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刘玮琦 《国防科技》2018,39(5):057-061
一流军队设计战争。作战设计是战争设计的内核。作战设计发端于科技革命和战略需求,形成于战争设计工程,实化为作战概念、作战构想、作战方案等,核心是作战体系设计和作战方式设计,基本遵循是战争制胜机理。作战设计是改变未来战争"游戏规则"的重要手段,是连接战略需求与作战能力的桥梁,是探求未来战争是什么样、未来作战怎么打、打赢战争需要什么能力的根本途径,成为开启全面建成世界一流军队的新引擎。  相似文献   

作战实验——超前实践“未来战争”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何仰顺 《国防》2004,(11):61-62
随着科学技术的迅猛发展,世界发达国家的军队已认识到作战实验在训练中的重要作用,并逐步引入实验方法进行训练。设计“战争版本”欲打赢未来战争,在很大程度上需借助计算机技术建立各种作战实验室去分析、检验、评估作战力量与作战方法,在实验室里设计“未来战争”。由于作战实验主要以不断提高战斗力为目的,从事新概念研究,因此特别“欢迎新思想”。通过试验和演示,美军联合参谋部1996年在“2010年联合设想”中提出了主宰机动、精确交战、全维防护、集中后勤四项新的作战概念,1997年又提出“未来联合作战概念”,而这些思想在伊拉克战争中…  相似文献   

何仰顺  王冀宁 《国防》2005,(12):71-72
随着科学技术的迅猛发展,世界发达国家军队已认识到作战实验在训练中的重要作用,并逐步引入实验方法进行训练。设计“战争版本”欲打赢未来战争,在很大程度上需借助计算机技术建立各种作战实验室,去分析、检验、评估作战力量与作战方法,在实验室里设计“未来战争”。由于作战实验主要以不断提高战斗力为目的,从事新概念研究,因此特别“欢迎新思想”。通过实验和演示,美军联合参谋部1996年在“2010年联合设想”中提出了“主宰机动”、“精确交战”“、全维防护”“、集中后勤”四项新的作战概念,1997年又提出“未来联合作战概念”,而这些思想…  相似文献   

龚钰哲  岳松堂 《国防》2011,(2):74-76
2010年8月19日,美国陆军训练与条令司令部颁布了《美国陆军作战概念(2016~2028年)》(以下简称《概念》),描述了在未来作战环境中,美国陆军如何遏制冲突、打赢战争和处置各种突发事件。它以战争中的战役和战术层次为重点,指出了2016~2028年期间美国陆军部队将如何组织作战,反映了美国陆军建设的新思路。  相似文献   

轻舟 《当代海军》2005,(9):46-49
据美国《海军时报》等媒体近日报道,瑞典海军“哥特兰岛”号常规攻击潜艇日前抵达美国圣迭戈北岛海军航空站,开始充当“假想敌”,协助美海军苦练反潜作战。美国海军认为,未来战争中,对手将通过部署噪声较小的柴电潜艇的方式,阻止美军进入至关重要的沿海战略地区。这些海底深处“寂静无声”的杀手,很难被发觉,美军舰艇极有可能经常会成为敌军鱼雷的攻击目标,海军作战部队在沿海水域的自由出入将变得非常困难。为应对未来战争和潜艇的威胁,近年来,美军急于提高其在亚太地区海域的反潜作战能力。为提高美海军太平洋舰队的反潜作战能力,不仅租借外国潜艇苦练反潜本领,还出台了一份名为《增强反潜作战能力》的机密调查研究报告,并专门成立了太平洋舰队反潜作战司令部加强反潜作战协调与组织,研究制订了一项新反潜作战概念以更新反潜作战理念,并积极研制一种新型海上反潜侦察机,美海军的一系列行动证明其正在亚太打响一场反潜战。  相似文献   

美国海军陆战队特种作战司令部成立四年以来,能力逐日增强,作战任务多样而繁复,为了应对不断增加的作战需求,司令部对内部结构和规模着手进行调整,单位编组、人员选拔、课程训练等各方面都提出了相应计划,以期用最优状态打赢未来战争.  相似文献   

未来5~10年,军事技术可能出现革命性突破,推动武器装备发展跃上一个新的台阶。网空、太空、无人等新型作战力量快速发展,作战力量体系将发生结构性变革。信息化作战理论聚焦新型作战领域不断创新发展。世界新军事革命将进入以打造升级版信息化战争体系为核心内容的新阶段。  相似文献   

