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文章首先介绍了美军战略传播提出的动机以及它的突出特点.相对于传统的信息传播,战略传播具有三个方面的鲜明特点,即强调受众的选择,强调多种传播机构的联合,强调对事件的全面、快速反应.其次,探讨了美军战略传播的有益启示,得到了对提高我军的快速反应能力和对受众的研究的可借鉴经验.  相似文献   

对美军频谱认证过程(DOD SCP)进行了研究,分析了美军频谱认证过程提出的原因和频谱认证中各机构的角色定位、相互关系以及操作流程,分析了美军频谱认证过程实施中遇到的问题,总结了美军解决这些问题采取的措施,分析了美军2007年新的国防频谱管理战略计划的主要特点和战略取向,分析了美军全球电磁信息系统(GEMSIS)的目标和主要特点,分析了联合构想2020(Joint Vision 2020)计划各部分之间的关系,提出了对我国频谱管理的启示。  相似文献   

2019年2月12日,美国防部发布 《 2018国防部人工智能战略概要》 ,标志着美军人工智能战略正式出台。基于这份战略文件本身及美军在人工智能领域的最新动向,本文考察了美军人工智能战略的出台动因、核心内容和主要特点,分析了其对于美军、美国以及国际等层面可能带来的影响,并指出了美军未来推进该战略所面临的障碍与挑战。  相似文献   

李明富 《国防科技》2012,33(1):67-70
军事题材电影与军队形象传播紧密相关。美军军事题材电影创作的发展,不仅体现了电影技术的发展和艺术观念的进步,更折射出美军的军队历史、文化特征、形象塑造与传播。文章基于《阿甘正传》的主题词分析,结合原型批评理论和二元对立思想,从影视文学角度透视美军形象的塑造与传播,从中得出了有益启示。  相似文献   

信息网络时代的心理战已经成为维护国家安全的重要手段。纵观美军心理战发展历史,相继出现了"宣传""心理战""心理行动""军事信息支援行动"等概念,这些概念的演进过程实质上是美军不断探索、发展和完善心理战的过程,反映了国际形势和国家战略的深刻变化。美军心理战概念提出的过程以及在此基础上美军心理战概念体系的构建,与美官方机构的定义系统结合,分析系列相关概念特点,对探讨美军心理战概念演进大有裨益,亦可为战略支援视域下的心理攻防建设提供参考。  相似文献   

文章对美军越战后的军费调整进行了简要回顾,并分析了其军费调整对军队建设与国民经济发展的综合影响。在此基础上,提出我军的现代化建设应借鉴美军经验:一是构建我军现代化建设的战略框架;二是军费配置应兼顾长远与近期,军费投向重点应调整为“装备发展与教育训练并重”。  相似文献   

美军通过培育军人核心价值体系、打造主导性军事外交平台、参加国际人道主义救援、强化影视媒介的战略传播功能等方式构建军事软实力,对美军培育顽强的战斗精神、重塑在国内外的正面形象和扩大军事辐射力具有重大意义。  相似文献   

海军陆战队是美军在海外执行任务的主要作战力量,其发展建设的重点将决定未来美军的海外战略重心。本文以《2017年美国海军陆战队航空兵建设计划》的主要内容为研究对象,概述了未来美国海军陆战队作战的总体构想,对美国海军陆战队主要更新换代的海空装备进行了研究分析,总结了美军海军陆战队航空建设的启示。以分析结果为依据,对未来美军的战略重心进行了判断。  相似文献   

战略投送能力既是美军“聚焦后勤”、“精确保障”的重要内容,同时也是美军实现战略企图的一个基本手段。纵观美军近几场局部战争,美国高效的战略投送都起到了举足轻重的作用,是美军发起战争的重要支撑和夺取战争胜利的关键因素之一。美军发展战略投送能力的动因美军战略投送能力是在战争实践中发展壮大的。提高战略投送能力既是美国  相似文献   

文章研究军事转型中的战略风险控制问题,通过分析美军军事转型战略风险控制所采取的战略方针、步骤及其风险管理,提出了军事变革中关注和调控风险应该注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

思想教育是加强军队全面建设、完成各项任务的中心环节,各国军队都十分重视。美军是当今世界各国军队建设中总体水平最高的一支军队。其社会制度性质的不同,决定了美军与我军在思想教育内容上有着本质的区别,但美军对军人进行思想教育的方式方法有值得我们借鉴的地方。考察美军思想教育的历史,总结其特点,得出几点启示,目的是为了不断创新发展我军思想政治教育的形式方法,增强实际效果。  相似文献   

叶清琳  李坡  熊艳晔 《国防科技》2017,38(5):060-064
关岛是美军在西太平洋地区的重要战略支撑点,既是战略轰炸机基地,又是海军在西太主要的作战、后勤保障中心,还是海军陆战队的集结基地,军力可有效辐射西太地区。对于美军来说,关岛具有政治可持续性、地理位置优越、自身规模适宜等自身优势,同时也面临着远程打击威胁增多、军力部署集中与分散两难、盟友顾虑被抛弃等问题。美国将持续加大对关岛的军事力量建设投入,进一步加强关岛在西太的军事核心地位。  相似文献   

