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塔吊林立、机器轰鸣、车辆如梭,楼高了、路宽了、草绿了、天蓝了,干部作风变了、城市环境好了、经济发展快了……在"北有田园之富,南有渤海之饶"的河北省滦南县,人们在感受到经济大跨越、社会大发展的同时,也感受着国防建设和武装工作的日新月异、飞速发展。这得益于该县县委书记张国栋坚持军民融合发展、协调发展理念的创新实践。  相似文献   

兵团解放思想、抢抓机遇、跨越发展、再创辉煌大学习大讨论活动自今年8月中旬开展以来,各级、各部门按照兵团党委的部署,认识到位、领导有力、讲求实效、进展顺利,取得了初步成效。一是进一步深化了对中央新疆工作座谈会精神的学习理解,二是进一步解放了思想、开阔了眼界、更新了观念,三是进一步增强了抢抓机遇、乘势发展的意识,四是进一步增强了发展的信心,五是进一步理清了推进跨越式发展和长治久安的总体思路。  相似文献   

所谓书卷气,是一种高雅的气质和风度,是良好素质的外在表现。书卷气,是书香浸润而散发出的清新之气,它可以内化于心、外化于形。一个文明祥和的地方,一定是书香浓郁的地方,也一定是能凝聚正能量的地方。一个有素质的干部,一定是有书卷气的干部。有了书卷气,就多了一份正气,增了一份魅力,少了一份粗俗。有了书卷气,便少了傲气、娇气、霸气、俗气、媚气;多了骨气、正气、静气、秀气、和气、灵气、大气、豪气。  相似文献   

遵照中央军委指示,由北海舰队组成舰艇编队,于2009年10月中旬至2010年1月中旬,历时93天,成功地对南美洲智利、秘鲁、厄瓜多尔三国进行了友好访问。访问期间,编队官兵与三国军方、民众广泛交流,参观了其海军舰艇、军官学校、部队设施及造船厂、博物馆、俱乐部等,双方举行了情况座谈、军乐联演、体育比赛等活动。我编队还与智利、秘鲁两国海军驱护舰进行了海上联合演练。通过出访,使我编队官兵开阔了视野、积累了知识、增长了阅历、经受了锻炼,同时,也对我军政治工作带来了不少有益的启示。  相似文献   

前不久,黑龙江省军区组织首长机关和预备役部队开展了为期7天的冬季训练。围绕提高“走、打、吃、住、藏、供、管、联、修、救”能力,完成了理论学习、行军机动、实弹射击、构工伪装、野外生存训l练和通信要素演练、指挥所演习。通过训练,锤炼了官兵意志,培养了战斗作风,探索了训练方法,  相似文献   

37293部队党委十分重视部队的经常性的文化活动。近年来,他们先后举办了书法、美术、摄影、广播稿写作等比赛,举办文艺晚会、与驻地联欢等。文化活动增强了部队凝聚力,密切了军民关系。从1997年至今,他们共投资了60余万元为基层部队购买了大屏幕彩电、VCD、卡拉OK、音箱,为基层配发了大量的图书等文化设施,给基层官兵提供了良好的文化娱乐环境。  相似文献   

空间武器系统效能分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
总结了进行空间武器效能评估研究的意义,给出了空间武器系统效能的概念,探讨了ADC法、指数法、层次分析法、模糊评判法、灰色层次评估法、SEA法、多指标综合评价法、系统动力学法、专家评定法等效能评估方法的优缺点及其适用范围.在详细分析了空间武器系统的构成之后,建立了空间武器系统效能的层次化分析模型,确定了空间武器系统的效能指标体系.最后根据空间武器系统的特点,提出了基于Agent的空间武器系统效能仿真分析框架.  相似文献   

符江宁  付荣华 《国防》2008,(8):20-20
近日,海南省国动委组织了一期国防动员业务集训,全省各市、县国动委专业办公室领导和专(兼)职工作人员共122人参加。集训采取了集中授课、对口辅导、个人读书、理论考核、集体研究、讨论咨询等方式,加强安全形势教育、学习危机管理理论、组织危机处置和动员想定作业,使参训人员增强了安全忧患意识,理清了动员工作思路,巩固了动员业务知识,提高了动员工作能力。  相似文献   

