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构建军事学术期刊品牌的目的是提高军事期刊办刊质量,全面提升学术影响力,为部队打胜仗提供理论支持。构建军事学术期刊品牌应根据自身特点进行科学定位,制订切实可行的发展规划,选择适合本单位军事学术期刊的具体思路加以实施,全面提高军事学术期刊的品牌形象和质量。  相似文献   

阵与阵法在中国古代军事理论和战争实践中占有重要地位,并伴随军事技术的进步、战争形态的更替、战争指导者指挥素质的提高而不断演进。诸葛亮推陈出新,在古八阵的基础上创新而成八阵图,指导了当时蜀伐魏的作战行动。本文立足军事学术视角,从战略指导、兵种协同作战、兵器配置、奇正作战四个方面探讨八阵图作战布阵的基本原则,以期进一步深化八阵图学术研究。  相似文献   

军事学术期刊是军队重要的宣传阵地,承担着发现和培养军事人才的功能。培养军事人才既是我军现代化建设对军事学术期刊的客观要求,也是军事学术期刊的重要职能。期刊编辑工作者要牢固树立培养军事人才的使命观念,充分利用和发挥期刊特殊的教育功能和审稿专家的独特优势,积极引导和大力扶持年轻作者,为他们的成长进步创造良好的环境和条件。  相似文献   

徐国柱 《国防》2005,(4):37-38
为深入贯彻中央《关于进一步加强预备役部队建设的意见》精神,进一步加强预备役部队质量建设,培养高素质新型预备役军事指挥人才,提高预备役部队信息化战争条件下快速动员和遂行作战任务的能力,受中共中央组织部、总参谋部、总政治部委托,南京陆军指挥学院举办了全军预备役部队预备役军事指挥军官培训班。培训期间,全体预任军官本着贴近未来战场需求、贴近预备役部队建设需求、贴近预备役军事指挥官对军事理论需求的原则,就“一体化联合作战与指挥”、“预备役部队战时快速动员组织与实施”、“预备役部队司令部工作”等问题进行了集中学习和研究,取得了一批成果。现摘编其中的部分学术观点,供研究参考。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻中央《关于进一步加强预备役部队建设的意见》精神,进一步加强预备役部队质量建设,培养高素质新型预备役军事指挥人才,提高预备役部队信息化战争条件下快速动员和遂行作战任务的能力,受中共中央组织部、总参谋部、总政治部委托,南京陆军指挥学院举办了全军预备役部队预备役军事指挥军官培训班。培训期间,全体预任军官本着贴近未来战场需求、贴近预备役部队建设需求、贴近预备役军事指挥官对军事理论需求的原则,就“一体化联合作战与指挥”、“预备役部队战时快速动员组织与实施”、“预备役部队司令部工作”等问题进行了集中学习和研究,取得了一批成果。现摘编其中的部分学术观点,供研究参考。  相似文献   

马列主义·毛泽东思想·邓小平理论研究江泽民科技强军思想研究江维余王宜为蒋正伟《工程兵指挥学院学报》2000试论江泽民关于培养新世纪军事人才的构想王正民张应二罗士文《工程兵指挥学院学报》2000武否与军事学术认清形势明确任务把武警部队军事理论研究工作提高到新的水平张进宝《武警学术》20002发展司令机关军事理论研究职能提高军事决策和指导的科学水平陈武廖建华张钧《武警学术》20002当前影响我国安全和杜会稳定的主要因素及对武吝部队面临任务与方略的思考张杰刚《武警学术》20002组织实施外宾吝卫工作的探索李俊平(武吝学院学…  相似文献   

随着装备体系化作战模式在军事活动中的深入运用,其表现出的优势已被世界军事强国高度关注,装备体系贡献率作为衡量装备成体系化建设与作战运用优劣程度的重要指标,已成为当前军事学术中研究的热点.系统梳理与归纳了国内外对装备体系贡献率评估需求、评估理论、评估方法的研究现状,总结出研究成果中存在的问题,为下一步开展装备体系贡献率研...  相似文献   

随着我军军队体制编制改革的不断深入,当前已形成军委—战区—部队的新的指挥体制。基于新体制的合成 旅岛屿进攻战斗背景,积极创新高效的作战指挥方式,正确选择作战指挥方式,准确理解和把握作战指挥方式运用方面应注意的问题,是确保发挥部队最佳作战效能、提高部队整体作战能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文针对目前部队指挥人员在装备作战运用方面出现的问题,阐述提高陆军合成部队指挥人员装备作战运用能力的必要性,从五个方面提出了指挥人员应具备的装备作战运用能力以及应采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

