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Characteristics of supply performance at the top echelon of an optimally managed multiechelon supply system are investigated; insights are developed which are useful in devising coordinated single-echelon policies which can approximate the benefits derived from multiechelon management.  相似文献   

Currently, sophisticated multiechelon models compute stockage quantities for spares and repair parts that will minimize total inventory investment while achieving a target level of weapon system operational availability. The maintenance policies to be followed are input to the stockage models. The Optimum Allocation of Test Equipment/Manpower Evaluated Against Logistics (OATMEAL) model will determine optimum maintenance as well as stockage policies for a weapon system. Specifically, it will determine at which echelon each maintenance function should be performed, including an option for component or module throwaway. Test equipment requirements to handle work load at each echelon are simultaneously optimized. Mixed-integer programming (MIP) combined with a Lagrangian approach are used to do the constrained cost minimization, that is, to minimize all costs dependent on maintenance and stockage policies while achieving a target weapons system operational availability. Real-life test cases are included.  相似文献   

The capacitated multicommodity network flow problem presents itself in a number of problem contexts including transportation, communication, and production. To solve the large-scale multicommodity flow problems encountered in these fields, we develop dual-ascent heuristics and a primal solution generator. The dual-ascent solutions, in addition to determining lower bounds on the optimal objective function value, provide advanced starting solutions for use with primal-based solution techniques. The primal solution generator uses the dual-ascent solution to obtain heuristically primal solutions to the multicommodity flow problems. Computational experiments performed on three test problem sets show that the dual-ascent and primal heuristic procedures typically determine nearoptimal solutions quickly. In addition, by using the dual-ascent procedure to obtain advanced starting solutions, run times for optimal multicommodity flow procedures are reduced significantly and greatly improved solutions are obtained by the new primal solution generator. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper develops and illustrates an approximate approach for analytically assessing the impacts on both costs and service of consolidation of repair facilities. The repair facilities are two echelon generalizations of the classical repairmen problem in which two types of failures, say major and minor, can occur, each type requiring repair at a different echelon: The questions addressed are the reductions possible in spares, repairmen, and service rates due to the consolidated system's increased efficiency, as well as the physical separation between the users and the consolidated repair facility that is economical. The method of analysis is based upon asymptotic approximations developed for the repairmen problem, valid when the number of operational equipments is large (greater than 50); it is helpful since it provides a tractable means for predicting the steady-state performance of the decentralized and consolidated installations as a function of the many parameters involved without having to resort to an exhaustive computation of all the exact steady-state probabilities.  相似文献   

We consider a routing policy that forms a dynamic shortest path in a network with independent, positive and discrete random arc costs. When visiting a node in the network, the costs for the arcs going out of this node are realized, and then the policy will determine which node to visit next with the objective of minimizing the expected cost from the current node to the destination node. This paper proposes an approach, which mimics the classical label-correcting approach, to compute the expected path cost. First, we develop a sequential implementation of this approach and establish some properties about the implementation. Next, we develop stochastic versions of some well-known label-correcting methods, including the first-in-first-out method, the two-queue method, the threshold algorithms, and the small-label-first principle. We perform numerical experiments to evaluate these methods and observe that fast methods for deterministic networks can become very slow for stochastic networks. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 769–789, 1998  相似文献   

For solving transportation problems essentially three types of methods are known: primal methods, the Hungarian method and the shortest augmenting path method. In this paper we present the specialization of these approaches to the bottleneck transportation problem and report some computational experience.  相似文献   

