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We study an infinite horizon periodic stochastic inventory system consisting of retail outlets and customers located on a homogenous line segment. In each period, the total demand, generated by the customers on the line, is normally distributed. To better match supply and demand, we incorporate lateral transshipments. We propose a compact model in which the strategic decisions—the number and locations of retail outlets—are determined simultaneously with the operational decisions—the inventory replenishment and transshipment quantities. We find the optimal balance between the risk‐pooling considerations, which drive down the optimal number of retail outlets, and lateral transshipments, which drive up the optimal number of retail outlets. We also explore the sensitivity of the optimal number of retail outlets to various problem parameters. This article presents a novel way of integrating lateral transshipments in the context of an inventory‐location model. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

This article explores ordering policies for inventory systems with three supply modes. This model is particularly interesting because the optimal ordering decision needs to balance the inventory and purchase costs, as well as the costs for earlier and later periods. The latter cost trade-off is present only in inventory systems with three or more supply modes. Therefore, the result not only offers guidelines for the operation of the concerned inventory systems, but also provides valuable insight into the complex cost trade-offs when more supply modes are available. We assume that the difference between the lead times is one period, and the inventory holding and shortage costs are linear. We analyze two cases and obtain the structure of the optimal ordering policy. Moreover, in the first case, explicit formulas are derived to calculate the optimal order-up-to levels. In the second case, although the optimal order-up-to levels are functions of the initial inventory state and are not obtained in closed form, their properties are discussed. We also develop heuristic ordering policies based on the news-vendor model. Our numerical experiments suggest that the heuristic policies perform reasonably well. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Inventory systems with returns are systems in which there are units returned in a repairable state, as well as demands for units in a serviceable state, where the return and demand processes are independent. We begin by examining the control of a single item at a single location in which the stationary return rate is less than the stationary demand rate. This necessitates an occasional procurement of units from an outside source. We present a cost model of this system, which we assume is managed under a continuous review procurement policy, and develop a solution method for finding the policy parameter values. The key to the analysis is the use of a normally distributed random variable to approximate the steady-state distribution of net inventory. Next, we study a single item, two echelon system in which a warehouse (the upper echelon) supports N(N ? 1) retailers (the lower echelon). In this case, customers return units in a repairable state as well as demand units in a serviceable state at the retailer level only. We assume the constant system return rate is less than the constant system demand rate so that a procurement is required at certain times from an outside supplier. We develop a cost model of this two echelon system assuming that each location follows a continuous review procurement policy. We also present an algorithm for finding the policy parameter values at each location that is based on the method used to solve the single location problem.  相似文献   

A production/inventory system consisting of a single processor producing three product types and a warehouse is considered. For each product type, the demand process is assumed to be Poisson and the processing time is phase-type. Excess demand is lost. Products have a priority structure and the processor's attention is shared by all the products according to a switching rule. Production of a product continues until its target level is reached. Then, a switch-over takes place if another product needs the processor's attention. A set-up process takes place every time a switch-over occurs. An (R, r) continuous-review inventory control policy is used to start and stop the production of each product. The underlying Markov chain is studied and its steady-state distribution is obtained recursively. Through the recursive procedure, the steady-state balance equations to be dealt with are significantly reduced to a manageable set. The procedure is implemented on a supercomputer and examples are provided to show its efficiency and stability for a range of model parameters. We analyzed the joint behaviors of the inventory levels of the three products as their demand rates increase. Finally we introduced a cost minimizing objective function to guide design efforts. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We develop the first approximation algorithm with worst‐case performance guarantee for capacitated stochastic periodic‐review inventory systems with setup costs. The structure of the optimal control policy for such systems is extremely complicated, and indeed, only some partial characterization is available. Thus, finding provably near‐optimal control policies has been an open challenge. In this article, we construct computationally efficient approximate optimal policies for these systems whose demands can be nonstationary and/or correlated over time, and show that these policies have a worst‐case performance guarantee of 4. We demonstrate through extensive numerical studies that the policies empirically perform well, and they are significantly better than the theoretical worst‐case guarantees. We also extend the analyses and results to the case with batch ordering constraints, where the order size has to be an integer multiple of a base load. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 304–319, 2014  相似文献   

