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张世杰  王会敏 《国防》2006,(3):28-30
第五次全国人民防空会议提出:“要把人民防空应急管理与突发公共事件应急管理紧密结合起来,积极推进防空防灾一体化建设。”公共危机是指突然发生的,严重危及社会秩序和群众生命财产安全,给社会造成重大损失和恶性影响的事件。目前,我国的公共危机管理机制还很不完善,部分职能机构在应对公共危机方面的经验也较欠缺。而人民防空在组织指挥、通信警报和人防专业队伍等方面具有应对公共危机的有利条件,将其纳入公共危机管理机制,具有十分重要的意义。一、人民防空纳入公共危机管理机制是“两防一体化”建设的必然要求把战时防空与平时防灾融为…  相似文献   

美国拥有较为完善的应急应战一体化管理体系。这套体系通过建立高效的组织机构、协调的联动机制、衔接配套的规划计划和制度体系,实现了应急应战协调运作,从而提高了国家整体危机应对能力。借鉴美国的经验,我国政府在危机管理过程中,应树立“大安全观”,将应急与应战加以综合考虑。要着眼平战结合,加强应急应战一体化组织机构建设;注重军民融合式发展,搭建应急应战一体化资源共享平台;围绕应对多种安全威胁,构建应急应战一体化计划、预案体系;着眼依法治国,建立健全应急应战一体化法规制度体系。  相似文献   

张笑 《国防》2010,(4):30-33
2007年4月,以美国第二大次级房地产贷款公司——新世纪金融公司破产为标志,美国爆发了次贷危机。2008年9月,美国两大房地产抵押贷款机构——房利美和房地美被接管,第四大投资银行雷曼兄弟控股公司破产,从而引发了自上世纪30年代“大萧条”以来最为严重的国际金融危机,给世界各国经济发展和人民生活带来严重影响。深入研究我国应对国际金融危机的主要做法和成功经验,对于加强我国金融动员建设,做好军事斗争准备,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

胡田疆  杨静 《国防》2012,(11):52-54
国防动员与应急管理,是目前我国并存运行的两大危机管理机制,前者基于应对战争及军事危机,后者基于应对公共突发事件及自然灾害.积极推进两大机制有效衔接,对于贯彻落实党中央军民融合式发展战略思想、充分发挥政府在国防动员活动中的主体作用、加快动员能力生成模式转变、实现国家危机管理体系应战应急一体化建设,具有十分重要的意义. 一、建立权威高效、军地衔接的指挥体系 近年来遂行多样化军事任务实践证明,军地合成、集中统一、权威高效的军地联合指挥已经成为应对多种安全威胁的关键.为此,应把建立高效快捷顺畅的应战应急联合指挥体系,作为两个机制衔接的重点狠抓落实.  相似文献   

美俄武器出口管制的特点主要表现为领导机构统一、法律法规健全、监督机制完善等。我们应在借鉴美俄经验的基础上,充分结合我国武器出口工作实际,建立集中统一的武器出口管理机构,进一步完善相应的管理机制,健全相关法规体系,确保我国武器出口工作健康发展。  相似文献   

美国国防基础研究的政府资助与管理机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了美国国防基础研究的资助管理体系与国防基础研究的重点领域以及各执行主体的分布情况,总结了美国国防部资助国防基础研究的管理机制及其特点,以期为我国加强国防基础研究的决策与管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现在是时候接受中国某一单独机构的举动就是其官方政策体现这一事实了。中国内部并非像我们之前所认为的那样不统一:之前的错误认识是中国的危机管理机制是中国人民解放军负责制造危机,中国外交部则负责解决危机。与此同时,我们现在也应该认真倾听中国这一世界大国的一言一行,以及中国军方和民间机构以国家名义的所作所为。  相似文献   

清醒地认识美国主权债务危机对我国国防科技工业带来的影响,及时采取应对措施,是继续保持国防科技工业快速健康发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

李小海  文扬 《国防》2001,(12):13-14
美国越来越把战争动员视为国家安全战略的重要组成部分,通过战争实践,逐步摸索和建立了一套先进的战争动员体制。 危机呈现,打造先进机制 20世纪初期以前,美国没有明确的战争动员指导思想,缺乏完善的动员体制,只是根据战局的具体发展情况进行临时动员,带有很大随意性。直到第一次世界大战之前,美国才借鉴德、法等国较先进的战争动员经验,着手对动员指导思想和动员机制进行改革。  相似文献   

“9·11”事件虽然暴露出美国政府在处理国际事务和情报工作等方面的问题,但面对突如其来的危机,美国还是很快进入防卫和戒备状态、有条不紊地按计划应对了危机,创造了危机处置的成功范例。他山之石、可以攻玉。研究美国在此次事件中的危机应对措施,对于没有发生过类似危机(幸亏没有)的国家来说,无疑是有意义的。  相似文献   

This article investigates the initial phase of the relationship between the Harold Wilson government and the Lyndon Johnson administration. Despite the generally held view that relations between these two countries were neither warm or close or that Wilson was more anxious to establish a close partnership with the United States than Johnson was with Britain, the article will show that this view is rather superficial. On the contrary, it was the Johnson administration which lacked confidence in dealing with the Wilson government for several reasons. The British leadership fought its corner very well, and used Britain's ability to play a world role as a means of influencing the USA. Indeed, no other single Western ally was equal to the USA, and thus a close relationship with the USA did not necessarily mean that the other country had to have equal power and strength to the USA.  相似文献   

