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We consider the problem of assigning alternatives evaluated on several criteria into ordered categories C1,C2,…,Cp. This problem is known as the multi‐criteria sorting problem and arises in many situations such as classifying countries into different risk levels based on economical and socio‐political criteria, evaluating credit applications of bank customers. We are interested in sorting methods that are grounded on the construction of outranking relations. Among these, the Electre Tri method requires defining multidimensional profiles that represent the “frontier” separating consecutive categories Ch and Ch+1, and assigns an alternative to categories according to how it compares to each of the profiles. The explicit specification of the profiles of consecutive categories can be difficult for decision makers. We develop a new outranking based sorting method that does not require the explicit definition of profiles. We instead require the decision maker to assign a subset of reference alternatives to the categories. To assign the remaining alternatives, each such alternative is compared to reference alternatives, and assigned to categories accordingly. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

建立了基于综合权重的双基点多指标决策模型。分别从主观和客观两个方面来分析评估指标的权重,迭加得到综合权重,并利用它进行相对贴近度分析,从而判断方案的优劣,得到最佳方案,使问题的优化与决策更加科学、合理。以拖带方案的优化决策分析为例,验证了多指标决策模型的可行性,简述了它在救捞工程中的应用方法。  相似文献   

Many attempts have been made in the past to obtain estimates for the weights and ratings values of a multicriteria linear utility function. In particular, the problem arises when both criteria importance and alternatives' ratings are expressed in a qualitative ordinal manner. This article proposes an extreme-point approach for obtaining the overall ratings in the presence of ordinal preferences both for the criteria importance and the alternatives' rankings. In particular it is shown that Borda's method of scores is obtained as a special case. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In this article we propose a formal man-machine interactive approach to multiple criteria optimization with multiple decision makers. The approach is based on some of our earlier research findings in multiple criteria decision making. A discrete decision space is assumed. The same framework may readily be used for multiple criteria mathematical programming problems. To test the approach two experiments were conducted using undergraduate Business School students as subjects in Finland and in the United States. The context was, respectively, a high-level Finnish labor-management problem and the management-union collective bargaining game developed at the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University. The results of the experiments indicate that our approach is a potentially useful decision aid for group decision-making and bargaining problems.  相似文献   

基于递归扩展直方图的辐射源时差分选方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
多站电子侦察系统中,脉冲信号到达两个接收站的时间差信息可以用于信号分选。针对高重频辐射源引起的虚假聚类和超低重频辐射源累积脉冲数少给时差分选带来的困难,提出一种基于递归扩展直方图的时差分选方法。该方法将时差数据转换成扩展直方图的结构,采用递归的方式序贯地对每个辐射源进行检测和分选,通过扩展运算,同步消除虚假聚类,逐步降低直方图噪声水平,提高了分选正确率。仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The problem of finding a strict total order for a finite set of multiple criteria alternatives is considered. Our research extends previous work by us, which considered finding a partial order for a finite set of alternatives. We merge the preference information extracted from the preference cones and corresponding polyhedral sets, with the information derived from pairwise comparisons of two alternatives, yielding a preference matrix. This preference matrix is used as input to an integer programming model to obtain a strict total order that provides a transitive ranking for the set of alternatives. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 155–163, 2014  相似文献   

拖航安全性影响因素权值的确定方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用重要度排序指数法对拖航安全性影响因素的权重进行评价,对变权综合决策方法在舰船拖带中的应用进行了探讨.针对舰船拖带这一多目标决策问题建立了决策模型,对于影响拖带安全的主要指标的权重给出了相应的计算方法,并通过实例对拖带方案进行了评估,为舰船拖带的最优化评定提供了有效的解决途径.  相似文献   

点迹-航迹数据关联是多目标跟踪的重要组成部分。将多目标决策思想和灰关联分析方法引入点迹-航迹关联的研究,提出了一种基于逼近理想灰关联投影多目标决策的点迹-航迹数据关联算法。仿真实验表明,该算法在密集多目标情况下有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

针对传统AHP在实际应用中存在的问题,采用三标度法进行炮阵地的多目标优选决策,避免了采用九标度方法构建判断矩阵时权重选择的模糊性,从而减少了决策过程中决策者的主观臆断性。实例证明,三标度法具有简单明了、使用方便等优点,在应用于多目标决策等复杂系统时是适合可靠的。  相似文献   

目前求解火力优化配置(WTA)问题的智能算法层出不穷,急需统一的算法评价准则来比较各算法的寻优能力,以得到相对更高精度、更高效率的算法.针对上述问题建立了完善的评价准则体系,从算法代码编制质量、算法精准度和算法执行效率3个方面对智能算法的寻优能力深入讨论,并给出了2个标准测试模型及其初始化参数.实例说明本评价准则科学合理,具有很高的实用价值.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the multiple criteria decision‐making problem of partitioning alternatives into acceptable and unacceptable sets. We develop interactive procedures for the cases when the underlying utility function of the decision maker is linear, quasiconcave, and general monotone. We present an application of the procedures to the problem of admitting students to the master's degree program at the Industrial Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 592–606, 2001.  相似文献   

Capability-based planning (CBP) is considered by many defence organisations to be the best practice for enterprise-level planning, analysis and management. This approach, loosely based around investment portfolio theory, is premised on balancing the cost, benefit and risk of capability options across the defence enterprise. However a number of authors have recently noted limitations of its current applications. The authors propose a more general, insurance-based approach, which can support the evolutionary improvement of the current CBP approach. This approach is implemented as hedging-based planning and aims to better reflect the enterprise nature of defence organisations, capturing both force structure and force generation aspects of military systems.  相似文献   

