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通过舆论传播平台传递信息,用以作用于受众的思想或心理,从而达到征服人心的目的,是舆论战的本质特征。利用宣传心理学的原理综合研究信息源、信息的性质和受众的特点这三个要素,是提升舆论战效能的必由之路。  相似文献   

作为一种软杀伤性的政治攻心战,网络舆论战已成为信息化条件下体系作战的一种重要作战样式。和平时期网络舆论战具有其鲜明的特点,即舆论传播的隐秘性和受众的广泛性,信息传递的迅速性和受众的自组织性,信息的海量性和受众注意的易转移性。对此,应积极利用互联网争夺意识形态领域的主导权,积极参与网上讨论并注意引导网络舆论风向,加强网络舆论战技术装备和人才队伍建设,为打赢信息化条件下的网络舆论战打下良好基础。  相似文献   

朱志 《国防科技》2010,31(1):78-81
舆论战效果评估,作为舆论战实施中的重要环节和基石,它对于科学指导与检验部队舆论教育训练,提高舆论战效果,增强官兵的心理素质,发展和完善具有我军特色的舆论战理论体系等都具有十分重要的现实意义。建立舆论战效果评估模型是实现舆论战科学评估的前提和基础。复杂网络传播动力学为舆论战效果评估模型提供了崭新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

舆论战是通过舆论传播平台传递信息,作用于受众的思想或心理,争取人心,实现小战大胜或不战而胜。依据信息加工原理,分析研究信息源、信息、媒介和受众这四个要素,是提升舆论战作战功能的必由之路。  相似文献   

微信以惊人的速度发展,成为时下最热门的社交信息平台和绝大多数手机用户的一种生活方式。微信是舆论生成和扩散的重要平台,其多元化的信息、多渠道的传播以及创新的特点,为网络舆论战带来了全新的机遇。把握微信的信息传播特点,有效针对特定对象人群,采取积极主动的方式开展网络舆论宣传与自我防御,使微信成为舆论战发展的有力工具,是新时期开展网络舆论战的必然选择。  相似文献   

李弼程  熊尧  黄涛  潘乐 《国防科技》2020,41(5):35-40
传统马甲机械发帖的网络舆论引导方式存在智能水平不高、效果不佳的缺点。人工智能的快速发展为网络舆论智能引导奠定了坚实的理论与技术基础。本文突破新闻传播学的思维定式,利用智能体、系统建模与仿真等理论技术,研究网络舆论智能引导,提出“态势感知-仿真推演-舆论引导”的网络舆论智能引导思路,构建网络舆论智能引导仿真推演模型,明确仿真推演工具,进而构建网络舆论智能引导系统,在仿真推演的基础上实施网络舆论引导,从而颠覆传统马甲的机械式发帖引导方式,破解难以在真实网络环境中直接尝试各种引导策略的困局。本文的研究成果对于丰富网络舆论斗争理论,占领网络舆论制高点,具有重要理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

传统马甲机械发帖的网络舆情引导方式智能水平不高,引导效果不佳。人工智能的快速发展为网络舆情智能引导奠定了坚实的理论与技术基础。本文借用和改造智能体的思想和方法来研究网络舆情引导方式,构建自学习、自组织的网络舆情引导智能代理模型,具有网评帖文生成、引导时机与方法选择、协同引导等能力,能够根据网络舆情态势的发展,自适应调整网络舆情引导策略,实现智能化的网络舆情引导。本文的研究成果对于丰富网络舆论斗争理论,占领网络舆论制高点。具有重要理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来的几场高技术局部战争表明,舆论战已经作为一种独立而重要的作战样式登上了历史舞台,并显示了巨大能量。美军舆论战方式主要有:舆论策划、舆论控制、舆论欺骗。认真研究、剖析美军舆论战方式,对于我们打赢未来高技术局部战争具有非常重要的战略价值。  相似文献   

近年来"颜色革命"表明,意识形态领域的斗争以新的科技手段为载体,网络舆论(心理)战作为新型网络战已经打响。以制脑权的视角分析了新型网络战的原理和作用,以及积极利用这一方式扩张霸权的霸权国家,并提出了应对制脑权斗争的思考建议。应对网络舆论战,应以自强为核心,以传媒为手段,以网络为重点,维护战略认知空间的安全。  相似文献   

