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随着抗震救灾工作从搜救生命转入到灾后重建,“心理重建”工作也陆续展开了,广大心理专家和志愿者深入灾区对灾民进行心理危机干预。从某种意义上讲,对灾区群众的“心理重建”与“生命救援”一样重要。在“心理重建”的过程中,不仅应加强对受灾群众进行心理危机干预,而且还应重视救灾一线官兵的心理重建。  相似文献   

“4·20”芦山强烈地震一年多来,四川省雅安军分区作为解放军在芦山地震灾区执行灾后重建任务的代表队,带领全体官兵和民兵预备役人员积极投身灾后恢复重建,自觉担当政策宣传员、矛盾调解员和重建示范员,助推灾后重建步伐,带头开辟致富门路,带领周边群众重建家园、恢复生产,敲开希望之门。从建设永久性住房、帮助灾区快速恢复生产、监测地质灾害点到抢修遭受破坏的基础设施,灾区重建战场随处可见“迷彩绿”,民兵预备役人员正以自己的智慧、汗水和奋力拼搏的精神为建设幸福美丽新家园而努力。  相似文献   

在四川都江堰、彭州灾区,一队队身着迷彩服、臂戴红袖章的民兵巡逻执勤队伍,穿梭在灾区各街道、乡村、受灾群众安置点,维护治安,为灾区群众排忧解难,看管灾后重建物资。这些巡逻民兵被当地群众亲切地称为民兵“110”。  相似文献   

四川省成都市成华区企业民兵突击队员完成驰援都江堰灾区的抢救人民群众生命财产任务后,又马不停蹄地赶赴彭州灾区投入灾后重建,在排除危房、清理废墟、搭建过渡安置活动板房的行动中,续写新的辉煌。  相似文献   

正数字:2月12日,和田地区发生里氏7.3级地震,一牧场在自身遭受重大损失的情况下,积极投身兵地双方灾后重建工作。投资160万元给阿其玛村修建水渠,投资40万元为奴尔乡修建温室大棚。灾区群众的生产生活得到了有力保障,确保了灾后经济社会的平安稳定。故事:"兵团人真有爱心,感谢你们!"策勒县奴尔乡阿克塔什村农民努尔  相似文献   

4月22日17时11分,内蒙古通辽市科尔沁左翼后旗与辽宁省阜新市彰武县交界处(北纬42.9°、东经122.4°)发生里氏5.3级地震,造成大量房屋受损严重,近2万名群众受灾。地震发生后,通辽军分区迅速集结1000余名民兵待命救援,出动科左后旗民兵700人次转移安抚群众,清点核实灾情,维护灾区社会秩序,帮助群众灾后重建,以实际行动践行宗旨,彰显大爱。22日下午,随着一阵剧烈的  相似文献   

对四川汶川“5·12”特大地震发生后,灾区受灾群众避难场所、灾区重建过程中受灾群众临时安置点以及过渡安置活动板房建设中出现的消防安全问题进行分析,提出了相应对策和措施。  相似文献   

1月中旬以来,西南地区持续出现大范围的雨雪冰冻天气,200多个县(市、区)3500多万人受灾,特别是贵州省遭受了50年来最为严重的雪凝灾害,给广大人民群众生产生活造成严重影响。灾情发生后,军区党委坚决贯彻党中央、中央军委和胡主席重要指示,迅速对救灾工作作出部署,要求部队像打仗一样抓好抗灾救灾。军区救灾部队和民兵预备役人员以灾区为战场,一声令下冲锋在前,攻坚克难,与当地政府和人民群众一起在保交通、保供电、保民生的战斗中作出了突出贡献,再次展现了人民军队为人民的忠诚本色。截止2月26日,军区部队共出动官兵8.6万余人次、民兵预备役人员74万余人次,车辆1.5万余台次,直升机38架次,调拨救灾物资2064万余元,为灾区捐款1092万余元,捐赠救灾物资价值178.9万余元。目前,灾后重建工作正顺利展开。  相似文献   

心理服务拓展了军队在执行抢险救灾任务中思想政治工作的内容,具有重要的地位。心理服务是灾区群众的心理救援队,是党的声音和国家意志的宣传队,是广大官兵的心灵加油站。心理服务在深刻诠释"以人为本"科学理念、有力保证灾区群众思想稳定和提升部队战斗力等方面发挥了独特的作用。  相似文献   

汶川地震灾后重建住房规划环境制约因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川特大地震发生,四川省共有153个县(市、区)不同程度受灾,全省灾区需完成城乡住房重建49131.22万m^2(445.4万套),重建城乡住房规划受到资源、环境的制约。通过对其制约因素分析,提出了对环境保护、资源保护有针对性的措施和对策,并对住房选址和建设生态人居环境提出了建议,有利于灾后重建城乡住房规划向建设生态人居环境方向发展。  相似文献   

消防指战员在火场上的心理状态直接影响甚至决定着指战员的生理状态,影响灭火救援任务的完成。如果我们将指战员的心理调节至适度的兴奋、紧张,而避免急躁、恐惧等不良心理的产生,就能使指战员处于一种良好的心理、生理状态,保证在其他因素(如正确的战术、精良的装备、群众的配合等)的配合下顺利完成灭火救援任务。  相似文献   


