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儿童忽视属于儿童虐待,在幼儿园中发生率较高,较为隐蔽,对儿童身体、心理尤其是情绪的影响较大。本研究采用问卷调查法,旨在调查幼儿园教师的儿童忽视认知状况。研究发现幼儿园教师的儿童忽视认知凸显三个问题,即集体认知模糊化、守旧性和“习惯化”。研究认为可通过三条路径改善幼儿园教师的儿童忽视认知,即加强概念认知和理解、师幼行为的记录与反思和超越“习惯化”。  相似文献   

Mozambique is widely regarded as a success story. The parliamentary and presidential lections in 1994 marked the peak of the peace process in Mozambique. Despite minor irregularities, the elections were declared free and fair by international observers. Mozambique has succeeded where other countries such as Angola has failed—a stable peace process, multiparty elections and the transformation of the armed opposition into a civil political party. Its transition to liberalism and capitalism brought macro-economic growth rates that are probably envied by many countries in the region. This article argues, however, that Mozambique provides an example of a third wave democracy where the transition from in electoral democracy to a consolidated democracy has not yet been completed, with little progress towards democratic maturity. In particular, the repercussions of the elections in 1999, Mozambique's ‘black’ November in 2000 and the process of recent consultation between the and Frelimo leadership in order to resolve the paralysed state of Mozambican politics underline a tendency towards a permanent entrenchment of democratic minimalism.  相似文献   

The rising trend in income inequality has recently attracted a renewed interest in the determinants of this growing trend across many countries. This article adds to the debate by investigating the impact of defence expenditure as a possible determinant of inequality in Taiwan, a country once was considered to be a poster child of an equitable growth, but now income inequality has become one of the Taiwan’s growing challenges. Applying the bounds test approach to cointegration and four long-run estimators for the period from 1976–2011, we found a long-run relationship between the various measures of inequality and defence expenditure where defence expenditure exerts a positive and a statistically significant impact on the worse income inequality in Taiwan. Further application of the lag-augmented causality test procedure also reveals a unidirectional causality running from defence expenditure to income inequality with defence expenditure causing income inequality to rise.  相似文献   

The latest general elections in Mozambique, in December 2004, saw the Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) emerging as a clear victor—its third national election victory since the start of the multiparty system. FRELIMO has now governed Mozambique continuously since independence in 1975. Its candidate, Armando Guebuza, has become Mozambique's third president, following Samora Machel (who died in 1986 while in office) and the current president, Joaquim Chissano, who stood down in February 2005.

For Mozambique's political elite, whose image was greatly damaged by corruption scandals and the related murder of well-known journalist Carlos Cardoso in 2000, challenging tasks lie ahead. Part of the challenge entails bringing people back into formal politics, as the December 2004 elections showed a poor turnout. Even more worrying, when one considers the historical distrust between the Mozambican National Resistance (RENAMO) and FRELIMO, was the almost complete lack of political voices other than these two main contenders. RENAMO emerged with 27 fewer parliamentary seats than it had held before the election, and no other party made it into parliament. FRELIMO will therefore meet little opposition in the next five years. But will the change of presidency in Mozambique offer opportunities for a fresh approach to the country's problems?  相似文献   

Peace parks are a modern means of conflict resolution through nature conservation. The Great Limpopo Peace Park (GLPP), which spans South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, was established to bring new hope to an area that is infamous for racial and political divisions, civil war and widespread poverty. This paper discusses the impact of international laws governing landmines, the current priority choices of the countries involved, and the situation in the two mine-affected countries: Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Minefields and politics are interrelated, and have an impact at local, national and international level. Using the GLPP as a case study, the article argues that although they have been presented as excellent examples of integrated biodiversity conservation and socio-economic development in developing countries, peace parks will not fulfil their main objective of promoting an image of peace in the aftermath of conflict without addressing landmine contamination.  相似文献   

While popular narratives about success in South Africa focus on individual effort, accidents of birth continue to determine life prospects. Inequalities in early childhood development, health, and education narrow the range of possibilities that young people have available to them, and this impacts on their risk appetite, including, through the workings of the maturing brain, a propensity to violence, substance abuse, and unsafe sex. New technology offers young people an unprecedented ability to organise and network. This fact, combined with high levels of youth dissatisfaction, unemployment, and marginalisation, leads many to worry that the young are “ticking time bombs”. While there certainly are risks, great unused pools of youth labour also present an opportunity for engaging them in social advancement programmes. Structured youth service is a tried and tested policy option that, when implemented as part of an integrated youth development strategy, can enlist thousands of young people in devoting their considerable energies to leadership for the public good.  相似文献   