A search is conducted for a target moving in discrete time among a finite number of cells according to a known Markov process. The searcher must choose one cell in which to search in each time period. The set of cells available for search depends upon the cell chosen in the last time period. The problem is to find a search path, i.e., a sequence of search cells, that either maximizes the probability of detection or minimizes the mean number of time periods required for detection. The search problem is modelled as a partially observable Markov decision process and several approximate solutions procedures are proposed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The system under study is a single item, two‐echelon production‐inventory system consisting of a capacitated production facility, a central warehouse, and M regional distribution centers that satisfy stochastic demand. Our objective is to determine a system base‐stock level which minimizes the long run average system cost per period. Central to the approach are (1) an inventory allocation model and associated convex cost function designed to allocate a given amount of system inventory across locations, and (2) a characterization of the amount of available system inventory using the inventory shortfall random variable. An exact model must consider the possibility that inventories may be imbalanced in a given period. By assuming inventory imbalances cannot occur, we develop an approximation model from which we obtain a lower bound on the per period expected cost. Through an extensive simulation study, we analyze the quality of our approximation, which on average performed within 0.50% of the lower bound. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 377–398, 2000  相似文献   

针对容器技术在网络层面缺乏控制的问题,设计一套面向大规模容器集群的网络控制架构,分别从容器集群网络的灵活组网、智能适配以及安全隔离三个方向进行研究,主要解决大规模容器集群部署中的网络适配和隔离控制等关键问题。实验结果表明,设计的网络控制架构可以根据网络特点有针对性地实现虚拟局域网的快速划分、网络节点的稳定迁移和节点通信的精确隔离控制。  相似文献   

针对主流方法难以满足多层级实时可视化的需求,提出面向大规模地理矢量线数据的多层级实时可视化技术。建立面向多层级瓦片绘制的自适应可视化模型,设计像元四叉R(pixel quad R, PQR)树空间索引和基于PQR树的自适应可视化算法,分别用于支撑模型的数据组织和可视绘制。在10亿规模数据集上的实验表明:该技术在0.57 s内可计算任一层级上的可视结果,并且计算耗时大幅小于主流方法。当数据规模急剧增长时,该技术在各显示层级上仍具有较好的可视性能,最低可视速率超过100张/s,大幅优于主流方法。该技术在单机条件下即可支撑大规模地理矢量线数据的多层级实时可视化,在空间大数据探索分析领域具备较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

以临近空间平流层飞艇柔性充气囊体为研究对象,根据充气结构设计理论对充气囊体结构的最小压差和应力进行计算,建立平流层飞艇充气囊体结构有限元模型,在模型验证的基础上,采用非线性有限元方法对平流层飞艇充气囊体结构特性进行仿真分析,得到了囊体结构在不同压差和吊舱载荷作用下应力和变形分布及变化规律,并分析了结构加强配置对囊体应力和变形的影响,为平流层飞艇结构设计提供技术支撑和参考依据。  相似文献   

临近空间大型柔性充气囊体结构特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以临近空间平流层飞艇柔性充气囊体为研究对象,根据充气结构设计理论对充气囊体结构的最小压差和应力进行计算,建立平流层飞艇充气囊体结构有限元模型。在模型验证的基础上,采用非线性有限元方法对平流层飞艇充气囊体结构特性进行仿真分析,得到了囊体结构在不同压差和吊舱载荷作用下应力和变形分布及变化规律,并分析了结构加强配置对囊体应力和变形的影响,为平流层飞艇结构设计提供技术支撑和参考依据。  相似文献   

体绘制是刻画大规模科学数据中复杂物理特征的有效途径,然而,数据量极大、特征难以捕捉等问题依然是目前体绘制研究的主要挑战。为此,研究者们从三个方面对体绘制算法进行了深入研究,以提高大规模数据体绘制的效率和效果。一方面,依托硬件通过多处理器核来分担计算,降低单处理器核所要完成的计算量,是提高体绘制效率的一个有效途径。另一方面,充分发掘数据场内在特性对三维数据场进行约简,大幅减少绘制处理数据量从而降低算法开销,也是提高体绘制效率的一个有效途径。同时,在体绘制算法中融入特征分析和特征增强方法,让复杂物理特征从数据场中突显出来,以实现对科学数据的高质量绘制。本文对国内外体绘制技术相关研究进展进行了调研、综述,并分析了不同的研究方法,最后展望了未来体绘制技术研究的可能发展方向,包括应用驱动的特征体绘制、基于特征的约简体绘制、适应硬件的体绘制多级加速以及原位智能化体绘制等。  相似文献   

