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20世纪80年代以来,我国的毒品犯罪种类不断增多、形式不断变化、手法不断翻新,出现了很多新现象、新问题.公安机关在准确掌握犯罪意图,获取证据的前提下,开展预备贩毒案件侦查,将走私贩毒活动遏止在预备犯罪阶段.通过对云南省预备案件侦查内容的分析,结合国外诱惑侦查的研究来看.云南省预备案件侦查的实质是"提供机会型"的诱惑侦查.  相似文献   

侦查讯问是侦查程序的重要环节,由于制度的缺陷和立法的不完善,侦查讯问过程中侵犯犯罪嫌疑人人身权利和诉讼权利的现象屡禁不止。借鉴外国侦查程序理论中的合理内核,健全我国刑事法律制度,完善侦查讯问规则立法,是实现权力制约和权利保障的关键。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查作为一种有效的侦查手段,在边防案件侦查中被广泛使用。但如何对诱惑侦查作一个准确的定位,如何在边防实践中正确地运用诱惑侦查,仍然有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

诱惑侦查是侦查机关打击毒品犯罪等隐蔽性犯罪的有效侦查措施。诱惑侦查在侦查隐蔽性犯罪时是十分必要的;利用诱惑侦察手段查获涉案行为的定性;正确理解诱惑侦察应注意的问题。  相似文献   

随着监听侦查手段在打击边防刑事犯罪过程中越来越多的应用,公民隐私权保护问题也日益突出。分析了监听侦查的概念和特点,以及公安边防部门使用监听侦查手段时的公民隐私权保护问题,研究了当前我国法律对监听侦查措施规定的不足,最后,提出边防刑事案件侦查中监听与公民隐私权保护实现平衡的措施。  相似文献   

并案侦查这一侦查方式在普通刑事案件的侦查实践中运用得较为广泛,但公安边防部门无论是在理论上还是实践中都尚未对此侦查方式给予足够重视,在一定程度上限制了其价值的有效发挥。事实上,由于公安边防部门自身及其管辖刑事案件的一些独有特点,并案侦查在强化侦查效果、降低侦查成本等方面对这些案件的侦破具有更加特殊的意义。因此,对于公安边防部门及其侦查人员而言,充分认识并案侦查的重要性,明确实施并案侦查所必须具备的条件及应当如何组织实施十分必要。  相似文献   

通过对我国在司法实践中卧底侦查现状的阐述,说明当前对卧底侦查法律规制的必要性.结合中外相关法律及国内司法实践,提出卧底侦查应切实保障公民的基本权利不受侵犯,同时,法律的尊严也得以捍卫.  相似文献   

公安机关和人民检察院在犯罪侦查工作中需要取得公民的配合协助。在我国,公民协助侦查具有充分的理论、政策和法律依据,有关法律法规也提供了一定的法律保障,规定了较为充分的实现途径和方式。但是由于历史和现实的原因,对公民协助侦查活动的充分开展,尚存在着认识方面、机制方面的障碍,我们对这些障碍消除或缓解后,公民对犯罪侦查活动提供协助的前景乐观。  相似文献   

边境地区是我国毒品案件最为集中的地区,公安边防部门作为毒品案件的主要侦查机关,要提高侦办毒品案件的效率,话须依靠侦查协作。当前,我国边防毒品案件的侦查协作机制已经初步形成。与此同时,该协作机制也存在着不少问题与不足。对这些问题与不足进行探讨,并加以改进是十分必要的。  相似文献   

侦查讯问中,犯罪嫌疑人能否产生有利于供述的供述动机将直接决定毒品案件侦查讯问的成败。因此,犯罪嫌疑人的供述动机是毒品案件侦查讯问的核心问题之一。在明确毒品犯罪嫌疑人供述动机缘何产生的基础上,提出在侦查讯问中,有效促使犯罪嫌疑人供述动机产生并予以积极维护的相关措施,可以正确引导侦查讯问人员有效地开展侦查讯问活动,达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

受国际毒潮的影响,我国的毒品犯罪形势日趋严峻和复杂,而在毒品犯罪中,走私、运输毒品犯罪占有相当大的比例。由于毒品的走私和运输,带来了毒品的消费,引发了吸毒的蔓延,我国的毒品问题呈现出“多头入境、多线渗透、多点中转、多地集散、多地消费”的状况。研究走私、运输毒品案件的特点,有助于了解走私、运输毒品案件的规律,指导禁毒部门采取有针对性的侦查对策,有力地打击走私、运输毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

This paper constructs a macroeconomic model of North–South interaction where the flow of narcotics from the South to the North is restricted. The economic effects are akin to quantitative restrictions in trade policy. Two alternative policy scenarios will be considered. One involves reducing the supply of drugs at the source, accompanied by aid. Supply‐side restrictions have negative aggregate supply‐side effects in the producing region, because of the monopoly rents generated from that type of control. This makes them a second‐best policy, particularly if the accompanying aid is not used for poverty alleviation and fails to expand domestic aggregate demand. Alternatively, demand side restrictions will be found to be superior.  相似文献   

