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In this study, a simple and efficient cyclic coordinate search procedure is used to optimize penalty functions. Since the contours of the penalty function are very ill-behaved, an accurate line search is very difficult to achieve. Due to accumulated errors in line search, this makes “simple-minded” search directions just as good as more sophisticated directions, and actually better since they require a smaller effort per iteration. Of course this is only true if the search procedure is able to “ride” along steep ridges, and meanwhile move an appreciable distance towards the optimal, if at all possible. Computational results on the cyclic coordinate method seems to support this point of view, and shows robustness, reliability, and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

In this article we present a novel technique for deriving the convex envelope of certain nonconvex fixed-charge functions of the type that arise in several related applications that have been considered in the literature. One common attribute of these problems is that they involve choosing levels for the undertaking of several activities. Two or more activities share a common resource, and a fixed charge is incurred when any of these activities is undertaken at a positive level. We consider nonconvex programming formulations for these problems in which the fixed charges are expressed in the form of concave functions. With the use of the developed convex envelope results, we show that the convex envelope relaxations of the nonconvex formulations lead to the linear programming relaxations of the strong IP/MIP formulations of these problems. Moreover, our technique for deriving convex envelopes offers a useful construct that could be exploited in other related contexts as well. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A class of exponential type distributions with special exponential parameters is defined. It is assumed that the exponential parameters vary according to some (known) probability law. It has been shown in this paper that the compound distribution can be easily represented in form involving moment generating function of the mixing distribution. The results obtained in this paper provide an efficient and simple method of obtaining compound failure time distribution with known mixing distributions (uniform, exponential, gamma).  相似文献   

为改善直流微网中复合储能下垂控制功率分配的灵活性,提出了一种基于自定义电压变化率动态改变下垂系数的控制方法,并设计了电流归零控制器,可以实现储能暂态和稳态功率的合理分配,分析了参数变化对控制效果的影响。在PSCAD中搭建了含储能的直流微网模型,仿真验证了所提方法的正确性。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a modification of a recently proposed variant of Karmarkar's algorithm for solving linear programming problems. In analyzing this variant, we exhibit interesting and useful relationships of these types of algorithms with barrier function methods, and subgradient optimization procedures involving space dilation techniques, which subsume the well-known ellipsoidal type of algorithms. Convergence of this variant is established under certain regularity conditions. We also provide remarks on how to obtain dual variables or Lagrange multipliers at optimality.  相似文献   

We consider a device that deteriorates over time according to a Markov process so that the failure rate at each state is constant. The reliability of the device is characterized by a Markov renewal equation, and an IFRA (increasing failure rate on average) property of the lifetime is obtained. The optimal replacement and repair problems are analyzed under various cost structures. Furthermore, intuitive and counterintuitive characterizations of the optimal policies and results on some interesting special problems are presented. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

改进的四陀螺冗余捷联惯组故障诊断与隔离方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四个陀螺和四个加速度计构成的冗余捷联惯组系统,采用等价空间法——广义似然比法、最优奇偶向量法进行故障诊断与隔离时,会出现不能正确隔离出故障仪表的问题。分析后得出,存在一个余度时,等价空间法只能诊断出故障,而无法隔离故障仪表,这是由等价空间法的原理决定的。小波变换可对信号进行多尺度分析,能够准确地找出信号奇异点——幅值突变和频率突变等。基于以上问题,利用小波变换对突变信号敏感的特性,提出等价空间+小波变换的组合方法,对四陀螺冗余捷联惯组进行故障诊断与隔离。数字仿真试验证明:对于阶跃型故障,该组合方法能诊断故障并能成功进行故障隔离。  相似文献   

Let us assume that observations are obtained at random and sequentially from a population with density function In this paper we consider a sequential rule for estimating μ when σ is unknown corresponding to the following class of cost functions In this paper we consider a sequential rule for estimating μ when σ is unknown corresponding to the following class of cost functions Where δ(XI,…,XN) is a suitable estimator of μ based on the random sample (X1,…, XN), N is a stopping variable, and A and p are given constants. To study the performance of the rule it is compared with corresponding “optimum fixed sample procedures” with known σ by comparing expected sample sizes and expected costs. It is shown that the rule is “asymptotically efficient” when absolute loss (p=-1) is used whereas the one based on squared error (p = 2) is not. A table is provided to show that in small samples similar conclusions are also true.  相似文献   

The loading problem we consinder is to assign a set of discrete objects, each having a weight, to a set of boxes, each of which has a capacity limit, in such a way that every object is assigned to a box and the number of boxes used is minimized. A characterization of the assignments is offered and used to develop a set of rules for generating nonredundant assignments. The rules are incorporated into an implicit enumeration algorithm. The algorithm is tested against a very good heuristic. Computational experience shows that the algorithm is highly efficient, solving problems of up to 3600 0-1 variables in a CPU second.  相似文献   

