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按照学习型党组织建设要求加强党委班子思想建设,要突出提升思想政治素养,把深化党的创新理论武装作为首要任务;注重加强集中统一领导,把健全落实有效制度作为可靠保证;着眼部队建设科学发展,把提高开拓创新能力作为工作着力点和落脚点.  相似文献   

后勤士官队伍是部队基层后勤建设的骨干力量,培训单位在教学过程中要从部队后勤现代化建设需要出发,坚持科学筹划、实事求是的指导原则;要以人为本,坚持把科学育人作为后勤士官培训可持续发展的根本点;要力求创新,坚持把加强专业建设,优化教学体系作为后勤士官培训可持续发展的突破点。  相似文献   

加强基层主官离任经济责任审计,促进基层后勤建设全面发展,就是要在提高思想认识上做文章,始终把基层主官离任经济责任审计工作作为后勤建设的大事来抓;在完善制度措施上下功夫,始终把建章立制作为抓好基层主官离任经济责任审计工作的有效途径;在加强队伍建设上下功夫,始终把提高审计人员的素质作为抓好基层主官离任经济责任审计的重要环节;在不断改进方法上下功夫,始终把促进后勤建设全面发展作为抓好基层主官离任经济责任审计的根本目标。  相似文献   

新修订的<纲要>是新世纪新阶段部队基层建设的基本准则和依据.按纲抓建要注重把创新理论武装作为首要任务;把提高战斗力作为最终落脚点;把加强作风建设作为基本保证.  相似文献   

贯彻指导方针抓好基础工作李学智“重在建设”是我国社会主义精神文明建设的一个重要指导方针。贯彻落实这一方针,就是要把基础性工作作为加强精神文明建设的出发点和落脚点。基础性工作做好了,精神文明建设才能健康深入发展。从部队的实际情况看,尽管在这方面下了很大...  相似文献   

要把“三个代表”要求落实到具体的工作中,笔者认为,作为县级人武部来说,当前要搞好四个结合: 要和党委班子建设相结合。一是要抓好理论学习,加强理论武装。通过深入、持久和扎实的理论学习,增强班子成员政治上的坚定性和思想道德上的纯  相似文献   

推进创先争优活动深入发展,要紧紧围绕"主题主线"重大战略思想展开.围绕"主题",把推进基层建设科学发展作为创先争优活动的出发点和落脚点;紧扣"主线",把提高履行使命任务作为创先争优活动的着力点;增强能力,把提高基层党组织建设科学化水平作为创先争优活动的关键点.  相似文献   

加强消防监督执法规范化建设是提高消防部门执法能力、构建和谐消防安全环境的根本保证。消防部门作为公安机关的重要组成部分,在消防监督执法工作实践中,要勇于研究、勤于探索,把消防执法规范化建设全面推向深入。分析了当前消防监督执法规范化存在的问题,提出了推进执法规范化建设的建议。  相似文献   

当前,要切实把研究生干部队伍建设作为战略任务来抓;加强和改进攻读研究生期间的教育管理工作;积极营造健康和谐的良好环境.  相似文献   

贯彻落实党的十七届四中全会<决定>精神,加强和改进新形势下军队党的建设,要与学习胡主席关于加强军队党的建设重要论述结合起来,把坚持党对军队的绝对领导作为最根本的政治要求;把建设坚强有力奋发有为的学习型党组织放在关键位置;坚持和认真贯彻民主集中制的一系列基本制度;把基层党组织建设成为坚不可摧的战斗堡垒;大力弘扬党的优良传统和作风;推进反腐倡廉建设制度化规范化.  相似文献   

If a declining state has incentives for preventive war, the rising state should have incentives to delay a confrontation until it is stronger. We develop the theoretical paradox and examine the July 1914 crisis. Why did Russia, rising relative to Germany, not adopt a buying-time strategy? We argue that although most Russian leaders hoped to avoid a confrontation, they feared that the failure to support Serbia would lead to a loss of Russian credibility and a significant setback to Russia’s position in the Balkans, one that could not easily be reversed, even with Russia’s expected increase in relative military power.  相似文献   

A new devil has emerged to challenge Western values and public virtue, and ever so conveniently, the devil masqueraded in religious garb. Terrorism has become synonymous with Islamic fundamentalism if not with Islam itself, and a new iron wall has descended on the world, as Churchill said, separating East from West, Christendom from Islam. This study examines the question why US policy makers feel a persistent urge to draw foreign policy in moralistic terms and religious metaphor, often to their own detriment.  相似文献   


While most contemporary analyses of South Asian nuclear dynamics acknowledge the presence of a strategic triangle between the region’s three nuclear players, the primary focus usually remains on the rivalry between India and Pakistan. Discussions of Sino-Indian relations remain limited. This is likely attributed to the stability in the two countries’ relations, yet it is worth asking why this stability exists and whether it is likely to continue in the future. Although China and India have an acrimonious relationship, their asymmetric nuclear capabilities and threat perceptions mitigate the danger of a traditional security dilemma. India may perceive China’s nuclear aggrandizement to be a security threat, but the same is not true of China, which has a vastly superior nuclear force and is largely shaping its nuclear-force structure in response to the threat it perceives from the United States. This dynamic makes a serious conventional or nuclear conflict highly unlikely.  相似文献   

The strategic defense initiative (SDI) intends to renew the leadership of the USA on the western alliance. The initiative takes place in a period when a summation technology prevails for the aggregation of contributions of NATO allies. We investigate if SDI induces a shift in Hirshleifer’s social composition function. Panel data tests over the period 1970–1990 do not confirm any break toward a best-shot aggregator. SDI does not alter the core of deterrence. It is indeed a public good at the US level but not at the NATO level, where, it is one of the joint products of the alliance. We also investigate the lessons to be drawn for the current debates on ballistic defense.  相似文献   

Why are some countries prone to ethno-nationalist conflict, whereas others are plagued by class conflict? This is a question that has seldom been raised and rarely been examined empirically. This paper presents a social-structural theory to account for the variable incidence of these two forms of political instability. These two types of conflict result from distinct principles of group solidarity – ethnicity and class – and since each individual is simultaneously a member of an ethnic group (or many such groups) and a particular class, these two principles vary in the degree to which they are mutually exclusive or cross-cutting. The degree of economic stratification between groups and economic segmentation within them shapes the relative salience of each principle of group solidarity in any society and is associated with a characteristic form of political mobilization. In places where between-group inequalities are high, and within-group inequalities low, ethnicity should be the dominant principle of group solidarity and serve as the primary basis of group conflict. By contrast, in countries where between-group inequalities are low, and within-group inequalities high, class is more likely to serve as the dominant principle of group solidarity, and conflicts along class lines are more likely. We test these conjectures with data in over 100 countries on cross-cutting cleavages, ethnic war, and class conflict. The results are supportive of the theory, and provide evidence that how groups are stratified and segmented in societies shapes the type of civil war.  相似文献   

This article examines the tradition of Italian neorealism and the importance it has for films depicting guerrilla insurgencies. It looks in particular at the two films by Roberto Rossellini Rome Open City and Paisa as well as the later film by Nanni Loy Four Days in Naples. It then proceeds to locate Gillo Pontecorvo's iconic film The Battle of Algiers within this neorealist tradition and examines the degree to which the director succeeded in continuing the basic traditions of neorealism into the context of the Algerian war of Independence. The article concludes that while this film remains of great interest it should be situated in the period when it was produced and is in many ways radically disconnected from many insurgent movements of the present day.  相似文献   

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