评估期间,评估专家分组召开了各类人员座谈会,走访了各教学部系及职能处室。先后组织召开了院领导座谈会,教学管理人员、离退休干部、教师、学员座谈会;走访了基础部、边防系、消防工程系、消防指挥系、警卫系、部队管理系、维和培训中心,训练部学院办公室、教务处、教保处、图书馆、编辑出版中心、模拟演练与信息管理中心、实验教学管理中心,政治部组织处、干部处、宣传处,院务部财务处、营房处,科研部组织计划处,基础部军体教研室等有关处室;随堂进行了听课;查阅了学员试卷和毕业论文;组织学员(随机抽取)进行了英语技能测试、计算机技能测试和基本技能(400米障碍)测试。  相似文献   

研究了基于构件技术建设网络化指挥信息系统的方法,以适应随需应变和快速开发这一新的作战要求。给出了框架、构件、扩展点等基本概念,提出了基于构件的指控系统框架、业务流程、系统重组方法,讨论了通用构件模型、共享信息模型、流程控制、构件获取和数据服务机制等系统建设的关键技术,探讨了指挥控制信息系统的建设途径,为发展未来指挥控制信息系统的建设提出了一种新思路。  相似文献   

Energy continues to serve as the bedrock of modern economies and the main driver of modern society. For Africa, the production and supply of energy resources such as crude oil, natural gas, uranium, coal, biomass, biofuels and other renewables are an important source of employment, rents, taxes, royalties and profits. This sector brings in several tens of billions of dollars of revenue annually. The production and delivery of such resources, however, depend on critical infrastructures such as pipelines, refineries, processing plants, terminals, rigs, electrical energy pylons, substations, pump stations, vessels, and tankers. These infrastructures have been attacked by terrorists, insurgents, vandals and saboteurs, all of whom see them as targets against which to register their grievances and extract concessions from the state. This paper is a chronological account of some of the documented incidents of terrorism, insurgency, kidnapping, destruction, sabotage, and human casualties suffered in the oil and gas sectors in Africa between 1999 and 2012. It is based on data extracted from the databases of the RAND Database of World Terrorism Incidents and the University of Maryland's Global Terrorism Database (GTD).  相似文献   


A crisis is emerging in the Nile Basin, where some 300 million people in Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi rely on the Nile directly or indirectly. Egypt and Sudan wish to preserve a regime based on treaties drawn up during the colonial era that allocated the vast majority of the Nile's water to them. Countries upstream are determined to challenge this. In 1999 the countries using the river formed the Nile Basin Initiative to try to resolve these differences. More than a decade of negotiations failed to break the impasse. In May Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda decided to wait no longer and signed a new treaty, without the consent of Egypt and Sudan. The signatories have given the other Nile Basin countries one year to join the pact. For Egypt, which relies on the Nile for 95 per cent of its water, this is a question of life or death. Egypt has, in the past, indicated it will go to war if its share of the Nile is reduced. Talks continue, but the impasse is driving the region towards a crisis to which there is no easy resolution.  相似文献   

采用间氨苯酚为原料,以四氢吡喃(THP)作羟基保护剂,以醋酸酐作酰基保护剂和氨基单取代的专一选择剂,以溴乙烷作烷基化试剂,硫酸二甲酯作甲基化试剂,在原有最优化合成工艺条件下,经六步反应合成N-乙基间甲氧基苯胺,产率达到65.9%.经改进后的合成路线反应步骤虽有所增加,但收率提高了8.3%.  相似文献   

From the recipients’ perspective, arms transfers have, through the use of offsets, technology transfers, and industrial participation, become an opportunity to receive not only advanced weapons, but also technologies not otherwise available. How important are friendly relations for securing a military export order? To what extent do buyers demand advanced military or commercial technology and how are these demands accepted by the supplier? How does this influence smaller producers in relation to major producers? These questions are addressed by studying (a) the Joint Strike Fighter/F-35 by Lockheed Martin, USA, and the JAS-39 Gripen aircraft by Saab, Sweden, (b) the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft competition in India for 126 combat aircraft, and (c) the Indian offset policy. In the final section, some long-term consequences are discussed.  相似文献   

