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信息时代的各国军队心理战各具特色,但美国军事心理作战理论与实践则是主导当今世界各国军队心理战发展潮流和趋向的重要力量。把握美国军事心理作战发展的历程及其特点,有助于进一步研究和揭示心理战发展的内在规律,积极构建、创新和发展适应打赢信息化条件下局部战争要求的富有中国特色的现代心理战理论体系。  相似文献   

新军事变革是应信息化时代的要求而兴起的。因此,新军事变革的中心任务是如何打赢信息化战争。然而,要打赢信息化战争,首先就必须研究信息化战争,其中包括研究信息化战争的一个重要作战样式——心理战。当我们对信息化战争的本质、特征及其规律等问题的研究越深入,就越感到心理战在信息化战争中扮演着重要角色,很需要对其本质、特征及其规律等进行深入研究,以指导和促进军队的心理战建设。由此,本文试就信息化战争心理战的特点及趋势,谈谈个人的拙见。一、心理战运行机制科学顺畅所谓心理战运行机制,主要是指心理战的组织结构、指挥体制、力…  相似文献   

加拿大军队心理战力量呈小编组,全要素的特点,基本编成与美军心理战部队类似。加拿大心理战力量重视军事信息支援小组的建设,加强了军民融合式力量的运用,充分发挥了心理战的致效因素。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实军委江主席关于政治工作要在信息化条件下的作战中 ,充分发挥“舆论战、心理战、法律战”重要作用的指示要求 ,切实提升政治工作的直接作战功能 ,全面做好军事斗争各项准备 ,我们紧贴联勤部队实际和未来作战任务特点 ,大胆探索“三战”学习研究演练的方法 ,取得了初步成果。一、着眼打赢使命 ,把“三战”演练切实摆上军事斗争准备重要位置舆论战、心理战、法律战等政治斗争形式 ,已经成为现代战争的重要作战样式 ,越来越引起世界各国军队的高度重视。对“三战”进行专门的学习研究演练 ,对我军还是个新的内容 ,对联勤部队更是个崭…  相似文献   

所谓心理战运行机制,主要是指心理战运作过程中其活动的结构、原理、功能及其相互关系。建立和健全心理战运行机制对于加强国家和军队的心理战建设,深层提高心理战战斗力等,具有重要的作用和意义。目前,世界各国特别是一些军事强国,都将心理战运行机制作为主要课题进行深入的研究,旨在保证信息化条件下的心理战指挥更加顺畅有力,组织更加协调,活动更加规范有序,效果更加显著。本文仅就心理战运行过程中的有关机制谈点粗浅的看法。一、情报获取情报是以侦察或其他手段获得的有关目标对象政治、经济、军事等方面的情况,以及对这些情况分析研究…  相似文献   

刘沈扬 《国防》2008,(12):9-11
党的十七大报告指出:"必须全面按照履行新世纪新阶段军队历史使命的要求,提高应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务的能力。"这一新的重大战略思想,是当前和今后一个时期国防和军队建  相似文献   

加强心理战法研究,是顺应世界新军事变革潮流,应对军事斗争准备的需要,笔者认为信息化条件下的心理战法主要有四种:外交心理战、宣传心理战、欺骗心理战和威慑心理战。 早在远古时期,军事家就重视从心理上瓦解敌方,以达到"不战而屈人之兵"的  相似文献   

在高技术局部战争中 ,心理战的地位日益突出。军队在现代战争中的地位、作用 ,决定其在未来军事斗争中必将首当其用。要保证军队完成使命、夺取胜利 ,应在加强军事斗争准备中 ,重视心理作战能力的提高  相似文献   

刘维  苗禄权 《国防》2010,(3):43-44
“应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务”这一新的重大战略思想,是当前和今后一个时期国防和军队建设的指南。民兵预备役部队作为国家武装力量的重要组成部分,在“应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务”中具有独特的优势。我们必须站在战略全局的高度,紧贴担负的使命任务,  相似文献   

党的十七大报告针对新形势下国家安全的综合性、复杂性、多变性进一步增强的特点,强调必须"提高军队应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事任务的能力"。在新的形势下,民兵预备役和国防动员建设必须积极适应军队完成多样化军事任务需要,在提高质量上下功夫。适应军队完成多样化军事任务需要,  相似文献   

The Carnation Revolution on 25 April 1974 toppled the authoritarian regime in Lisbon. It is fallacious to conclude, however, that the 1974 coup d’état signaled Portugal's defeat in the Colonial War. The status of each conflict on the eve of the Carnation Revolution varied, and it was by no means inevitable that Portugal would have been defeated in all three theatres had the coup not occurred. This brief research note therefore advances a novel approach to examining the Colonial War by assessing the outcomes prior to the 1974 coup. In particular, the author proposes that Portugal achieved military victory in Angola and Mozambique, but was defeated in Guinea-Bissau.  相似文献   


