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网络空间已成为大国博弈新焦点,军民融合发展是我国一项基本国策.加快推进网络空间军民融合深度发展,事关维护国家经济社会网络安全大局和提升我军基于网络信息体系作战能力.要牢固树立军民融合深度发展新理念,尽快构建顺畅高效的军地协调机制,加快发展网络空间新质动员力量,加强网络空间战场建设和武器研发,努力促成全要素、多领域、高效益的融合发展格局,保障网络强军战略目标顺利实现.  相似文献   

对美国政府、美国国防部、美军各军种发布的一系列战略文件,采用分层归纳、对比分析的方法进行了研究,总结了美国国家网络安全战略的发展历程及特点,重点分析了美军各网络战略文件的核心思想,得出了美国在网络安全军事保障方面的主要经验做法,即将网络空间视为一个作战域、组建网络任务部队、重视网络空间人才队伍建设、重视网络技术发展和创新、重视网络空间军民融合和重视网络空间国际合作。  相似文献   

岳胜军  陈卓 《国防》2016,(10):52-54
信息网络日益成为现代社会的神经中枢,全球网络战争现实化、网络战场全球化、网络对抗常态化趋势明显,维护网络空间安全已经成为事关国家安全和社会稳定的大事.战区作为本战略方向的联合作战指挥机构,必须深刻学习领会习主席军民融合重大思想,紧贴主战使命任务,理清网络空间军民融合发展思路,聚焦打仗备战,突出融合重点领域和项目,注重实效,完善融合机制,确保各项任务落地见效.  相似文献   

杜人淮  曹超 《国防科技》2018,39(2):047-057
创新人才军民融合培养构成人才强国战略、创新驱动发展战略和军民融合发展战略的交汇点。创新人才是战略资源,军民融合为创新人才培养提供了一条全新路径。作为一项系统工程,创新人才军民融合培养包括创新人才军民融合培养主体系统、创新人才军民融合培养客体系统、创新人才军民融合培养方案系统、创新人才军民融合培养资源系统、创新人才军民融合培养制度系统、创新人才军民融合培养考评系统,在系统构建过程中需加大统筹协调、投入保障、政策倾斜、法治保障、合理使用力度,注重体系推进。  相似文献   

适应网络空间战威胁形势发展,俄军通过教育培训和选拔招募不断完善网络空间战人才培养方式,夯实了网络空间战人才队伍基础,但同时也面临一系列问题:社会网络安全人才需求竞争激烈;军队院校网络安全相关专业学科专业设置不完备;网络空间战人才培训选拔制度机制还不健全等等。为此,俄军主要通过加大网络空间战人才培养规模、优化网络空间战人才结构和构建军队网络空间安全文化等措施来促进网络空间战人才的培养。  相似文献   

仰斐  廖东升 《国防科技》2017,38(2):043-048
从网络空间侦察能力、指挥控制能力、精确攻击能力、防御能力和评估能力等五个方面,对网络空间支援力量的核心支援能力进行了系统论述,提出建设军队网络支援力量、应对网络空间安全威胁的新思考和新观点。研究认为,当前我军在网络空间的安全意识、核心技术、均衡发展等方面面临严峻困难。为实现网络强国的奋斗目标,需要加强国家网络安全的顶层设计,增强网络技术自主创新能力,强化军民融合式建设和系统常态的攻防训练等。  相似文献   

从网络空间侦察能力、指挥控制能力、精确攻击能力、防御能力和评估能力等五个方面,对网络空间支援力量的核心支援能力进行了系统论述,提出建设军队网络支援力量、应对网络空间安全威胁的新思考和新观点。研究认为,当前我军在网络空间的安全意识、核心技术、均衡发展等方面面临严峻困难。为实现网络强国的奋斗目标,需要加强国家网络安全的顶层设计,增强网络技术自主创新能力,强化军民融合式建设和系统常态的攻防训练等。  相似文献   

<正>加快推动网络安全和信息化军民融合深度发展,在更广范围、更高层次上将国防和军队网络安全和信息化建设融入国家网络安全和信息化建设之中,促进军民兼容互用、良性互动、同步发展,是维护国家网络空间主权、安全和发展利益的迫切需要,也是建设网络强国的必由之路,更是打赢信息化战争的必然要求。  相似文献   

赵超阳 《国防》2014,(8):28-30
正近年来,网络空间作为继陆、海、空、天之后的第五维作战域,已迅速成为大国争夺的战略制高点。美国积极推动网络空间领域军民共同发展,深度融合,打造并形成了强大的网络军事优势,其主要做法值得研究借鉴。一、加强顶层统筹,推动网络空间军民一体化发展美国将网络空间能力列为优先发展的重点事项,密集发布相关战略文件,建立健全组织机构,形成了军民配合、军民一体的顶层统筹体系。  相似文献   

随着网络空间承载的国家利益日益广泛,网络主权及其保障问题引起了国际社会的高度重视,世界主要国家纷纷通过制定网络安全战略来维护本国网络主权。分析了世界各国对网络主权保护的态度及网络主权与网络安全的关系,综述了世界各国现有网络安全战略的特点。从保护我国国家网络主权的实际需求出发,指出了我国在网络安全战略的制定和实施中应当重点关注的问题,即以总体国家安全观为根本出发点、以网络主权为基本依据、健全相关法律法规体系、健全体制机制和保障力量体系、加快推进网络安全核心技术发展以及加强网络安全人才培养。  相似文献   