国外火炮定位雷达的现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要描述了国外火炮定位雷达的研制现状,对美国研制的Firefinder系列雷达,俄罗斯研制的Zoopark-1雷达,英、法、德等国联合研制的COBRA雷达以及瑞典和挪威联合研制的AR THUR雷达等几种火炮定位雷达的特点、主要技术指标及市场销售情况做了简要的介绍,最后总结了国外火炮定位雷达的最新发展趋势。  相似文献   

The conflict between the rebel group, the Polisario Front, and the Kingdom of Morocco is nearing its 43rd year. Though under-reported, the conflict itself garners attention for the resilience – some would say tenacity – of the ethnically Sahrawi Polisario Front. Despite shifting regional and international politics and the nearly 150,000 Sahrawi refugees waiting in nearby Algerian camps, the rebel group has survived. What explains its resilience? This article uses Bourdieu’s ‘forms of capital’ to understand the Polisario Front’s persistence. Based on field research in Algeria, Western Sahara, and the United States, it finds that social, cultural, symbolic, and economic capital may provide an explanation.  相似文献   

根据无人车用智能导航技术相关的研究与综述论文、专利发表情况,对该专业技术领域进行总体分析.选取1990—2020年的数据,针对论文发表情况,主要对其发展趋势、国家/地区分布、机构分布、出版物分布、高被引论文、被引频次和研究主题进行深入分析;针对专利申请现状,主要对专利申请时间、国家/地区分布、专利权人、专利研发技术热点...  相似文献   

The Indian Army, a force trained primarily for conventional warfare, has been engaged in internal counter-insurgency operations since the 1950s. Despite such a long innings on a counter-insurgency mode, little attention has been accorded within military circles to doctrinal innovation for waging sub-conventional warfare in India's democratic political context. At best, the Army continues to view counter-insurgency duty as secondary to its primary duty of defending India from external conventional threats. By conceptualizing a counter-insurgency strategy of ‘trust and nurture’, this article aims to fill this critical doctrinal gap in India's military policy. The author argues that a counter-insurgency strategy of ‘trust and nurture’ based on democratic political culture, measured military methods, special counter-insurgency forces, local social and cultural awareness and an integrative nation-building approach will result in positive handling of India's internal security problems. The author utilizes India's counter-insurgency experiences in Assam, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab, and Operation ‘Sadhbhavana’ in Jammu and Kashmir as illustrative empirical indicants in order to validate the ‘trust and nurture’ strategy.  相似文献   

大型飞行器制导与姿态控制联合仿真建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对固体火箭发动机、机动发射的大型飞行器的特点 ,提出了建立大姿态情况下全量、全干扰、非线性、时变的制导与姿态控制联合仿真数学模型的一般方法。以某型号固体发动机、机动发射的飞行器为背景 ,在综合考虑了控制系统动态特性和飞行器质心运动、绕质心运动、变质量特性、弹性振动特性、风干扰等因素的情况下 ,建立了飞行器的联合仿真数学模型。进而在面向对象仿真环境下 ,建立了直观、形象、易理想、易扩充的面向对象的飞行器联合仿真模型。仿真结果表明所建联合仿真模型是正确和有效的  相似文献   

泛系理论是一种侧重泛系或者广泛联系的一种多层网络型的跨学科新研究,探索数理·逻辑·科学思维、系统思维、哲理·辩证思维、美学·诗化思维的某些结合(联四维)。泛系理论专门开发了网联不同领域多种专题的泛系相对论、供求因缘悖感分析与泛系悖论。本文论述有关的理法与释例,包括数理工医文社史哲许多相对性、悖论与供求因缘悖憾的泛系理悟,可以简化强化为:“泛系悖论=泛系相对论+泛系供求论”。具体内容涉及:泛系理论框架784e,泛系相对论·泛系辩证·泛系悖论的8题16模式百例29说。  相似文献   

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