一种新的多传感器多机动目标快速跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于FAFDA滤波算法,根据Houles和Shalom将PDA算法推广到解决两个传感器单目标的跟踪问题的思路中,构造一种两个同类传感器的序列观测数据的融合来跟踪多个机动目标的数据关联方法(MSFAFDA)。它主要使用的是点/航迹联合和序列估计法。算法计算量远小于原先的顺序和并行多传感器联合概率数据关联算法,蒙特卡洛仿真结果也表明它对多机动目标的跟踪具有比FAFDA更好的跟踪性能。  相似文献   

DSSS时变窄带干扰抑制算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在传统非线性最小二乘(NLS)算法的基础上,提出一种基于线谱估计的直接序列扩频(DSSS)系统抑制窄带干扰(NBI)的方法。该算法首先通过对基于正弦波叠加模型的NBI进行频率估计,再利用最小二乘准则进行自适应滤波,恢复出干扰信号包络,从而利用干扰对消器将其从观测数据中消除。仿真验证表明,本算法相对于传统的最小均方误差(LMS)算法、自适应频域陷波法,能较好地抑制时变音频NBI模型的干扰,且信息量损失较小。  相似文献   

建立了考虑目标的威胁、政治价值和经济价值属性的空面多目标攻击排序综合价值评估指标,应用模糊多属性理论和G.A.Miller九级量化理论对目标综合价值进行量化.建立了机群多目标攻击排序模型,采用熵值法求取各属性的权重从而构造判断矩阵,在此模型的基础上运用改进的层次分析法求解空面多目标攻击排序矩阵,从而为驾驶员的战术决策提供依据.  相似文献   

改进火炮拖动随动系统跟随特性的方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高火炮拖动随动系统跟随误差精度,在三环伺服控制系统的基础上,提出了一种经典控制和智能控制相结合的方法.利用误差补偿的思想,在位置环采用前馈校正和超前校正的复合控制.采用模糊PI参数自整定控制的思想,在速度环上设计了智能模糊控制器.仿真结果表明,与PID控制系统相比较,系统的动态误差精度从10-3提高到10-4,明显地增强了火炮拖动随动系统的动态跟随特性,并使系统具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Electronic warfare is a modern combat mode, in which predicting digital material consumption is a key for material requirements planning (MRP). In this paper, we introduce an insensitive loss function (ε) and propose a ε-SVR-based prediction approach. First, we quantify values of influencing factors of digital equipments in electronic warfare and a small-sample data on real consumption to form a real combat data set, and preprocess it to construct the sample space. Subsequently, we establish the ε-SVR-based prediction model based on “wartime influencing factors - material consumption” and perform model training. In case study, we give 8 historical battle events with battle damage data and predict 3 representative kinds of digital materials by using the proposed approach. The results illustrate its higher accuracy and more convenience compared with other current approaches. Taking data acquisition controller prediction as an example, our model has better prediction performance (RMSE = 0.575 7, MAPE (%) = 12.037 6 and R2 = 0.996 0) compared with BP neural network model (RMSE = 1.272 9, MAPE (%) = 23.577 5 and R2 = 0.980 3) and GM (1, 1) model (RMSE = 2.095 0, MAPE (%) = 24.188 0 and R2 = 0.946 6). The fact shows that the approach can be used to support decision-making for MRP in electronic warfare.  相似文献   

为了达到异构多核处理器能直接交叉访问对方的内存地址空间的目的,通过构建统一的三级Cache结构和数据块状态标记方法,并优化Cache块状态的修改算法,提出了异构千核处理器系统的统一内存地址空间访问方法,避免了当前独立式异构计算机系统结构下复制和传输数据块所带来的大量额外访存开销。通过采用部分Rodinia基准测试程序测试,获得了最高9.8倍的系统加速比,最多减少了90%的访存频率。因此,采用该方法能有效减少异构核心间交换数据块所带来的系统开销,提高异构千核处理器的系统性能加速比。  相似文献   

构建英文情感词典研究相对成熟,形成了丰富可靠的词典资源。而针对中文的研究时间短,中文情感分析词典资源较少。借鉴现有可靠的英文词典资源,提出了基于语义关系的情感词典自动构建算法,算法先从HowNet的概念中进行中文义原和词语抽取及语义分析,再利用HowNet概念中DEF中英文属性值,在英文情感词典SentWordNet中进行义原和词语情感值查询,最后根据词语和义原之间的语义关系进行词语的情感值计算。算法直接利用现有的英文情感词典,无需人工标注,生成的情感词典记录了词语的语义关系、情感极性值等多种信息,弥补了现有词典的不足。评测实验结果表明,根据算法实现的情感词典相比其他词典在准确率接近的情况下,召回率和F值最高,取得了较好的评测性能。  相似文献   

This paper studies a new steady‐state simulation output analysis method called replicated batch means in which a small number of replications are conducted and the observations in these replications are grouped into batches. This paper also introduces and compares methods for selecting the initial state of each replication. More specifically, we show that confidence intervals constructed by the replicated batch means method are valid for large batch sizes and derive expressions for the expected values and variances of the steady‐state mean and variance estimators for stationary processes and large sample sizes. We then use these expressions, analytical examples, and numerical experiments to compare the replicated batch means method with the standard batch means and multiple replications methods. The numerical results, which are obtained from an AR(1) process and a small, nearly‐decomposable Markov chain, show that the multiple replications method often gives confidence intervals with poorer coverage than the standard and replicated batch means methods and that the replicated batch means method, implemented with good choices of initialization method and number of replications, provides confidence interval coverages that range from being comparable with to being noticeably better than coverages obtained by the standard batch means method. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2006  相似文献   

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