Perceptions of Third World nations as susceptible to communist subversion and revolutionary warfare led the Eisenhower administration to formulate a coordinated internal security strategy known simply as ‘1290d’. Later renamed the Overseas Internal Security Program (OISP), this policy initiative sought to strengthen host‐nation security forces, judicial systems, and public information media in an effort to combat indirect communist intervention strategies. Implementing OISP policy in Latin America proved difficult. In Congress, the administration was criticised for colluding with dictatorial regimes, while Latin Americans feared that the new program would be used as a ‘Trojan Horse’ to penetrate their security structures. After the Cuban Revolution, however, OISP policies developed under Eisenhower came to dominate US‐Latin American security relations for the remainder of the Cold War.  相似文献   

The state of the German Army’s morale in 1918 is central to our understanding not only of the outcome of World War I, but also of the German Revolution and, indeed, through the pernicious ‘stab-in-the-back-myth’, on Weimar politics and the rise of the Nazis, too. This article presents new evidence from the German archives, blended with statistical analysis, to show that the morale of some units held up better than previously thought almost to the end, and thus to suggest three things. First, it proposes that some historians have placed too much reliance on English-language sources alone, such as British Army intelligence reports, which have various flaws as evidence. Second, it argues that, while historians have increasingly moved away from generalisations about German morale, this process has further to run. Third, it suggests that no single tipping point can be identified, and that morale alone does not provide a sufficient explanation for battlefield defeat. Indeed, much of the data can only be explained if the tactical realities of the war in late 1918 are clearly understood.  相似文献   

In the years since the 2003 Rose Revolution, the popularly elected leadership of the Republic of Georgia has responded to organized protests with a variety of repressive tactics. These reactions suggest that former challengers to authoritarian elites may utilize similar methods of retaining power during crisis periods. Yet, the alleged involvement of agencies of the Russian Federation in fomenting domestic instability has also occupied a central position in the national security policies of the outgoing Saakashvili government. These conditions both preceded and were reinforced by the South Ossetia War of August 2008. This article proposes a theoretical model that represents the intervening effect of interstate conflicts on state–society relations in Georgia from 2003 to present. It presents several hypotheses and possible indicators, data sources, and techniques for analyzing the interaction between characteristics of opposition groups, external threats, and the domestic security practices of contemporary Georgian political elites.  相似文献   

诗人芒克是"文革"中所谓"白洋淀诗群"的主要作者之一[1],并与北岛等人成为<今天>杂志的主要创办者,继续诗歌创作[2].评论界对芒克诗歌的关注集中于八十年代末以后,而系统深入的专论则较为少见[3].芒克诗歌所呈现出的自然而本质的抒情特色,常常给读者以强大的冲击和震撼,分析其诗作的艺术特质,便于深入了解其诗艺探索的独特性,也益于进一步把握从文革后期到八十年代初期的新诗发展脉络.  相似文献   

The roots of the information technology Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) can be traced to the mid-1970s, when the West capitalized on scientific-technological developments to neutralize the threat posed by Soviet second echelons. However, the cultivation of the technological seeds of the American RMA preceded the maturation of the conceptual ones. Although it was the US that was laying the technological groundwork for the RMA, Soviet, rather than the American military theorists, were the first to argue that the new range of technological innovations constituted a fundamental discontinuity in the nature of war, which they dubbed the ‘Military-Technical Revolution’ (MTR). About a decade later, this fundamental Soviet approach to the transformations in military affairs was analyzed, adapted and adopted by the US, and designated the RMA. This article deals with the intellectual history of the Soviet MTR and the American RMA.  相似文献   

Scholars disagree on the prevailing focus on insurgent ideology. Some claim that the dominant Marxist ideology of the Cold War era has been supplanted by a new focus on ethnic and national identity. Others claim that many insurgencies were always focused on identity, but the Cold War and superpower antipathies distorted perceptions of insurgencies as politically-economically focused. Yet the heart of the matter is that analysts are not faced with an ‘either/or’ proposition.  相似文献   

本文从史料入手,分析了革命根据地高等教育对新中国高等教育体系构建的影响,其影响主要表现在以下四个方面:(1)革命根据地的教育方针对新中国高等教育方针确定的影响;(2)革命根据地高等教育管理模式对新中国高等教育管理模式确定的影响;(3)革命根据地高等学校类型(党校、军事院校、国民普通大学)对新中国高等学校类型的构建的影响;(4)革命根据地高等学校的政治思想课程对新中国高等学校课程体系设置的影响。  相似文献   

This article contributes yet another perspective to the Suez War – the strategic and military planning carried out since the end of the Second World War by the Western Allies for the contingency of a new world conflict against the Soviet bloc. The Middle East was of vital strategic significance. Colonel Nasser's announcement of the Czech arms deal in September 1955 triggered the countdown to a new war in the region. London and Washington urgently drew up contingency plans for intervention, both with economic sanctions and armed force. Joint staff talks were held in Washington from March to August 1956. They were halted just two months before the United Kingdom decided to collude with France and Israel to attack Egypt.  相似文献   

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