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本文介绍了防地雷反伏击车的设计要点。这种防地雷反伏击车是一种能够为士兵提供抵御地雷、简易爆炸装置和其他枪弹威胁的改进防护的战斗用车。涉及防地雷装甲车辆的总体设计、防护技术和人机环境等多要素综合的工程技术,是一种功能综合、系统集成的满足战场指挥、人员输送、战术侦察、物资运输和战地救护等功能拓展的防地雷反伏击系列车辆基型车。  相似文献   

<正>我海外维和分队列装新型防地雷反伏击车近日,中国第10批赴马里维和部队防卫步兵分队在加奥任务区举行新装备接装仪式,热烈欢迎新型防地雷反伏击车列装。这是该型装备首次列装我海外维和分队。接装仪式现场,维和官兵们用热烈的掌声欢迎新装备到来。据介绍,该型防地雷反伏击车针对维和任务需求进行了改装,在原有基础上对防护、通信、电磁干扰、观察等功能进行了改造升级,能够很好地应对简易爆炸物袭击,全面提升防卫步兵分队遂行维和任务能力。  相似文献   

山风 《现代军事》2008,(11):57-59
2008年6月28日.阿富汗坎大哈,平淡无奇的一天,但对于美国陆军“绿色贝雷帽”部队的三名士兵来说却是厄运当头。这天中午巡逻时,他们乘坐的RG-31防地雷反伏击车(MRAP)翻进了河里.三个年轻人就这样糊里糊涂命丧黄泉。由于阿富汗山多路险,美军使用的是现役防地雷反伏击车中最小号的RG-31装甲车.  相似文献   

<正>2017年4月,俄罗斯国际军贸分析中心发布《国际坦克装甲车市场分析报告》,对2013~2020年主战坦克、装甲战车、轻型装甲车和防地雷反伏击车市场交易情况进行了分析和预测,认为,装甲战车出口额与均价将显著提升;轻型装甲车市场暂时饱和;南非、美国将主导防地雷反伏击车市场。主战坦克市场规模将扩大2013~2016年,全球主战坦克出口量为2078辆,价值为59.06亿美元,其中新坦克802辆,价值为48.42亿美元,分别占该装备出口总量的  相似文献   

法陆军接收首门凯撒榴弹炮;美陆战队增购反伏击车;俄将研制新一代舰载机;德获得土40亿美元潜艇合同;土空中预警机完成首飞;  相似文献   

以美军战术车辆为研究对象,介绍了美军战术车辆的基本概况,分析了美军战术车辆作战试验类型,系统研究了美军轻型、中型、重型战术车辆及防地雷反伏击车的作战试验现状和特点,提出了对我军开展战术车辆作战试验的启示。  相似文献   

美打造地对空“响尾蛇”导弹;美增购5244辆防地雷反伏击车;印拟购买10架C-17运输机;美B-2配新挂架投巨型钻地弹;越南苏-22战斗机坠毁;  相似文献   

耕海  牧洋 《当代海军》2005,(7):48-51
最近,台军在美军情报部门的支持下,初步确认我对台封锁作战伏击区有16个,主要集中在台湾以东海域。每个伏击区大小不一,约为鱼雷射程的2~4倍距离,大概在30海里左右,另外还有6处适合作为伏击的地方。台军对此感到惶惶不可终日,再次强烈要求加快购买反潜武器,对我进行反制。  相似文献   

谁进攻谁 好莱坞影片中,关于越南战争的场景无一例外都是美国大兵到处找越军,然后被伏击云云。实际上,这与事实严重不符。根据统计,在美军越战行动中,遭遇伏击的占23-3%,防御战是30.4%,相反,美军伏击对手的战斗仅有8.7%,进攻对手阵地的比例为17.9%。谁在进攻再清楚不过。  相似文献   

伏击战,分待伏和诱伏两种待伏,是获得敌人行动的时间、兵力和必经道路的情报后,预先把兵力埋伏好,待机伏击敌人诱伏,是将主要兵力设伏于有利地区,以少数兵力用各种方法把敌人诱骗到设伏地区予以歼灭,或佯攻某一地,引诱别地的敌人来援时伏击之。运用伏击战的一般原则是:一、拣弱敌打。如选择敌战斗人员较少的运输队、巡逻队、单独活动的小分队和疲劳的敌人等,以便速战全歼。二、选好地形。伏击地点,对  相似文献   

This article further considers the two‐person continuous ambush game introduced by Ruckle. This article extends the work of Ruckle, Baston and Bostock, and Lee by considering the game for a general number of barriers. By supplanting optimal strategies from a discretized version of the game, we show that there always exists a value for the game, which, furthermore, can be found using linear programming techniques. Further to this, we show that the discrete ambush game considered by Garnaev has the same value as a continuous game, allowing many new results to be obtained in both games. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 515–529, 2003  相似文献   

In this article we shall deal with some two-person games on a lattice. These are games of search and ambush where the set of strategies of one of the players is determined by functions on the lattice. We give a general method to obtain a solution of these games and we apply it to three particular games. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Problems in counterterrorism and corporate competition have prompted research that attempts to combine statistical risk analysis with game theory in ways that support practical decision making. This article applies these methods of adversarial risk analysis to the problem of selecting a route through a network in which an opponent chooses vertices for ambush. The motivating application is convoy routing across a road network when there may be improvised explosive devices and imperfect intelligence about their locations. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

