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We consider a robust shortest path problem when the cost coefficient is the product of two uncertain factors. We first show that the robust problem can be solved in polynomial time by a dual‐variable enumeration with shortest path problems as subproblems. We also propose a path enumeration approach using a K ‐shortest paths finding algorithm that may be efficient in many real cases. An application in hazardous materials transportation is discussed, and the solution methods are illustrated by numerical examples. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   

A program with a quadratic objective function and quadratic constraints is considered. Two duals to such programs are provided, and an algorithm is presented based upon approximations to the duals. The algorithm consists of a sequence of linear programs and programs involving the optimization of a quadratic function either unconstrained or constrained to the nonnegative orthant. An example involving production planning is presented.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper [1] we put forth a framework that helps to tie together a number of approaches for solving integer programming problems. We outlined there how Balas' Additive Algorithm can be explained and generalized in terms of the framework. In the present paper we review Balas' algorithm, and our earlier framework, and present an algorithm generalizing Balas' scheme. In addition, some examples are presented and future research to be done is discussed.  相似文献   

具有模糊系数约束的多目标线性规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了一类具有模糊系数约束的多目标线性规划问题.根据各目标函数的梯度方向来量化目标之间的冲突程度,以此提出了一种确定目标权重的新方法,然后基于惩罚函数运用梯度上升算法求问题的有效解.最后给出了一个数值例子.  相似文献   

M. Kress, in 1984, studied the chance-constrained critical path problem. The author proved that if the project time random variables follow a class of location-scale probability distributions, then there exists a specific threshold confidence level, such that the critical path for the system remains the same for all higher confidence levels. The purpose of this article is to study the similar properties for a general chance-constrained linear programming (C2LP) problems with location-scale probability distributions. We present results for chance-constrained linear programming which parallel those in Kress's article. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Multiple Objectives Optimization is much seen in combination with linear functions and even with linear programming, together with an adding of the objectives by using weights. With distance functions, normalization instead of weights is used. It is also possible that together with an additive direct influence of the objectives on the utility function a mutual utility of the objectives exists under the form of a multiplicative representation. A critical comment is brought on some representations of this kind. A full‐multiplicative form may offer other opportunities, which will be discussed at length in an effort to exclude weights and normalization. This theoretical approach is followed by an application for arms procurement. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 327–340, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10014  相似文献   

砂轮外形、加工轨迹、运动轴组合方式、工件摆放方式等的差异都会引起曲面磨削加工模型的变化,加工几何模型是实施曲面磨削首要解决的问题。建立盘形圆弧砂轮的几何模型,通过磨削点法向量匹配,建立工件点和砂轮点的一一映射关系,经过坐标变换可以得到相应的刀具运动轨迹,用于磨削加工。形成统一的盘形砂轮曲面磨削几何模型,并给出刀具运动轨迹的计算流程。该磨削模型适用范围广,有效解决了多种曲面磨削过程的刀具轨迹生成问题,实现了高精度的曲面磨削加工。  相似文献   

Linear programming problems with upper bounded variables can be solved by regular simplex method by considering upper bounding constraints as explicit constraints of the problem. However, more efficient methods exist which consider these upper bound constraints implicitly. When parametric analysis for problems with upper bounds is to be carried out, one can use the regular parameter analysis by considering the upper bound constraints explicitly. This paper develops formulas for parametric analysis where upper bound constraints are used implicitly, thus reducing the size of the basic matrix.  相似文献   

Gamma accelerated degradation tests (ADT) are widely used to assess timely lifetime information of highly reliable products with degradation paths that follow a gamma process. In the existing literature, there is interest in addressing the problem of deciding how to conduct an efficient, ADT that includes determinations of higher stress‐testing levels and their corresponding sample‐size allocations. The existing results mainly focused on the case of a single accelerating variable. However, this may not be practical when the quality characteristics of the product have slow degradation rates. To overcome this difficulty, we propose an analytical approach to address this decision‐making problem using the case of two accelerating variables. Specifically, based on the criterion of minimizing the asymptotic variance of the estimated q quantile of lifetime distribution of the product, we analytically show that the optimal stress levels and sample‐size allocations can be simultaneously obtained via a general equivalence theorem. In addition, we use a practical example to illustrate the proposed procedure.  相似文献   

A pseudo-monotonic interval program is a problem of maximizing f(x) subject to x ε X = {x ε Rn | a < Ax < b, a, b ε Rm} where f is a pseudomonotonic function on X, the set defined by the linear interval constraints. In this paper, an algorithm to solve the above program is proposed. The algorithm is based on solving a finite number of linear interval programs whose solutions techniques are well known. These optimal solutions then yield an optimal solution of the proposed pseudo-monotonic interval program.  相似文献   

The hyperbolic integer program is treated as a special case of a hyperbolic program with a finite number of feasible points. The continuous hyperbolic program also belongs to this class since its solution can be obtained by considering only the extreme points of the feasible set. A general algorithm for solving the hyperbolic integer program which reduces to solving a sequence of linear integer problems is proposed. When the integer restriction is removed, this algorithm is similar to the Isbell-Marlow procedure. The geometrical aspects of the hyperbolic problem are also discussed and several cutting plane algorithms are given.  相似文献   

The problem considered involves the assignment of n facilities to n specified locations. Each facility has a given nonnegative flow from each of the other facilities. The objective is to minimize the sum of transportation costs. Assume these n locations are given as points on a two-dimensional plane and transportation costs are proportional to weighted rectangular distances. Then the problem is formulated as a binary mixed integer program. The number of integer variables (all binary) involved equals the number of facilities squared. Without increasing the number of integer variables, the formulation is extended to include “site costs” Computational results of the formulation are presented.  相似文献   

In this article we present an all-integer cutting plane algorithm called the Reduced Advanced Start Algorithm (RASA). The technique incorporates an infeasible advanced start based on the optimal solution to the LP relaxation, and initially discards nonbinding constraints in this solution. We discuss the results of computational testing on a set of standard problems and illustrate the operation of the algorithm with three small examples.  相似文献   

A general class of continuous time nonlinear problems is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions are established and optimal solutions are characterized in terms of a duality theorem. The theory is illustrated by means of an example.  相似文献   

A mean-variance portfolio selection model with limited diversification is formulated in which transaction and management costs are incorporated as the sum of a linear cost and a fixed cost. The problem is a fixed charge integer programming problem solved by hypersurface search using dynamic programming. Fathoming is performed in the forward pass of dynamic programming so that values of the state variable which correspond to infeasible solutions are eliminated from the tables. This logic permits the solution of problems with 20–30 possible investments.  相似文献   

An exact method for solving all-integer linear-programming problems is presented. Dynamic-programming methodology is used to search efficiently candidate hyperplanes for the optimal feasible integer solution. The explosive storage requirements for high-dimensional dynamic programming are avoided by the development of an analytic representation of the optimal allocation at each stage. Computational results for problems of small to moderate size are also presented.  相似文献   

参考高斯变异算子和柯西变异算子,提出了基于学生概率分布变异的进化规划算法。学生概率分布能够衔接高斯分布和柯西分布,其性能通过改变参数n来获得。通过仿真得到了学生概率分布变异的规律。仿真表明,基于学生概率分布变异的进化算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

The paper deals with bilinear programming problems and develops a finite algorithm using the “piecewise strategy” for large-scale systems. It consists of systematically generating a sequence of expanding polytopes with the global optimum within each polytope being known. The procedure then stops when the final polytope contains the feasible region.  相似文献   

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