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全球化时代恐怖主义的全球化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球化与恐怖主义分别作为当今重要的时代潮流和社会热点 ,二者的关系是紧密相关、密不可分的。本文从恐怖主义产生的社会根源、所表现出的时代特点及对恐怖主义的反击和治理三个方面 ,全面地描述了全球化时代恐怖主义的全球化烙印 ,系统地论述了二者之间的内在关系。指出 :全球化是孕育恐怖主义的温床 ,是当代恐怖主义的突出特征 ,是反击恐怖主义的客观要求  相似文献   

彭永  田浩 《国防科技》2003,(9):59-61
“9·11”事件后,恐怖主义活动由—种边缘性的社会反抗,获得了主导社会的力量,成为世界安全与和平的主要威胁。作为机械化战争向信息化战争过渡中出现的异化的战争形式,新恐怖主义活动具有主体模糊性、手段非常规性、目的效应性、范围不定性、力量非对称性等特点。新恐怖主义活动的社会根源是强权政治和霸权主义,新军事变革的不平衡发展和科学技术的双刃剑效应使新恐怖主义活动成为可能和必然。彻底根除新恐怖主义活动任重道远,需要建立合理的国际秩序,铲除新恐怖主义滋生的温床。  相似文献   

在科技大发展、经济全球化、国际社会共同谋求和平与发展的今天,地球上仍存在诸多不和谐音符,国际恐怖主义就是其中一个严峻问题。 自90年代以来,国际恐怖主义势力急剧扩张,恐怖分子的行动更加隐蔽,对和平威胁越来越大,造成的死亡人数也越来越多。自去年以来,国际恐怖主义活动表现出一些新特征。有人把日益猖獗的国际恐怖主义称为“政治瘟疫”。  相似文献   

当前,我国的反恐怖主义立法工作尚处于起步阶段,相关法律还未健全,同时也未形成一套完整的反恐怖主义法。因此,吸收和借鉴国外特别是俄罗斯和中亚诸国反恐法律的思想精髓,在明确概念、颁布专门的法典、设立专门的反恐机构等方面提出构想,进而推进我国的反恐立法工作,更有利于保障我国的社会稳定和经济的快速发展。  相似文献   

恐怖主义是当今国际社会严重关注的重要热点问题之一,它与地区冲突、核武器扩散、毒品走私一起并称为"国际社会四大公害",严重威胁着世界各国的安全.在和平与发展成为时代主旋律的今天,随着恐怖主义跨国化的发展,全世界各国政府和人民,以及国际社会只有通过共同合作,采取有效对策,才能遏制和消除恐怖主义对世界和平的威胁.  相似文献   

近年来,恐怖主义势力对边疆地区的渗透已经成为严重威胁各国安全与稳定的一个焦点问题。国际社会对于边疆地区的反恐斗争日益重视,并采取了很多的联合行动,在一定程度上遏制了恐怖主义势力的进一步蔓延和发展。但由于边疆地区地理环境和民情、社情比较特殊,制约因素较多,特别是军事交通  相似文献   

恐怖主义一直是威胁国际社会和平与发展的公害。"9·11"恐怖袭击的发生,标志着恐怖主义迈向了新的发展阶段,其手段、目标及结果都具有以往的恐怖活动所  相似文献   

●恐怖一词,最早出自拉丁语“TEPOP”,原意为“惊恐”、“害怕”之意。使用“恐怖”这个词,则可追溯到200多年前的法国大革命时期。20世纪60年代以后,随着国际交往的日益频繁,恐怖活动猖獗,国际恐怖主义这一概念被正式提了出来。 ●恐怖主义是国际社会的一大公敌,堪称人类文明肌体上的毒瘤,但迄今有关什么是恐怖主义并没有一个统一的概念,其外延也纷繁复杂。国际社会对恐怖主义的定义多达130种,侧重点各不相同,然而  相似文献   