We have used the Michigan Model of World Production and Trade to assess the impact of exports and imports of armaments (based on 1980 data) on sectoral trade and employment and other economic variables in the major Western trading countries. If the United States were to place a unilateral embargo on its arms exports and imports, we calculate that it would experience a comparatively small amount of employment displacement in the aggregate and that most of this displacement would occur in the transport equipment and electric machinery sectors. If all the major Western countries were to place a multilateral embargo on their arms trade, the sectoral effects on the United States would be similarly small. But the sectoral effects in several other industrialized and developing countries measured as a percentage of sectoral employment, would be larger, indicating potential short‐run adjustment problems in labor markets in some cases.  相似文献   

在分析了伊拉克战争对中东地区军品贸易影响的基础上,重点分析了其对世界军品贸易的深刻影响———加剧军备竞赛、刺激军工技术发展、引起军贸格局及产品结构发生变化、国际军控形势更加严峻。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between alliance conflict and international trade. Two schools of thought exist on this issue: some prominent writers suggest that alliance conflict reduces trade between two countries (the externality cost argument), while others suggest that it increases trade between certain countries at the cost of others (the alignment incentive argument). The study empirically tests the two propositions by analyzing the data on trade and conflict during the post‐WWII period. It is found that the relationship between trade and alliance conflict is statistically significant. The externality cost phenomenon occurs to allies, whereas the alignment incentive argument is true of neutrals. In addition, the findings of this study support the fundamental assumptions and major results in the studies of trade and conflict at the dyadic level.  相似文献   

The control over shared borders has become increasingly important as a result of the international trend towards the establishment of free trade areas. While opening up for trade, most of the free trade groupings have concomitantly relinquished border control restrictions for the crossborder movement of their own citizens across internal borders, and have tightened controls at external borders. Border controls must not be seen as preventing the crossborder movement of people and goods, but rather as assistance in regulating orderly legal movement. The free movement of goods and people is essential, for example, if SADC wishes to move towards a free trade area, and to grow and prosper. This article will use recent developments in South Africa to demonstrate the challenges facing the country in implementing effective border control. By implication, it also illustrates the challenges facing SADC in implementing its Protocol on Trade and the region's free trade area launched in 2000. The total liberalisation of the SADC market is expected by 2012. In this process, free trade must be effectively reconciled with appropriate border control.  相似文献   

Using tests of a single equation model and cointegration techniques, this paper finds no evidence of a long run trade‐off, and some evidence of a short‐run trade‐off, between military spending and investment in post‐World War II United States data. The short‐run trade‐off is confined to the 1949–1971 period, and may be the result of the sharp expansion and contraction of military outlays in connection with the Korean and Vietnam Wars. In addition, cointegration techniques are used to identify a possible long‐run trade‐off between military spending and consumption.  相似文献   

Africa has emerged as a strategic location for transcontinental narcotics trade. Particularly the West African subcontinent has turned into a cocaine warehousing and trans-shipment hub along the way to the European underground markets. At this juncture, African drug networks (ADNs) began to play a momentous role in global drug trade, and pose a considerable threat to international security, as they operate in more than 80 countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, and Europol perceive ADNs as one of the primary issues in international counter-narcotics policy. These agencies have launched several multilateral initiatives to contain the West African threat. None of these initiatives, however, retarded the expansion of the problem. Indeed, the containment efforts turned out to be quite embryonic. The ADNs eventually entered the Turkish market by the early 2000s. West African drug networks (WADNs) in particular have begun to operate within Turkey extensively, often supplying and distributing drugs. The gravity of the threat became ever more serious by 2012. The upsurge of the new threat has compelled the Turkish drug-law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and counter-strategies. These policies have to be based upon proper strategic analysis of the threat. This paper seeks to address the need for a threat assessment of ADNs. It investigates the dimensions of the problem, profiles the members of WADNs, their modes of operation, and the factors that compelled them to exploit the illicit Turkish drug markets. The analyses are based upon the scrutiny of 227 narcotic interdictions files and statements from the African individuals in these case files. The paper concludes by presenting policy implications and recommendations for the Turkish security and foreign-policy institutions to cope with this impending threat.  相似文献   

《Arms and Armour》2013,10(1):75-79

Three trade cards of Hull and Beverley gunmakers including that of John Blanch Jnr who arrived from London, to occupy 26 Silver street, in 1833. Three years later he was in Hobart, Tasmania, using the same trade card with amended address. He was succeeded by Samuel Mozeen a former apprentice of George Wallis; his Silver street trade card was already in the Hull Museum collection but the new acquisition has his original Mytongate address. Both Blanch and Mozeen supplied shooting requisites to Burton Constable Hall. The card of William Taylor, Market Place Beverley, established c. 1813 is decorated with masonic symbols. Both he and Blanch supplied airguns and crossbows as well as firearms.  相似文献   

目前,以阿富汗为中心的"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透活动日益加剧,并呈现出组织化、专业化和国际化趋势,地处"金新月"边缘的我国新疆地区深受其害,毒品案件不断上升,恐怖势力以毒养恐的趋向愈发明显,对我国边境安全构成了极大的威胁。加强禁毒情报工作,打牢禁毒工作基础;提高管控能力,严防毒品渗透;加强堵源截流工作;加强国际禁毒合作;严厉打击毒品犯罪是解决"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透的有效途径。  相似文献   

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