Japan has been overlooked as a ‘cyber power’ but it now becoming a serious player in this new strategic domain. Japanese policy-makers have forged a consensus to move cybersecurity to the very core of national security policy, to create more centralized frameworks for cybersecurity, and for Japan’s military institutions to build dynamic cyberdefense capabilities. Japan’s stance has moved rapidly toward the securitization and now militarization of responses to cyber challenges. Japan’s cybersecurity stance has bolstered US–Japan alliance responses to securing all dimensions of the ‘global commons’ and extended its defense perimeter to further deter but potentially raise tensions with China.  相似文献   

Cyberspace is an avenue of approach through which a military force can attain objectives of value. Through these cyber avenues of approach, military forces can engage, vet, organize, and direct human agents to accomplish specific activities. Although the objectives of these activities could differ from traditional military objectives, they still have military relevance. This particular manifestation of cyber conflict is neither a new domain of war nor something outside of warfare. Rather, it can be viewed as an emerging avenue of approach in the larger context of military operations, auguring benefits in the integration of cyber activities with operations.  相似文献   

近几年美军针对网络电磁空间不断出台新的政策和联合条令,但是相关规定在网络空间作战、电子战、频谱管理行动的定义上有交叠,为了进一步提高作战能力,防止冲突的发生,美军提出网络电磁行动的概念对三者进行整合,针对美军提出的网络电磁行动进行了介绍和分析并提出了对我国的一些启示。  相似文献   

网络技术的迅猛发展正在深刻改变着军校大学生的学习、生活和思维方式,影响着其世界观、人生观、价值观。网络是一把双刃剑,它使军校思想政治教育机遇与挑战并存,军校要与时俱进,深入贯彻科学发展观,把网络环境下军校思想政治教育推上一个新台阶。  相似文献   

In the last decade, cyber conflict has become a main feature of international politics and a growing concern for strategic stability and collective security. Unfortunately, cyber conflict suffers from a lack of conceptual clarity about its impact on collective security and a lack of consensus among international actors on how to interpret it. This article proposes to understand cyber conflict as an evolving process driven by two factors: the way in which digital space is configured and the way in which tactical, organizational, strategic, and doctrinal characteristics related to cyber have been included in the field of national and international security. Both tend to encourage offensive behavior but also demonstrate features pointing to restraint.  相似文献   


Cyber attack against Critical National Infrastructure is a developing capability in state arsenals. The onset of this new instrument in national security has implications for conflict thresholds and military ethics. To serve as a legitimate tool of policy, cyber attack must operate in accordance with moral concerns. To test the viability of cyber attack, this paper provides a new perspective on cyber ethics. Cyber attack is tested against the criteria of the common good. This involves identifying the four core components of the common good from a conflict perspective: respect for the person; social wellbeing; peace and security; and solidarity. The fate of these components is assessed in relation to the six key characteristics of cyber attack from a moral standpoint: security; the role or absence of violence; discrimination; proportionality; cyberharm; and the threshold of conflict. It is concluded that the common good must be incorporated into developing state cyber strategies.  相似文献   

Cyberspace has emerged as a potentially new (and unconventional) domain for warfare. Much debate has focused on understanding cyber conflict. The ability to critically analyse this phenomenon is important; however, the nascent nature of cyberwarfare and the complexity of the systems involved create challenges not met by conventional approaches. As a first step, this requires an analytical construct to frame discussions in a way that highlights distinct characteristics of the cyber domain. An approach proposed is one of the postulating conjectures for debate as a way to achieve this and to demonstrate its use, both at the strategic and operational levels. It is suggested that such an approach provides one component of a mature analytical framework for the analysis of cyber across a range of warfare domains.  相似文献   

中国经济结构的转型升级对“复合型优质人才”提出了更高的要求,为增强高等教育对社会的吸引力与竞争力,立足于优质复合型人才的培养,本文结合喀什大学生命与地理科学学院产学研合作模式下的“嵌入式”校企合作项目,结合生物技术专业校企嵌入式教学的特点,就现代教学中存在的问题、校企嵌入式下的实训基地建设内容、建设成效等方面进行阐述。探索出了一种基于工科专业实践教学的嵌入式复合型优质人才的培养方法。更好的实现学校、学生、企业和社会的“多赢”局面,让嵌入式复合型优质人才满足行业的需求,促进社会的发展和进步。  相似文献   

防空体系反制网电攻击的UML与Petri网模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网电攻击装备的出现,给传统防空体系带来全面严峻的新威胁。通过分析"舒特"系统,得到网电攻击3种典型作战样式:物理摧毁、电子攻击和网络攻击,分别从物理层次、能量层次和网络层次探索了防空体系反制网电攻击策略。为描述防空体系反制网电攻击的对策、作战结构、作战步骤等问题,分别建立了统一建模语言(UML)和Petri网模型,从理论上初步探索了防空体系反制网电攻击的对策,具有一定的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

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