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历代屯垦纵览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哲边 《兵团建设》2004,(9):110-113
我国政府在新疆组织屯垦,从公元前105年开始,至今已有2100多年的历史。西汉、东汉、魏晋南北朝、隋朝、唐朝、元朝、清朝等17个政府,先后在新疆组织各族军民进行过大规模的屯垦戍边活动。  相似文献   

李星 《军事历史》2003,(1):40-43
中共中央军委主席江泽民在视察新疆时明确指出:“新疆是我国西北一个具有重要战略地位的省区,保持这一地区社会政治的稳定是一件关系全局的大事。”江泽民的重要指示,深刻揭示了新疆在国家整体发展战略中的地位和作用,指明了维护新疆安全稳定对于做好新时期军事斗争准备工作的极端重要性。历史是现实之源,现实是历史的延续。新疆的分裂颠覆活动,都能追溯到它的历史根源。近代新疆的分裂活动,主要是从帝国主义侵略中国,导致中国近代边疆的危机开始的,并且从未停止过。从清朝统一新疆至今240多年中,围绕着分裂与反分裂的斗争依然…  相似文献   

童远忠 《军事历史研究》2005,195(2):100-103
左宗棠收复新疆后,清朝统治阶级在治边理念方面开始向近代化转型,新疆设省之议进入清朝统治者的视野,晚清治边理念转变是新疆防务建设全面展开的前提。1884年新疆建省,成为晚清新疆防务建设全面展开的保证,使晚清新疆防务建设达到顶峰。刘锦棠出任新疆巡抚,是新疆建省后防务建设得以全面展开的关键。  相似文献   

清朝对新疆的治理,虽然采用了"从俗从宜"的政策,但由于清王朝以儒家学说和传统法制为立国之本,因此,清朝治理新疆的政策和具体制度,也无不显现出中国传统法制结构的特征。  相似文献   

<正>18世纪中后期至19世纪上半期,是清朝政治稳定,经济发展,繁荣时期.内地与边疆地区的经济联系进一步加强,特别是与少数民族的商业贸易活动十分频繁.新疆与内地商业贸易往来的频繁程度亦达到前所未有的水平.新疆与内地的商业贸易往来,历史悠久,源远流长.内地的丝、布、茶和生产工具等  相似文献   

正(2014年10月)目录前言一、建立与发展二、职责与体制三、开发与建设四、维稳戍边与促进民族团结前言屯垦戍边是中国几千年开发和保卫边疆的历史遗产。中央政府在西域新疆大规模屯垦戍边始于2000多年前的西汉,以后历代沿袭。1949年新疆和平解放,1954年中央政府决定在新疆成立生产建设兵团。这是符合中国国情和新疆实际的战略举措,也是历史经验在新的历史条件下的继承和发展。  相似文献   

民国时期新疆初等教育史略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>民国时期的新疆初等教育的基础是清末举办的新式学堂.清朝末年,清政府为挽救崩溃的政局,举办新政,创设学校.截止到1910年,新疆地方当局创建的各类初等学堂598所,在校学生14,423人.辛亥革命后,杨增新执掌新疆军政大权,新疆教育一落千丈,据统计,1912年新疆境内只有学校60所.在校学生1802人(其中国民学校33所,在校学生1138人;高级小学  相似文献   

在中国近代海军历史上曾有过一所“贵族学校”,这所特殊的海军学校就是清朝末年建立的昆明湖水师学堂。1885年中法战争之后,清政府痛感海防危机,下旨“大治水师”,清朝海军进  相似文献   

鸦片战争的失败, 使得中国屈辱于帝国主义侵略近百年。造成百年惨史的历史根源,总的说是封建主义长期的腐朽统治,而其直接的历史根源,则不能不从清朝中期政治、经济、军事、文化和科技政策方面去追寻。本文拟从清朝中期经济政策失误方面,探讨其对近代军事史的影响,以吸取其教训。清朝从取得政权开始,经过顺治、康熙两代半个多世纪的整治,基本上医治了明末天下大乱以来的疮痍。从18世纪初到19世纪初,是  相似文献   

新中国成立以来的新疆历史,从新疆的解放到新疆的社会主义革命与开发建设,是与一个人紧密相连的,这个人就是王震同志。同样,新中国屯垦戍边的历史,党的屯垦戍边事业,从新疆军区生产建设部队到新疆生产建设兵团,从兵团的创立到发展壮大,无不凝聚着一个人的心血,这个人也是王震同志。  相似文献   

Douglas S. Derrer, We Are All the Target: A Handbook of Terrorism Avoidance and Hostage Survival. Annapolis, MD: US Naval Institute Press, 1992. Pp. x+135, notes, index. $14.95. ISBN 01–55750–150–5

Ian Knight, Zulu: Isandlwana and Rorke's Drift, 22–23 January 1879. London: Windrow & Greene, 1992. Pp.136, 150 illus., incl 8 colour plates, maps, biblio. £35. ISBN 1–872004–23–7

Ian Knight, By the Orders of the Great White Queen: Campaigning in Zululand through the Eyes of the British Soldiers, 1879. London: Greenhill Books and Novato: Presidio Press, 1992. Pp. 272, 17 illus., 1 map. £18.95. ISBN 1–85367–122–3

Manfried Rauchensteiner and Erwin A. Schmidl (eds.), Formen des Krieges: vom Mittelalter zum ‘Low‐intensity’ Conflict’. Graz : Verlag Styria, 1991. Pp.208. DM35. ISBN 3–22–12139–7

