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边防武警执行命令行为的刑法学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国的边防体制,边防武警执行命令的行为在边防管理活动中属行政行为,执行军事命令的行为属军事行为。边防武警执行命令行为性质的不同定位,导致了不同的法律意义。在不同的情况下,边防武警对命令有效性的审查义务在范围和程度上是不同的,由此,在认定犯罪排除事由的构成上也应加以区别。执行命令作为排除犯罪的事由,基于不同的要件,可构成合法化事由或者免责事由。在命令合法有效的时候,执行命令就成为合法化事由。在命令不具有合法有效性的时候,执行命令就不能成为合法化事由,但在一定情况下,执行违法命令可以构成免责事由,从而排除行为的犯罪性。  相似文献   

边防查控是出入境边防检查领域中的一个难题。对边防查控行为可诉性的研究,是以边防查控的概念和性质的研究为基础和前提的,故本文分为三个部分:边防查控行为的概述、性质、可诉性研究。本文针对《边防查控行为可诉性研究》的观点,认为边防查控行为中有一部分是国家行为,且边防查控是公务协助行为,不属于行政强制措施。因而边防查控中的国家行为、刑事侦查行为不可诉,其他查控行为应可诉。  相似文献   

边防战术是指导和进行边防战斗的方法.了解掌握边防战术的特点与性质,对于公安边防部队指战员保卫国家主权和领土完整,打击边境各类违法分子,维护边境地区的安全行动十分重要.分析了边防作战的对象、任务、目的及边防战术具有的军事性、公安性和执法性等特性.  相似文献   

公安武警边防部队实施的作战是一种带有军事性、公安保卫性、执法性于一体的特殊战斗.部队的每一个行动都与国家和人民的安危相关.因此,在边防作战中必须要确立体现战斗总目的、战斗性质、战斗要求、战斗原则、战斗方法的指导思想,使作战行动有明确的指导方向和可靠的依据,确保边境地区的稳定与安全,完成国家和人民赋予的光荣使命.  相似文献   

本文是<边防查控行为可诉性再研究>的续篇.针对徐丹彤、刘红岩<再论边防查控行为可诉性>(见<武警学院学报>2000年第6期)的观点,提出查控是边检站基于检查权而对交控单位予以协助的职务协助行为,在法律后果的承担上,认为边防查控行为中的国家行为、刑事侦查行为不可诉,其他查控行为应可诉,但应具体情况具体分析.  相似文献   

军人执行命令和指示是军事法律、法规的基本要求,是职责所在,但当被执行的命令或指示有误的情况下,就难免给国家、集体或者个人造成损害.如果产生了损害结果,执行命令者应否负刑事责任呢?本文从刑法理论方面试论“军人执行上级命令行为” 的构成条件和责任归属问题.并以此确认军人的应有权利.  相似文献   

[本刊讯 ]  2 0 0 2年 7月 8日至 9日 ,2 0 0 2年度全国边防科学学术研讨会在武警学院召开。会议旨在提高边防科学的理论研究水平 ,加强边防科学的学科建设 ,增进全国边防科学学术交流 ,推动武警学院申研工作。公安部边防局训练处段永辉副处长参加会议并在开幕式上作了讲话。武警学院柳晓川院长、张世瑷政委、高太存副院长及训练部时景秀部长出席了研讨会开幕式。高副院长在开幕式和闭幕式上均作了讲话。会议研讨内容丰富 ,涉及边境管理、边防检查、出入境管理、公安业务、边防战术、边防情报等方面的内容。与会专家学者着重就周边国家与边…  相似文献   

武警边防院校担负着为武警边防部队培养专业警官的重任,能否培养出更多的合格人才,达到胜任本职工作、部队满意的目的,取决于边防专业课教学的质量高低。笔者就如何搞好边防专业课教学,谈点粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

武警法律行为以上级军事机关或当地党委、政府作出决定发出指令而产生,以发生预期的法律后果为目的,是一种合法行为。武警法律行为发生时,有特定的相对人、物或场所,以口头和书面为两种主要表现形式。  相似文献   

4月8日,公安部第七期维和警察防暴队培训班在武警学院维和培训中心举行开学典礼。公安部国际合作局局长刘志强,边防管理局政委傅宏裕,武警学院副院长高太存分别讲话。开学典礼由武警学院政委王铁民主持。公安部人事训练局、宣传局、治安管理局、国际合作局,新疆边防总队、维和培训中心领导参加了典礼。第七支赴海地维和警察防暴队由新疆边防总队组建。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国人民武装警察法》(以下简称《人民武装警察法》)颁布实施已经两年了,相关法律问题的争议和研讨从未停止,人民武装警察执勤行为如何定性就是其中之一。本文从人民武装警察的主体性质、军事性质行为与行政性质行为的特点,以及执勤行为发生的具体时空等角度进行分析,提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   