Failure rate and mean residual life are two important characteristics for studying reliability of products. In literature, some work studied the shape of failure rate function based on the knowledge of the associated probability density function; some other work investigated the shape of mean residual life function based on the shape of the associated failure rate function separately for continuous case and discrete case. In this article, a general approach is developed which can be applied to the aforementioned studies. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   

Accelerated life testing (ALT), enhanced by optimal test plans, has been widely accepted in practice as a quick approach for estimating the reliability of a product. From the estimation result, preventive maintenance schedules can be determined to ensure the performance of the product under its normal operating conditions. By default, maintenance decision‐making is regarded as the last and least rewarding step. However, sometimes the maintenance schedules, such as preventive maintenance intervals, are predetermined due to customer concerns and/or by various mandatory regulations and rules. Under such circumstances, how to accurately estimate the expenditure (e.g., on maintenance or spare parts management) associated with these maintenance requirements becomes an important issue. A viable solution is to incorporate the maintenance requirements into ALT plans. This paper provides an approach for the optimal design of ALT plans oriented by a mandatory periodical replacement schedule subject to a discounted penalty. The objective is to improve the estimation accuracy of the economic impact of this maintenance requirement. A numerical experiment is provided to demonstrate the approach in practical use. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

In this paper, the existence of a saddle point for two-person zero-sum infinite games of a special type is proved. The games have continuous bilinear payoff functions and strategy sets which are convex, noncompact subsets of an infinite-dimensional vector space. The closures of the strategy sets are, however, compact. The payoff functions satisfy conditions which allow the use of dominance arguments to show that points in the closure of a strategy set are dominated by or are strategically equivalent to points in the strategy set itself. Combining the dominance arguments with a well-known existence theorem produces the main result of the paper. The class of games treated is an extension of a class studied by J. D. Matheson, who obtained explicit solutions for the saddle points by using necessary conditions.  相似文献   

An inductive procedure is given for finding the nucleolus of an n-person game in which all coalitions with less than n-1 players are totally defeated. It is shown that, for such a game, one of three things may occur: (a) all players receive the same amount; (b) each player receives his quota, plus a certain constant (which may be positive, nerative, or zero); (c) the weakest player receives one half his quota, and the other players divide the remaining profit according to the nucleolus of a similar (n-1)-person game. It is also shown that the nucleolus of such a game yields directly the nucleolus of each derived game. An example is worked out in detail.  相似文献   

假定(X1,Y1),(X2,Y2),…,(Xn,Yn)是取自二维随机向量(X,Y)的独立同分布样本.记X(1)≤X(2)≤…≤X(n)是X1,X2,…,Xn产生的次序统计量,Y[1],Y[2],…,Y[n]是诱导的次序统计量.讨论广义L-统计量Tn=n-1 n∑i=1 J(i/n+1)Y[i]的极限分布,式中J(x)是由实际问题的需要而选取的权函数.在较弱的条件下,证明了Tn的渐近正态性,同时给出了Tn的期望和方差的渐近公式.  相似文献   

We consider a single‐queue with exhaustive or gated time‐limited services and server vacations, in which the length of each service period at the queue is controlled by a timer, i.e., the server serves customers until the timer expires or the queue becomes empty, whichever occurs first, and then takes vacations. The customer whose service is interrupted due to the timer expiration may be attended according to nonpreemptive or preemptive service disciplines. For the M/G/1 exhaustive/gated time‐limited service queueing system with an exponential timer and four typical preemptive/nonpreemptive service disciplines, we derive the Laplace—Stieltjes transforms and the moment formulas for waiting times and sojourn times through a unified approach, and provide some new results for these time‐limited service disciplines. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 638–651, 2001.  相似文献   

Suppose x1, x2, … are independently distributed random variables with Pr (xi = 1) = Pr(xi = ?1) = 1/2, and let sn =


A unique polyhedral solution is given for most n-person games in partition function form when only partitions into coalitions with 1, n-1, and n players have large payoffs.  相似文献   

The fixed charge problem is a mixed integer mathematical programming problem which has proved difficult to solve in the past. In this paper we look at a special case of that problem and show that this case can be solved by formulating it as a set-covering problem. We then use a branch-and-bound integer programming code to solve test fixed charge problems using the setcovering formulation. Even without a special purpose set-covering algorithm, the results from this solution procedure are dramatically better than those obtained using other solution procedures.  相似文献   

利用Mann迭代技巧,讨论了不具有紧性条件的随机非单调二元算子方程随机不动点的存在唯一性,并给出了迭代序列收敛于解的误差估计,所得结果是某些已知结果的本质改进和推广。  相似文献   

We consider a general repair process where the virtual age Vi after the ith repair is given by Vi = ϕ(Vi−1 + Xi), ϕ(·) is a specified repair functional, and Xi is the time between the (i − 1)th and ith repair. Some monotonicity and dominance properties are derived, and an equilibrium process is considered. A computational method for evaluating the expected number/density of repairs is described together with an approximation method for obtaining some parameters of the equilibrium process. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 391–405, 1998  相似文献   

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