网络舆论战是一种新型作战样式。加强网络舆论战研究,既是信息化战争的时代要求,又是实现强军目标的客观需要,对于丰富具有我军特色的现代舆论战理论体系,推动我军政治工作的创新发展,具有十分重要意义。文章通过论述网络舆论战的地位作用和主要特点,对开展网络舆论战的基本战法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In the last decade, cyber conflict has become a main feature of international politics and a growing concern for strategic stability and collective security. Unfortunately, cyber conflict suffers from a lack of conceptual clarity about its impact on collective security and a lack of consensus among international actors on how to interpret it. This article proposes to understand cyber conflict as an evolving process driven by two factors: the way in which digital space is configured and the way in which tactical, organizational, strategic, and doctrinal characteristics related to cyber have been included in the field of national and international security. Both tend to encourage offensive behavior but also demonstrate features pointing to restraint.  相似文献   

防空体系反制网电攻击的UML与Petri网模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网电攻击装备的出现,给传统防空体系带来全面严峻的新威胁。通过分析"舒特"系统,得到网电攻击3种典型作战样式:物理摧毁、电子攻击和网络攻击,分别从物理层次、能量层次和网络层次探索了防空体系反制网电攻击策略。为描述防空体系反制网电攻击的对策、作战结构、作战步骤等问题,分别建立了统一建模语言(UML)和Petri网模型,从理论上初步探索了防空体系反制网电攻击的对策,具有一定的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

军校学员心理健康状况不容乐观,把心理素质教育纳入军校德育等领域已形成一定的共识.应注意结合学员身心实际及职业要求,重视探讨和研究心理素质教育的内容、途径和方法等.  相似文献   

Cyber operations are relatively a new phenomenon of the last two decades.During that period,they have increased in number,complexity,and agility,while their design and development have been processes well kept under secrecy.As a consequence,limited data(sets)regarding these incidents are available.Although various academic and practitioner public communities addressed some of the key points and dilemmas that surround cyber operations(such as attack,target identification and selection,and collateral damage),still methodologies and models are needed in order to plan,execute,and assess them in a responsibly and legally compliant way.Based on these facts,it is the aim of this article to propose a model that i))estimates and classifies the effects of cyber operations,and ii)assesses proportionality in order to support targeting decisions in cyber operations.In order to do that,a multi-layered fuzzy model was designed and implemented by analysing real and virtual realistic cyber operations combined with interviews and focus groups with technical-military experts.The proposed model was evaluated on two cyber operations use cases in a focus group with four technical-military experts.Both the design and the results of the evaluation are revealed in this article.  相似文献   

普通心理学是心理学专业学生的入门课程,其教学的目的是使学生通过学习获得对心理学体系的整体认识,并形成基本的学科框架,为其他专业课程的学习奠定基础。通过分析发现,普通心理学具有系统性、内容之间的关联性、对其他专业课堂的奠基性的学科特点和结构良好的知识特点;学生虽然有相关的朴素的心理学经验,但不具有科学的心理学专业知识的知识储备特点和成熟认知的思维特点。这些特征与教师中心取向的教学模式相吻合,同时学生的思维特点也为这种教学模式的开展提供了基础。  相似文献   


Cyber attack against Critical National Infrastructure is a developing capability in state arsenals. The onset of this new instrument in national security has implications for conflict thresholds and military ethics. To serve as a legitimate tool of policy, cyber attack must operate in accordance with moral concerns. To test the viability of cyber attack, this paper provides a new perspective on cyber ethics. Cyber attack is tested against the criteria of the common good. This involves identifying the four core components of the common good from a conflict perspective: respect for the person; social wellbeing; peace and security; and solidarity. The fate of these components is assessed in relation to the six key characteristics of cyber attack from a moral standpoint: security; the role or absence of violence; discrimination; proportionality; cyberharm; and the threshold of conflict. It is concluded that the common good must be incorporated into developing state cyber strategies.  相似文献   

部队思想政治工作中的逆反心理是发生在青年军人身上的一种较为普遍的心理现象,已成为影响部队思想政治工作效果的巨大障碍之一。在对逆反心理的内涵、表现和形成原因深入分析的基础上,有针对性地提出具体的疏导措施。  相似文献   

Japan has been overlooked as a ‘cyber power’ but it now becoming a serious player in this new strategic domain. Japanese policy-makers have forged a consensus to move cybersecurity to the very core of national security policy, to create more centralized frameworks for cybersecurity, and for Japan’s military institutions to build dynamic cyberdefense capabilities. Japan’s stance has moved rapidly toward the securitization and now militarization of responses to cyber challenges. Japan’s cybersecurity stance has bolstered US–Japan alliance responses to securing all dimensions of the ‘global commons’ and extended its defense perimeter to further deter but potentially raise tensions with China.  相似文献   

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