Harold J. Kearsley, Maritime Power and the Twenty‐First Century. Dartmouth: Dartmouth Publishing Company, Limited, 1992. Pp.xv + 203, 13 diagrams, index. £32.50. ISBN 1–85521–288–9  相似文献   

The US Army has two approaches to counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan. One is hard, or combat-focused, and the other is soft, or development-focused. This study examines two US Army task forces deployed to Panjwai District, Afghanistan from 2012 to 2013. CTF 4-9 and 1-38 offer a meaningful comparison because they pursued these contrasting approaches among the same population and against the same enemy at the same time and place. The study compares each unit’s approach and finds that neither approach was successful absent the other. The article concludes by recommending further research into combining the approaches at the operational level.  相似文献   

目前市场上的网络监控技术一般用昂贵的硬件设备来支撑,投资较大。在深入研究微软的DirectX9.0的基础上,提出如何用DirectShow软件技术和普通的数字摄像头来实现网络视频的监控和实现技术,内容涉及通信协议、视频的编码与解码技术、视频的编码格式和COM组件编程技术等,最终的实验结果令人满意,且费用低廉,技术可靠,为在高速局域网内构建视频监控系统提供有效的技术支持。  相似文献   

Global effects caused by the detonation of an IED near a military vehicle induce subsequent severe acceleration effects on the vehicle occupants. Two concepts to minimize these global effects were developed, with the help of a combined method based on a scaled experimental technology and numerical simulations. The first concept consists in the optimization of the vehicle shape to reduce the momentum transfer and thus the occupant loading. Three scaled V-shaped vehicles with different ground clearances were built and compared to a reference vehicle equipped with a flat floor. The second concept, called dynamic impulse compensation (DIC), is based on a momentum compensation technique. The principal possibility of this concept was demonstrated on a scaled vehicle. In addition, the numerical simulations have been performed with generic full size vehicles including dummy models, proving the capability of the DIC technology to reduce the occupant loading.  相似文献   

States commonly take one of three approaches to militant groups on their soil: collaboration; benign neglect; or belligerence. All three approaches are present in Pakistan, where some groups also move back and forth among these categories. I employ the term “coopetition” to capture this fluidity. The dynamic nature of militancy in Pakistan makes the country an excellent laboratory for exploring a state’s assessment of the utility an Islamist militant group offers, and the threat it poses relative to other threats informs the state’s treatment of that group. In this article, I put forward a typology that situates Islamist militants in Pakistan in one of the above four categories. I also illustrate how a group’s identity, objectives, and alliances inform assessments of its utility and threat relative to other threats. In addition to enhancing our understanding of militant–state dynamics, this taxonomy builds on and helps to unify earlier typologies of Pakistani militancy.  相似文献   

European navies made a fundamental contribution to the Cold War at sea, ensuring the effectiveness of deterrence even as Soviet naval forces grew to ominous proportions. European fleets were tasked with containing a Soviet attack until US forces could arrive on the scene. Many European navies pursued essential niche capabilities tailored for their own unique maritime environments. Others made important contributions to broader NATO efforts in the high-stakes arenas of sea control, power projection and even nuclear deterrence. Contentious issues did arise, for example concerning burden-sharing, but true to its name, the alliance succeeded collectively in wielding formidable sea power. This paper is based on the premise that the maritime players in the Cold War at sea were by no means restricted to the US and Soviet navies. The navies of Western Europe and Canada had major roles to play as well within the NATO area. They contributed a great deal to the political cohesion crucial to an essentially maritime alliance, and in many cases had a real operational contribution to make as well. What follows, then, is the Cold War at sea from a European point of view.  相似文献   

This article examines the ambiguous role played by the Cyprus Police Force during the Greek Cypriot insurgency against Britain between 1955 and 1959. A multiethnic force policing a multiethnic society, the CPF struggled to fulfill its duties. Greek Cypriot officers became ineffective as sympathy for, or fear of insurgents undermined their ability to function. Some collaborated, others resigned. Those who stayed became targets of their own people. Turkish Cypriot officers, recruited in greater numbers to compensate for a reduction in Greek Cypriot officers, worked to enforce the law, but exacerbated intercommunal relations in doing so. In spite of the peculiar conditions present in Cyprus, the case has valuable implications for contemporary policymakers on the vulnerabilities inherent in the use of local police forces to restore law and order in ethnically divided societies.  相似文献   

President Barack Obama has pledged to secure the ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), which was previously rejected by the U.S. Senate in 1999. This article attempts to predict the potential implications of Washington's ratification for the treaty's future by analyzing the positions and options of the eight other essential holdouts. The authors conclude that without the United States to hide behind, facing domestic and international constraints, and lacking substantial strategic reasons to remain outside the treaty, most holdouts will move toward ratification. Nonetheless, the process is likely to be time consuming, and several of the key actors remain unpredictable.  相似文献   

Collaborative defence projects have been a distinctive feature of European defence industrial policy. This article focuses on whether the number of partner nations in international collaborative defence and aerospace programmes is a source of inefficiency. It appears that there is not a simple linear relationship. Two nation collaborations can be efficient, but conventional wisdom assumes that inefficiencies emerge with more than two partner nations. Inevitably, data problems made what appears to be a simple hypothesis difficult to test. The major result is that there is no evidence that efficiency as measured by development times is adversely affected by the number of partner nations. A limited sample regression and a comparison of Airbus vs. Boeing shows a similar conclusion.  相似文献   

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