一直以来,欺负行为普遍存在于校园之中,对青少年的身心健康造成了很大的危害。因此,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本研究利用初中生欺负/受欺负问卷对新疆少数民族和汉族的近500名初中生对待欺负问题的态度进行了调查,分析发现汉族学生对待欺负问题的态度比少数民族学生更积极;对待欺负问题的态度存在性别差异,女生比男生更积极,在对待欺负行为的态度上少数民族学生有极其显著的性别差异;少数民族学生对待欺负问题的态度与年级显著相关,而不同年级汉族学生对待欺负问题的态度差异并不显著。  相似文献   

利用"3-6岁幼儿家庭教养方式调查研究"基础数据,研究讨论了汉、回、维及其他民族3-6岁幼儿家庭教育期望及其影响因素,旨在回答汉、回、维及其他民族3-6岁幼儿家庭教育期望的基本状况,影响汉、回、维及其他民族3-6岁幼儿家庭教育期望的主要因素这两个问题。本文从学历期望、职业期望和能力期望三个方面研究家庭教育期望,研究发现幼儿父母对孩子的学历期望普遍偏高,以本科以上学历为主,同时表现出"顺其自然"的趋势;幼儿父母对孩子的职业期望呈现"尊重儿童职业兴趣"的特点;幼儿父母对孩子的能力期望以"学前技能"为主。族别与家庭教育中的学历期望存在差异;父亲文化程度与家庭教育中的能力期望存在极其显著差异;母亲文化程度与家庭教育中的能力期望存在差异,与职业期望存在极其显著的差异;家庭户籍与家庭教育中的能力期望存在差异,与职业期望存在显著差异;家庭收入状况与家庭教育中的职业期望和能力期望均存在极其显著差异。  相似文献   

Children are defined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child as people under the age of 18. Youth, although commonly used to describe the age group between 15–25, is not a term recognized in legislation designed to protect children. It has, however, become a concept employed by regimes and rebels alike to mobilize Africa's young population for political and military ends. African youth are caught in the chasm between childhood and the unattainable social, political and economic status that would define them as adults. Deprived of educational opportunities and livelihoods, youth are actively mobilized by politicians and armed groups alike, who recognize that their alliance is valuable and their enmity dangerous. The militarization of disaffected young people, of which the problem of child soldiers is only a small part, originates with the idea that youth constitute “potential”: a commodity that can and has been plundered alongside natural resources and public funds to serve the agendas of warfare.  相似文献   

This paper re-analyzes data from a survey of ex-combatants in Liberia conducted in, to estimate the effect of Liberia’s Demobilization, Disarmament, Rehabilitation and Reintegration program on participants’ income and employment status. As program completion was not random, these estimates are biased. I use propensity score matching to obtain a more precise estimate. The results indicate a higher employment rate for those who complete the program, although there is consistently no effect on income. These results have implications for both evaluating the outcomes in Liberia and the integrated approach to ex-combatant reintegration that the program embodied.  相似文献   

作家董立勃把炽热的笔触深深地扎在西部边地“下野地”,以其特有的视角叙述了上海姑娘宋兰从遭受强奸、被逼下嫁到最终成为支边典型和江南少女米香从执着追求真爱、迷失自我、放纵报复到最终不知去向的不同的生命故事。董立勃用诗化的语言与激情畅快淋漓地向人们展示了生活在“下野地”的年轻女性善良纯情、大胆真诚、敢爱敢恨的生命韧度,从她们对爱与恨、善良与罪恶、希望与反抗、真诚与背叛的苦难抉择中彰显了作家对生命、对人生、对时代的理性思考。从女性复仇的意义上来说,《米香》是恨的悲歌,也是爱的哀曲。  相似文献   


