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对于军以下部队国有资产的管理,必须把资产保全作为管理的目标,明确各级部队对资产的所有权、使用权、处置权,建立以实物量核算和价值量核算相结合,业务核算和会计核算相结合,主管部门、使用部门核算和财务部门核算相结合的部队资产核算体系;并根据部队资产完好率、流失毁损率、闲置积压率、维修率、使用年限来考核部队管理国有资产的质量。  相似文献   

强化军队国有资产管理,提高资产保障效益,是近年来部队财务管理的一个重点。71633部队结合自身实际,摸索出了加强政策法规学习,强化资产管理意识;突出预算调控职能,发挥存量资产效益;规范资产变动程序,提高资产保障效能;完善资产交接制度,增强监督问责实效等国有资产使用管理的有效办法,其经验做法有一定的启发、借鉴作用。  相似文献   

国有资产管理工作是后勤工作中的一项重要内容,后勤部门必须进一步理清工作思路,创新和改革国有资产管理方法,科学规划固定资产经费使用项目,既保障好中心任务的圆满完成,又贯彻好厉行节约的精神.通过分析在资产管理工作中厉行节约的重要意义,探讨当前影响贯彻厉行节约传统的主要因素,并就加强厉行节约提出几点看法.  相似文献   

军队国有资产是军事实力的物质表现形式。加强军队国有资产管理,可以有效地防止军产的损害、流失,保证资产的有效、合理使用,实现资产的保值增值,从而提高军事实力,促进综合国力的不断增强。今年在全军作战部队开展财产清查登记工作,是全军的一项重要工作,其目的是通过清查,摸清底数,为军队全部吃“皇粮”后加强经费、物资的管理提供依据。军队国有资产的占有与使用具有分散性特点,从单位、部门到个人,都占用着一定数量的国有资产。因  相似文献   

当前,部队紧紧围绕"统筹财力物力、聚焦保障打赢"的思路,推动资产管理创新发展,有效提升了资产使用效益。但是,经费物资供需矛盾将在一段时间内长期存在,这就要求部队在管好经费的同时,必须挖掘资产潜能,加大管理力度,走出一条投入少、效益好,符合部队资产管理的路子。首先,要完善管理机制和规章制度,着力在规范管理秩序上使长劲。各单位要成立由军政主官负总责、分管后勤领导具体负责的领导小组,在财务部门设立资产管理机构,从组织领导上加大工作力  相似文献   

78事业部门国有资产管理内容非常庞杂,政策法规牵涉面多。加强事业部门资产管理首先要明确预算管理与事业部门国有资产管理的关系,将资产管理与预算管理紧密结合起来,真正抓好事业部门国有资产管理工作。事业部门国有资产主要由预算经费形成,预算经费安排的规范性、科学性将直接决定事业部门国有资产配置的合理性与公平性。因此,预算管理是通过资产增量来调节、控制资产存量规范和加强事业部门国有资产管理的手段。预算管理与事业部门国有资产管理两者互为前提和基础。经费预算是事业部门资产形成的主渠道,事业部门资产的日常运转和价值补偿主要依靠预算安排来实现,预算安排的合理性决定着事业部门资产配置的公平性和资源利用的效率。同时,资产管理是预算管理的一项基础性工作。资产存量是核定事业部门预算的重要基础,资产管理水平直接影响着预算经费分配的科学性和有效性。只有准确掌握事业部门资产存量,建立科学的资产配置标准体系,结合事业部门履行职能的需要,才能科学编制事业部门资产预算。有效开展资产管理工作,向财务部门和主管部门及时提供准确、完整的资产统计报告、资产清查和财务管理方面的数据资料,有利于深化部门预算管理改革,细化预算编制,合理配置事业部门国有资产。要...  相似文献   

近几年,各级部队领导和有关部门都对军队国有资产管理非常重视,有效地提高了军事资源的运行效益。但是,在实际管理工作中,仍然存在着不少矛盾和问题,亟待解决。下面我们就如何完善军队国有资产管理体制谈点看法。1.建立完善的军队国有资产管理制度,完善的军队国有资产管理  相似文献   

加强军队国有资产管理是优化军事经济资源配置,提升部队战斗力的核心内容之一。当前加强军队国有资产管理,应进一步完善资产标准体系,完善资产管理组织协调机制、监督机制和激励约束机制,并健全资产管理法规制度。  相似文献   

消防部队的固定资产是消防部队国有资产的重要组成部分,是消防部队赖以生存发展和形成战斗力的重要物质基础。几十年来消防部队为完成自己担负的防火、灭火、抢险、救援、训练、执勤等各项任务,发展和积累了非常可观的固定资产。然而,由于一直没有实行固定资  相似文献   

武警消防部队国有资产管理。应朝着与正常财务管理有效结合的方向发展。这是在借鉴和总结解放军国有资产管理成功经验的基础上确立的基本原则。围绕这一原则,我认为在具体操作方法上应着重抓住三个关键环节。  相似文献   

《唐律疏议》代表着唐代法律的完善,在各方面都有较成熟的规定。其在军事资产方面亦是如此。譬如在保护武器装备、马政、邮驿、库藏、粮草等军事资产方面都有较为成熟的规定。同时,对于违反军事资产保护行为的刑罚处罚也作出了相关规定。本文从《唐律疏议》关于武器装备保护、关于官司马牛及邮驿保护、关于库藏、粮草保护等进行分析,试图得出《唐律疏议》中关于军事资产保护问题的特点。  相似文献   

This paper develops a methodology for measuring the capital value of military assets in monetary terms. We distinguish between two military capital measures. One measure, called the value of military capital (services) summarizes the value of military defense assets during a particular year. A comparison of the capital‐services value of U.S. and Soviet tactical combat aircraft is provided for the period 1970–1984.