The main purpose of this article is to analyze the philosophical problem of just and unjust memory. There is a general consensus about commemorating fallen soldiers and killed civilians. But, unfortunately, our human memory of such victims is often incomplete. Some victims are remembered, others are not – maybe very few even want to remember the latter. It turns out that in our world, not only wars may be just or unjust, but also the memory of their victims. In this context, a serious problem is the unequal memory of crimes perpetrated by Nazism and Communism in the last century, denying several dozen million victims of the latter totalitarian system their due place in the collective awareness of mankind. Therefore, one of the most important aspects of the ethical analysis of wars and totalitarian regimes should be the moral obligation to commemorate all victims in a just way.  相似文献   

The July 2005 terrorist attacks in London demonstrated the resilience of Western society in the face of low-level conventional terrorism. But the psychological damage from the London bombings would likely pale next to the severe, unpredictable, long-lasting effects of a radiological attack. One unique hazard of radiation exposure beyond the obvious physiological effects is that it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, making it difficult for ordinary citizens to evaluate, quantify, and rationally understand the dangers confronting them. Radiological weapons stand out among the tools available to terrorists for their capacity to inflict far-reaching psychological damage to civilian populaces well beyond the immediate victims. A possible solution to mitigate the psychological consequences is to build a “resilience culture,” an interlocking set of beliefs, attitudes, approaches, and behaviors that help people fare better in any disaster or extraordinary circumstance. The “all-hazards approach,” which emphasizes the identifiable similarities among the “disaster triad”—that is, natural, accidentally man-made, and intentionally man-made disasters—extends to acts of terrorism and could help demystify the fears associated with radiological terrorist weapons.  相似文献   


There is a dearth of studies on indirect victims of sexual violence in counter-terrorism efforts. Using Nigeria as a case study, this paper argues that global and state-level counter-terrorism policies have generally failed to account for the psychological effects of the engagement of female NGO workers in counter-terrorism operations or mitigating the effects of terrorism in conflict zones. Specifically, there has been an increase in sexual violence perpetrated by some members of the security agencies involved in counter-terrorism operations in North-eastern Nigeria. As a result, female NGO workers carry out Medicare, psychosocial counselling and advocacy for these victims. Female NGO workers become exposed to the trauma of victims of sexual violence, which affects their mental health and thus performances in counter-terrorism activities in the country. This altered their worldview on issues of safety even among secured locations or among the presence of security agents and reinforced feelings of powerlessness.  相似文献   

As terror’s victims increase, hard currency commitments gain effectiveness in reducing inflation, and central bank independence loses its effectiveness, because terror reduces transparency and the number of veto players in domestic politics. PCSE (Panel‐Corrected Standard Error) estimations of inflation are run on pooled cross‐section time‐series sample of 87 countries from 1975–2005. When the trend level rises to 100 victims annually a currency board reduces inflation by up to 7.5%, and an independent bank raises inflation by up to 8%. When victims exceptionally exceed the trend by 100, a currency board reduces inflation by 2.5%, and an independent bank raises it by 2%.  相似文献   

This article examines the dilemmas of post-genocide Rwanda, where society finds itself caught between justice and reconciliation. One of the major challenges for Rwandans today is to engender reconciliation in a deeply wounded nation and do justice to both victims and perpetrators. It is difficulty to affirm the victims, punish the perpetrators and at the same time bring about reconciliation between them. Yet there are unequivocal claims, especially from the victims, that there can be no justice without reparation and there can be no reconciliation without justice. To bring about justice and reconciliation, the Gacaca process was put in place, but it has turned out to be a source of fear for the perpetrators, who are desperate to bury the evidence by intimidating the survivors, and for the survivors, who are now living in fear of their lives. Consequently, the rising insecurity of survivors has become a matter of national concern, and the challenges to the Gacaca process are threatening to hamper its progress. But this apparently is the only viable justice system for communities to carry out trials at community level, for it was there that the crime of genocide was committed in a mass-killing frenzy. Truth telling and confessions by perpetrators, and forgiveness by victims have been identified as crucial steps towards reconciliation, but the dilemma lies in the inherent contradictions in the application of these concepts: truth, confession and forgiveness.  相似文献   

《火灾事故调查规定》是规范火灾事故调查,保障公安机关消防机构依法履行职责,保护火灾当事人合法权益的基本规章。结合《火灾事故调查规定》的应用实践,阐述了新修订的《火灾事故调查规定》一些制度设计对火灾事故调查工作的影响,分析了其适用中存在的问题,提出了解决这些问题的对策,有助于进一步完善火灾事故调查制度。  相似文献   

The economic theory of defense has traditionally described public safety as achieved through investments that deter adversaries. Deterrence is, however, ineffective and pre‐emptive defense is required when a population of intended victims confronts supreme‐value suicide terror. A moral dilemma then arises, since pre‐emption may impose collective punishment, while in the absence of pre‐emption the population of intended victims is exposed to acts of terror. We consider how a population of intended terror victims confronts the moral dilemma, and compare the threatened population's response with the public‐safety recommendations of external judges who are not personally affected by the threat of terror.  相似文献   

在消防安全领域,社会弱势群体成为火灾最大的受伤害人群。关注弱势群体的消防安全,已刻不容缓。分析了弱势群体在消防安全方面存在的问题,探讨了弱势群体聚集场所的火灾特点,并有针对性地提出了弱势群体聚集场所火灾预防对策。  相似文献   

刑事和解制度着眼于治疗创伤与恢复被破坏的社会关系,在寻求抚慰与宽容中伸张正义。刑事和解制度有利于被害人利益的恢复与加害人回归社会,有利于提高司法效益,有利于恢复被破坏的社会关系,从而有利于社会主义和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

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