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This article details the history and philosophy behind major changes in police tradition and organisation in Nigeria in 1955. Women in the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), influenced by their background as enforcers of societal norms, developed a type of social-work-oriented policing. Using primary and secondary sources of historical information, this article discusses the origin of women in the NPF, the specialised role of women in police work, and the changes that have been effected in the roles and functions of women in policing in Nigeria. Situated within the conceptual frameworks of patriarchy and gender, this article argues that gender biases impeded the incorporation of women into the police and, when eventually introduced, gender limitations constrained their roles, operations and activities.  相似文献   

The provisions of the 1999 Constitution, which recognises the existence of a single police force and forbids parallel police organisations, have oftentimes generated controversies among actors in the Nigerian federal polity. Rising insecurity precipitates lingering questions on the utility and adequacy of a single, highly centralised and centrally controlled police force given Nigeria’s geographic vastness and demographic diversity. Conversely, arguments have also dwelt on the dangers of fragmentation considering Nigeria’s psychosocial, economic and political nature. This article attempts to balance these arguments by analysing policing and the operations of the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) through the lens of the subsidiarity principle. Subsidiarity is a governance principle in federations, captured in the founding documents of the European Union (EU), which prescribes that governmental powers, authorities and duties should be held by the tier that can best perform them equitably, efficiently, effectively, suitably and based on interest and need. Drawing largely on interviews with purposively selected police scholars, political actors, civil society organisations and police personnel, the paper contends that this principle offers a pragmatic solution to the perennial problems of intergovernmental frictions on the use of the police within the context of governance in the Nigerian federation.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the systemic failures of the Nigerian police force to unravel the mysteries surrounding homicides in the country, along with the security, social and political implications of the ongoing trend. The article draws on documented pieces of evidence of high-profile murders, along with the causes of the upsurge in murder incidences and the inhibitive factors relating to the investigative procedures of the police. The suitability of the theory of subaltern realism and the concept of third-world security predicaments in explaining the peculiarities of Nigeria’s internal security challenges is examined, along with the problems of the legitimacy of political regimes and weak borders. There is a need for the National Assembly of Nigeria to exercise its constituted powers in reawakening and supervising investigations into dormant cases of murder through its committees on police affairs, public safety and national security. The police should check its organisational failures, which may be related to using the wrong investigative approaches, low levels of information, limited resources, corrupt practices, and pressure to obtain quick results.  相似文献   


From the 1982 Maitatsine Uprising to the 2009 Kala Kato Riot, Nigeria has been bedevilled by ethno-religious uprisings with devastating human and material losses. In almost all these crises the police and the military have featured prominently as agencies tasked with the responsibility of maintaining law and order and suppressing insurrection. While it was not alleged that they precipitated some of these risings perhaps in their attempts to stem or nip them in the bud, they have been accused of escalating the conflict either by their slow and inadequate responses, their partisanship and their arbitrary responses, or by their slackness in managing the crises and their aftermath. However, but for their efforts the security basis of the Nigerian state would have been considerably compromised by religious fundamentalism given the level of preparedness of the groups involved, their resistance and, more importantly, the recurrent nature of the uprisings. This article reflects on the management of ethno-religious uprisings in Nigeria by the police and the military. It considers the nature of the security agencies' involvement in the crises and examines the factors both within the agencies and in the larger Nigerian society which have aided or hindered their effective management of the conflicts.  相似文献   

中国维和警察特色理论是中国维和警察学科理论体系基本框架的重要组成部分。对中国维和警察特色理论的概念、主体、特征、范畴进行了探讨,以构建中国维和警察特色理论的基本框架,为中国维和警察学科理论体系研究奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

公安文化理论是公安工作、公安文化实践的理论阐述,公安文化理论的创造活力与创新精神,对公安工作和公安队伍建设发挥着积极作用。公安文化软实力是一个在新的学术背景和文化发展战略中的关注度高、研究度高的新课题,提升公安文化软实力,必将对公安队伍建设、对公安文化的普及与提高发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