We consider an inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers. Transportation times are constant and the retailers face independent Poisson demand. Each facility applies a periodic review order-up-to-S policy. In case of shortages at the warehouse, orders for individual units are filled in the same order as the original demand at the retailers, i.e., according to a so-called virtual allocation scheme. Using that the considered policy is very similar to a continuous review one-for-one ordering policy, we are able to provide simple recursive procedures for exact evaluation of holding and shortage costs. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article analyzes a model of a multiechelon inventory system: The exogenous demands form independent compound-Poisson processes. Each location follows a base-stock policy. The transit times between locations may be stochastic. Instead of assuming independent transit times, we follow an approach closer to the standard treatment of single-location models. We develop procedures to compute steady-state performance measures, including average backorders and average inventories. The model and the analysis generalize those of Svoronos and Zipkin, who treat the case of pure Poisson demands.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of estimating parameters of the demand distribution in lost sales inventory systems. In periods when lost sales occur demand is not observed; one knows only that demand is larger than sales. We assume that demands form a sequence of IID normal random variables, which could be a residual demand process after filtering out seasonality and promotional nonstationarities. We examine three estimators for the mean and standard deviation: maximum likelihood estimator, BLUE (best linear unbiased estimator), and a new estimator derived here. Extensive simulations are reported to compare the performance of the estimators for small and large samples and a variety of parameter settings. In addition, I show how all three estimators can be incorporated into sequential updating routines. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We consider a supplier with finite production capacity and stochastic production times. Customers provide advance demand information (ADI) to the supplier by announcing orders ahead of their due dates. However, this information is not perfect, and customers may request an order be fulfilled prior to or later than the expected due date. Customers update the status of their orders, but the time between consecutive updates is random. We formulate the production‐control problem as a continuous‐time Markov decision process and prove there is an optimal state‐dependent base‐stock policy, where the base‐stock levels depend upon the numbers of orders at various stages of update. In addition, we derive results on the sensitivity of the state‐dependent base‐stock levels to the number of orders in each stage of update. In a numerical study, we examine the benefit of ADI, and find that it is most valuable to the supplier when the time between updates is moderate. We also consider the impact of holding and backorder costs, numbers of updates, and the fraction of customers that provide ADI. In addition, we find that while ADI is always beneficial to the supplier, this may not be the case for the customers who provide the ADI. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   

Traditional inventory systems treat all demands of a given item equally. This approach is optimal if the penalty costs of all customers are the same, but it is not optimal if the penalty costs are different for different customer classes. Then, demands of customers with high penalty costs must be filled before demands of customers with low penalty costs. A commonly used inventory policy for dealing with demands with different penalty costs is the critical level inventory policy. Under this policy demands with low penalty costs are filled as long as inventory is above a certain critical level. If the inventory reaches the critical level, only demands with high penalty costs are filled and demands with low penalty costs are backordered. In this article, we consider a critical level policy for a periodic review inventory system with two demand classes. Because traditional approaches cannot be used to find the optimal parameters of the policy, we use a multidimensional Markov chain to model the inventory system. We use a sample path approach to prove several properties of this inventory system. Although the cost function is not convex, we can build on these properties to develop an optimization approach that finds the optimal solution. We also present some numerical results. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   

We study a deterministic EOQ model of an inventory system with items that can be recovered (repaired/refurbished/remanufactured). We use different holding cost rates for manufactured and recovered items, and include disposal. We derive simple square root EOQ formulas for both the manufacturing batch quantity and the recovery batch quantity.  相似文献   

Constrained multi-item inventory models have long presented signifcant computational problems. This article presents a general algorithm to obtain simultaneous solutions for order quantities and safety stocks for each line item in an inventory, while satisfying constraints on average inventory investment and reordering workload. Computational experience is presented that demonstrates the algorithm's efficiency in handling large-scale applications. Decision rules for several customer service objectives are developed, with a discussion of the characteristics of the inventory systems in which each objective would be most appropriate. The decision rules are approximations, based on the assumptions commonly used in practice.  相似文献   

We consider a setting in which inventory plays both promotional and service roles; that is, higher inventories not only improve service levels but also stimulate demand by serving as a promotional tool (e.g., as the result of advertising effect by the enhanced product visibility). Specifically, we study the periodic‐review inventory systems in which the demand in each period is uncertain but increases with the inventory level. We investigate the multiperiod model with normal and expediting orders in each period, that is, any shortage will be met through emergency replenishment. Such a model takes the lost sales model as a special case. For the cases without and with fixed order costs, the optimal inventory replenishment policy is shown to be of the base‐stock type and of the (s,S) type, respectively. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   