This paper models the interactions between the defense needs of the USA and Western Europe, which produce several heterogeneous defense goods, and the defense industry market structure. The results show that net defense costs of the USA and Europe are lower when the number of defense firms in each arms‐producing country is small and when the world prices of the defense goods are high. The model predicts that the increase in world prices will crowd‐out countries in the developing world from the market for modern weapon systems and may force them to develop and use ‘cheap and dirty’ weapon systems.  相似文献   

国外任务规划系统的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在分析任务规划系统对现代空对地信息化作战重要性和必要性的基础上,详细阐述了国外具有代表性的先进任务规划系统的发展现状和程度,重点论述和剖析了以美国空军任务规划系统为代表的典型任务规划系统的体系结构、功能以及关键技术,旨在为我国空军、海军航空兵和陆军航空兵发展任务规划系统提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

Military transformation is a complex, slow, asymmetric, changeable, political, and not necessarily completely rational process that clearly needs an effective monitoring mechanism. This paper fills a gap in current literature by creating and testing a model for multi-dimensional and multi-level quantitative monitoring of military transformation applicable in any country. The model is based on 10 transformation indicators that reflect changes in organizational structure, personnel structure, weapon systems, and defense spending. Its application on a sample of seven countries (USA, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, and China) in the period from 1992 to 2010 unexpectedly shows that the USA – a protagonist in the transformation process among allies as well as globally – has carried out the smallest relative change. The non-directed transformation index indicates that Russia carried out 51.8% more change (or 34.1 index units), and the directed index indicates that Poland carried out 157.2% (or 40.8 index units) more change than the USA.  相似文献   

Defence offsets are elements of defence procurement deals additional to the primary content. Offsets are usually expected to yield technological or industrial benefits to the purchasing country (e.g. countertrade, technology transfers, or additional jobs) and military buyers often require suppliers to make offsets available “cost-free.” The authors argued previously that such strategies achieve little of value to buyers that lack market power and are unnecessary otherwise, since purchasers with the market power to extract more value for money from foreign suppliers can do so anyway. This article also focuses on the supply side of offset deals. The USA is the world's largest defence offsets supplier but the US government opposes offsets demands as economically inefficient and trade distorting. Even if offsets are inefficient and trade distorting, they may still benefit a materiel-exporting country such as the USA as they may induce exports and create associated benefits for the offsets provider.  相似文献   

由于地理、社会等条件的差异,各国的消防各有优势和特色。美国在城市、郊区尤其是高层建筑防火上较为擅长。日本作为一个后发的发达国家,工业化的加速度很大,而多震的地理位置使它在工业火灾和地震火灾的救援上积累了很多经验和教训。在发达国家的发展历程中,有类似发展中国家的迅速城市化和工业化的特征。因此,日本和美国应对城市火灾和地震火灾一些消防技术和经验,对发展我国的消防技术而言是宝贵的财富和经验。  相似文献   

通过对中美两国武器装备采办政策的对比分析,提出当前我国武器装备研制与管理政策方面的若干建议。  相似文献   

Mark Erbel 《Defence Studies》2017,17(2):135-155
This article reappraises the two most-studied country cases of military outsourcing: the USA and the UK. It argues that the contemporary wave of military contracting stretches back to the beginning of the cold war and not only to the demobilisation of armies in the 1990s or the neoliberal reforms introduced since the 1980s. It traces the political, technological and ideational developments that laid the groundwork for these reforms and practices since the early cold war and account for its endurance today. Importantly, it argues that a persistent gap between strategic objectives and resources, i.e. the challenge to reconcile ends and means, is an underlying driver of military contracting in both countries. Contemporary contracting is thus most closely tied to military support functions in support of wider foreign and defence political objectives. Security services in either state may not have been outsourced so swiftly, if at all, without decades of experience in outsourcing military logistics functions and the resultant vehicles, processes and familiarities with public-private partnerships. The article thus provides a wider and deeper understanding of the drivers of contractualisation, thereby improving our understanding of both its historical trajectory and the determinants of its present and potential futures.  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代以来,台湾在美国的支持下致力于C3I系统的建设,现已初具规模.台湾为了实现其"台独"的目的,更是极力推进海军C3I系统建设.在当前我军迫切需要了解和分析台湾指挥自动化系统的现状与发展.在简要介绍了台湾的衡山防务C3I系统之后,重点讨论了台湾海军C3I系统发展及其部分系统功能特点,分析了台湾海军C3I系统特点及其发展趋势.对台湾海军C3I系统的分析在当前对抗斗争中和加强我军C3I系统建设上具有重要的理论与现实意义.  相似文献   

During their 60 years within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Denmark and Norway have experienced both high and low standings within the alliance, which can be attributed to both external and internal factors influencing their alliance strategies. During the ‘first’ Cold War and Détente, 1949–79, Danish and Norwegian alliance strategy aimed to simultaneously deter and reassure the Soviet Union. During the ‘second’ Cold War, 1979–89, Danish alliance policy became driven by domestic politics, and the Danish government was forced to formally dissociate the country from NATO's policies. Norway was not uncritical, but held a much lower profile. After the Cold War this situation shifted. Denmark successfully rehabilitated itself as a loyal and dependable ally by responding to the call for focusing on out-of-area operations. Meanwhile, Norway's continued focus on the lingering Russian Threat made the country seem out-of-touch with priorities in the post-Cold War alliance, and domestic politics prevented a more active out-of-area engagement.  相似文献   

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