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高校校报是高校校园内占主导地位的媒体之一.它是高校加强思想政治教育和开展新闻宣传工作的重要阵地,是传播社会主义先进文化和精神文明建设成果的重要载体.面对社会大众传媒和校园多元化媒体的冲击,原有的办报模式已不适应新时期校报发展的要求,需要进行一系列的编辑创新.高校校报编辑创新实质上涵盖了编辑主体创新和编辑客体创新,具体包括编辑思想观念创新、编辑角色创新、编辑内容和形式及编辑手段创新等多个方面.  相似文献   

学术期刊的编辑过程是对美的探寻、创造的过程,编辑的审美追求在很大程度上影响着期刊的质量。探讨学术期刊编辑的审美特点和审美过程,提高期刊编辑过程中的审美主动性,对提高期刊编辑质量起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

青年编辑作为军校期刊的生力军,对于期刊的发展有着极其重要的推动作用,而青年编辑也面临着许多来自工作、学习和社会环境的影响,在一个特定的时期容易产生职业倦怠。正确面对青年编辑所遇到的问题,找出问题的根源所在,通过学习、交流,不断提升青年编辑的工作能力,在工作和生活中给予关怀,激发青年编辑的工作热情,才能从根本上解决青年编辑的职业倦怠,促使编辑工作健康发展。  相似文献   

学报编辑所从事的是文化事业,发展先进文化是学报编辑对时代变化的积极应对。学报编辑岗位党员先进性的体现就是以学报贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想为基本,坚持学报为我国经济发展和社会进步提供精神动力和智力支持,学报编辑党员应该有也必须有能耐寂寞、能吃苦、能任劳任怨的高尚情怀和愿为作者做嫁衣、甘为人梯的思想情操,学报编辑党员要在编辑职业中恪守编辑职业道德,弘扬编辑职业的奉献精神,体现党员先进性,实现高水平。  相似文献   

质疑在编辑活动中起着重要作用,是编辑能动性的重要体现。学术期刊编辑要有对文稿,对作者,对刊物高度负责的态度;要有足够的知识储备,要有较强的沟通能力,积极探索,认真质疑,才能体现编辑的创造性,减少失误,提高编辑质量。  相似文献   

编辑概念再辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正确理解编辑概念 ,有助于做好编辑工作 ,有助于编辑学学科建设。目前 ,编辑学概念定义主要有二类 19种 ,本文应用逻辑学理论 ,即概念的内涵和外延 ,对诸多编辑定义进行辨析 ,提出编辑定义应为大多数学者所认可的、有较长历史存在的定义 ,即 :编辑是批评、选择修正文稿的工作  相似文献   

编辑稿件过程中意义变形是伴随着编辑对稿件进行文字或内容的修改而必然产生的结 果。分析研究编辑工作中的意义变形现象,探讨其根源及其预防措施,对于编辑工作者树立正确的读者 观,尽量减小或消除意义变形的发生,提高编辑质量,进而提高刊物水平有着重要意义。  相似文献   

报刊编辑工作中,有的编辑对文稿反复看了几遍,仍有一些问题被疏忽,这种“视而不见”现象在报刊编辑工作中具有一定的普遍性。究其原因,一是编辑人员事业心、责任心问题,二是文字功底不强。要避免这种现象,编辑就要加强责任心;保持如履薄冰的心态;提高自身素质。  相似文献   

论稿件在编辑流程中的质量建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过稿件的编辑流程来研讨出稿件质量建设不是编辑工作的一个环节 ,而是贯穿整个编辑流程始终的动态过程。  相似文献   

提高期刊出版质量是期刊编辑的共同心愿。进入核心期刊或者按照核心期刊编辑出版刊物,已经成为大多期刊编辑的自觉追求。期刊编辑的作者意识和作者的编辑意识辩证统一,二者良性互动,共同促进期刊编辑出版质量不断提高。  相似文献   

电影是一门结合文学、戏剧、摄影、音乐、舞蹈、绘画等多种艺术形式的综合艺术,且其本身又具有独自的艺术特征。作为一种核心文化创意产业,在诞生的那一刻开始就具有了艺术与商业的双重属性。电影策划工作是确立作品创作走向、保证作品艺术质量、获取预期的社会效益与经济效益的重要工作。从纵向来说,电影策划工作包括了作品出台前的市场调研、作品制作的过程以及作品推出后的营销创意、实施方案、配合宣传和相关产品制作和开发等各个相关的环节;从横向来说,它就是一种既统观全局又体察入微的创意过程,是一个名副其实的系统工程。  相似文献   

翼伞归航轨迹规划与控制问题是翼伞系统在一定初始状态下,利用自身可操作性,完成从初始位置到目标位置的转移问题。针对翼伞空投系统不同归航要求,规划出满足精度要求为圆径概率误差( CEP )小于40m的归航轨迹并经过一定量的控制完成翼伞空投系统精确空投任务。首先建立翼伞系统状态空间六自由度模型,并在此基础上提出系统简化稳态模型,通过最优控制方法,规划出满足空投要求的最优归航轨迹后对翼伞进行不断控制直至目标点。最后通过Matlab仿真试验,绘出翼伞系统归航轨迹图与控制变化图。  相似文献   

