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In this article we consider a stochastic model for two products which have a single-period inventory structure and which can be used as substitutes for each other should the need arise. Substitution will occur with probability one, but at perhaps a different revenue level. We prove that the expected profit function is concave, allowing us to find optimal stocking levels for the two products. We compare optimum inventory levels for the case of single substitution with that where there is no substitution. It is demonstrated for the case of single substitution that total optimum order quantities can actually increase or decrease with the substitution revenue.  相似文献   

We study a selling practice that we refer to as locational tying (LT), which seems to be gaining wide popularity among retailers. Under this strategy, a retailer “locationally ties” two complementary items that we denote by “primary” and “secondary.” The retailer sells the primary item in an appropriate “department” of his or her store. To stimulate demand, the secondary item is offered in the primary item's department, where it is displayed in very close proximity to the primary item. We consider two variations of LT: In the multilocation tying strategy (LT‐M), the secondary item is offered in its appropriate department in addition to the primary item's department, whereas in the single‐location tying strategy (LT‐S), it is offered only in the primary item's location. We compare these LT strategies to the traditional independent components (IC) strategy, in which the two items are sold independently (each in its own department), but the pricing/inventory decisions can be centralized (IC‐C) or decentralized (IC‐D). Assuming ample inventory, we compare and provide a ranking of the optimal prices of the four strategies. The main insight from this comparison is that relative to IC‐D, LT decreases the price of the primary item and adjusts the price of the secondary item up or down depending on its popularity in the primary item's department. We also perform a comparative statics analysis on the effect of demand and cost parameters on the optimal prices of various strategies, and identify the conditions that favor one strategy over others in terms of profitability. Then we study inventory decisions in LT under exogenous pricing by developing a model that accounts for the effect of the primary item's stock‐outs on the secondary item's demand. We find that, relative to IC‐D, LT increases the inventory level of the primary item. We also link the profitability of different strategies to the trade‐off between the increase in demand volume of the secondary item as a result of LT and the potential increase in inventory costs due to decentralizing the inventory of the secondary item. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

Multi-echelon logistic systems are essential parts of the service support function of high technology firms. The combination of technological developments and competitive pressures has led to the development of services systems with a unique set of characteristics. These characteristics include (1) low demand probabilities: (2) high cost items; (3) complex echelon structures; (4) existence of pooling mechanisms among stocking locations at the same echelon level; (5) high priority for service, which is often expressed in terms of response time service levels for product groups of items: (6) scrapping of failed parts; and (7) recycling of issued stock due to diagnostic use. This article develops a comprehensive model of a stochastic, multi-echelon inventory system that takes account of the above characteristics. Solutions to the constrained optimization problem are found using a branch and bound procedure. The results of applying this procedure to a spare parts inventory system for a computer manufacturer have led to a number of important policy conclusions.  相似文献   

In this paper we optimally control service rates for an inventory system of service facilities with perishable products. We consider a finite capacity system where arrivals are Poisson‐distributed, lifetime of items have exponential distribution, and replenishment is instantaneous. We determine the service rates to be employed at each instant of time so that the long‐run expected cost rate is minimized for fixed maximum inventory level and capacity. The problem is modelled as a semi‐Markov decision problem. We establish the existence of a stationary optimal policy and we solve it by employing linear programming. Several numerical examples which provide insight to the behavior of the system are presented. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 464–482, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10021  相似文献   

Reliability control for mission-critical items is studied. The purpose of the control is to ensure the attainment during mission time of a required performance level which is based on suitably defined measures. This is achieved by replacing the item during normal operation time as soon as the reliability requirement is violated. We first consider the case of a known life distribution, but the main focus of the work is on the case where the life distribution is not completely specified. A Bayesian approach is taken and a replacement procedure is constructed on the basis of the overall uncertainty we face, namely, the stochastic failure process and our (continuously revised) probabilistic assessment of the underlying life distribution. The resulting replacement policy is investigated and detailed results are obtained for some common life distributions.  相似文献   

A deterministic inventory model for reparable items   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A reparable inventory system has two distinct inventories within it—the inventory of items ready-for-issue and the inventory of carcasses available for repair. A reparable item is usually rebuilt upon failure, but the scrap rate in the repair process is generally positive. Consequently, new items must be procured from time to time to replace those item: which were scrapped. The ready-for-issue inventory has two input sources—procurement and repair, This paper develops a deterministic inbentory model for the reparable inventory system, and determines the optimal procurement and repair quantities.  相似文献   