能量均衡的围捕任务分配方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着水下机器人反围捕策略研究的不断深入,水下机器人围捕变得越来越困难。为此构建一种多层环状伏击围捕模型并设计了基于围捕任务的任务分配方法,使得水下机器人能够充分利用自身的特点更好地完成任务。同时,考虑在围捕过程中随时间推移,系统内能量会出现消耗不均的现象,据此提出一种能量均衡方法平衡系统能量的消耗。实验证明所提出的基于多层环状围捕模型的能量均衡策略任务分配方法能有效提高围捕成功率,延长系统寿命。  相似文献   

From 2006 to 2011, al Qaeda's East African proxy, al Shabaab, served as de facto ruling party of Somalia despite the efforts of the internationally recognized Transitional Federal Government (TFG). During these five years, a violent struggle between al Shabaab and the Burundian and Ugandan Peacekeepers of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) resulted in thousands of dead civilians, hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons, and a strategic environment inhospitable to reconciliation, recovery, or development. Beginning in August 2011, AMISOM was able to break the deadlock and force al Shabaab from Mogadishu, then subsequently, Kismayo, and ultimately to consolidate and reorganize in the Somali hinterland. In order to continue the momentum, the African Union and other partner nations must support the newly recognized Somali Federal Government (SFG), neutralize al Shabaab, and provide good governance to its constituents. Al Shabaab's revenue streams must be shut down and their offensive capability must be degraded while the strategic environment is shaped to ensure that conditions conducive to a revival do not exist. Failure to do so will likely see Somalia continuing to produce Islamic extremists and pirates to menace international maritime traffic in the Western Indian Ocean, destabilize East Africa, and adversely impact millions.  相似文献   

确保军队绝对忠诚、绝对纯洁、绝对可靠,是习主席为推进我军革命化正规化现代化建设提出的新的标准和要求。“三个绝对”深刻揭示了铸牢强军之魂的本质内涵,体现了人民军队的本质特征。武警院校作为培养现代警官的摇篮,要切实深化思想认识,强化确保“三个绝对”的责任感使命感;要着力打牢学员举旗铸魂的理论根基,夯实听党指挥的思想基础,锤炼忠诚卫士的政治品格,培养造就“一懂五会”忠诚可靠、素质全面的合格人才。  相似文献   

In the course of the last few years, the Islamic sect Boko Haram has become of great interest to academics, researchers and analysts. At the same time, experts, especially at the European Union (EU) level, have been reluctant to include Boko Haram in the EU list of terrorist organisations, despite the fact that this group has clearly demonstrated its transformation into a terrorist organisation. Security challenges and threats are, by definition, subject to change, and it is the task of security institutions to create policies to address these challenges and threats. Terrorism cannot be addressed in isolation, and policymakers are confronted at all levels with the difficult task of making sense of this evolution. By assessing the current security situation in Nigeria, this commentary tries to ascertain the potential repercussions to regional stability from the Boko Haram phenomenon. Insurgencies have often been initiated from and supported by neighbouring countries and have expanded conflicts across borders. Countering Boko Haram will require various institutions to conduct similar and concurrent counter-insurgent and counter-terrorist operations. At the global level, such co-ordination has often proven difficult. The EU has to keep the pace in this case.  相似文献   

全军和武警部队实行文职人员制度以来,有效减少了现役编制员额,广泛吸纳了社会优秀人才,增强了军队人才队伍活力,降低了军队人力资源使用成本,在推动军队建设整体转型中发挥了重要作用。然而,在文职人员制度实行过程中,仍然存在认识不到位、重使用轻管理、重任务轻培养等问题。为此,要进一步完善文职人员管理使用制度,增强文职人员队伍活力,提供施展才华、建功立业的事业平台,增强文职人员集体荣誉感和奉献精神,营造拴心留人的良好氛围,使文职人员成为提高部队战斗力、增强“能打胜仗”本领的生力军。  相似文献   

建立了扩频信号防混叠滤波、采样和量化与解扩输出关系的数学解析模型,推导得到解扩输出信噪比的解析表达式。分析与仿真表明,当量化位数大于等于4比特,解扩得到总的信噪比损失可以分解为由量化引起的损失和滤波加采样引起损失的乘积,且量化器最优限幅系数只与量化位数相关;当量化位数小于4比特时,信噪比损失在一定条件下可近似为量化损失和滤波加采样损失的乘积。当量化位数大于4比特、滤波器带宽大于5倍码率、采样频率大于4倍码率时,再增大上述参数引起的信噪比损失波动小于0.05dB,对解扩性能提升不明显。本文结论可为实用型GNSS接收机前端离散化处理优化设计提供理论指导。  相似文献   

公安部下发的进一步提高边检服务水平的有关文件,确立了新时期公安边检工作的路线、方针、政策。就现阶段而言,边检人员的专业素质从实际运用来讲,可分为服务知识和技能、查验知识和技能、边检法律知识和技能三个方面。但现阶段边防检查员在业务素质方面还存在许多不足,这是进一步提高边检服务水平必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

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