翼伞归航轨迹规划与控制问题是翼伞系统在一定初始状态下,利用自身可操作性,完成从初始位置到目标位置的转移问题。针对翼伞空投系统不同归航要求,规划出满足精度要求为圆径概率误差( CEP )小于40m的归航轨迹并经过一定量的控制完成翼伞空投系统精确空投任务。首先建立翼伞系统状态空间六自由度模型,并在此基础上提出系统简化稳态模型,通过最优控制方法,规划出满足空投要求的最优归航轨迹后对翼伞进行不断控制直至目标点。最后通过Matlab仿真试验,绘出翼伞系统归航轨迹图与控制变化图。  相似文献   

This article investigates how US national security planners have envisioned the emerging strategic environment during the early twenty-first century and evaluates how their perceptions of this strategic environment have changed during these years. This conceptual evolution can be seen in how defense planners define threats, identify defense priorities, and design security strategies. Five key strategic planning documents serve as the basis for this analysis and illustrate significant shifts in how the US government has envisioned its own security requirements as well as the context within which its strategic vision will need to be realized. These planning documents are: (1) Joint Vision 2020, (2) the Bush Administration's 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States, (3) the Obama Administration's 2010 National Security Strategy, (4) US Strategic Defense Guidance entitled Sustaining US Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense, and (5) the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Capstone Concept for Joint Operations: Joint Force 2020.  相似文献   

总结建筑防火技术措施和防火设计发展趋势,给出“性能化”设计方法的基本框架,论述“处方式”和“性能化”设计方法的基本特征。  相似文献   

The creation of a new defence force was an essential step in South Africa's negotiated settlement. The integration of previously antagonistic forces was made more difficult by the differences in training, resources and political affiliations. The planning for the changes ended in April 1994 when a common institutional culture and camaraderie within the organisation had been created and a manageable and goal-oriented planning framework agreed upon. A second, absorption phase, then commenced, which saw MK, APLA and the TBVC forces being absorbed into structures which, though new, were mainly those of the SADF. The real shift occurred in March 1998 when a report submitted by the Chief of the National Defence Force brought about his own resignation. Power then shifted away from the conservative axis to more constitutionally inclined officers who supported the democratic transition and the military restructuring.  相似文献   

伴随教育改革的不断深入,现代教育同传统教育有很大区别,学校要想在激烈竞争中求发展,就要办出特色并以此作为学校发展战略。当然,要形成学校的办学特色,并非一朝一夕之事,需要在长期办学过程中积累形成,它是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及到校长的教育思想、学校的办学理念、学科建设、教师的专业化发展和课堂教学改革与课程建设等方方面面。通过学校独有的特色优势,满足社会的需求,确立学校在社会中的地位和影响,从而推动学校整体的可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article outlines the controversy surrounding the thesis advanced by Terence Zuber that there never was a Schlieffen Plan and that German war planning in 1914, far from having the aggressive edge that historians have attributed to it for decades, was in fact designed to deal with a Franco-Russian attack on Germany. In addition to reviewing the debate precipitated by Zuber's thesis, this article also takes a closer look at how Germany prepared for war in the years 1906–14, and particularly how it ended up embarking on that war in August 1914. Such an investigation of German war planning, with particular emphasis on the war plans of the younger Moltke, will serve as a critique of Zuber's controversial thesis, and it will be shown that while Zuber maintains that there never was a Schlieffen Plan, Schlieffen, Moltke and their contemporaries were certain that such a plan existed. In 1914, Moltke did not shrink from implementing his own version of Schlieffen's strategic thinking when war broke out.  相似文献   

后现代证据理论的基础是探寻真相的具象图景。它是以彻底颠覆现代性的一切的姿态来突出自身意义的。后现代证据理论为证据理论提供了一种全新的思路,并以此为根基建构了自己的框架,它采用了一种不同于传统认识论的态度和方法来对待问题,是与传统的证明观念相反的一种理念,甚至是对传统方式的扬弃。  相似文献   

International population assistance in the UN is a relatively recent development; it is only since 1966 that a broad-based technical assistance program in population was authorized by the General Assembly. The desire of developing country members for accelerated economic growth ultimately brought about a change in the views on population. In 1967, the Secretary General established a trust fund for population activities, later renamed the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA). 3 principles have guided UNFPA work since its inception: 1) national sovereignty in population matters is to be resspected and adhered to at all times, 2) individuals and couples are to be provided the information and services necessary to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children, and 3) population goals and policies are integral parts of socioeconomic defelopment. The areas of assistance by the UNFPA consist of 1) family planning, 2) communication and education, 3) population dynamics, 4) basic data collection, 5) population policy formulation and implementation, and 6) special programs such as those for women and the aging population. In 16 years, the UNFPA has received about $1.4 billion for transfer to developing countries as population assistanceand has financed 4373 population projects in 149 countries and territories. The relation between the US government and UNFPA is tenuous and likely to remain so as long as the US cannot resolve its own domestic controversies over famly planning, foreign population assistance, abortion, which, ironically, is legalin the country. There will always be some sort of domestic controversy over population; the UN has overcome domestic difficulties by framing the arguments properly within the demographic, social, economic, ecological, and political concerns of countries and applying the fundamental principles of national sovereignty, freedom of individual choice, and the link of population and development,to reconcile differences.  相似文献   

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