This paper considers multi‐item inventory systems where a customer order may require several different items (i.e., demands are correlated across items) and customer satisfaction is measured by the time delays seen by the customers. Most inventory models on time delay in the literature assume each demand only requires one item (i.e., demands are not correlated across items or are independent). In this paper, we derive an exact expression for the expected total time delay. We show that when items are actually correlated, assuming items are independent leads to an overestimate of the total time delay. However, (1) it is extremely difficult in practice to obtain the demand information for all demand types (especially in a system with tens of thousands of part numbers), and (2) the problem becomes too complicated to be of practical interest when the correlation is considered. We then explore the possibility of including the demand information partially and develop bounds for the time delays. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 46: 671–688, 1999  相似文献   

We consider an inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers. All installations apply different order-up-to-S policies. Transportation times are constant and the retailers face compound Poisson demand. We provide a simple recursive procedure for the evaluation of holding and shortage costs for different control policies. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We consider the infinite horizon serial inventory system with both average cost and discounted cost criteria. The optimal echelon base‐stock levels are obtained in terms of only probability distributions of leadtime demands. This analysis yields a novel approach for developing bounds and heuristics for optimal inventory control polices. In addition to deriving the known bounds in literature, we develop several new upper bounds for both average cost and discounted cost models. Numerical studies show that the bounds and heuristic are very close to optimal.© 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   

We examine the problem of estimating the item fill rate in a periodic inventory system. We show that the traditional expressions for line item fill rate, found in many operations management textbooks, perform well for high fill rates (above 90%), but they consistently underestimate the true fill rate. The problem of underestimation becomes significant as the fill rate falls below 90% and is greatly amplified in cases with very low fill rates (below 50%). We review other more accurate expressions for fill rate, discussing their relative merits. We then develop an exact fill rate expression that is robust for both high and low fill rates. We compare the new expression to others found in the literature via an extensive set of simulation experiments using data that reflect actual inventory systems found at Hewlett-Packard. We also examine the robustness of the expressions to violations in the underlying assumptions. Finally, we develop an alternative fill rate expression that is robust for cases of high demand variability where product returns are allowed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Consider a central depot that supplies several locations experiencing random demands. Periodically, the depot may place an order for exogenous supply. Orders arrive after a fixed leadtime, and are then allocated among the several locations. Each allocation reaches its destination after a further delay. We consider the special case where the penalty-cost/holding-cost ratio is constant over the locations. Several approaches are given to approximate the dynamic program describing the problem. Each approach provides both a near-optimal order policy and an approximation of the optimal cost of the original problem. In addition, simple but effective allocation policies are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of a diagnostic analysis is to provide a measure of performance of an existing system and estimate the benefits of implementing a new one, if necessary. Firms expect diagnostic studies to be done promptly and inexpensively. Consequently, collection and manipulation of large quantities of data are prohibitive. In this paper we explore aggregate optimization models as tools for diagnostic analysis of inventory systems. We concentrate on the dynamic lot size problem with a family of items sharing the same setup, and on the management of perishable items. We provide upper and lower bounds on the total cost to be expected from the implementation of appropriate systems. However, the major thrust of the paper is to illustrate an approach to analyze inventory systems that could be expanded to cover a wide variety of applications. A fundamental by-product of the proposed diagnostic methodology is to identify the characteristics that items should share to be aggregated into a single family.  相似文献   

We consider a multi‐stage inventory system composed of a single warehouse that receives a single product from a single supplier and replenishes the inventory of n retailers through direct shipments. Fixed costs are incurred for each truck dispatched and all trucks have the same capacity limit. Costs are stationary, or more generally monotone as in Lippman (Management Sci 16, 1969, 118–138). Demands for the n retailers over a planning horizon of T periods are given. The objective is to find the shipment quantities over the planning horizon to satisfy all demands at minimum system‐wide inventory and transportation costs without backlogging. Using the structural properties of optimal solutions, we develop (1) an O(T2) algorithm for the single‐stage dynamic lot sizing problem; (2) an O(T3) algorithm for the case of a single‐warehouse single‐retailer system; and (3) a nested shortest‐path algorithm for the single‐warehouse multi‐retailer problem that runs in polynomial time for a given number of retailers. To overcome the computational burden when the number of retailers is large, we propose aggregated and disaggregated Lagrangian decomposition methods that make use of the structural properties and the efficient single‐stage algorithm. Computational experiments show the effectiveness of these algorithms and the gains associated with coordinated versus decentralized systems. Finally, we show that the decentralized solution is asymptotically optimal. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   

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