One feature of the capital‐services measure that makes it particularly interesting is that its size can be compared with such military expenditures as operating and support. While these latter expenditures reflect the readiness of a defense establishment, the relevant capital‐services measure reflects force structure and modernization.

A second measure, called the value of military capital (wealth), summarizes the military benefits obtained from defense assets over the remainder of their service lives. This measure depreciates the capital as it ages, and is useful for comparing military wealth with other types of wealth in the economy. We provide this measure for the U.S. military capital stock for 1925–1984.  相似文献   

Illicit procurement networks often target industry in developed economies to acquire materials and components of use in WMD and military programs. These procurement networks are ultimately directed by elements of the proliferating state and utilize state resources to undertake their activities: diplomats and missions, state intelligence networks, and state-connected logistical assets. These state assets have also been utilized to facilitate the export of WMD and military technologies in breach of sanctions. While used in most historic proliferation cases, their role has seen limited consideration in the scholarly literature. This article seeks to systematically contextualize state resources in proliferation networks, arguing that their use lies between state criminality and routine activity in support of national security. Considering the competitive advantages of these assets compared to similar resources available in the private sector, the article argues that nonproliferation efforts have caused states to change how they use these resources through an ongoing process of competitive adaptation.  相似文献   

军事训练信息系统中的气象水文环境构建的研究目的在于模拟气象水文环境对作战行动产生的各种影响,为军事训练信息系统提供各项气象水文基础服务。在分析军事训练信息系统中气象水文环境服务需求的基础上,采用分层结构的方法构建了以数据层、管理层、服务层和交互层为组成的气象水文环境体系,提出了各层应具有的基本服务功能,同时也验证了通过构建气象水文环境能够提高军事训练信息系统中战场环境的仿真度,进而提高训练的复杂度和训练质量。  相似文献   

This article examines Chinese and Russian foreign policy and military strategy from the theoretical standpoint of soft balancing. Analysis of their thinking indicates that both seek to offset US military superiority without engaging American power directly. To that end, Chinese and Russian strategists have adopted ‘soft’ or ‘normative’ power assets as strategic capabilities in their military and foreign policy. Alternative norms, such as the concept of ‘sovereign democracy’, allow China and Russia to deliberately ignore human rights issues in order to achieve diplomatic advantage with respect to the United States. The two powers have institutionalized these norms within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which they use to counterbalance US interests in Central Asia.  相似文献   

许世林  迟铭  王海波 《国防科技》2021,42(5):114-118
在新军事变革的背景下,军队会计流程存在不适应新管理体制需要、信息技术应用对会计流程再造力度不够、军队会计科目设置影响流程等问题。本文从界定军队会计流程的含义入手,提出了优化军队会计流程、建立智能化军队会计信息系统的四项策略,即重塑军队会计流程体系、重构军队会计信息系统、调整军队会计科目体系以及完善各流程会计处理方法。优化军队会计流程、建设智能化军队会计信息系统,不仅能够反映军事经济活动的历史信息,还能为不同类型的信息使用者提供预测、决策等支持,并有利于改善军队会计核算质量,准确反映各类资产负债的价值信息和单位的真实财务状况,对于提高军队会计信息质量具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In a general and economical view, this article analyzes methods and mechanisms for the pooling and sharing of military forces and weapons inside the European Union (EU) in times of scarcity. Pooling and sharing could improve the EU military capabilities significantly if differences in location factors were taken into account and all states would focus on their respective strengths. More competition and less concentration are the keys to ensuring guaranteed access to military assets. Pooling and sharing are likely to be successful only if large states enhance their emphasis on collective defense by mutual aid and self-help, and reduce particularistic and parochial interests of local gain. The realm of personnel has the most potential for improvement but any change is likely to generate policy implications.  相似文献   

To manage their assets at an enterprise level, defense organizations have turned to portfolio theory for the planning, analysis and management of their military forces and materiel. Despite being well established in the commercial sector, the application of portfolio approaches in defense is problematic. The vexatious question for defense of how to define and measure benefits arising is complicated by the increased utility and effectiveness achieved through networking of military forces and the equipment they use. The authors discuss the challenges for defense in using a portfolio approach and propose a conceptual model for dealing with the effects arising from networking with information and communications technologies.  相似文献   

The privatization of activities previously performed by government has been a major characteristic of economic policies over the past two decades. This article examines the potential for privatization of military activities in the African context. Four categories in which this has or might occur are mercenaries employed by a government to provide for defence or to supplement its own military; private security company personnel employed to protect economic assets or to advise and train the local military; the contracting out of the provision of goods and services ranging from heavy weapons through to accounting services; and the transfer of non-core activities currently undertaken by the military to other government departments or civilian bodies. Of these, the last is of potential importance in Africa, given the wide range of activities which its militaries have come to perform. Three examples where private sector organisations or other government departments could play a much larger and probably more cost-effective role are peacekeeping, internal security and surveillance, resource protection and rescue activities.  相似文献   


Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) is increasingly important for East Asian militaries, but there is little scholarship on how HADR relates to broader national strategies. This article considers US involvement in HADR in East Asia in relation to changing conceptions of national power. HADR is frequently described as use of ‘hard’ military assets to further soft power goals. Looking at recent US experiences, this article shows that HADR also serves instrumental ends linked to traditional military objectives. Rather than considering power as ‘soft’ or ‘hard’, it argues that HADR illustrates connections between non-coercive and coercive uses of military power.  相似文献   

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