In this article we present a stochastic model for determining inventory rotation policies for a retail firm which must stock many hundreds of distinctive items having uncertain heterogeneous sales patterns. The model develops explicit decision rules for determining (1) the length of time that an item should remain in inventory before the decision is made on whether or not to rotate the item out of inventory and (2) the minimum sales level necessary for retaining the item in inventory. Two inventory rotation policies are developed, the first of which maximizes cumulative expected sales over a finite planning horizon and the second of which maximizes cumulative expected profit. We also consider the statistical behavior of items having uncertain, discrete, and heterogeneous sales patterns using a two-period prediction methodology where period 1 is used to accumulate information on individual sales rates and this knowledge is then used, in a Bayesian context, to make sales predictions for period 2. This methodology assumes that over an arbitrary time interval sales for each item are Poisson with unknown but stationary mean sales rates and the mean sales rates are distributed gamma across all items. We also report the application of the model to a retail firm which stocks many hundreds of distinctive unframed poster art titles. The application provides some useful insights into the behavior of the model as well as some interesting aspects pertaining to the implementation of the results in a “real-world” situation.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to develop a mathematical model for a particular type of three-echelon inventory system. The proposed model is being used by the Air Force to evaluate inventory investment requirements for alternative logistic structures. The system we will model consists of a group of locations, called bases, and a central depot. The items of concern in our analysis are called recoverable items, that is, items that can be repaired when they fail. Furthermore, each item has a modular or hierarchical design. Briefly, the model is used to determine the stock levels at each location for each item so as to achieve optimum inventory-system performance for a given level of investment. An algorithm for the computation of stock levels for each item and location is developed and illustrated. Some of the ways the model can be used are illustrated with Air Force data.  相似文献   

Initial provisioning decisions (inventory stocking requirements) for low demand items often have to be made without much knowledge of what future demand rates will be. When the nature of an item is such that little demand for it is expected, the problem of whether to stock initially or risk not stocking the item is most critical. This report discusses this problem and presents decision procedures which can be used to handle this aspect of initial provisioning. The procedures relate an item's provisioning desirability to its provisioning characteristics, such as expected cost, expected resupply time, current information on its likely demand rate, and to an overall operating policy or criterion. The criterion function measures the total system degredation as a function of the events of having items out of stock when demand occurs. Several different policy functions are discussed and the provisioning decision rules which apply to each are presented. Demand rate information is handled through a Bayesian type approach. The decision rules presented in this report can be utilized to either determine stocking requirements within a budgetary constraint, or determine the relative stocking desirability on an item-by-item basis.  相似文献   

The optimization problem as formulated in the METRIC model takes the form of minimizing the expected number of total system backorders in a two-echelon inventory system subject to a budget constraint. The system contains recoverable items – items subject to repair when they fail. To solve this problem, one needs to find the optimal Lagrangian multiplier associated with the given budget constraint. For any large-scale inventory system, this task is computationally not trivial. Fox and Landi proposed one method that was a significant improvement over the original METRIC algorithm. In this report we first develop a method for estimating the value of the optimal Lagrangian multiplier used in the Fox-Landi algorithm, present alternative ways for determining stock levels, and compare these proposed approaches with the Fox-Landi algorithm, using two hypothetical inventory systems – one having 3 bases and 75 items, the other 5 bases and 125 items. The comparison shows that the computational time can be reduced by nearly 50 percent. Another factor that contributes to the higher requirement for computational time in obtaining the solution to two-echelon inventory systems is that it has to allocate stock optimally to the depot as well as to bases for a given total-system stock level. This essentially requires the evaluation of every possible combination of depot and base stock levels – a time-consuming process for many practical inventory problems with a sizable system stock level. This report also suggests a simple approximation method for estimating the optimal depot stock level. When this method was applied to the same two hypotetical inventory systems indicated above, it was found that the estimate of optimal depot stock is quite close to the optimal value in all cases. Furthermore, the increase in expected system backorders using the estimated depot stock levels rather than the optimal levels is generally small.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the problem of determining desirable spares inventory levels for repairable items with dependent repair times. The problem is important for repairable products such as aircraft engines which can have very large investment in spares inventory levels. While existing models can be used to determine optimal inventory spares levels when repair times are independent, the practical considerations of limited repair shop capacity and prioritized shop dispatching rules combine to make repair times not independent of one another. In this research a simulation model of a limited capacity repair facility with prioritized scheduling is used to explore a variety of heuristic approaches to the spares stocking decision. The heuristics are also compared with use of a model requiring independent repair times (even though that assumption is not valid here). The results show that even when repair time dependencies are present, the performance of a model which assumes independent repair times is quite good.  相似文献   