我国跨境恐怖主义犯罪日益猖獗,不仅造成了大量的无辜平民伤亡和公私财产的损失,而且侵害了其他国家的利益和国际社会的共同秩序。防范和惩治我国跨境恐怖主义犯罪活动,应当坚持经济和社会的协调发展,消除恐怖主义滋生的土壤;积极参与多边安全合作,探寻维护我国安全利益的新途径;完善我国反恐怖主义犯罪的刑事立法。  相似文献   

<正>长期以来国家安全和社会稳定一直是我国当前的主旋律,只有国家安全和社会稳定,我们的发展之路才能不断推进。近些年来,国际恐怖主义及其破坏活动成为影响世界安全与稳定的一个突出因素。当前社会暴恐活动以及带有恐怖主义色彩的个人极端行为频发。根据公开的资料显示当前恐怖主义的主要特点表现为:一是恐怖活动日趋政治化;二是恐怖活动具体方式日益多样化;三是恐怖活动呈现跨国化趋势;  相似文献   

This article analyzes the motivations behind individuals who chose to adopt terrorist methods in the Chechen conflicts of the late 1990s and early 2000s. While the seemingly obvious motivation in joining in a ‘religious’ war of jihad would be a strong belief in that religion, the reality is more complicated. The motivations behind these individuals were not only religious, but cultural, social, and political. This indicates that while the methods and ideological rhetoric adopted by Chechen terrorists prove similar to methods adopted by terrorists across the world, the fundamental causes and drive behind these terrorists are actually quite distinct and unique from others.  相似文献   

世纪之交 ,美俄等军队进行的几场反恐怖战争 ,其对手在处于劣势时 ,通常以游击战术与之对抗。因此 ,美俄军队在反恐怖作战中 ,也运用反游击战手段反制恐怖武装 ,其高技术条件下的反游击战战略战术对取得战争胜利起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This paper models transnational terrorism as a three‐way strategic interaction involving a government that faces armed opposition at home, which may spill over in the form of acts of terrorism by the state's opponents against the government's external sponsor. The external sponsor also utilises deterrence against potential terrorists, which only lowers terrorism if terrorists are not intrinsically motivated by a deep‐seated sense of humiliation. The model highlights the importance of intrinsic motivation. A rise in the external power's preference for deterrence against terrorism may backfire in these circumstances. Increases in the government's military efficiency against the rebels, who are also terrorists against the government's sponsor, raises overall levels of violence.  相似文献   

Ian Bellany, an Emeritus Professor of Politics at Lancaster University, died in July 2011 at the age of 70, after a long and painful struggle with myelofibrosis, a rare and invariably terminal blood cancer. Between early 2009 and August 2010, under contract to Hurst & Co., he worked intermittently on a book about nuclear terrorism, which he provisionally entitled Before the Storm. The editor and I are grateful to Michael Dwyer at Hurst & Co. for releasing the draft. What is published here is an edited version of that draft. It may seem presumptuous to speak for Ian, but I am sure he would also have liked to thank the doctors and nurses of the NHS Morecambe Bay Universities Hospital Trust, whose skill, knowledge, and flair for improvisation kept him alive and writing for much longer than anyone expected. Alastair Bellany, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.
In the past, terrorists have tended to eschew acts of extreme violence for fear of alienating those whom they wish to persuade and attract to their cause. The first to discard this philosophy was the Aum group in Japan, which sought to use anthrax and acquire a nuclear weapon. Since then, attitudes have changed, spurred on by the impact on public perception of the successful Al Qaeda 9/11 attack on New York and Washington. By crossing the line between moderation and extreme violence, terrorist groups retain one valuable capability: they are much less easily deterred and have few inhibitions. This article considers the three nuclear options open to terrorists – produce a radiological contaminant bomb; build a nuclear bomb; or steal or get given a nuclear device. It examines the possibilities and probabilities of each option and considers how the implementation of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) provisions might impose some constraints on terrorists’ nuclear ambitions. By examining the doubtful nuclear security practices of different states and providing statistical evidence of an increase in levels of international terrorist violence, this article points to determined terrorists in time acquiring the means to acquire one or other variants of a nuclear weapon. It concludes that it is not a matter of “if” but “when.”  相似文献   