From the 1982 Maitatsine Uprising to the 2009 Kala Kato Riot, Nigeria has been bedevilled by ethno-religious uprisings with devastating human and material losses. In almost all these crises the police and the military have featured prominently as agencies tasked with the responsibility of maintaining law and order and suppressing insurrection. While it was not alleged that they precipitated some of these risings perhaps in their attempts to stem or nip them in the bud, they have been accused of escalating the conflict either by their slow and inadequate responses, their partisanship and their arbitrary responses, or by their slackness in managing the crises and their aftermath. However, but for their efforts the security basis of the Nigerian state would have been considerably compromised by religious fundamentalism given the level of preparedness of the groups involved, their resistance and, more importantly, the recurrent nature of the uprisings. This article reflects on the management of ethno-religious uprisings in Nigeria by the police and the military. It considers the nature of the security agencies' involvement in the crises and examines the factors both within the agencies and in the larger Nigerian society which have aided or hindered their effective management of the conflicts.  相似文献   

深化武警院校改革,聚焦“能打仗、打胜仗”这个强军之要,必须构建武警法学学科体系。武警法学经历了孕育萌芽、研究探索、创立形成的发展阶段。构建武警法学学科体系,必须紧贴武警部队职能任务实际,发展武警法学的特色和优势,为部队培养“会指挥、懂法律的指挥警官和初级指挥人才”。  相似文献   

The provision of Military Assistance to the Civil Powers (MACP) encapsulates the traditional approach towards countering terrorism on the British mainland, which emphasises minimum force, proportionality, police primacy and the rule of law, with the military retained as a supporting instrument, being employed only as a measure of last resort. Recent terrorist incidents in major urban centres do, however, question the effectiveness of these established methods. This analysis initially codifies the conceptual issues that underscore the tensions between civil policing and military anti-terrorist approaches in the UK, and proceeds to evaluate and compare a number of operations that indicate the nature of the challenges facing the MACP apparatus. In particular, potential shortcomings in the MACP provisions are identified in the form of threat perception and deployment and enforcement gaps. The assessment finds that there are facets of MACP that are of enduring relevance in the current era, yet a continuing need persists to reconcile police and military imperatives toward serious civil disorder contingencies and conditions of emergency.  相似文献   

学科在武警部队的军事理论创新、信息化进程、武器装备发展和人才培养中具有重要作用。目前,武警院校学科发展现状与建设现代化武警需求还有较大差距。因此,要理清建设思路,打牢发展基础,注重建设实效,提高学科建设水平,为实现“能打胜仗”目标提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

United States policy makers and academic researchers have neglected the deep institutional rivalries between police agencies and military services in Latin America. The problems of police/military coordination have complicated US national goals of democratization, strengthening the rule of law and combating the production and trafficking of illicit drugs in the region. Police agencies stand at the epicenter of dysfunctional criminal justice systems. Although the US policy of engagement with Latin American military services is intended to reorient their roles and missions towards supporting democratically elected civilian governments, US counternarcotics assistance programs have encouraged a wider Latin American military role in drug interdiction. This article develops an analytical model to identify the dimensions of police-military conflict in the context of the fundamental reform of criminal justice systems in Latin America.  相似文献   

Some scholars would have us believe that the distinctions between military and policing roles, methods and objectives have become increasingly blurred by the security demands of a post-Cold War and post-11 September global and domestic order. This article explores the current state of the police–military divide through a conceptual and case study analysis. It concludes that, in this case, there is some conflation occurring at a macro-level as international and domestic affairs have become increasingly indistinct, but the article also demonstrates that the actual ethos and practice of these agencies still differs strongly. Most importantly, the article argues that this distinction is in fact a very useful one in planning for future peace support operations  相似文献   

在军事斗争中,我军应准确把握法律战的含义,使军事斗争与法律战有机结合。在信息化战争条件下,法律战正面临着前所未有的挑战。法律战只有与舆论战、心理战相结合,才能发挥出“三战”整体效益。军事优势是法律战获胜的前提和关键。武警部队应结合军事工作的基本特点,努力提高法律战的作战能力。  相似文献   

深化以任职教育为主体的教学方法改革,是顺应当前武警部队职能任务多样化的必然要求。任职教育适应岗位任职能力的需要必须注重加强军事专业课教学方法的改革与探索。“贴近纳新”把贴近职能需要纳入教学理念、贴近任职实际纳入组教模式、贴近岗位实用纳入课题施教为着眼点,旨在适应任职教育岗位任职能力培养的需要。  相似文献   

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