针对武警巡逻车辆配置问题,引入了Dijkstra最短路径算法、K—means聚类算法以及计算几何的相关理论,建立了一套警车巡逻模型,并提出了评价巡逻效果的量化评价标准。采用Dijkstra与K—means算法解决了静态警车配置问题;针对警车动态巡逻方案的设计,提出了基于巡逻历史与道路优先级的道路概率选择算法,并给出了不同情况下的警车配置以及巡逻方案。通过MATLAB仿真实验,证明了算法及模型的先进性和实用性。  相似文献   

中国维和警察参与联合国维和行动已成为我国公安工作的重要内容,把中国维和警察理论作为中国警学的新兴学科,研究由联合国维和行动基本理论、中国维和警察特色理论、中国维和警察基础理论、中国维和警察专业理论、中国维和警察应用理论构建的中国维和警察学科理论体系基本框架,对我国维和警察工作的发展具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

中国人民武装警察部队是我国重要的武装力量和社会治安维护力量 ,是我国警察体系中的第二大警种。但是 ,在我国目前的各种警察理论研究中对武警部队研究的很少。这种状况不适应武警部队建设和发展的需要 ,迫切需要建立武装警察理论。武装警察理论是警察学理论体系的分支 ,是由武装警察职能职责研究、管理体制研究、比较研究、警种设置理论等几部分组成的有机整体。武装警察理论的建立必将对我国的武装警察建设产生极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

US foreign internal security assistance, that is, support to ‘Free World’ governments threatened by subversion, terrorism, and insurgency, formed a central part of the Kennedy administration's strategy for defeating ‘wars of national liberation’. As part of the administration's counterinsurgency policy, support to police and paramilitary forces abroad was intended to improve the ability of friendly governments to identify and root our perceived threats to the states. Under the tenets of modernization theory embraced by administration officials, strong internal security forces were expected to contribute to nation-building by protecting the fragile development process underway in the developing world. However, in attempting to export the American police model, policymakers failed to consider whether US notions about internal security were appropriate for fractious and unstable regions of the world.  相似文献   

对公安边防部队院校教员心理素质的培养问题进行研究与探讨有着极其重要的现实意义。运用马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说和现代教育学、心理学理论,根据公安边防部队的性质和任务,对教员心理素质的内涵及培养的主要途径和方法作了全面系统的论述。  相似文献   

学科在武警部队的军事理论创新、信息化进程、武器装备发展和人才培养中具有重要作用。目前,武警院校学科发展现状与建设现代化武警需求还有较大差距。因此,要理清建设思路,打牢发展基础,注重建设实效,提高学科建设水平,为实现“能打胜仗”目标提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

自清末当局引入西方警察制度起,中国警察权力的行使逐步规范,呈现出明显的统一化倾向。其表现包括:军队与警察职能的剥离;民间社会警察权向专业警察机关的集中。近代中国警察的统一化倾向代表着社会的进步。  相似文献   

在联合国任务区执行任务的中国维和警察,展示的是我国警察的整体形象,这就要求维和警察不仅要具备较强的业务素质还要具备较高的政治素质。因此,维和警察的政治考察工作尤为重要。阐述了政治考察工作的必要性和几个重要环节,对政治考察工作提出了构想。  相似文献   

