环境下,飞艇内部氦气的自然对流,对于内部氦气自身的热交换具有一定程度的促进作用,而对蒙皮受力和结构安全性影响很小。  相似文献   

Copper lined wave shaped shaped charges of particular design and liner metallurgy were used to investigate the effect of explosive crystal size on the resultant shaped charge jet parameters. Composition A3 with RDX of three different average crystal sizes, i.e. 30 μm, 100 μm and 300 μm were used in the investigation. All other parameters in the charge were kept constant and in particular, care was given to obtain consistent dimensional quality and liner microstructure, in order to prohibit the variation of other parameters. Specific flash-X-ray diagnostics were used in field tests to obtain the jet parameters from multiple firings of similar charges. It is found that the varying crystal size of the RDX has a marginal influence in the total jet length of the jets. However, it is also found that there is less variation between firings in the jet parameters for jets from the charges loaded with the crystal size of 100 μm.  相似文献   

通过建立箔条干扰下的雷达回波模型,根据回波产生的机理,模拟出回波的幅度服从瑞利分布,相位服从均匀分布。根据统计学原理,推导出箔条云雷达回波的功率谱密度,服从高斯分布。结果与实际相符,说明了该仿真方法的正确性。通过仿真比较和分析了当箔条云中含有静态或动态目标时的雷达回波、幅度分布和相位分布。对箔条干扰研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《钢结构设计规范》(GB50017—2003)认为单轴对称的T型钢轴心压杆绕对称轴的稳定性是弯扭失稳问题。本次试验发现,剖分T型钢轴压杆有必要做弯扭屈曲验算,计算方法采用换算长系比法。  相似文献   

The failure mechanism of a cylindrical shell cut into fragments by circumferential detonation collision was experimentally and numerically investigated. A self-designed detonation wave regulator was used to control the detonation and cut the shell. It was found that the self-designed regulator controlled the fragment shape. The macrostructure and micro-characteristics of fragments revealed that shear fracture was a prior mechanism, the shell fractured not only at the position of detonation collision, but the crack also penetrated the shell at the first contact position of the Chapmen-Jouguet (C-J) wave. The effects of groove number and outer layer thickness on the fracture behavior were tested by simulations. When the thickness of the outer layer was 5–18 mm, it has little effect on fragmentation of the shell, and shells all fractured at similar positions. The increase of the groove number reduced the fracture possibility of the first contact position of the C-J wave. When the groove number reached 7 with a 10 mm outer layer (1/4 model), the fracture only occurred at the position of detonation collision and the fragment width rebounded.  相似文献   

介绍了德文版的 Fluid SIM-H液压系统模拟仿真软件 ,并介绍了应用 Exe Scope、Help Deco、Help Work和 Create Install等工具软件对德文版软件进行汉化的基本方法  相似文献   

介绍仿真机和仿真软件的发展,分析了银河仿真机系统性能,探讨了仿真机的未来发展特征。  相似文献   

嵌入式仿真是将虚拟仿真和实况仿真结合以提供最真实的训练环境,首先阐述了嵌入式仿真的概念和特点,重点研究了嵌入式仿真系统的体系结构,以及在炮兵模拟训练系统中应用的方法和关键技术,最后简要介绍了嵌入式仿真的发展趋势。  相似文献   

把地形看成层次性随机统计过程 ,将扩展的随机 -相关法与分形自适应法相结合 ,生成符合一定条件的地形数据 ,模拟车体的运动。由地形数据和车体所处位置确定车体姿态数据 ,以此驱动摇摆实验台转动 ,就模拟了车体姿态的实际变化。为行进间火控问题的研究提供了一个完善的车体运动模拟环境  相似文献   

针对系统仿真建模可重用的需求,采用组件对象建模的思想对鱼雷进行建模,通过分析鱼雷模型的特点,完成了协同仿真平台下由鱼雷动力学、运动学模块、动力系统模块、控制系统模块、弹道解算系统模块、自导系统模块、引信系统模块、尾流自导模块、误差模块所组成的鱼雷层次结构模型设计,并已实现协同仿真环境中不同粒度的可重用模型的程序开发.通过对鱼雷仿真模型的测试与应用,验证了协同仿真环境下组件对象建模方法具有建模过程快捷、灵活、适应性高、可重用性好和利于跨平台移植的优点.  相似文献   

为了确定地下坑道中防护门上的冲击波荷载,首先需要弄清爆炸冲击波在坑道中的传播衰减规律.在模型坑道爆炸实验数据验证的基础上,应用数值模拟方法研究了T型坑道中爆炸冲击波的传播衰减规律.通过大量不同模型尺寸、不同炸药药量的数值模拟,得到了T型坑道中平面冲击波的形成位置,提出了爆炸冲击波通过T型坑道拐弯时新的冲击波压力衰减系数...  相似文献   

为了模拟拱顶罐量油孔油气逸出及逸出后的扩散过程,基于k-ε湍流理论建立了拱顶罐量油孔油气逸出扩散控制方程组,采用数值模拟方法重点讨论了不同罐内压力条件下油气逸出速度和量油孔附近油气浓度的变化.模拟结果表明罐内压力随时间变化与已有理论推导结果吻合;由于罐内正压,油气逸出速度很大,并且均在1 s左右达到峰值;在距离量油孔孔口2 m范围内,油气浓度偏高,无论是从安全、环保还是从人员健康方面考虑,都应采取措施降低油气浓度.  相似文献   

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