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上世纪50年代初,台湾当局为破坏大陆经济,在美国的支持下实施“闭港政策”,拦截、劫夺了几十艘与大陆有来往的外国船只,引发了多起国际纠纷。  相似文献   

陈阿土是个种地的农民,从来没有出过远门,攒了半辈子的钱,终于参加一个旅游团出了国。国外的一切都是非常新鲜的,关键是,陈阿土参加的是豪华团,一个人住一个标准间。这让他新奇不已。早晨,服务生来敲门送早餐时大声说道: GOODMORNING SIR!”陈阿土愣住了,这是什么意思呢?在自己的家乡,—般陌生的人见面都会问:“您贵姓?”  相似文献   

外国重要军事著作是外国军事思想的基本教体,凝结着数千年来智与谋、血与火拼搏角杀过程中的兵家智慧。我们应当着力对其研究,从中汲取精华,为我所用。但从目前我国对外国军事思想的了解和研究看,究其表面多,研其根本少,尚未进入全面、系统汲取精华的阶段。一个重要的原因,诸多外国重要军事著作,因出版年代久远而罕为广大研读者熟知。军事科学出版社出版的由刘庆主编的《外国重要军事著作导读》一书,为我国广大军事历史、军事思想的教育和研究工作者,全面了解外国军事思想进而系统研究其实质,提供了一部颇有价值的工具书。《外国…  相似文献   

近代海军舰船装备的建设具有一定的规模和水平,但在抵御外国侵略、保卫海防以及开拓发展方面是失败的。清政府的封建专制、闭关自守及其对帝国主义列强的投降政策决定了清廷不能建立强大的海军。  相似文献   

近两年来,我国经济出现了增长减速、市场饱和、需求不旺、物价负增长、下岗(失业)增加等问题,同时又面临着亚洲金融危机和世界性通货紧缩的压力,经济发展的国内外形势趋紧。在这一严峻的环境下,国家应该选择和采取哪些宏观调控政策手段,这既是一个深奥的理论课题,又是一个紧迫的现实课题。我们应该学习和借鉴经济理论与外国的经验教训,作出符合实际、有利于我国经济持续发展的政策选择。  相似文献   

2001年的岁末可渭多事之秋。一个月来,不仅美对阿军事打击、以巴冲突及印巴冲突如火如荼,烽烟不断,而且在东亚,日本海上保安厅自二战结束以来在公海对外国船只的首开“杀戒”,亦引起了世人尤其是亚洲国家的广泛关注和警觉。舆论普遍认为,此举标志着日本安保政策已经完成了从“安内”到“攘外”的转变,向着更富进攻性和冒险性的方向迈进。 开杀戒—公海击沉“神秘渔船” 2001年12月22日,对生活在东亚地区的人们来说可谓是个“晴天霹雳”的日子。这  相似文献   

汪丰麟 《国防科技》2017,38(4):018-022
美国长期以来大量对外国进行武器出口,一方面获取巨额利润,另一方面借此影响相关地区的形势.2017年上半年,伴随着美国政府对外政策的调整,美国对外军事贸易也出现了一些变化,在对亚太地区、中东地区、欧洲地区和其他潜在热点地区的武器出口方面有着不同的表现.  相似文献   

我团是琼崖纵队唯一保留下来的红军团队。近年来,我们坚持紧紧围绕促进军事斗争准备、促进官兵成长成才,紧贴中心、聚焦基层、服务官兵,开设"琼纵电视台",在实践中积极拓展和提升电视台的服务功能,使"琼纵电视台"成为党委机关的喉舌、官兵精神面貌反映的窗口、官兵学习娱乐的阵地,有力促进了团队全面建设,得到了各级领导充分肯定,受到了全团官兵的一致好评。突出重点环节,确保运转高效电视节目开播涉及摄像、写作、非  相似文献   

二战期间,盟军苦于德国的秘密系统"英格玛"无法破译,政府召集了一批民间数学家、逻辑学家进行秘密破解工作,图灵(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇Benedict Cumberbatch饰)就是其中之一。计划刚开始图灵遭到了以休(马修·古迪Matthew Goode)为首的组员和领导的排斥,幸好军情处部长孟席斯(马克·斯特朗Mark Strong饰)帮助他立项研究破译密码的机器,而图灵则变成了负责人,招收了新的成员琼(凯拉·奈特莉Keira Knightley)开始了艰难的工作。琼很快就迷上了图灵,由  相似文献   

从2003年的“非典”开始,我国逐步建立起了一套应急管理体系,在南方冰雪灾害、汶川地震以及今年的玉树地震和南方水灾等抗震救灾工作中发挥作用并不断完善。财政支撑在应急管理体系中有着至关重要的作用。对目前我国应急财政管理现状进行分析,结合对外国应急管理体系先进做法的借鉴,提出了对建立健全应急财政支撑体系的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了有关数据库安全所需要解决的几个问题,并基于 discretion 和mandatory 存取策略,以及完整性和数据库加密策略,提出了一个较完整的数据库系统的安全模型。  相似文献   