公安部明确指出:公安教育要立足构建大教育、大培训工作体系,公安院校要适时调整职能定位和办学重心,紧密结合警务实战,积极推进落实"三项建设",院校的学历教育要逐步向职业化教育转变。因此,在公安职业化教育趋势已然明朗的情况下,明确公安教育今后的工作重点和对职业化公安教育训练体系进行恰当的构建和设计,是当前公安院校应当着力研究和亟待解决的首要问题,更是公安高等教育发展面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the embrace of modern institutions of social control, traditional social control mechanisms still enjoy patronage in Nigeria. This paper examines the traditional structures of social control in Iraye-Oke, Lagos. In-depth interviews, key informant interviews and case studies were used to obtain data from participants. Findings established the functionality of traditional structures in checking crime and its preference over the use of modern social control structures. Traditional structures used include: traditional spiritualists who provide measures to reduce victimisation; the family courts where adjudication takes place involving elders and family chiefs; and the apex traditional court, presided over by the king, where cases like murder, land disputes, adultery and fornication are decided. Traditional extrajudicial measures involve the invocation of ancestral spirits at shrines.  相似文献   

Boko Haram terrorism has been recognized by Nigerian President Jonathan as the most threatening and complex security issue in Nigeria since independence. In response, the Federal Government of Nigeria has committed itself to different counterterrorism measures, which are largely dominated by “hard politics” and military mobilization. Spending heavily on defense to upgrade military hardware and train personnel in a counterterrorism role, Nigeria has also boosted its strategic importance in the “Global War on Terror”. However, this attempt has become unpopular as it has failed to contain Boko Haram within a short time frame and has made insufficient headway against unabated terror, with human rights costs among the host communities and amidst a surge of stakeholders' discordance. As a matter of concern, this article seeks to assess Boko Haram as an opponent in Nigeria's war on terror (WOT) and to ascertain the challenges the country faces, the alternative measures open to it, and possible ways forward.  相似文献   

作为一种新的学习哲学,建构主义学习理论的教学观、知识观、学习观、课程观及教师作用等方面都有独到见解,符合成人学习特点。在职公安民警培训是一种特殊的成人职业培训,建构主义必将对其提供不少可以借鉴的培训思路。  相似文献   

Why does a state directly police certain kinds of transnational perpetrators by itself while indirectly policing other kinds through their host government? To address this question, we develop a formal model, where Defender chooses either to police Perpetrators or to make Proxy do so. According to our theory, the delegation of policing can enhance its effectiveness in light of Proxy’s three advantages: (a) Proxy can convince Perpetrators of punishments more credibly than Defender (communicative advantage); (b) Proxy is more likely to identify Perpetrators and detect what they hold dear (informational advantage); (c) Proxy can cripple and punish Perpetrators more effectively (offensive advantage). On the other hand, the delegation may cause inefficiency if Defender has limited information about Proxy’s choice or cost of policing. Depending on the relative size between these advantages and disadvantages, one of the following four forms of policing may emerge: (i) Defender polices Perpetrators on her own (e.g. Somali counter-piracy operations); (ii) Defender induces Proxy to police Perpetrators (U.S. War on Drugs in Colombia and Mexico); (iii) Defender and Proxy together police Perpetrators (Operation Inherent Resolve); (iv) two or more Defender-Proxy states police Perpetrators in each’s own domain (Interpol, Budapest Convention).  相似文献   


What Rudyard Kipling called the ‘campaign of lost footsteps’ was the longest campaign fought by the Victorian army. The conquest of Upper Burma, an area of 140,000 sq. miles with a population of four million, took only three weeks in November 1885 and was accomplished with minimum cost. However, the removal and deportation of the Burmese King and dismantling of all traditional authority dismantled led to growing resistance to British rule leading to an increasingly difficult guerrilla war. Though the Burmese guerrillas were characterised by the British as mere bandits or dacoits, many were former soldiers along with Buddhist monks. The extremely difficult nature of campaigning in the terrain and climate of Burma was not sufficiently appreciated by the War Office, who viewed the conflict as a ‘subaltern’s war’ and ‘police’ work. Intended regime change was also not accompanied by any consideration of the likely implications. Prolonged insurgency necessitated deploying a force far larger than originally intended; though order was finally secured by 1895, the campaign proved destructive of Burmese society while British recruitment of hill tribes into the police and armed forces sowed the seeds for future divisions.  相似文献   

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