"费太因"式恐怖袭击手段残忍、破坏性大、轰动性强,已经成为恐怖分子实施暴力破坏活动的重要手段。科学地分析"费太因"式恐怖袭击的主要特点,为有效打击此类恐怖袭击寻找科学的方法和措施,从而给恐怖分子以沉重的打击。  相似文献   


Deterrence has been a crucial element in fighting terrorism, both in actual politics and rational choice analyses of terrorism. But there are superior strategies to deterrence. One is to make terrorist attacks less attractive. Another to raise the opportunity cost - rather than the material cost - to terrorists. These alternative strategies effectively dissuade potential terrorists. The strategies suggested here build on the "benevolence" system and tend to produce a positive sum game among the interacting parties. In contrast, the deterrence system is based on "threats" and tends to produce a negative sum game interaction.  相似文献   

当前,重要会议、重大活动已经成为群众上访制造事端扩大影响的首选目标。同时,也成为敌对分子、恐怖组织企图实施阴谋暗害和恐怖破坏活动的主要选择场所。为防止上述事件发生,警卫部队要处理好三种关系,掌握情报信息。严密部署。  相似文献   

In the aftermath of 9/11, the USA embarked on a massive global hunt for terrorists and launched its “Operation Enduring Freedom” in Afghanistan. Its failure to control insurgency in Afghanistan spilled over into Pakistan, with disastrous consequences. The resurgence of the Taliban with more formidable tactics and maneuvering skills has become more troublesome for both Afghanistan and Pakistan and for the USA and its allied forces. The fierce comeback of the insurgents has challenged the political and territorial integrity of Pakistan, one that it cannot tolerate. This article analyzes the current situation and its implications for Pakistan's security. Moreover, it looks into the internal and external security complexities that Pakistan faces and the possible implications of the US exit strategy for Pakistan's security. It concludes that the security situation in Pakistan is continuously deteriorating and no part of her territory is immune from terrorists' attacks. To be successful, Pakistan must pursue a broad-based strategy that encompasses military, political, social, economic and informational domains aimed at accomplishing four major objectives: (1) elimination of foreign terrorists and their facilitators; (2) strengthening of the political and administrative institutions in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA); (3) establishing a safe and secure environment conducive for sustained development and the realization of real socio-economic progress and (4) integrating the FATA into the national mainstream. In the long term, a strategy based on the concept of “Enlightened Moderation” is the right solution, not only to the internal problems of Pakistan but also for the Muslim world and the international community.  相似文献   

The nature of conflict and crime is changing. Technology allows groups to spread their influence without regard to geographic limitations. A shift from hierarchies to network organizational forms is also occurring. As a consequence non‐state actors can extend their influence to gain social, political or economic power and challenge state institutions. This article examines the potential for gangs, transnational criminals and terrorists to embrace network forms and utilize technology to wage netwar. Factors which influence ‘third generation’ gang organization (politicization, internationalization and sophistication) are described to illustrate how a net‐based threat can mature. A move toward network organization within transnational criminal organizations and terrorist groups demonstrating the potential for these classic criminal entities to emerge as netwar actors is also reviewed. Finally, the need for state institutions such as the police and military to develop networked responses to combat networked threats is stated.  相似文献   

This article compares an ETA shooting incident in the Basque lands with an IRA bombing in Northern Ireland with the aim of examining the often overlooked role of symbolism in ethnic terrorists acts. The study of symbolism is important because it plays a part in impelling the terrorist to act and then in defining the targets of their actions. And one of the most important symbolic acts is that of sacrifice, particularly the blood sacrifice whereby acts of violence link with religion and with man's collective being. The article examines how the importance of symbolism to ethnic nationalist terrorist arises from the particular cultural, social and religious milieu in which they live. This analysis suggests that the terrorist act itself is symbolic of the terrorist cause and should not be only understood in purely rational 'means-ends' terms.  相似文献   

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