淮海战役是解放战争时期中国人民解放军同国民党军进行的三次战略决战性战役之一.笔者作为华东野战军第13纵队第37师师长,率部自始至终参加了这次战役:战役开始后,指挥所部渡过运河直插陇海铁路,和兄弟部队一起合围了国民党军第7兵团,为全歼该兵团做出了贡献;尔后率部南下,指挥第37师在西集团编成内参加了围歼国民党军第12兵团的双堆集战斗;第12兵团全军覆灭后,带领部队在永城西南地区进行战备休整,直到淮海战役取得最后胜利.笔者时淮海战役中作战指挥方面的心得体会,反映了当时作战指挥的特点和规律,对今天的军事学术研究有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Humanitarian operations may pose challenges to which armed forces prepared for warfighting seem rather ill-equipped. It is the aim of this article to examine in what way military ethics should be adapted to humanitarian tasks. Two ideal types of military ethics are defined here: warfighting and humanitarian. The warfighting ethic is supposed to maximise the utility of the military in war and combat and to that end utilises the virtues of loyalty and honour. In contrast, humanitarian obligations require to a larger extent the development of personal integrity and an ability to follow one’s own conscience. The adaptation of military ethics is demonstrated in the case studies of the UK armed forces and the German Bundeswehr. Whereas the moral code of the UK armed forces remains anchored in the principles of the warfighting ethic, the case of the Bundeswehr presents a military ethic closely approximating the humanitarian ideal type.  相似文献   

针对武警部队第一批指挥类“合训”学员,选取部分“合训”学员的军事体能考核成绩,利用多元统计中的主成分分析方法,构造科学、客观的评价函数,对学员军事体能考核指标体系进行综合评价,并对每一名学员考核成绩排序,为武警部队“合训”学员教学、管理提供参考。  相似文献   

The special operations forces (SOF) of the industrial democracies have suddenly and rapidly grown in numbers and resources during the past decades. Most explanations for this growth focus on factors external to the armed forces. We argue that the enlargement of SOF is also the result of internal organizational dynamics. First, we compare SOF to other units and military appendages that have grown over the past 30 years in order to delineate what is unique to their development and the special adaptive potential they bring to the armed forces: generalized specialization, boundary spanning roles, and enlargement of military autonomy. Second, we analyze the actions of internal military entrepreneurs and their organizational mentors to show how they use this adaptive potential to “sell” the use of SOF to key policy-makers and decision-makers.  相似文献   

伊拉克主要战事结束两年半了,反美武装成为驻伊美军最主要的作战对象.面对美军先进的武器装备,反美武装采取了灵活机动的战术手段.分析了伊拉克反美武装军事行动的几个特点.  相似文献   

Theory on the use of information technology in military operations assumes that bringing together units in an information network helps units to work together. Decentralized command systems such as mission command have been proposed for these networks, so that units can adapt to changes in their turbulent working environments. Others have proposed centralized command systems that permit higher organizational levels to closely direct military operations. This article uses Perrow’s (1984, 1999) Normal Accidents Theory to propose that increasing interdependencies between units in information networks places incompatible demands on the design of networked military operations. It is concluded that networked military operations require decentralized command approaches, but only under the condition that interdependencies between modules of networked units are weak rather than tight. This precondition is essential for retaining control over networked military operations.  相似文献   

军校学报是展示前沿军事科研成果和学术成果的窗口,是军事科研工作者进行军事学术交流的桥梁,也是国内外敌对势力窃取我国家秘密的重要目标。只有制定健全的保密规章制度,使保密工作贯穿于编辑出版全过程,才能确保军校学报的信息安全。  相似文献   

Although most styles of military ethics are hybrids that draw on multiple ethical theories, they are usually based primarily on the model of Aristotelian virtue ethics. Virtue ethics is well-suited for regulating the conduct of soldiers who have to make quick decisions on the battlefield, but its applicability to military personnel is threatened by the growing use of unmanned weapon systems. These weapons disrupt virtue ethics’ institutional and cultural basis by changing what it means to display virtue and transforming the roles soldiers perform and the nature of the military profession itself. I argue that in light of these challenges to virtue ethics, at least as it is traditionally understood within the armed forces, soldiers operating unmanned weapons require a more heavily rule-based approach to military ethics.  相似文献   

针对军事云环境下联合指挥资源调度优化问题,综合考虑了多部队任务需求,多目标优化,多部队资源竞争等约束条件,运用动态博弈理论及方法,建立并提出了一种基于完全信息扩展博弈的资源调度模型及方法,提高了资源调度效率,兼顾了多部队利益,增加了联合作战效益。最后通过实验验证了其有效性及准确性。  相似文献   

军事行政法从严原则应当成为军事行政法的一项基本原则。其基本涵义是军事行政法的制定具有严密性 ,军事行政法的实施具有严格性 ,军事行政法律制裁具有严厉性。该原则是军队质量建设的规律之一 ,是维护国防利益和军事利益的内在要求。军事行政法中的很多具体规定均体现了该原则  相似文献   


The Chinese military has embarked on a series of organizational and doctrinal reforms intended to better enable it to fight modern war. Prominent among these reforms is the growing emphasis on space to enable long-range precisions strikes and on counterspace to deny space capabilities to an adversary. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has officially designated space as a new domain and established an organization to command space forces. With this increased focus on space, the PLA may begin to develop a doctrine to govern the use of space in military operations. The higher priority given to space, especially space control, by the PLA coincides with similar actions by the US military, increasing the possibility of warfare in space and the risks of escalation.  相似文献   

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