The most critical challenges faced by war-affected communities where children have allegedly perpetrated atrocities include: finding transitional justice practices that address the needs of former belligerent children and those of victims and their communities; and helping to reintegrate child soldiers into society and avoid returning to hostilities. This paper demonstrates that these challenges can be overcome by taking a holistic approach to child soldiering transitional justice, which assimilates restorative justice and social justice. Such an approach simultaneously addresses child soldiers’ criminal accountability and pursues their psychosocial wellbeing. The findings are based on a selective scholarship supported by fieldwork that was conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo between May and December 2014 in North Kivu province. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and survey questionnaires based on a randomised sample of 282 participants. These included self-demobilised child soldiers, members of war-affected communities, students/learners, educators, local traditional leaders, government officials, child protection lawyers and members of non-governmental organisations.  相似文献   

This paper discusses soldiers’ moral responsibility in today’s complex conflicts. The point of departure is the increased focus on soldiers as moral decision-makers in war, illustrated by the introduction of core values in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Responsibility is one of these core values, but it is not clear exactly how we should understand responsibility. I use a case where a group of Norwegian soldiers in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) sought the cooperation of a group of mujahedeen to solve the military mission of establishing security. As confidence between the parties grew, the soldiers became horrified witnesses to a practice of bacha bazi, where a young boy is dressed up for entertainment and sexual abuse. This situation gives reason to question the limits of role responsibility, the status of soldiers’ legitimacy, and the challenges of making morally sound judgments in a multicultural context. The discussion demonstrates that, even if there are restrictions on the soldiers’ freedom to act, a responsibility reaching beyond or extending their role should be recognized as part of the moral reality of modern soldiers.  相似文献   

婚恋观是人生观的重要组成部分。青少年时期是人生观、价值观形成的关键时期。随着电视机的普及、收视率的提高,电视文化这种新的文化形态对青少年的发展及教育的影响日渐广泛,电视中一些不良信息对青少年婚恋观的形成具有潜移默化的影响。本文着重从电视文化的传播特点和传播内容两方面入手,分析电视文化对于青少年婚恋观的负面影响,并针对如何减少电视文化对青少年婚恋观的负面影响做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

收入分配公平是反映社会公平的一个重要指标,而越来越严重的收入分配差距对社会公平提出严峻挑战。西方发达国家将教育作为调节贫富差距的主要手段,中国教育因素对收入分配也存在较大影响。拟从教育与收入分配公平的正相关和负相关两个层面来探讨教育促进收入分配公平的对策。  相似文献   

That West African criminal networks have contributed to the growth of organised crime in Southern Africa is clear. Though often remarked upon, these networks are seldom understood. This essay assesses the information available on how these groups, mainly Nigerian, have penetrated and operated in the region. Technology, mobile phone and the internet, for instance, as well as a reliance on close-knit ethnic groups enable networks to expand their illicit activities very rapidly and at the expense of national law enforcement agencies. Affected by economic decline in Nigeria and blaming that decline on the West, some Nigerian networks view their crimes as justifiable and legitimate business. South Africa, since the end of apartheid is the main focus but Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola and Namibia are important points in the chain. Drug trafficking, advance fee fraud, kidnapping, cheque and credit card fraud, stolen goods and trafficking in humans are all part of the repertoire.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on the decolonization of Namibia is set in a narrative mode and demonizes one or the other of the protagonists. This article, organized in a topical fashion, concerns the diplomatic, military, and economic facets of the Namibian war and draws upon the literature of comparable twentieth century colonial and anti-colonial wars in Algeria, Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, the Philippines, South Africa, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. It explores the changing discourse of legitimacy concerning independence for Namibia, the conduct of insurgency and counterinsurgency in the bush war, and economic aspects of that war.  相似文献   

目前我国城乡差距突出表现为公共产品差距,公共产品有效供给不足已成为当前制约农民增收的瓶颈。无论从理论分析还是从国内外实践看,公共产品的有效供给与农民的增收呈现正相关关系。因此,提高公共产品的有效供给是促进农民增收的有效途径,针对公共产品供给实践中存在的影响农民增收的问题而采取相应的对策是当前促进农民增收的理性选择。  相似文献   

新疆紧邻世界最大毒源地“金新月”,处在“金三角”和“金新月”两面夹击之下。近年来,新疆的毒品犯罪活动日趋突出,吸毒群体不断扩大,严重影响了新疆的社会稳定和经济发展。从宏观社会环境、微观环境及吸毒者个体因素三个方面对新疆吸毒问题产生的原因进行了深入分析,以期为新疆禁吸毒工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   

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