为了深刻认识美军现在概念上的未来作战系统(Future Combat Systems,FCS),有必要对其前身——早期的未来作战系统(Future Combat System,FCS)做一个回顾性的介绍。美国陆军早期的未来作战系统是一种全新概念的坦克,计划于2015年投入使用。1996年7月6日,当时的美国陆军装甲中心司令朗·马加特少将在未来主  相似文献   

前一段时间,美国《海军时报》等媒体曾报道,瑞典海军“哥特兰”号常规攻击潜艇已经抵达美国圣迭戈北岛海军航空站,正式开始充当“假想敌”协助美海军进行反潜训练。美国海军认为,未来战争中,对手将通过部署噪声较小的柴电潜艇的方式,阻止美军进入至关重要的沿海战略地区。这些大海中“寂静无声”的杀手很难被发现,美军舰艇极有可能成为其攻击的目标,而无法在沿海水域自由出入。为应对未来战争中的潜艇威胁,近年来,美军采取了一系列行动,以期迅速提高在亚太海域的反潜作战能力。如:租借外国潜艇苦练反潜本领;出台一份名为《增强反潜作战能力》的机密调研报告;成立太平洋舰队反潜作战司令部以加强反潜作战的协调与组织;确定21世纪反潜战作战概念;积极研制新型反潜装备等。  相似文献   

辛荣国  林楚明 《国防》2006,(1):20-24
作战与动员一体化,是信息化条件下局部战争的要求。适应这一要求,积极探索如何加强未来作战与动员一体化准备,对于推动军事斗争准备的不断深入,确保打赢未来战争具有极为重要的意义。本文作者从这一需要出发,对作战与动员一体化准备的理论与实践基础、加强未来作战与动员一体化准备的意义,以及作战与动员一体化准备的内容、标准、途径和方法等进行了有益的探索。现刊出此文,供大家研究参考。  相似文献   

The misuse of biological research is increasingly becoming a prominent policy concern. One regulatory measure that has gained considerable support over the last few years in response to this is voluntary self-governance by the scientific community, and in particular codes of conduct. This article charts the rise of the policy debate on codes, highlighting the involvement of the scientific community. Shifting the focus from policy to practice, it explores the effectiveness of codes of conduct as a regulatory measure by examining our experiences of how another voluntary self-governance regime in the biosciences has worked in practice. Noting limitations with voluntary self-governance as a regulatory tool to prevent misuse, this article includes a reflection on the attention paid to codes of conduct in policy discussions, arguing that there are at least three possible interpretations.  相似文献   

Europe: Non-Nato     
《The Military Balance》2013,113(1):107-150

Though North Korea agreed to partial denuclearization in February 2007, achieving that goal is at best a long way off. A natural gas pipeline linking all of Northeast Asia and promising energy and economic help could help convince the isolated nation to step away from its nuclear programs entirely; it could also provide the nonproliferation and energy security benefits that have eluded the region for so long. These economic benefits could motivate the other nations involved in the six-party talks to deal with North Korea more than if only nuclear reactors were offered.  相似文献   

On October 1, 2008, Congress enacted a proposal that originated with President George W. Bush in 2005 to approve an unprecedented nuclear trade pact with India by removing a central pillar of US nonproliferation policy. Despite the numerous political challenges confronting the Bush administration, the initiative won strong bipartisan support, including votes from Democratic Senators Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. The four-year struggle to pass the controversial US-India nuclear trade agreement offers an exceptionally valuable case study. It demonstrates a classic tradeoff between the pursuit of broad multilateral goals such as nuclear nonproliferation and advancement of a specific bilateral relationship. It reveals enduring fault lines in executive branch relations with Congress. It vividly portrays challenges confronting proponents of a strong nonproliferation regime. This article is based on an analysis of the negotiating record and congressional deliberations, including interviews with key participants. It assesses the lessons learned and focuses on three principal questions: how did the agreement seek to advance US national security interests?; what were the essential elements of the prolonged state-of-the-art lobbying campaign to win approval from skeptics in Congress?; and what are the agreement's actual benefits—and costs—to future US nonproliferation efforts?  相似文献   

This paper is a survey of Angola’s defence sector and policy from 1992, the year the civil war ended, to 2012. Angola achieved its independence upon the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) defeating National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. Since then, fuelled by its rich natural resources, the country has grown steadily. The MPLA military forces were a central factor behind independence and maintain their central role to this day. Moreover, Angola’s support for African peace with monitoring military missions is a clear indication that the country aims to intervene in African security and military issues, with its military capabilities funded by oil revenues.  相似文献   

《The Military Balance》2013,113(1):99-206

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