根据联合申请的备件品种范围的不同,提出了3种订货策略,即单独申请、统一申请和联合申请,并设计了联合申请策略的启发式算法。该算法首先确定订购最频繁的备件,将其申请周期作为基本申请周期,其他备件申请周期是该周期的整倍数;其次寻求各种备件的最优订货倍数;最后确定各种备件的订购量。数值实例表明:联合申请策略的聚集效应明显优于单独申请策略和统一申请策略,对多品种库存控制策略的研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

This article considers the empty vehicle redistribution problem in a hub‐and‐spoke transportation system, with random demands and stochastic transportation times. An event‐driven model is formulated, which yields the implicit optimal control policy. Based on the analytical results for two‐depot systems, a dynamic decomposition procedure is presented which produces a near‐optimal policy with linear computational complexity in terms of the number of spokes. The resulting policy has the same asymptotic behavior as that of the optimal policy. It is found that the threshold‐type control policy is not usually optimal in such systems. The results are illustrated through small‐scale numerical examples. Through simulation the robustness of the dynamic decomposition policy is tested using a variety of scenarios: more spokes, more vehicles, different combinations of distribution types for the empty vehicle travel times and loaded vehicle arrivals. This shows that the dynamic decomposition policy is significantly better than a heuristics policy in all scenarios and appears to be robust to the assumptions of the distribution types. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   

U.S. nuclear export policy has undergone major transformations since 1945, and the most recent change, as expressed in the July 18, 2005, India-U.S. Joint Statement, represents an especially significant shift in policy. The document reverses more than a quarter century of U.S. declaratory policy, suggesting that the current U.S. administration regards nuclear proliferation to be both inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing. This article investigates this policy shift, looking at the history of U.S. nuclear export policy and the potential ramifications of the new policy on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The author also touches on the potential effects of the Joint Statement on Indian-Pakistani relations. Finally, it is suggested that it is not too late for India and the United States to change the new policy with more consideration for the NPT and the Nuclear Suppliers Group Initiative.  相似文献   

随着我国高校规模的扩张,国家助学贷款政策成为我国大学生资助政策的主要方式。本文分析了我国国家助学贷款政策的现状,认为虽然国家对助学贷款政策进行了优化,但由于政策的设计及运行机制中存在的不足阻碍了政策的实施,进而提出完善我国高校学生助学贷款的措施。  相似文献   

军人犯罪刑事政策探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刑事政策是大刑事法思想的基本范畴 ,军人犯罪刑事政策是国家基本刑事政策在军队的具体沿用。军人犯罪刑事政策是由军委就一定时期军队犯罪情况制订的原则性指导意见 ,它不直接对某一犯罪人作出评判 ,而是作为军事立法机关和司法机关形成最终法律判断的动态标准。  相似文献   

This article is the first academic study of Egyptian foreign policy towards Israel under Hosni Mubarak (1981–2011). It challenges a deeply entrenched conventional wisdom that Egypt pursued a cold-peace foreign policy towards Israel throughout this period. We demonstrate that Egyptian foreign policy towards Israel was dynamic – comprising cold peace (1981–91), a hybrid foreign policy of cold peace and strategic peace (1991–2003), and a pure strategic peace posture (2003–11). We also use the case of Egyptian foreign policy towards Israel as a heuristic to develop a conception of a new type of peace, strategic peace, as an intermediary analytical category between cold and stable peace.  相似文献   

This paper discusses scheduling of data transmission when data can only be transmitted in one direction at a time. A common policy used is the so-called alternating priority policy. In this paper we select a more general class of policies named the {Si; O} policy. We show how to determine the optimal parameters of the {Si; O} policy for given system parameters. We also give a simple example to show that {Si; O} policy is, in fact, better then alternating priority policy.  相似文献   

政策的执行是一项系统性工作,其中领导者的综合素质、直达基层的领导骨干、及时高效的反馈机制、牢靠的群众基础以及周密配套的实施方案,都是政策执行的必备要素。讨论政策执行的必备要素,对于政策的执行乃至当前的改革,都具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

We consider a finite horizon periodic review, single product inventory system with a fixed setup cost and two stochastic demand classes that differ in their backordering costs. In each period, one must decide whether and how much to order, and how much demand of the lower class should be satisfied. We show that the optimal ordering policy can be characterized as a state dependent (s,S) policy, and the rationing structure is partially obtained based on the subconvexity of the cost function. We then propose a simple heuristic rationing policy, which is easy to implement and close to optimal for intensive numerical examples. We further study the case when the first demand class is deterministic and must be satisfied immediately. We show the optimality of the state dependent (s,S) ordering policy, and obtain additional rationing structural properties. Based on these properties, the optimal ordering and rationing policy for any state can be generated by finding the optimal policy of only a finite set of states, and for each state in this set, the optimal policy is obtained simply by choosing a policy from at most two alternatives. An efficient algorithm is then proposed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   

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