粗糙集中不确定性测量的修正粗糙熵方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了引起粗糙集中不确定性的因素,对已有的测量不确定性的粗糙度与粗糙熵方法进行了比较,提出了一种修正的粗糙熵方法,证明了此粗糙熵的性质,并将基于等价关系的修正粗糙熵拓展到基于一般二元关系下的广义修正粗糙熵,同时给出了广义修正粗糙熵的定义及性质.通过分析和实例可以看出,所提出的修正粗糙熵方法可以用来更合理、更精确地测量粗糙集中的不确定性.  相似文献   

The importance of effective inventory management has greatly increased for many major retailers because of more intense competition. Retail inventory management methods often use assumptions and demand distributions that were developed for application areas other than retailing. For example, it is often assumed that unmet demand is backordered and that demand is Poisson or normally distributed. In retailing, unmet demand is often lost and unobserved. Using sales data from a major retailing chain, our analysis found that the negative binomial fit significantly better than the Poisson or the normal distribution. A parameter estimation methodology that compensates for unobserved lost sales is developed for the negative binomial distribution. The method's effectiveness is demonstrated by comparing parameter estimates from the complete data set to estimates obtained by artificially truncating the data to simulate lost sales. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We consider the optimal replacement problem for a fault tolerant system comprised of N components. The components are distingushable, and the state of the system is given by knowing exactly which components are operationl and which have failed. The individual component failure rates depend on the state of the entire system. We assume that the rate at which the system produces income decreases as the system deteriorates and the system replacement cost rises. Individual components cannot be replaced. We give a greedy-type algorithm that produces the replacement policy that maximizes the long-run net system income per unit time.  相似文献   

C3I时隙分配优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用线性规划方法讨论了C3I通信网络中时隙分配的优化设计问题  相似文献   

The problem of finding minimal disconnecting sets for multi-commodity directed networks may be solved using an arc-path formulation and Gomory's all-integer integer programming algorithm. However, the number of network constraints may be astronomical for even moderately sized networks. This paper develops a finite algorithm similar to Gomory's, but requiring no more than m rows in the tableau, where m is the number of arcs in the network.  相似文献   

In planar location problems with barriers one considers regions which are forbidden for the siting of new facilities as well as for trespassing. These problems are important since they model various actual applications. The resulting mathematical models have a nonconvex objective function and are therefore difficult to tackle using standard methods of location theory even in the case of simple barrier shapes and distance functions. For the case of center objectives with barrier distances obtained from the rectilinear or Manhattan metric, it is shown that the problem can be solved in polynomial time by identifying a dominating set. The resulting genuinely polynomial algorithm can be combined with bound computations which are derived from solving closely connected restricted location and network location problems. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 49: 647–665, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/nav.10038  相似文献   

We examine the problem of a gambler interested in maximizing the expected value of a convex utility function of his fortune after n plays of a game. We allow any probability distribution to rule the outcome of each play, and this distribution may change from play to play according to a Markov process. We present results regarding the existence of an optimal policy and its structural dependence on the gambler's fortune. The well-known results of Bellman and Kalaba for exponential and logarithmic utility functions and coin-tossing games are generalized. We also examine the situation of general stale spaces and show that the same structural results hold.  相似文献   

本文研究非线性传热Qo∝(△T) ̄n条件下的内可逆卡诺制冷机,给出可逆与不可逆循环的制冷量之间的关系式,由此建立了制冷机生态学的优化目标F,并求得F与制冷系数的最优关系,最后讨论制冷机生态学的工作优域,为更有效地利用能量和保护自然资源提供新的依据。  相似文献   

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