Problems having the mathematical structure of a quadratic assignment problem are found in a diversity of contexts: by the economist in assigning a number of plants or indivisible operations to a number of different geographical locations; by the architect or indusatrial engineer in laying out activities, offices, or departments in a building; by the human engineer in arranging the indicators and controls in an operators control room; by the electronics engineer in laying out components on a backboard; by the computer systems engineer in arranging information in drum and disc storage; by the production scheduler in sequencing work through a production facility; and so on. In this paper we discuss several types of algorithms for solving such problems, presenting a unifying framework for some of the existing algorithms, and dcscribing some new algorithms. All of the algorithms discussed proceed first to a feasible solution and then to better and better feasible solutions, until ultimately one is discovered which is shown to be optimal.  相似文献   

Consider a network G(N. A) with n nodes, where node 1 designates its source node and node n designates its sink node. The cuts (Zi, =), i= 1…, n - 1 are called one-node cuts if 1 ? Zi,. n q Zi, Z1-? {1}, Zi ? Zi+1 and Zi and Zi+l differ by only one node. It is shown that these one-node cuts decompose G into 1 m n/2 subnetworks with known minimal cuts. Under certain circumstances, the proposed one-node decomposition can produce a minimal cut for G in 0(n2 ) machine operations. It is also shown that, under certain conditions, one-node cuts produce no decomposition. An alternative procedure is also introduced to overcome this situation. It is shown that this alternative procedure has the computational complexity of 0(n3).  相似文献   

传统Voronoi图对大量点集进行Voronoi划分时会产生Voronoi单元格数过多的现象,导致难以适用于地理信息系统、生物医学等诸多领域.为了解决这个问题,提出一种自适应基于密度的聚类算法(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise,DBS...  相似文献   

This article addresses deterministic, nonpreemptive scheduling of n jobs with unequal release times on a single machine to minimize the sum of job completion times. This problem is known to be NP-hard. The article compares six available lower bounds in the literature and shows that the lower bound based on the optimal solution to the preemptive version of the problem is the dominant lower bound.  相似文献   

对形体不规则的物体 ,数值计算其结构噪声问题是获得解答的直接办法 .文中综述了结构噪声问题数值解法的基本思路 .首先介绍了数值求解的两个基本方法 :有限元法和边界元法的基本数学原理、操作方法及各自的局限性 ;其后描述了结构噪声耦合问题的数值计算公式的构造及运用不同数值方法构造求解公式的特点 ;针对边界元法构造的公式分析特征值问题的不足 ,给出了几种边界元法结构噪声特征值分析的方法 .文章结尾 ,提出了目前商业有限元软件分析噪声问题的不足及改进方向  相似文献   

为了解决传统分层有向图模型在卫星地面站故障诊断面临的问题,提出了基于增强分层有向图模型的故障诊断方法。在建模过程中,考虑到卫星地面站故障征兆多、建模复杂,依据各设备工作状态的故障传播方式合并同类节点,以减小模型规模;同时,在模型中加入节点有效性使能函数,克服传统分层有向图模型中设备主备切换导致系统结构发生改变时需要重新建模的问题。在故障诊断推理过程中,采用反向回溯和正向推理相结合的方法减小故障源搜索空间,并基于各节点被搜索次数给出故障概率,提高诊断效率。以北斗卫星无线电测定业务地面站为例对单故障和多故障报警场景下的故障诊断方法进行了验证。结果表明,基于增强分层有向图模型的故障诊断方法可以提高故障诊断的准确率和全面性。  相似文献   

判定执行消除分支指令,有助于提高性能,但执行额外的指令会造成能量浪费。尽早作废无效的判定指令,可以减少能量消耗。针对Itanium2处理器,修改流水线功能划分,提前读取谓词的值,提出谓词相关情况下的流水线停顿方法。模拟结果表明,提前读取谓词并作废无效指令,能减少能量浪费,提高能量效率。  相似文献   

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