Li Chen 《战略研究杂志》2015,38(1-2):183-214
This article analyses the impact of the Korean War on the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), particularly the period of positional warfare from 1951 to 1953. In the war of movement between October 1950 and June 1951, the PLA relied on its civil war era weapons and experience, including the doctrine of ‘battle of annihilation’. Operations in early 1951 suggested that the civil war legacies of the PLA no longer applied to the realities of combat in Korea. Based on both Soviet aid and domestic mobilisation, the PLA managed to build the material foundation for positional warfare and rapidly improved its logistics. Operationally, on the defensive, the PLA developed combined operations integrating infantry, artillery, and armoured forces. The PLA learned the lessons of the Korean War and strengthened its ties with the Soviet armed forces in order to modernise itself. The Korean War thus transformed the PLA from Civil War victor to Cold War guard.  相似文献   

近年来,美军逐步调整社交媒体政策,重视发挥其在公共事务、家庭服务以及塑造军队形象中的独特功能。从信息安全的角度出发,在分析美军社交媒体政策发展变化及其内在动因的基础上,总结出美军运用社交媒体所采取的信息安全措施。  相似文献   

Although the Soviet missile defence effort was begun to protect the USSR from attack by nuclear missiles, Khrushchev was quick to see its political value, and used the prospect of an anti‐ballistic missile system to emphasize Soviet technological superiority. Within the Soviet armed forces there was widespread consensus about the importance of ABM's damage‐limiting role. The debates about strategy for future war in Soviet military publications demonstrate that support in the armed forces for an ABM capability transcended service loyalties and remained remarkably strong even after 1962, when technical problems and an effort to improve relations with the US following the Cuban Missile Crisis meant that the missile defence project no longer enjoyed the public backing of senior Party and military figures.  相似文献   

One of the effects of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms is the steady erosion of the ideological integrity of Marxism‐Leninism‐Maoism. To compensate for that erosion, the Chinese Communist Party has turned to patriotic nationalism for a new source of legitimacy. China's new nationalism transcends mere rhetoric but is manifested in the behavior of its armed forces ‐ which makes an understanding of the nationalist ideology of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) important. As revealed in PLA and related military publications, that ideology is a potentially problematic mix of wounded pride, historical resentment, and irredentism.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether non-lethal weapons (NLWs) enhance the capability of the US armed forces to conduct irregular warfare (IW) operations. With expectations that the operational environment will only continue to become more complex in the future, NLWs may reduce the level of violence received, as well as dispensed, by US forces while performing tasks in the IW spectrum. We argue that NLWs increase the ability of US forces to address the long tail of warfare and their deployment should be increased in the near term.  相似文献   

马翀 《国防科技》2017,38(2):094-101
美军一直奉行全球战略极度依赖天基信息支援。美军航天力量在夺取制天权,确保战时进入、利用太空自由,为海外军事行动提供信息支撑方面发挥决定性作用。美军认为航天领域颠覆性技术的应用将会迅速而深刻地颠覆传统战争规则,是应对新兴国家军事威胁,实施第三次"抵消战略"的核心技术。美军高度重视航天力量装备规划、体制编制、理论研究和人才培养的创新发展。研究近年来美军航天力量的建设发展重点,可以透过其一系列的航天力量发展规划,得出美军航天力量发展战略和走势,具有强的启示性。  相似文献   

中国人民武装警察部队是我国武装力量的重要组成部分。武警理论研究、武警立法发展和武警执法实践都要求制定一部中国人民武装警察部队法。武警法是适用于武警部队的专门法,具有特殊性、专业性、独立性、分散性、交叉性的特点。武警法学具有自己独特的研究对象、研究方法、理论价值和科学体系,应该建构独立的武警法律学科,这是必然的发展趋势。  相似文献   

US nuclear deterrence and arms control policy may be moving, by design and by inadvertence, toward a posture of strategic “defensivism”. Strategic “defensivism” emphasizes the overlapping and reinforcing impact of: (1) reductions in US, Russian and possibly other strategic nuclear forces, possibly down to the level of “minimum deterrence,” (2) deployment of improved strategic and/or theater antimissile defenses for the US, NATO allies and other partners; and (3) additional reliance on conventional military forces for some missions hitherto preferentially assigned to nuclear weapons. This article deals with the first two of these aspects only: the interaction between missile defenses and offensive force reductions in US–Russian strategy and policy. The findings are that stable deterrence as between the USA and Russia is possible at lower than New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty levels, but reductions below 1000 deployed long-range weapons for each state, toward a true minimum deterrent posture, will require multilateral as opposed to bilateral coordination of arms limitations. Missile defenses might provide some denial capability against light attacks by states with small arsenals, but they still fall short of meaningful damage limitation as between powers capable of massive nuclear strikes.  相似文献   

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